Oracle8i Administrator's Reference
Release 2 (8.1.6) for Sun SPARC Solaris






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Configuring Net8

Supplementary Documentation

The following documents provide a full discussion of Net8 features:

Supplementary Information in README Files

Table 5-1 shows the location of README files for various bundled products. The README files describe changes since the last release.

Table 5-1 Location of README Files for Oracle Products
Product  README File 



Advanced Security Option 


Oracle Intelligent Agent 


Core Net8 Products and Features

See Also:

Sample configuration files can be found in the Net8 Administrator's Guide

Net8 Files and Utilities

Location of Net8 Configuration Files

The default directory for Net8 configuration files is /var/opt/oracle on Solaris.

Net8 searches for global files in the following order:

  1. The directory specified by the environment variable, TNS_ADMIN, if set.

  2. The /var/opt/oracle directory.

  3. $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.

If your files are not in the default directory, use the TNS_ADMIN environment variable in the startup files of all network users to specify a different location:

For the C shell, enter:

% setenv TNS_ADMIN directory_name

For Bourne or Korn shell, enter:

$ TNS_ADMIN=directory_path 
$ export TNS_ADMIN

For each system level configuration file, users may have a corresponding local private configuration file (stored in the user's home directory). The settings in the private file override the settings in the system level file. The private configuration file for sqlnet.ora is $HOME/.sqlnet.ora. The private configuration file for tnsnames.ora is $HOME/.tnsnames.ora. Syntax for these files is identical to that of the corresponding system files.

Sample Configuration Files

Examples of the cman.ora, listner.ora, names.ora, sqlnet.ora, and tnsnames.ora configuration files are located in

The adapters Utility

Net8 provides support for various network protocols and naming methods. They are linked into particular executables and provide the interface between network protocols and Net8. To display installed Net8 protocols, enter:

$ adapters

To display adapters linked with a specific executable, enter:

$ adapters executable

For example, the following command displays the Net8 protocols linked with the oracle executable:

$ adapters oracle
Net8 Protocol Adapters linked with oracle are:
BEQ Protocol Adapter
IPC Protocol Adapter
TCP/IP Protocol Adapter
RAW Protocol Adapter
Net8 Naming Adapters linked with oracle are:
Oracle TNS Naming Adapter
Oracle Naming Adapter
Oracle Advanced Security/Networking Security products linked with oracle are:

Oracle Connection Manager

See Also:

For information on the Oracle Connection Manager, see the Net8 Administrator's Guide.

Multi-Threaded Server

See Also:

For information on the Multi-Threaded Server, see the Net8 Administrator's Guide and Oracle8i Administrator's Guide.

Oracle Names

See Also:

For information on Oracle Names, see the Net8 Administrator's Guide.

Net8 Configuration Assistant

Oracle Java Runtime Environment is installed with Net8 Assistant
($ORACLE_HOME/bin/netasst). When the Net8 Assistant command script is executed, the JAVA command script supplied with JRE is called explicitly, regardless of other Java installations on the system.

See Also:

For information on the Net8 Assistant, see the Net8 Administrator's Guide

Net8 Protocol Support

The supported protocols for Net8 version 8.1.6 on Solaris are BEQ protocol, IPC protocol, RAW protocol, TCP/IP protocol, SPX/IPX protocol, APPC/LU6.2 protocol.

Before installing the TCP/IP, APPC/LU6.2, or SPX/IPX protocols, the appropriate operating system software must be installed and configured. Refer to Oracle8i Installation Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris for requirements details. The BEQ and IPC Net8 protocols do not have any specific operating system requirements.

ADDRESS Specification

The IPC, TCP/IP, APPC/LU6.2, and SPX/IPX Net8 protocols each have a protocol-specific ADDRESS specification that is used for Net8 configuration files and for the MTS_LISTENER_ADDRESS database initialization parameter in the initsid.ora file. See the ADDRESS specification heading under each protocol section in this chapter for details.

Table 5-2 shows a summary of ADDRESS specifications for each protocol.

