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Class mpi.Comm

Intercomm, Intracomm

public class Comm
extends java.lang.Object

Field Summary
long  handle
static int  NULL
static int  SELF
static int  WORLD

Constructor Summary
 Comm(int Type)

Method Summary
void  Abort(int errorcode)
void  Attr_delete(int keyval)
int  Attr_get(int keyval)
Retrieves attribute value by key.
void  Attr_put(int keyval, int attribute_val)
void  Bsend(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Send in buffered mode.
Prequest  Bsend_init(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a buffered mode send.
java.lang.Object  clone()
Duplicate this communicator.
static int  Compare(Comm comm1, Comm comm2)
Compare two communicators.
Intercomm  Create_intercomm(Comm local_comm, int local_leader, int remote_leader, int tag)
Create an inter-communicator.
long  dup()
static void  Errhandler_set(Errhandler errhandler)
static Errhandler  Errorhandler_get()
void  Free()
Destroy this communicator.
void  GetComm(int Type)
long  GetIntercomm(Comm local_comm, int local_leader, int remote_leader, int tag)
Group  Group()
Return group associated with a communicator.
Request  Ibsend(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Start a buffered mode, nonblocking send.
Status  Iprobe(int source, int tag)
Check if there is an incoming message matching the pattern specified.
Request  Irecv(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Start a nonblocking receive.
Request  Irsend(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Start a ready mode, nonblocking send.
Request  Isend(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Start a standard mode, nonblocking send.
Request  Issend(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Start a synchronous mode, nonblocking send.
int  Pack(java.lang.Object inbuf, int offset, int incount, Datatype datatype, byte[] outbuf, int position)
Packs message in send buffer inbuf into space specified in outbuf.
int  Pack_size(int incount, Datatype datatype)
Returns an upper bound on the increment of position effected by pack.
Status  Probe(int source, int tag)
Wait until there is an incoming message matching the pattern specified.
int  Rank()
Rank of this process in group of this communicator.
Status  Recv(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int source, int tag)
Blocking receive operation.
Prequest  Recv_init(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a receive operation.
void  Rsend(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Send in ready mode.
Prequest  Rsend_init(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a ready mode send.
void  Send(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Blocking send operation.
Prequest  Send_init(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a standard mode send.
Status  Sendrecv(java.lang.Object sendbuf, int sendoffset, int sendcount, Datatype sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, java.lang.Object recvbuf, int recvoffset, int recvcount, Datatype recvtype, int source, int recvtag)
Execute a blocking send and receive operation.
Status  Sendrecv_replace(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int sendtag, int source, int recvtag)
Execute a blocking send and receive operation, receiving message into send buffer.
int  Size()
Size of group of this communicator.
void  Ssend(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Send in synchronous mode.
Prequest  Ssend_init(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int dest, int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a synchronous mode send.
boolean  Test_inter()
Test if this communicator is an inter-communicator.
int  Topo_test()
Returns the type of topology associated with the communicator.
int  Unpack(byte[] inbuf, int position, java.lang.Object outbuf, int offset, int outcount, Datatype datatype)
Unpacks message in receive buffer outbuf into space specified in inbuf.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
 clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NULL


public static final int SELF


public static final int WORLD


protected long handle
Constructor Detail


public Comm()


public Comm(int Type)
Method Detail


protected void GetComm(int Type)


public int Size()
Size of group of this communicator.

returns: number of processors in the group of this communicator

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_COMM_SIZE.


public int Rank()
Rank of this process in group of this communicator.

returns: rank of the calling process in the group of this communicator

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_COMM_RANK.


public java.lang.Object clone()
Duplicate this communicator.

returns: copy of this communicator

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_COMM_DUP.

The new communicator is ``congruent'' to the old one, but has a different context.

clone in class java.lang.Object


protected long dup()


public static int Compare(Comm comm1,
                          Comm comm2)
Compare two communicators.

comm1 first communicator
comm2 second communicator
returns: result

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_COMM_COMPARE.

MPI.IDENT results if the comm1 and comm2 are references to the same object (ie, if comm1 == comm2). MPI.CONGRUENT results if the underlying groups are identical but the communicators differ by context. MPI.SIMILAR results if the underlying groups are similar but the communicators differ by context. MPI.UNEQUAL results otherwise.


public void Free()
Destroy this communicator.

