Contents | Package | Class | Tree | Deprecated | Index | Help | |||
java.lang.Object | +----mpi.MPI
Field Summary | |
static int | ANY_SOURCE
static int | ANY_TAG
static Op | BAND
static Datatype | BOOLEAN
static Op | BOR
static int | BSEND_OVERHEAD
static Op | BXOR
static Datatype | BYTE
static int | CART
static Datatype | CHAR
static Comm | COMM_SELF
static Intracomm | COMM_WORLD
static int | CONGRUENT
static Datatype | DOUBLE
static Datatype | DOUBLE2
static Datatype | FLOAT
static Datatype | FLOAT2
static int | GRAPH
static Group | GROUP_EMPTY
static int | HOST
static int | IDENT
static Datatype | INT
static Datatype | INT2
static int | IO
static Op | LAND
static Datatype | LB
static Datatype | LONG
static Datatype | LONG2
static Op | LOR
static Op | LXOR
static Op | MAX
static Op | MAXLOC
static Op | MIN
static Op | MINLOC
static Datatype | PACKED
static int | PROC_NULL
static Op | PROD
static Request | REQUEST_NULL
static Datatype | SHORT
static Datatype | SHORT2
static int | SIMILAR
static Op | SUM
static int | TAG_UB
static Datatype | UB
static int | UNDEFINED
static int | UNEQUAL
Constructor Summary | |
Method Summary | |
static void | Buffer_attach(byte[] buffer)
static void | Buffer_detach(byte[] buf)
static void | Finalize()
static java.lang.String | Get_processor_name()
static void | Init(java.lang.String[] args)
static boolean | Initialized()
static double | Wtick()
static double | Wtime()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static Intracomm COMM_WORLD
public static Comm COMM_SELF
public static int GRAPH
public static int CART
public static int ANY_SOURCE
public static int ANY_TAG
public static Op MAX
public static Op MIN
public static Op SUM
public static Op PROD
public static Op LAND
public static Op BAND
public static Op LOR
public static Op BOR
public static Op LXOR
public static Op BXOR
public static Op MINLOC
public static Op MAXLOC
public static Datatype BYTE
public static Datatype CHAR
public static Datatype SHORT
public static Datatype BOOLEAN
public static Datatype INT
public static Datatype LONG
public static Datatype FLOAT
public static Datatype DOUBLE
public static Datatype PACKED
public static Datatype LB
public static Datatype UB
public static Datatype SHORT2
public static Datatype INT2
public static Datatype LONG2
public static Datatype FLOAT2
public static Datatype DOUBLE2
public static Request REQUEST_NULL
public static Group GROUP_EMPTY
public static int PROC_NULL
public static int BSEND_OVERHEAD
public static int UNDEFINED
public static int IDENT
public static int CONGRUENT
public static int SIMILAR
public static int UNEQUAL
public static int TAG_UB
public static int HOST
public static int IO
Constructor Detail |
public MPI()
Method Detail |
public static void Init(java.lang.String[] args)
args | arguments to main method. |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_INIT.
public static void Finalize()
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_FINALIZE.
public static double Wtime()
returns: | elapsed wallclock time in seconds since some time in the past |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_WTIME.
public static double Wtick()
returns: | resolution of wtime in seconds. |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_WTICK.
public static java.lang.String Get_processor_name()
returns: | A unique specifier for the actual node. |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_NAME.
public static boolean Initialized()
returns: | true if {\tt init} has been called, false otherwise. |
Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_INITIALIZED.
public static void Buffer_attach(byte[] buffer)
public static void Buffer_detach(byte[] buf)
Contents | Package | Class | Tree | Deprecated | Index | Help | |||