Basic IMAGE version of Foils prepared May 19 99

Foil 10 Statement Class

From Overview of JDBC: Java Database Connectivity Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1999. by Nancy McCracken,(Sangetta Aggarwal, Meryem Ispirli, Udayan Parvate, Tom Pulikal, Chao-Wei Ou)
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Table of Contents for Overview of JDBC: Java Database Connectivity

1 JDBC Java Database Connectivity
2 JDBC Main Features
3 Traditional Web/RDBMS access Compared to using Java
4 JDBC Software Architecture
5 Driver Access Architecture
6 JDBC API is Package java.sql
7 Driver Manager
8 Driver class creates Connection
9 SQL Statements
10 Statement Class
11 ResultSet class
12 Data from ResultSets
13 Result Sets can be Scrollable
14 PreparedStatement class
15 CallableStatement class
16 Generalized example of getting results
17 A typical JDBC API usage sequence
18 Standard Extension Features coming in 2.0
19 Simple JDBC 2 Tier Applet - An Example
20 JDBC 2 Tier Applet
21 JDBC 2 Tier Applet
22 More Details on JDBC Driver Architectures
23 Driver Classification- I
24 Driver Classification - II
25 JDBC Driver API - I
26 JDBC Driver API - II
27 JDBC Driver API - III
28 List of vendors
29 Remote Database Access Current Options
30 mSQl jdbc driver for mSQl database
31 Weblogic jdbcKona driver for Oracle
32 3 tier Remote JDBC driver Architecture
33 PPT Slide
34 Remote jdbc Driver Client-side Description
35 Remote jdbc Driver Server-side Description - I
36 Remote jdbc Driver Server-side Description - II
37 JDBC 2+ Tier Architecture
38 Advantages of JDBC 2+ Tier Architecture
39 Java WebServer with Servlets
40 Programming Java Servlets
41 JDBC 3 Tier Servlet Example
42 JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)
43 JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)
44 JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)
45 JDBC 3 Tier Example using RMI
46 The RMI Example
47 3-Tier JDBC Example Using CORBA
48 JDBC Example using CORBA
49 Using JDBC-ODBC Bridge
50 Accessing a Desktop Database
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