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e-Science 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

Workshops & Special Sessions

International Grid Interoperability and Interoperation Workshop 2008 (IGIIW 2008)


  • Morris Riedel, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany


Significant international and broader interdisciplinary research is increasingly carried out by global collaborations that use next generation infrastructures such as Grids as a base to enable enhanced science (e-science). Many e-science applications take advantage of these infrastructures to simulate phenomena related to a specific scientific or engineering domain on advanced (parallel) computer architectures. In addition, more and more commercial players adopt the concepts of next generation infrastructures to enable new kinds of economic applications and flexible resource usage models.

More recently, increasing complexity of e-science applications that embrace multiple physical models (i.e. multi-physics) and consider a larger range of scales (i.e. multi-scale) is creating a steadily growing demand of compute power and storage capabilities. This leads to the demand of world-wide interoperable infrastructures that allow for new innovative types of e-science by using, for example, high throughput computing (HTC) infrastructures and high performance computing (HPC) resources together for complex e-science application workflows. Thus the only option left to satisfy increasing e-science application demands is to harness a united federation of world-wide Grids, which provides access to different kinds of resources and services.

The workshop will discuss the interoperability and interoperation aspects of current Grid and Web technologies, production Grids in general, and the interoperability through emerging open standards and well designed interfaces in particular. In the context of this workshop, the difference between interoperability and interoperation is as follows: Interoperation is specifically defined as what needs to be done to get production Grids (e.g. DEISA, EGEE, TeraGrid) to work together as a fast short-term achievement using as much existing technologies as available today. Hence, this is not the perfect solution and different than interoperability that is defined as the native ability of Grids and Grid middleware (UNICORE, gLite, Globus Toolkit, and others) to interact directly via well defined interfaces and common open standards. This will enable cross-Grid use cases and applications from a growing range of domains in industry and science, taking also recent technologies such as Clouds or Web 2.0 into account.

Date and Time

Tuesday, December 9, 8 a.m.–Noon


8–8:10 a.m.
Welcome and short IGIIW 2007 Reflection
Morris Riedel
TALK TOPICS: Interoperability in General
8:10–8:35 a.m.
Invited Talk: To be confirmed
8:35–9 a.m.
Talk 1: Modeling and Evaluating Interoperable Grid Systems
Ivan Rodero; Francesc Guim; Julita Corbalan
9:00–9:25 a.m.
Talk 2: Integration of GridFTP as an Alternative File Transfer in UNICORE for the DEISA Infrastructure
Michael Rambadt; Andrea Vanni; Ralph Niederberger
TALK TOPICS: Interoperability of Infrastructures and middleware
9:35–10 a.m.
Talk 3: Towards making BOINC and EGEE interoperable
P. Kacsuk; Z. Farkas; G. Fedak
10–10:25 a.m.
Talk 4: Interoperability between ARC and gLite—understanding the grid-job life cycle
M. Grønager; D. Johansson; J. Kleist; C. Søttrup; A. Wäänänen; L. Field; D. Qing; K. Happonen; T. Linden
10:25–10:50 a.m.
Talk 5: Cross-Domain Middlewares Interoperability for Distributed Aircraft Design Optimization
Yongjian Wang; D’Ippolito Roberto; Mike Boniface; Depei Qian; Degang Cui; Jiyun Jiang
10:50–11 a.m.
TALK TOPICS: Interoperability of Information services and models
11–11:25 a.m.
Talk 6: Functional Analysis and Architecture for Interoperable and DVO-specific Grid Monitoring Services
Timo Baur
11:25–11:50 a.m.
Talk 7: Grid Information System Interoperability: The Need For A Common Information Model
Laurence Field; Sergio Andreozzi; Balazs Konya
11:50 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Workshop Closing
Morris Riedel

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