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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Call for Participation

This year’s conference will feature paper presentations, workshops, tutorials, exhibits, and an industrial track.

Submission Deadlines:

  • Exhibits, Demos, and Posters (extended deadline): October 21, 2008

Downloads to print and share with colleagues:

For information about submissions, including requirements and important dates:

Topics of interest concerning e-Science and grid computing include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Application development environments
  • Autonomic, real-time, and self-organizing grids
  • Cloud computing and storage
  • Collaborative science models and techniques
  • Enabling technologies: Internet and Web services
  • e-Science for applications including physics, biology, astronomy, chemistry, finance, engineering, and the humanities
  • Grid economy and business models
  • Problem-solving environments
  • Programming paradigms and models
  • Resource management and scheduling
  • Security challenges for grids and e-Science
  • Sensor networks and environmental observatories
  • Service-oriented grid architectures
  • Virtual instruments and data access management
  • Virtualization for technical computing
  • Web 2.0 technology and services for e-Science

More Information

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