Class gjt.EtchedRectangle
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Class gjt.EtchedRectangle


public class EtchedRectangle
extends DrawnRectangle
A DrawnRectangle that draws an etched border.

Drawn etched in by default, drawing style used by paint() is controlled by etchedIn() and etchedOut(). Note that etchedIn() and etchedOut() do not result in anything being painted, but only set the state for the next call to paint(). To set the state and paint in one operation, use paintEtchedIn() and paintEtchedOut().

Although it is permissible to set the thickness of EtchedRectangles, they tend to loose the etching effect if thickness is greater than 4.

The current state of the rectangle may be obtained by calling isEtchedIn().

See Also:
DrawnRectangle, ThreeDRectangle, DrawnRectangleTest

Variable Index

 o _defaultEtching

Constructor Index

 o EtchedRectangle(Component)
 o EtchedRectangle(Component, Etching, int, int, int, int, int)
 o EtchedRectangle(Component, int)
 o EtchedRectangle(Component, int, int, int, int)
 o EtchedRectangle(Component, int, int, int, int, int)

Method Index

 o etchedIn()
 o etchedOut()
 o isEtchedIn()
 o paint()
 o paintEtchedIn()
 o paintEtchedOut()
 o paramString()


 o _defaultEtching
  protected static Etching _defaultEtching


 o EtchedRectangle
  public EtchedRectangle(Component drawInto)
 o EtchedRectangle
  public EtchedRectangle(Component drawInto,
                         int thickness)
 o EtchedRectangle
  public EtchedRectangle(Component drawInto,
                         int x,
                         int y,
                         int w,
                         int h)
 o EtchedRectangle
  public EtchedRectangle(Component drawInto,
                         int thickness,
                         int x,
                         int y,
                         int w,
                         int h)
 o EtchedRectangle
  public EtchedRectangle(Component drawInto,
                         Etching etching,
                         int thickness,
                         int x,
                         int y,
                         int w,
                         int h)


 o etchedIn
  public void etchedIn()
 o etchedOut
  public void etchedOut()
 o isEtchedIn
  public boolean isEtchedIn()
 o paint
  public void paint()
paint in class DrawnRectangle
 o paintEtchedIn
  public void paintEtchedIn()
 o paintEtchedOut
  public void paintEtchedOut()
 o paramString
  public String paramString()
paramString in class DrawnRectangle

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