Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Ohio Supercomputer Center Workshop on January 24 1997. Foils prepared January 26 97
Outside Index
Summary of Material
We describe role of computational science as capturing academic integration of advanced compuation into general curricula |
We use a recent review of a program in the United Kingdom to illustrate concepts |
Clusters of PC's are natural deployment mechanism |
We point out that this can be applied successfully in both simulation (parallel computing) and information arena (the web) |
We discuss the role of scalable certificates as another way of recognizing knowledge as opposed traditional minors, masters and other degrees |
We illustrate these ideas with program at Syracuse |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Geoffrey Fox |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse |
New York 13244-4100 |
We describe role of computational science as capturing academic integration of advanced compuation into general curricula |
We use a recent review of a program in the United Kingdom to illustrate concepts |
Clusters of PC's are natural deployment mechanism |
We point out that this can be applied successfully in both simulation (parallel computing) and information arena (the web) |
We discuss the role of scalable certificates as another way of recognizing knowledge as opposed traditional minors, masters and other degrees |
We illustrate these ideas with program at Syracuse |
Both HPCC Training and Education as well as Clustered Computing |
JISC = Part of UK Government supporting "Internet" (JANET) and related Infrastructure (not research) programs |
HE = Higher Education, NTI = New Technologies Initiative |
JISC NTI Program ran from mid 93 to mid 96 and included 8 HPCTE (High Performance Computing Training and Education) Programs and 6 cluster deployment projects (major follow up project in latter area) |
I reviewed Program for a week in December 96 |
Lessons are generally applicable |
Quite a lot of excellent HPCC Course Material Produced although not presented terribly well on the Web |
See Original Foil |
Integration of Computation into the main stream of HE curricula |
The goal of outreach to a broad range of institutions and a broad range of subjects can be accomplished with a more general theme than the original HPCTE mandate – namely the integration of modern computational techniques and technology into education and research. |
The up-front investment will be most fruitful if aimed at upgrading the basic fabric of the HE (Higher Education) enterprise (faculty enhancement, courses with computational modules and specialized "centres" with a computational flavor) which will be continued and enhanced in a natural way after the JISC activity is finished. |
The most successful HPCTE centres implicitly adopted this approach while those taking a narrower view of their charter struggled in their broad outreach activities. |
Suggest Coordinated effort to aid accelerated deployment of low cost clusters into HE institutions. |
JISC was farsighted in identifying importance of cluster computing but could usefully do more to capitalize its investment in terms of a pro-active effort to aid deployment of this technology (especially low cost PC's) broadly. |
This could involve coordinated CHEST purchases (site licenses) and should deliberately focus on just a few of software and hardware choices. |
Undergraduate and Graduate |
See Original Foil |
Computational Science is an interdisciplinary field that integrates computer science and applied mathematics with a wide variety of application areas that use significant computation to solve their problems |
Includes the study of computational techniques
Includes the study of new algorithms, languages and models in computer science and applied mathematics required by the use of high performance computing and communications in any (?) important application
Includes computation of complex systems using physical analogies such as neural networks and genetic optimization. |
Formal Master's Program with reasonable curriculum and course material |
PhD called Computer and Information Science but can choose computational science research |
Certificates(Minors) in Computational Science at both the Masters and PhD Level |
Undergraduate Minors in Computational Science |
All Programs are open to both computer science and application (computer user) students |
Currently have both an "Science and Engineering Track" ("parallel computing") and an "Information oriented Track" ("the web") |
Undergraduate and Graduate |
SImulation Track -- Graduate
Masters in Computational Science built around these core courses CPS615,713 |
Simulation Track -- Undergraduate
Master's Degree in Computational Science Course Requirements: |
Core Courses:
Application Area:
It is required to take one course in 3 out of the following 4 areas:
Overview of National Scene -- Why is High Performance Computing Important
What is Computational Science -- The Program at Syracuse |
Basic Technology Situation -- Increasing density of transistors on a chip
Elementary Discussion of Parallel Computing including use in society
Computer Architecture -- Parallel and Sequential
Simple base example -- Laplace's Equation
This is followed by two sections -- software technologies and applications which are interspersed with each other and "algorithm" modules |
Programming Models -- Message Passing and Data Parallel Computing -- MPI and HPF (Fortran 90)
Some real applications analysed in detail
