FAQ: How to use Nimbus in FutureGrid machines

Following the Nimbus tutorial http://archive.futuregrid.org/tutorials/nimbus, in the section "Obtain Your Nimbus Credentials and Configuration Files" you uncompress the configuration files.

A) So, there is two ways to use a different machine:

  1. Make it permanent: if you want to use Alamo instead of Hotel (this also works for Sierra), you need to go to the directory nimbus-cloud-client-021/conf/ and delete the symbolic link called cloud.properties (rm cloud.properties) then you recreate the link pointing out to alamo.conf file (ln -s alamo.conf cloud.properties).
  2. Temporal solution. Specify the config file with the cloud-client.sh command. You need to use the option --conf:
    ./nimbus-cloud-client-021/bin/cloud-client.sh --conf ./nimbus-cloud-client-021/conf/alamo.conf

B) Now, you can do that directly from Hotel. However, if for some reason you want to do it from Alamo (or any other machine) you need to do some steps before:

  1. Copy your nimbus_creds.tar.gz file from Hotel to Alamo (this is also valid for Sierra).
  2. Log into Alamo.
  3. Follow the Nimbus tutorial, sections "Download and install cloud-client" and "Obtain Your Nimbus Credentials and Configuration Files".
  4. Create a .nimbus directory in your home (mkdir ~/.nimbus) and copy your certs to this directory (cp ./nimbus-cloud-client-021/conf/usercert.pem ./nimbus-cloud-client-021/conf/userkey.pem ~/.nimbus).
  5. Do A).