Table 5-2 ADDRESS Specification Summary
Supported Protocol  ADDRESS Specification 


(PROGRAM = ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle)
(ARGV0 = oracleORACLE_SID)











The BEQ Protocol

The BEQ protocol is both a communications mechanism and a process-spawning mechanism. It requires that the client and server be on the same machine. If a net service name is not specified, either directly by the user on the command line or the Login screen or indirectly through an environment variable such as TWO_TASK, then the BEQ protocol is used. In which case, a dedicated server will always be used, and the multi-threaded server is never used. This dedicated server is started automatically by the BEQ protocol, which waits for the server process to start and attach to an existing SGA. If the startup of the server process is successful, the BEQ protocol then provides inter-process communication via UNIX pipes.

An important feature of the BEQ protocol is that no listener is required for its operation, since the protocol is linked into the client tools and directly starts its own server process with no outside interaction. However, the BEQ protocol can only be used when the client program and Oracle8i reside on the same machine. The BEQ protocol is always installed and always linked to all client tools and to the Oracle8i server.

Specifying a BEQ ADDRESS

The BEQ protocol connection parameters are part of the ADDRESS keyword-value pair. You can enter the parameters in any order.


(PROGRAM = ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle)
(ARGV0 = oracleORACLE_SID)

Syntax for BEQ protocol connection parameters is described in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3 Syntax for BEQ Protocol Connection Parameters


Specifies the protocol to be used
The value is beq and may be specified in either uppercase or lowercase. 


The full path to the oracle executable 


The name of the process as it appears in a ps listing. The recommended value is oracleORACLE_SID. 




Environment specification where ORACLE_HOME is the full path to the ORACLE_HOME directory of the database to connect, and ORACLE_SID is the system identifier of the database to connect. 

Example 5-1 BEQ ADDRESS Specifying a Client

The following is an example of a BEQ ADDRESS:


(PROGRAM = /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/bin/oracle)
(ARGV0 = oracleV815)
(ENVS = 'ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6,ORACLE_SID=V815')

The ADDRESS is commonly part of a larger construct such as a connect descriptor or configuration file.

The IPC Protocol

The IPC protocol is similar to the BEQ protocol in that it can only be used when the client program and the Oracle8i server reside on the same machine. The IPC protocol differs from the BEQ protocol in that it can be used with dedicated server and multi-threaded server configurations. The IPC protocol requires a listener for its operation. The IPC protocol is always installed and always linked to all client tools and to Oracle8i.

For the IPC protocol, the location of the UNIX Domain Socket (IPC) file on UNIX systems changed after Oracle7 r7.1. Thus, if you have Oracle7 r7.1 installed on the same machine as Oracle8i and you attempt to make an IPC connection between the two instances, the connection may fail. The solution to this problem is to make a symbolic link between the directory where the IPC file used to be (/var/tmp/o) and where it now resides (/var/tmp/.oracle).

Specifying an IPC ADDRESS

The IPC protocol connection parameters are part of the ADDRESS keyword-value pair. You can enter the parameters in any order.



Syntax for IPC protocol connection parameters is described in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 Syntax for IPC Protocol Connection Parameters


Specifies that the IPC protocol is to be used
The value is ipc and may be specified in either uppercase or lowercase. 


Service name of database or database identifier (ORACLE_SID). 

Example 5-2 IPC ADDRESS Specifying a Client

The following is an example of an IPC ADDRESS:



The ADDRESS is commonly part of a larger construct such as a connect descriptor or configuration file.

The RAW Protocol

When data is transferred between a client and a server, Net8 adds its own header information to every packet (a block of information sent over the network). Through the Raw Transport feature, Net8 can now minimize header information on each packet going over the network.

After the connection is established, two types of information flow over the network: data and break handling. The connection packets need the Net8 header information to establish the connection correctly. However, after the connection is established, all data packets are stripped of their Net8 header information and passed directly to the operating system, bypassing Net8's network and protocol layers. The performance of the connection is increased because of fewer protocol stack layers for the data to flow through and fewer bytes that are transmitted over the network.

This feature is transparently turned on when it is appropriate. That is, if no existing features require that header information be transmitted, the headers are stripped off. For example, encryption and authentication require certain information to be sent along with each packet of information, so Raw Transport would not be enabled.

This feature requires no configuration. Net8 determines if the conditions are met and then transparently switches to Raw Transport mode.

