Basic IMAGE version of Foils prepared May 6 1997

Foil 44 WebWisdom Design Details - I

From Master Presentation on Java for Simulation and Education Penn State Jan 13,Wright State Jan 27,SIAM March 16 1997 -- January 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox
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Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Table of Contents for Master Presentation on Java for Simulation and Education

1 Java for Computational Science and Engineering Simulation and Education Penn State Jan 13, 1997 Wright State Jan 23, 1997
2 Abstract of Java for CSE and Education Lecture
3 There are (at least) 3 Major Roles for JAVA in Computation
4 The 3 Roles of Java
5 Hierarchy of Software Levels
6 The Computing Pyramid
7 Implications of the Computing Pyramid
8 Port from the Bottom Up -- Not Top Down!
9 Java Links the Bottom and Top of Pyramid
10 What Limits Performance of Compiled Java?
11 Another View of The Pyramid
12 Java for Building User Interfaces
13 Java for Coarse Grain Distributed Computing and Software Integration
14 Why is Web Computing Base more relevant than Previous PC Base
15 Java as the Language for Computational Kernels!
16 What about Shared Memory Software Base for HPCC?
17 Dissemination of Material is a Critical Part of Education!
18 New Curricula Opportunities?
19 Technologies for Education- I
20 Technologies for Education- II
21 Undergraduate Education
22 K-12 Education
23 Outreach to Disabled Community
24 TANGOsim Collaboration/ Simulation/ Training in Java
25 The TANGOsim C2 Application
26 Global Architecture of Tango System
27 Tango Client Communication Structure
28 Java in and for Education
29 Summary of the VPL -- Virtual Programming Laboratory
30 The Virtual Programming Laboratory
31 User view of the VPL
32 VPL Used in Cornell HPF Virtual Workshop
33 Client-server interaction in VPL as it is implemented in Virtual Workshop
34 Server Side Structure of the VPL
35 Structure of Java Wrappers in the VPL
36 Architecture of use of JPVS (Java Performance Visualization System) with C + MPI Program
37 The Java Applet Supporting Data Visualization in the VPL
38 Web Based MetaComputing
39 Java Server Based Web Computing
40 Java Server Structure in WebFlow
41 Different WebVM Approachs
42 Architecture of WebWisdom Education Delivery System
43 Proposed Implementation of WebWisdom
44 WebWisdom Design Details - I
45 WebWisdom Design Details - II
46 WebWisdom Design Details - III
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Click on Pointer to Hide
Click on Pointer + ALT to toggle message hiding
Click on Pointer + CNTL to abolish pointer
Click on Pointer + Shift to cycle families
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Click outside + Control is Double Size
Click outside + Shift is Halve Size
Right Mouse Down on Pointer Toggles Index
Shift Right Mouse aligns top with scrolled Page
While With Mouse Down on Current Pointer
h hides This Message while m restores
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j Toggles Index Aligned with Scrolled View Top
a Abolishes Pointer while CNTL-Click restores
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c cycles through members of a family
u increases Size Up and d decreases Down
Mouse Up-Down between changes of
Pointer to process new option