Class Request

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Request
extends java.lang.Object

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Object buf
protected  Comm comm
protected  int count
protected  int dest
protected  long handle
protected  Request hdrReq
protected  int[] length_buf
protected  int mode
protected static int NULL
protected  int offset
protected static int OP_NORMAL
protected static int OP_RECV_OBJECT
protected static int OP_SEND_OBJECT
protected  int opTag
protected  int src
protected  int tag
protected  Datatype type
Constructor Summary
protected Request()
protected Request(int Type)
protected Request(long _handle)
protected Request(java.lang.Object buf, int offset, int count, Datatype type, int source, int tag, Comm comm, int[] length_buf)
          Constructor used by Irecv.
protected Request(Request hdrReq)
          Constructor used by Isend, etc.
Method Summary
 void Cancel()
          Mark a pending nonblocking communication for cancellation.
 void Free()
          Set the request object to be void.
 boolean Is_null()
          Test if request object is void.
 Status Test()
          Returns a status object if the operation identified by the request is complete, or a null handle otherwise.
static Status[] Testall(Request[] array_of_request)
          Tests for completion of all of the operations associated with active requests.
static Status Testany(Request[] array_of_request)
          Tests for completion of either one or none of the operations associated with active requests.
static Status[] Testsome(Request[] array_of_request)
          Behaves like Waitsome, except that it returns immediately.
 Status Wait()
          Blocks until the operation identified by the request is complete.
static Status[] Waitall(Request[] array_of_request)
          Blocks until all of the operations associated with the active requests in the array have completed.
static Status Waitany(Request[] array_of_request)
          Blocks until one of the operations associated with the active requests in the array has completed.
static Status[] Waitsome(Request[] array_of_request)
          Blocks until at least one of the operations associated with the active requests in the array has completed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int NULL


protected static final int OP_NORMAL


protected static final int OP_SEND_OBJECT


protected static final int OP_RECV_OBJECT


protected Request hdrReq


protected int opTag


protected int mode


protected java.lang.Object buf


protected int offset


protected int count


protected Datatype type


protected int dest


protected int src


protected int tag


protected Comm comm


protected int[] length_buf


protected long handle
Constructor Detail


protected Request()


protected Request(int Type)


protected Request(long _handle)


protected Request(Request hdrReq)
Constructor used by Isend, etc.


protected Request(java.lang.Object buf,
                  int offset,
                  int count,
                  Datatype type,
                  int source,
                  int tag,
                  Comm comm,
                  int[] length_buf)
Constructor used by Irecv.
Method Detail


public void Free()
          throws MPIException
Set the request object to be void. Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_REQUEST_FREE.


public void Cancel()
            throws MPIException
Mark a pending nonblocking communication for cancellation. Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_CANCEL.


public boolean Is_null()
Test if request object is void.

returns: true if the request object is void, false otherwise


public Status Wait()
            throws MPIException
Blocks until the operation identified by the request is complete.

returns: status object

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_WAIT.

After the call returns, the request object becomes inactive.


public Status Test()
            throws MPIException
Returns a status object if the operation identified by the request is complete, or a null handle otherwise.

returns: status object or null handle

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TEST.

After the call, if the operation is complete (ie, if the return value is non-null), the request object becomes inactive.


public static Status Waitany(Request[] array_of_request)
                      throws MPIException
Blocks until one of the operations associated with the active requests in the array has completed.

array_of_requests array of requests
returns: status object

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_WAITANY.

The index in array_of_requests for the request that completed can be obtained from the returned status object through the Status.index field. The corresponding element of array_of_requests becomes inactive.


public static Status Testany(Request[] array_of_request)
                      throws MPIException
Tests for completion of either one or none of the operations associated with active requests.

array_of_requests array of requests
returns: status object or null handle

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TESTANY.

If some request completed, the index in array_of_requests for that request can be obtained from the returned status object through the. The corresponding element of array_of_requests becomes inactive. If no request completed, Testany returns a null handle.


public static Status[] Waitall(Request[] array_of_request)
                        throws MPIException
Blocks until all of the operations associated with the active requests in the array have completed.

array_of_requests array of requests
returns: array of status objects

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_WAITALL.

The result array will be the same size as array_of_requests. On exit, requests become inactive. If the input value of arrayOfRequests contains inactive requests, corresponding elements of the result array will contain null status handles.


public static Status[] Testall(Request[] array_of_request)
                        throws MPIException
Tests for completion of all of the operations associated with active requests.

array_of_requests array of requests
returns: array of status objects

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TESTALL.

If all operations have completed, the exit value of the argument array and the result array are as for Waitall. If any operation has not completed, the result value is null and no element of the argument array is modified.


public static Status[] Waitsome(Request[] array_of_request)
                         throws MPIException
Blocks until at least one of the operations associated with the active requests in the array has completed.

array_of_requests array of requests
returns: array of status objects

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_WAITSOME.

The size of the result array will be the number of operations that completed. The index in array_of_requests for each request that completed can be obtained from the returned status objects through the Status.index field. The corresponding element in array_of_requests becomes inactive.


public static Status[] Testsome(Request[] array_of_request)
                         throws MPIException
Behaves like Waitsome, except that it returns immediately.

array_of_requests array of requests
returns: array of status objects

Java binding of the MPI operation MPI_TESTSOME.

If no operation has completed, TestSome returns an array of length zero and elements of array_of_requests are unchanged. Otherwise, arguments and return value are as for Waitsome.