Contents | Package | Class | Tree | Deprecated | Index | Help | |||
java.lang.Object | +----mpi.Comm | +----mpi.Intracomm | +----mpi.Cartcomm
Field Summary | |
int | maxdims
Fields inherited from class mpi.Comm |
handle, NULL, SELF, WORLD |
Constructor Summary | |
Cartcomm(long _handle)
Method Summary | |
java.lang.Object | clone()
int[] | Coords(int rank)
static void | Dims_create(int nnodes,
int ndims,
int[] dims)
CartParms | Get()
int | Map(int[] dims,
boolean[] periods)
int | Rank(int[] coords)
ShiftParms | Shift(int direction,
int disp)
Cartcomm | Sub(boolean[] remain_dims)
Methods inherited from class mpi.Intracomm |
Allgather, Allgatherv, Allreduce, Alltoall, Alltoallv, Barrier, Bcast, clone, Creat, Create_cart, Create_graph, Gather, Gatherv, GetGraph, Reduce, Reduce_scatter, Scan, Scatter, Scatterv, Split |
Methods inherited from class mpi.Comm |
Abort, Attr_delete, Attr_get, Attr_put, Bsend, Bsend_init, clone, Compare, Create_intercomm, dup, Errhandler_set, Errorhandler_get, Free, GetComm, GetIntercomm, Group, Ibsend, Iprobe, Irecv, Irsend, Isend, Issend, Pack, Pack_size, Probe, Rank, Recv, Recv_init, Rsend, Rsend_init, Send, Send_init, Sendrecv, Sendrecv_replace, Size, Ssend, Ssend_init, Test_inter, Topo_test, Unpack |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public int maxdims
Constructor Detail |
public Cartcomm()
public Cartcomm(long _handle)
Method Detail |
public java.lang.Object clone()
public CartParms Get()
returns: | object containing dimensions, periods and local coordinates |
Java binding of the MPI operations MPI_CARTDIM_GET and MPI_CART_GET.
The number of dimensions can be obtained from the size of (eg) dims field of the returned object.
public int Rank(int[] coords)
coords | Cartesian coordinates of a process |
returns: | rank of the specified process |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_CART_RANK.
public int[] Coords(int rank)
rank | rank of a process |
returns: | Cartesian coordinates of the specified process |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_CART_COORDS.
public ShiftParms Shift(int direction, int disp)
direction | coordinate dimension of shift |
disp | displacement |
returns: | object containing ranks of source and destination processes |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_CART_SHIFT.
public Cartcomm Sub(boolean[] remain_dims)
remain_dims | by dimension, true if dimension is to be kept, false otherwise |
returns: | communicator containing subgrid including this process |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_CART_SUB.
public int Map(int[] dims, boolean[] periods)
dims | the number of processes in each dimension |
periods | true if grid is periodic, false if not, in each dimension |
returns: | reordered rank of calling process |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_CART_MAP.
The number of dimensions is taken to be size of the dims argument.
public static void Dims_create(int nnodes, int ndims, int[] dims)
nnodes | number of nodes in a grid |
dims | array specifying the number of nodes in each dimension |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_DIMS_CREATE.
Number of dimensions is the size of is dims. Note that dims is an inout parameter.
Contents | Package | Class | Tree | Deprecated | Index | Help | |||