

This page includes the links to the papers and presentations.


Upload of new documents

  1. The document archive is located on rivanna. For papers they need to be uploaded to

    • /project/bii_dsc/www/infomall/publications

    For presentations, they need to be uploaded to

    • /project/bii_dsc/www/infomall/presentations
  2. After the upload the paper needs to be added to google drive paper list at A presentation need to be added to google drive presentation list

  3. After the papers have been uploaded, Gregor von Laszewski will update the html page that si generated while downloading the paper and html pages as html files from google. The resulting html page needs to be renamed to index.html and uploaded into the directory on rivanna that hod the presentation and publication directories.


Last modified March 27, 2023: update links (eaee083)