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- public class URLClassLoader
- extends SecureClassLoader
This class loader is used to load classes and resources from a search
path of URLs. Any URLs not ending with a '/' are assumed to refer to
JAR files. The URLs are opened and expanded as needed.
- Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the specified URLs.
URLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader)
- This method can be overridden to throw a
if the calling thread is not allowed to define classes in the package
specified by the argument.
definePackage(String, Attributes, URL)
- Defines a package by name in this ClassLoader.
- Finds and loads the class with the specified name from the URL
search path.
- Returns the shared instance of ClassLoader used to load classes
and resources from installed extensions.
- Finds the resource with the specified name on the URL search path.
- Returns an Enumeration of URLs representing all of the resources
with the given name that could be found on the URL search path.
invokeClass(String, String[])
- Invokes an application given the name of the application's main
class and an array of arguments.
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls)
- Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the specified URLs. The URLs
will be searched in the order specified after looking for classes
and resources in installed extensions.
- Parameters:
- urls - the URLs from which to load classes and resources
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls,
ClassLoader parent)
protected Class findLocalClass(String name)
- Finds and loads the class with the specified name from the URL
search path. The base URLs are opened and expanded as needed
until the class is found.
- Parameters:
- name - the name of the class
- Returns:
- the resulting class, or null if not found
- Throws:
- if a package sealing violation has occurred
- Overrides:
- findLocalClass in class ClassLoader
protected Package definePackage(String name,
Attributes attr,
URL sealBase)
- Defines a package by name in this ClassLoader. The specification
and implementation titles, names, and vendors are obtained from the
given Attributes object.
- Parameters:
- name - the package name
- attr - the package Attributes
- sealBase - if specified then this package is sealed with respect
to the given code base URL
- Throws:
- if the package name duplicates an
existing package either in this class loader or the parent
class loader
protected void checkPackageDefinition(String name) throws SecurityException
- This method can be overridden to throw a
if the calling thread is not allowed to define classes in the package
specified by the argument. By default, the calling thread is allowed
to define classes in any package.
- Parameters:
- name - the package name
- Throws:
- if the caller cannot define classes in
the specified package
public URL getLocalResource(String name)
- Finds the resource with the specified name on the URL search path.
Returns a URL for the resource, or null if the resource could not
be found.
- Parameters:
- name - the name of the resource
- Overrides:
- getLocalResource in class ClassLoader
public Enumeration getLocalResources(String name) throws IOException
- Returns an Enumeration of URLs representing all of the resources
with the given name that could be found on the URL search path.
XXX: Why does this need to throw IOException?
- Parameters:
- name - the resource name
- Returns:
- an Enumeration of resource URLs
- Overrides:
- getLocalResources in class ClassLoader
public void invokeClass(String name,
String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException
- Invokes an application given the name of the application's main
class and an array of arguments. The class must define define a
static method "main" which takes an array of String arguments and
is of return type "void".
- Parameters:
- name - the name of the application's main class
- args - the arguments to pass to the application
- Throws:
- if the specified class could not
be found
- Throws:
- if the specified class does not
define a "main" method
- Throws:
- if the application raised an
public static ClassLoader getExtClassLoader()
- Returns the shared instance of ClassLoader used to load classes
and resources from installed extensions. By default, new instances
of URLClassLoader will delegate to this class loader.
XXX Use a Reference object here
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