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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Workshops & Special Sessions

International Grid Interoperability and Interoperation Workshop 2008 (IGIIW 2008)

Modeling and Evaluating Interoperable Grid Systems

Presenters and Authors
  • Ivan Rodero
  • Francesc Guim
  • Julita Corbalan

Grid resource management tools have evolved from manual discovery and job submission to sophisticated brokering solutions. User requirements have created certain properties that resource managers have learned to support. This development is still continuing, and users already find it difficult to distinguish brokers and to migrate their applications when they move to a different grid. Moreover, new architectures are continuously being proposed, such as multisite and interoperable grid systems. This paper presents the Alvio simulation framework which is designed to evaluate job scheduling strategies in complex HPC infrastructures. The main contribution of this simulator is that it allows modeling from local systems to interoperable grid scenarios. We also present an evaluation of multi-site and grid interoperable systems which shows the effect of job forwarding between different brokers.

Date and Time

Tuesday, December 9, 8:35–9 a.m.

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