The TCP/IP Protocol

Oracle Corporation recommends that you reserve a port for your listener in the /etc/services file of each node on the network that defines the listener port. The port is commonly 1521. The entry list and the listener name and the port number; for example:

listener     1521/tcp

where listener is the name of the listener, as defined in listener.ora.

Reserve more than one port to start more than one listener.

Specifying a TCP/IP ADDRESS

The TCP/IP protocol connection parameters are part of the ADDRESS keyword-value pair. You can enter the three parameters in any order.



Syntax for TCP/IP protocol connection parameters is described in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 Syntax for TCP/IP Protocol Connection Parameters


Specifies the protocol to be used
The value can be uppercase or lowercase. The default is tcp


The host name or the host IP address 


The TCP/IP port. Either a number or the name specified in the /etc/services file. Oracle Corporation recommends a value of 1521. 

Example 5-3 TCP/IP ADDRESS Specifying a Client

Following is an example of the TCP/IP ADDRESS specifying a client on the MADRID host:



The last field could be specified by name, for example, (PORT=listener). The ADDRESS is commonly part of a larger construct such as a connect descriptor or configuration file.

The SPX/IPX Protocol

Oracle SPX/IPX protocol support provides a transparent, two-task communications interface between Oracle8i and client applications running on DOS, UNIX, OS/2, or Novell Netware OS.

The ntisbsdm Broadcast Daemon

A client uses a name and translates the name into an SPX address to identify a server and communicate with it. The netware bindery is a directory service that provides the translation mechanism. When a server is registered with the bindery, it periodically notifies the bindery of its address. This is done using the Server Advertising Protocol (SAP).

The server broadcasts a SAP packet in an IPX datagram every 60 seconds. This SAP packet contains all relevant addressing information. Any client can then query its nearest server for the address of the required server.

The Oracle SPX/IPX protocol broadcasts using the ntisbsdm broadcast daemon in $ORACLE_HOME/bin. The ntspxctl utility starts and stops ntisbsdm.

The ntspxctl Utility

The ntspxctl utility contains functions to register and remove names, and to query a bindery. It can also be used to stop and start the broadcast daemon. (The listener automatically uses the daemon to register service names in use.)

Example 5-4 demonstrates several uses of the ntspxctl utility.

Example 5-4 Using the ntspxctl Utility

The ntspxctl utility reads commands from the command line. If parameters are missing, it prompts for them.

To start ntspxctl, enter:

$ ntspxctl

Output similar to the following is displayed:

ntspxctl: Version - on
Fri Jul 3 11:43:50 1998

To start the broadcast daemon, enter:

ntspxctl> startup

Output similar to the following is displayed:

ntisbsdm started at Fri Jul 3 11:43:47 1998

A system message is displayed if the daemon has already been started.

Startup of the broadcast daemon should be automated, so it is always started when the machine is started. Automate daemon startup by adding an entry to the /etc/inittab file. For example, to start the ntisbsdm on system startup add the following line to /etc/inittab:

ntspxctl:2:once:/u/oracle/bin/ntisbsdm &

where /u/oracle is the full path to $ORACLE_HOME.

To register a name for testing, enter register and the server name. For example:

ntspxctl> register YYY

This creates a socket owned by ntisbsdm, and registers it.

A message similar to the following is displayed:

Name YYY successfully registered
YYY address 00eee045:000000000001:4454

To check the status of ntisbsdm, enter:

ntspxctl> status


ntspxctl> summary

A message similar to the following is displayed:

ntisbsdm started at Fri Jul 3 11:43:47 1998
Tracing is off
Pid: 14784 YYY

SPX/IPX Protocol Command Summary

Table 5-6 shows the help command summary for the SPX/IPX protocol.

Table 5-6 help Command Summary

register name 

Register entry. 

remove name 

Remove entry. 

shutdown [force] 

Shut down ntisbsdm


Get status summary. 


Activate trace. 


Deactivate trace. 


Get full status. 

getname name | hex_number  

Query name services. 


Exit program. 

help [command] 

Print command information. 


Shell escape. 