This introduction is followed by a set of "vignettes" discussing problem classes which illustrate parallel programming and parallel algorithms |
Ordinary Differential Equations
Numerical Integration including adaptive methods |
Floating Point Arithmetic |
Monte Carlo Methods including Random Numbers |
Full Matrix Algebra as in
Partial Differential Equations implemented as sparse matrix problems (as in Computational Fluid Dynamics)
At Caltech, we used to teach in physics a basic course in Mathematical methods to undergraduates which was required for physics majors |
Non-physics majors chose between this and a corresponding course taught in engineering by applied mathematics |
Compared to these courses, CPS615 has less formal numerical methods than either of these courses but at Caltech neither course discussed computer architecture, how to exploit architecture to get good performance and more importantly, never discussed software issues. |
Minors in Computational Science |
Masters Level Certificate:
Doctoral level Certificate:
Doctoral level Certificate in Computational Neuroscience:
Typical Program: |
Freshman year:
Sophomore year:
Junior year:
Senior year:
Courses taken for the concentration may also be used to fulfill degree requirements in the students major program of study. |
Prerequisite: Calculus, Physics, Programming |
Level: Sophomore/Junior |
System: CM5 with CMFortran (Approximately Fortran90) |
Topics: Calculation with Vectors and Arrays
CPS 311/312 Introduction to Computational Science I and II (3 credits each) |
CPS313/314 Scientific Programming I and II ( 1 credit each) |
CPS312/314 Continues CPS311/313 using same System (CM5 with CMFortran in 1995) |
Topics: Elementary Linear Programming using the Simplex Method
Conclusions of DOE Conference on Computational Science Education, Feb 1994 |
Industry and government laboratories want graduates with Computational Science and Engineering training - don't care what degree is called |
Universities - want graduates with Computational Science and Engineering training - want degrees to have traditional names |
Premature to have BS Computational Science and Engineering |
Probably not important for Industry or Government (National Laboratory) jobs
However Academia (in general) only appoints faculty in existing well defined academic areas where peer review group exists
Advantages of a new department
Advantages of Using Interdisciplinary Program
Computational Science can attract computing development students (computer science) as well computer user (applications such as Physics, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry) students |
The same course material can sometimes be used for both classes of students although some adjustment can be needed
For "Information track" expect more serious mismatch in background with computer user community not having mathematical training of computer science. |
CPS606 Taught last semester is basic Java and Perl (CGI Scripts) |
CPS616 is critical leading edge software system and application building technologies including JavaScript, VRML, Advanced Java Capabilities, Database - Web, Security |
CPS600 (aka CPS640) is MultiMedia and Network Systems including digital video |
CPS714 is Projects and Topics that we cannot cover! |
The Sequence is termed a Certificate In Internet Systems |
Next time CPS616 will assume CPS606 -- this semester it will not! |
Host with Web Server and Attached CGI Script in PERL |
Perhaps linking to a database |
and digital Video Servers |
Host holds HTML files typically stored in a UNIX directory system but could be in a database such as Oracle or Microsoft Access |
CPS606: Basic HTML, Java and CGI SCripts with PERL |
CPS600(640): Network Services, Multimedia Systems including Server and Client Digital Video |
CPS616: HTML3, JavaScript, Advanced PERL5, Advanced Java (including 1.1 enhancements), Web linked databases (Oracle and Access, WoW and JDBC), Security and Commerce, VRML 1.0 and 2.0 |
CPS714: Java and Database Applications (It is graded only on projects), Compression, Web Agents (robots), Java Servers, Collaborative technologies
We will finalise these after we review results of Survey |
We will assume Basic Web Browsing and HTML expertise |
In general CPS616 will assume basic Java and PERL but maybe not this year |
You should be familiar with either PC or UNIX environment and program in at least one real language ( C C++ Fortran) |
We will not assume any database knowledge and will cover SQL and ODBC in particular |
No VRML or 3D Graphics expertise will be assumed |
Including China Internet Experiment |
Certificate in Computational Science offered at Harbin Institute of Technology (North China) Spring 1996 -- started March 1,1996 -- is a prototype of Syracuse University extension school |
Although Internet Connections to China is pretty dreadful, we still use Web Technology but package Electronic Course material on a Pentium PC at Harbin running WindowsNT and Java
This is updated in batch mode by Syracuse -- China Connection |
Students in China Interact with mentors in China and with NPAC via Internet (web and email) |
Project got good reviews from students and press! |
Project designed by Fox,Leskiw(NPAC), Xiaoming Li(Harbin and Peking visiting NPAC) |
Graduate Students -- initially 6 guinea pigs presented with certificates July 96 |
4 Courses -- each 10 1 hour lectures -- offered Spring 1996 over 20 week period |
ICPS 700: Introduction to Simulation Track of Computational Science
ICPS 701: Parallel Programming Laboratory
