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public class BrowserViewer
extends Viewer

Variable Index

 o activeKeymaps
 o keyMappings
 o keys

Constructor Index

 o BrowserViewer()

Method Index

 o clearBitInKeys(int)
 o clearBitInKeys(IntIntHashtable, int)
 o frameUpdate(View, long)
 o getCurrentSpeed()
Get the speed at which the viewer is currently moving (this is not in general the same as the value set with setViewerSpeed()).
 o getKeyFunction(int)
 o getKeyFunction(IntIntHashtable, int)
Return the function index for a key, or -1 if the key is unmapped.
 o keyDown(View3D, Event)
 o keyUp(View3D, Event)
 o mapKey(int, int)
Map a key to a viewer function.
 o mapKey(IntIntHashtable, int, int)
 o mouseDown(View3D, Event, float, float)
 o mouseDrag(View3D, Event, float, float)
 o mouseEnter(View3D, Event, float, float)
 o mouseExit(View3D, Event, float, float)
 o mouseMove(View3D, Event, float, float)
 o mouseUp(View3D, Event, float, float)
 o pointerDown(View3D, float, float)
 o pointerDrag(View3D, float, float)
 o pointerExit(View3D, float, float)
 o pointerMove(View3D, float, float)
 o pointerUp(View3D, float, float)
 o processView3DEvent(View3D, Event, float, float, boolean)
 o pushKeymap(IntIntHashtable)
 o resetKeymapStack()
 o setBitInKeys(int)
 o setBitInKeys(IntIntHashtable, int)
 o setViewerSpeed(float)
Set the viewer speed.


 o keyMappings
  protected IntIntHashtable keyMappings
 o activeKeymaps
  protected List activeKeymaps
 o keys
  protected int keys


 o BrowserViewer
  public BrowserViewer()


 o mapKey
  public void mapKey(int key,
                     int function)
Map a key to a viewer function. Viewer functions are defined in the specific viewers.
 o mapKey
  public void mapKey(IntIntHashtable keymap,
                     int key,
                     int function)
 o setBitInKeys
  public boolean setBitInKeys(int key)
 o setBitInKeys
  public boolean setBitInKeys(IntIntHashtable keymap,
                              int key)
 o clearBitInKeys
  public boolean clearBitInKeys(int key)
 o clearBitInKeys
  public boolean clearBitInKeys(IntIntHashtable keymap,
                                int key)
 o resetKeymapStack
  public void resetKeymapStack()
 o pushKeymap
  public void pushKeymap(IntIntHashtable keymap)
 o getKeyFunction
  public int getKeyFunction(int key)
 o getKeyFunction
  public int getKeyFunction(IntIntHashtable keymap,
                            int key)
Return the function index for a key, or -1 if the key is unmapped.
 o processView3DEvent
  public boolean processView3DEvent(View3D view,
                                    Event e,
                                    float x,
                                    float y,
                                    boolean forSensors)
processView3DEvent in class Viewer
 o mouseDown
  public synchronized boolean mouseDown(View3D view,
                                        Event e,
                                        float x,
                                        float y)
 o mouseDrag
  public synchronized boolean mouseDrag(View3D view,
                                        Event e,
                                        float x,
                                        float y)
 o mouseUp
  public synchronized boolean mouseUp(View3D view,
                                      Event e,
                                      float x,
                                      float y)
 o mouseMove
  public synchronized boolean mouseMove(View3D view,
                                        Event e,
                                        float x,
                                        float y)
 o mouseEnter
  public synchronized boolean mouseEnter(View3D view,
                                         Event e,
                                         float x,
                                         float y)
 o mouseExit
  public synchronized boolean mouseExit(View3D view,
                                        Event e,
                                        float x,
                                        float y)
 o keyDown
  public synchronized boolean keyDown(View3D view,
                                      Event e)
 o keyUp
  public synchronized boolean keyUp(View3D view,
                                    Event e)
 o pointerDown
  public synchronized boolean pointerDown(View3D view,
                                          float x,
                                          float y)
 o pointerUp
  public synchronized boolean pointerUp(View3D view,
                                        float x,
                                        float y)
 o pointerDrag
  public synchronized boolean pointerDrag(View3D view,
                                          float x,
                                          float y)
 o pointerMove
  public synchronized void pointerMove(View3D view,
                                       float x,
                                       float y)
 o pointerExit
  public synchronized void pointerExit(View3D view,
                                       float x,
                                       float y)
 o frameUpdate
  public synchronized void frameUpdate(View v,
                                       long when)
 o setViewerSpeed
  public void setViewerSpeed(float speed)
Set the viewer speed.
 o getCurrentSpeed
  public float getCurrentSpeed()
Get the speed at which the viewer is currently moving (this is not in general the same as the value set with setViewerSpeed()).

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