The getname Command

The getname command asks the Novell system for names. It does not involve the broadcast daemon.


getname name servicetype

A message similar to the following is displayed:

getname name servicetype (address number_of_hops)

The syntax for the getname command is explained in Table 5-7.

Table 5-7 Syntax for the getname Command


The name you entered. 


A number assigned by Novell. Oracle has the number 103. 


The address of the name you entered. 


The number of hops to the destination, displayed in hexadecimal. The value 10 means the name is deregistered. If SAP queries are not supported, the value is 0000. 

To see all possible names, enter:

getname * *

Example 5-5 shows names obtained using the getname command.

Example 5-5 Using the getname Command

ntspxctl> getname YYY *
YYY  servertype x0103 address 00eee045:000000000001:
    4465 hops 0000
ntspxctl> getname * 103
LSNR servertype x0103 address 00eee053:000000000001:
    502c hops 0000
IBM6 servertype x0103 address 00eee058:000000000001:
    507f hops 0000
DESK servertype x0004 address 00eee055:000000000001:
    5451 hops 0000
DESK servertype x0107 address 00eee055:000000000001:
    5104 hops 0000
CXY4 servertype x009e address 00eee055:000000000001:
    5063 hops 0000
IBM2 servertype x0004 address 00eee057:000000000001:
    5451 hops 0000

To stop ntisbsdm, enter:

ntspxctl> shutdown

The daemon will not be stopped if names are still registered. A message similar to the following is displayed:

1 names are registered
ntisbsdm not stopped

To remove a name, enter remove and the name. Following is an example for the name YYY:

ntspxctl> remove YYY

A message similar to the following is displayed:

Name xxx removed.
ntspxctl> shutdown
ntisbsdm stopped

To force a stop, enter:

ntspxctl> shutdown force

A message similar to the following is displayed:

ntisbsdm stopped

Specifying the SPX/IPX ADDRESS

After the SPX/IPX protocol and Oracle SPX/IPX protocol are installed on your system, you can use the SPX/IPX parameters with the TNS connect descriptors to identify SPX/IPX community nodes.

The SPX/IPX protocol parameters are part of the ADDRESS keyword-value pairs.



Table 5-8 explains the syntax for the SPX/IPX protocol connection.

Table 5-8 Syntax for SPX/IPX Protocol Connection


Specifies the protocol name. For SPX/IPX, the value is spx


A unique name (up to 30 characters) identifying an application on the network. The service is named during startup and is available to the entire network. Client references to the service are made using lookup in the bindery, a network directory. 

Example 5-6 shows an SPX/IPX ADDRESS specifying service MAILDB1 on a remote server.

Example 5-6 SPX/IPX Protocol Connection



This ADDRESS is commonly part of a larger construct such as a connect descriptor or configuration file.

The APPC/LU6.2 Protocol

The Oracle APPC/LU6.2 protocol is available on networks that use LU6.2 services for communication between Oracle programs. For example, APPC/LU6.2 allows TNS applications to use API as a standard interface.

Figure 5-1 shows the communication layers between Oracle programs using the LU6.2 communications services and the Oracle APPC/LU6.2 protocol:

Figure 5-1 Communication Layers between Oracle programs and LU6.2

Solaris 2.x-Specific Listener

Solaris 2.x does not support the generic listener. To bring up the listener on the server side, run the ntllsnr command.

ntllsnr start|stop -l luname -t tpname -m modename

Syntax for the ntllsnr command is explained in Table 5-9.

Table 5-9 Syntax for the ntllsnr Command


in tnsnames.ora, this specifies the name for the remote partner LU. When this keyword appears in listener.ora, it specifies the name of the local LU. LU_NAME can be ignored on many platforms or overridden by the values in other parameters. Due to the requirements of some APPC/LU6.2 implementations, luname should always specify the fully qualified LU_NAME (that is, netid.luname).  


specifies the name of the transaction program to run at the target or the transaction program name to use when listening for incoming connection requests. 


Defines the characteristics of sessions between logical units. The mode, along with the partner LU and the transaction program name, is specified in the ALLOCATE segments. The modename must be common to both the local and partner LU. 