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_COMM_FREE.


public Group Group()
Return group associated with a communicator.

returns: group corresponding to this communicator group

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_COMM_GROUP.


public boolean Test_inter()
Test if this communicator is an inter-communicator.

returns: true if this is an inter-communicator, false otherwise

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_COMM_TEST_INTER.


public Intercomm Create_intercomm(Comm local_comm,
                                  int local_leader,
                                  int remote_leader,
                                  int tag)
Create an inter-communicator.

local_comm local intra-communicator
local_leader rank of local group leader in localComm
remote_leader rank of remote group leader in this communictor
tag ``safe'' tag
returns: new inter-communicator

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_INTERCOMM_CREATE.

(This operation is defined as a method on the ``peer communicator'', making it analogous to a send or recv communication with the remote group leader.)


public long GetIntercomm(Comm local_comm,
                         int local_leader,
                         int remote_leader,
                         int tag)


public void Send(java.lang.Object buf,
                 int offset,
                 int count,
                 Datatype type,
                 int dest,
                 int tag)
Blocking send operation.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_SEND.

The actual argument associated with buf must be one-dimensional array. The value offset is a subscript in this array, defining the position of the first item of the message.

The elements of buf must have primitive type. If the datatype argument represents an MPI basic type, its value must agree with the element type of buf. If the datatype argument represents an MPI derived type, its base type must agree with the element type of buf


public Status Recv(java.lang.Object buf,
                   int offset,
                   int count,
                   Datatype type,
                   int source,
                   int tag)
Blocking receive operation.

buf receive buffer array
offset initial offset in receive buffer
count number of items in receive buffer
datatype datatype of each item in receive buffer
source rank of source
tag message tag
returns: status object

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_RECV.

The actual argument associated with buf must be one-dimensional array. The value offset is a subscript in this array, defining the position into which the first item of the incoming message will be copied.

The elements of buf must have primitive type. If the datatype argument represents an MPI basic type, its value must agree with the element type of buf. If the datatype argument represents an MPI derived type, its base type must agree with the element type of buf


public Status Sendrecv(java.lang.Object sendbuf,
                       int sendoffset,
                       int sendcount,
                       Datatype sendtype,
                       int dest,
                       int sendtag,
                       java.lang.Object recvbuf,
                       int recvoffset,
                       int recvcount,
                       Datatype recvtype,
                       int source,
                       int recvtag)
Execute a blocking send and receive operation.

sendbuf send buffer array
sendoffset initial offset in send buffer
sendcount number of items to send
sendtype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
sendtag send tag
recvbuf receive buffer array
recvoffset initial offset in receive buffer
recvcount number of items in receive buffer
recvtype datatype of each item in receive buffer
source rank of source
recvtag receive tag
returns: status object

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_SENDRECV.

Further comments as for Send and Recv.


public Status Sendrecv_replace(java.lang.Object buf,
                               int offset,
                               int count,
                               Datatype type,
                               int dest,
                               int sendtag,
                               int source,
                               int recvtag)
Execute a blocking send and receive operation, receiving message into send buffer.

buf buffer array
offset initial offset in buffer
count number of items to send
type datatype of each item in buffer
dest rank of destination
sendtag send tag
source rank of source
recvtag receive tag
returns: status object

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_SENDRECV_REPLACE.

Further comments as for Send and Recv.


public void Bsend(java.lang.Object buf,
                  int offset,
                  int count,
                  Datatype type,
                  int dest,
                  int tag)
Send in buffered mode.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_BSEND.

Further comments as for Send.


public void Ssend(java.lang.Object buf,
                  int offset,
                  int count,
                  Datatype type,
                  int dest,
                  int tag)
Send in synchronous mode.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_SSEND.

Further comments as for Send.


public void Rsend(java.lang.Object buf,
                  int offset,
                  int count,
                  Datatype type,
                  int dest,
                  int tag)
Send in ready mode.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_RSEND.

Further comments as for Send.


public Request Isend(java.lang.Object buf,
                     int offset,
                     int count,
                     Datatype type,
                     int dest,
                     int tag)
Start a standard mode, nonblocking send.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag
returns: communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_ISEND.

Further comments as for Send.


public Request Ibsend(java.lang.Object buf,
                      int offset,
                      int count,
                      Datatype type,
                      int dest,
                      int tag)
Start a buffered mode, nonblocking send.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag
returns: communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_IBSEND.

Further comments as for Send.


public Request Issend(java.lang.Object buf,
                      int offset,
                      int count,
                      Datatype type,
                      int dest,
                      int tag)
Start a synchronous mode, nonblocking send.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag
returns: communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_ISSEND.

