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java.lang.Object | +----java.awt.Rectangle | +----gjt.DrawnRectangle | +----gjt.ThreeDRectangle
Drawn raised by default, drawing style used by paint() is controlled by raise() and inset(). Note that raise() and inset() do not result in anything being painted, but only set the state for the next call to paint(). To set the state and paint in one operation, use paintRaised() and paintInset().
The current state of the rectangle may be obtained by calling isRaised().
protected static ThreeDBorderStyle _defaultState
public ThreeDRectangle(Component drawInto)ThreeDRectangle
public ThreeDRectangle(Component drawInto, int thickness)ThreeDRectangle
public ThreeDRectangle(Component drawInto, int x, int y, int w, int h)ThreeDRectangle
public ThreeDRectangle(Component drawInto, int thickness, int x, int y, int w, int h)ThreeDRectangle
public ThreeDRectangle(Component drawInto, ThreeDBorderStyle state, int thickness, int x, int y, int w, int h)
public void paint()
public void raise()inset
public void inset()isRaised
public boolean isRaised()paramString
public String paramString()
public void paintRaised()paintInset
public void paintInset()
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