Specifying an APPC/LU6.2 ADDRESS

The APPC/LU6.2 protocol parameters are defined in a connect descriptor for each node. Each connect descriptor contains several keyword=value pairs. The APPC/LU6.2-specific keywords can be entered in any order within the connect descriptor.



The syntax for the APPC/LU6.2 protocol connection is described in Table 5-10.

Table 5-10 Syntax for the APPC/LU6.2 Protocol


Specifies the protocol to be used. The value can be uppercase or lowercase. For APPC/LU6.2, the value is lu62. 


Specifies the name of the transaction program to run at the target or the transaction program name to use when listening for incoming connection requests. This value is required. 


With reference to tnsnames.ora, it specifies the name for the remote partner LU. When this keyword appears in listener.ora, it specifies the name of the local LU.
LU_NAME can be ignored on many platforms or overridden by the values in other parameters. Due to the requirements of some APPC/LU6.2 implementations,
LU_NAME should always specify the fully qualified
LU_NAME (that is, netid.lu_name). 


Defines the characteristics of sessions between logical units. The mode, along with the partner LU and the transaction program name, is specified in the ALLOCATE segments. The modename must be common to both the local and partner LU. This value is required. 


Specifies the name of the partner LU. This value is required on Solaris, and can be set to the TP_NAME. 

Net8 Naming Support

For details on configuring the NIS Naming Support, see the Net8 Administrator's Guide.

Oracle Enterprise Manager

Agent Service Discovery and Auto-Configuration

The Oracle Intelligent Agent requires no configuration, unless you want to integrate it with a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) system (see "Configuring Oracle Intelligent Agent for Oracle SNMP".)

See Also:

For information on Oracle Names and the Net8 Assistant, see the Net8 Administrator's Guide

Debugging Tcl Scripts

The executable oratclsh is provided for debugging your Tcl scripts. Before executing oratclsh, set the environment variable TCL_LIBRARY to point to $ORACLE_HOME/network/agent/tcl.

See Also:

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Developer's Guide for additional details. 

Configuring Oracle Intelligent Agent for Oracle SNMP

Although Oracle Intelligent Agent does not require Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to work, Oracle SNMP support can be configured before starting the Intelligent Agent. Note that all the configuration files for the following steps are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/snmp/peer directory.

Configure Master Agent

In the CONFIG.master file, make the following change:

  1. Search for the line beginning with MANAGER.

  2. Change the ipaddr field, coded as, to the IP address or hostname of the machine where you want SNMP trap messages sent.

You can also make other changes to the CONFIG.master file as documented within the file.

Configure the Encapsulator

  1. Add the following line to the snmpd.conf file:

trap hostname_or_IP_address

Verify start_peer Script

The start_peer script contains a line like the following:

SNMPD = snmpd_executable_path

If the snmpd executable on your system is not in the location indicated by the start_peer script, edit snmpd_executable_path to the correct location of the snmpd executable.

Start the SNMP Components

Perform the following steps to start the SNMP components:

  1. Verify that the SNMP components, master_peer, encap_peer, and snmpd, are not running:

    $ ps -aef | grep peer
    $ ps -aef | grep snmp

      If any of the components are running, log in as the root user and use the kill command to terminate the processes before proceeding.

    • As the root user, run the start_peer script to start the PEER master agent, PEER encapsulator, and native Sun SPARC Solaris SNMP agent:

    # cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/snmp/peer
    # ./start_peer -a


    If you do not have the native Sun SPARC Solaris SNMP agent on your system, you must not use the PEER encapsulator. To start the master agent only, run start_peer -m

  2. Verify that the SNMP components are running:

    # ps -aef | grep peer # ps -aef | grep snmp

    Configure and Start the Database Subagent

    Configuration and startup of the database subagent (the Oracle Intelligent Agent) is described in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide.

    Oracle Advanced Security

    .bak Files

    During Oracle Advanced Security installation, three.bak files are created: naeet.o.bak, naect.o.bak, and naedhs.o.bak. They are located in $ORACLE_HOME/lib. These files are required for relinking during Oracle Advanced Security de-install and should not be deleted.

    Security and Single Sign-On

    For more information about details on configuring Security and Single Sign-On, see the Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide.

    DCE Integration

    For details on configuring DCE Integration, see the Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide.

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