Indiana University



Polar Grid cyberinfrastructure consists of ruggedized laptops and clusters deployed in the field in the polar regions, and two large-scale clusters for detailed data analysis in the US: a 17-teraflop cluster installed at IU, and a 5-teraflop cluster at partner institution Elizabeth City State University (ECSU). It supports expeditions with light weight field system including both hardware and software system support, then perform offline processing at Kansas, Indiana, and ECSU. Indiana and ECSU facilities and initial field work funded by NSF PolarGrid MRI is now essentially completed, initial basic processing to Level 1B, extension to L3 with image processing and data exploration environment. Data is archived at National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). 

IUKB: Completed project: Polar Grid - Cyberinfrastructure for Polar Science

PolarGrid Hardware2

PolarGrid Hardware 1