ICPS710: World Wide Web Technology
ICPS711: Web Programming
Presented July 22 at Harbin Institute of Technology by Geoffrey Fox |
Important Lesson from my trip to China last summer
So we have used initial students to translate base material into Chinese
China wants me to give a one week Web Tutorial (in English) at Peking this May 97 |
We suggest that Universities historically are "approved" to give "licenses" i.e. certification that students have a certain level of knowledge |
In the emerging Web based Virtual University, the traditional type and length of learening cycles is not obviously appropriate |
Further we need to bootstrap WebWisdom and "suck customers in" a little bit at a time! |
Thus suggest Scalable Certificates
Note these certificates are also portable as can take anywhere at any time! |
Traditionally, University courses are 1/3 interaction and 2/3 study/homework
We seem to be missing algorithm discussions! |
Nancy McCracken at |
Collection of Computational Science Programs and Computer Science Courses (not necessarily easily used curricula material) |
Overviews of Parallel Computing -- Methodology and Architecture
Tutorials on Particular Machines
Not much on Visualization and I/O |
Not listed are "catch-up" material -- UNIX Use of Mouse etc. |
A very few applications covered in detail
18 Fortran90 and HPF -- Including MRA |
28 MPI including MRA as well as online manual and book |
4 PVM |
1 Linda |
1 Fortran M -- MRA |
1 MetaComputing -- MRA |
In contrast Java has far more material than this but no online book whereas PERL (another practical language) only has online manual and FAQ |
Both HPCC Training and Education as well as Clustered Computing |
Encouragement of active links with related efforts outside the UK and careful review of Intellectual Property issues and tradeoff between cooperative open dissemination and protection of investment. |
The UK activities would benefit from active collaboration with related international efforts such as the NHSE(National High Performance Software Exchange) and supercomputer centres in the US. |
Currently the UK projects seem unclear as to whether to encourage broad international dissemination of their work or whether to protect the JISC investment by making electronic access to their material inconvenient or impossible. |
My prejudice is that in rapidly changing fields, one benefits from open and indeed pro-active dissemination using interactive HTML and not archival ftp/postscript. However at least a consistent corporate set of ground rules should be agreed. |
Stronger incentives for institutional commitment to sustain efforts jump started by JISC |
I was surprised that some excellent JISC projects appeared to be struggling to cope with "Life after NTI" and appeared to be getting little sustaining support from their host institution. This issue appears to be important in evaluating future proposals. |
There was very modest continuing funding -- my report tried to make case to continue at lower level |
Suggest Stringent review of future systems software development projects which tended to be the least successful part of existing NTI programme |
One third of the projects reviewed were developing some sort of systems (as opposed to application) software. |
These were clearly less successful as a group than training or deployment (of other commercial or university systems) projects. |
I didn't list these projects! -- Portable HPF from Southamptoon was successful (being continued at NPAC) |
JISC does not have the funding level or research mandate to pursue software development projects and should limit and very carefully review its investment in this area. |
Careful review of qualifications of teams to ensure they have appropriate mix of both professionals and researchers at leading edge of HPC research. |
Whether one adopts either a narrow or broad view of HPC, the field is undoubtedly changing very rapidly with critical new developments both in industry and academia. |
Even pure deployment or training programmes need to be cognizant of the latest developments and some of NTI activities were handicapped by lacking such expertise on the implementation team. |
Further some of the other projects were largely research based and lacked necessary professional infrastructure development expertise. |
I recommend that JISC carefully review overall qualifications of its proposal teams. |
HPC Training and Education Centre - Queen's University Belfast (DENI funded)
HPTCE: Training and Education Centre - University of Wales College of Cardiff
HPCTE: HPC Training and Education Centre University of Edinburgh
HPCTE: HPC Training and Education Centre - SEL(London)-HPC Consortium
HPCTE: HPC Training and Education Centre - University of Manchester
HPTCE: HPC Training and Education Centre - University of Southampton
Use of Fortran90 and HPF - University of Liverpool
Parallel Computing in Higher Education - University of Oxford
CONDOR: A Dynamic Self-Configuring Distributed Computing Facility - University of Durham
DQS: HPC-Alpha Workstation Farm - University of East Anglia
LSF for CFD: HPC using Spare Capacity on a Network of Workstations - University of Glasgow
PVM on Linux PC's:Development of Parallel Finite Difference Time Domain Application - Brunel University
NQS: Support of Distributed Batch Systems for UNIX - University of Sheffield
Codine: Serial Work and Parallel Computing Techniques in a Workstation Cluster Environment - Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine |