Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 9 99

Foil 26 Authoring the Curricula

From Distance Education: How to do it DoD HPC Modernization Users Group Tutorial Monterey California, ACM Java Grande San Francisco, EDMEDIA Seattle -- June 7 99, June 14 99, June 20 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

It would be good to use simulations and nifty animations and digital video if available
  • Simulations can be server side objects or client side (applets)
But in most real classes, use PowerPoint or HTML (with various levels of sophistication in editor)
  • Using COM can store individual foils of PowerPoint in a database
At the high end, currently use Macromedia Director or equivalent technology but this is transitory as not the web?
Only use technologies that support very good web export that respects W3C object model with clear structure (i.e. XML)
Build educational objects that can be stored in a database and exported as HTML/XML using some template
Store video and images in multi-resolution format to accommodate different curricula quality/network bandwidth tradeoffs
Expect authoring tools to improve

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