Indiana University


Education and Outreach

Cloudy View of Computing Workshop and Summer REU

Cloudy View of Computing

This was built around a MapReduce bootcamp held from June 6-10 2011 at ECSU and used FutureGrid. It covered parallel and distributed processing including MapReduce programming with CReSIS applications. The course was taught by ECSU graduate Jerome Mitchell who then obtained his Masters at Kansas with CReSIS and is now in the PhD program at Indiana University. 10 HBCU faculty and students attended and expect to put MapReduce and/or Clouds into their research and education offerings. This workshop was prepared by Fox and Mitchell speaking at ADMI events in December 2010 (board meeting ECSU) and April 2011 (annual meeting Clemson).

The workshop made use of classes,, taught last academic year at Indiana University by faculty Judy Qiu, which were attended by Mitchell. Qiu leads the HBCU summer REU program that focuses on Cyberinfrastructure and Polar Science. Nine ADMI (including ECSU) HBCU undergraduates spent the 2010 summer at Indiana University in the summer REU program and 11 just completed their 2011 summer research at Indiana University.