Further comments as for Send.


public Request Irsend(java.lang.Object buf,
                      int offset,
                      int count,
                      Datatype type,
                      int dest,
                      int tag)
Start a ready mode, nonblocking send.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag
returns: communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_IRSEND.

Further comments as for Send.


public Request Irecv(java.lang.Object buf,
                     int offset,
                     int count,
                     Datatype type,
                     int dest,
                     int tag)
Start a nonblocking receive.

buf receive buffer array
offset initial offset in receive buffer
count number of items in receive buffer
datatype datatype of each item in receive buffer
source rank of source
tag message tag
returns: communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_IRECV.

Further comments as for Recv.


public Prequest Send_init(java.lang.Object buf,
                          int offset,
                          int count,
                          Datatype type,
                          int dest,
                          int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a standard mode send.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag
returns: persistent communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_SEND_INIT.

Further comments as for Send.


public Prequest Bsend_init(java.lang.Object buf,
                           int offset,
                           int count,
                           Datatype type,
                           int dest,
                           int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a buffered mode send.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag
returns: persistent communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_BSEND_INIT.

Further comments as for Send.


public Prequest Ssend_init(java.lang.Object buf,
                           int offset,
                           int count,
                           Datatype type,
                           int dest,
                           int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a synchronous mode send.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag
returns: persistent communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_SSEND_INIT.

Further comments as for Send.


public Prequest Rsend_init(java.lang.Object buf,
                           int offset,
                           int count,
                           Datatype type,
                           int dest,
                           int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a ready mode send.

buf send buffer array
offset initial offset in send buffer
count number of items to send
datatype datatype of each item in send buffer
dest rank of destination
tag message tag
returns: persistent communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_RSEND_INIT.

Further comments as for Send.


public Prequest Recv_init(java.lang.Object buf,
                          int offset,
                          int count,
                          Datatype type,
                          int dest,
                          int tag)
Creates a persistent communication request for a receive operation.

buf receive buffer array
offset initial offset in receive buffer
count number of items in receive buffer
datatype datatype of each item in receive buffer
source rank of source
tag message tag
returns: communication request

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_RECV_INIT.

Further comments as for Recv.


public int Pack(java.lang.Object inbuf,
                int offset,
                int incount,
                Datatype datatype,
                byte[] outbuf,
                int position)
Packs message in send buffer inbuf into space specified in outbuf.

inbuf input buffer array
offset initial offset in input buffer
incount number of items in input buffer
datatype datatype of each item in input buffer
outbuf output buffer
position initial position in output buffer
returns: final position in output buffer

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_PACK.

The return value is the output value of position - the inital value incremented by the number of bytes written.


public int Unpack(byte[] inbuf,
                  int position,
                  java.lang.Object outbuf,
                  int offset,
                  int outcount,
                  Datatype datatype)
Unpacks message in receive buffer outbuf into space specified in inbuf.

inbuf input buffer
position initial position in input buffer
outbuf output buffer array
offset initial offset in output buffer
outcount number of items in output buffer
datatype datatype of each item in output buffer
returns: final position in input buffer

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_UNPACK.

The return value is the output value of position - the inital value incremented by the number of bytes read.


public int Pack_size(int incount,
                     Datatype datatype)
Returns an upper bound on the increment of position effected by pack.

incount number of items in input buffer
datatype datatype of each item in input buffer
returns: upper bound on size of packed message

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_PACK_SIZE.

It is an error to call this function if the base type of datatype is MPI.OBJECT.


public Status Iprobe(int source,
                     int tag)
Check if there is an incoming message matching the pattern specified.

source rank of source
tag message tag
returns: status object or null handle

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_IPROBE.

If such a message is currently available, a status object similar to the return value of a matching Recv operation is returned. Otherwise a null handle is returned.


public Status Probe(int source,
                    int tag)
Wait until there is an incoming message matching the pattern specified.

source rank of source
tag message tag
returns: status object

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_PROBE.

Returns a status object similar to the return value of a matching Recv operation.


public void Attr_put(int keyval,
                     int attribute_val)


public int Attr_get(int keyval)
Retrieves attribute value by key.

keyval one of the key values predefined by the implementation
returns: attribute value

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_ATTR_GET.


public void Attr_delete(int keyval)


public int Topo_test()
Returns the type of topology associated with the communicator.

returns: topology type of communicator

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TOPO_TEST.

The return value will be one of MPI.GRAPH, MPI.CART or MPI.UNDEFINED.


public void Abort(int errorcode)


public static void Errhandler_set(Errhandler errhandler)


public static Errhandler Errorhandler_get()

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