I only have .ppk file not .pem. How do I log in?

private key ".pem"

Submitted by najins on Tue, 31 Jul 2012, 15:12:45 GMT.
I only have .ppk file not .pem. How do I log in?

see FAQ page of Day 2 tutorial

Submitted by taklwu on Tue, 31 Jul 2012, 16:22:17 GMT.
For more detail about Day 2 tutorial problems, please see FAQ page here: http://archive.futuregrid.org/forums/fg-class-and-tutorial-forums/summer...

The ppk file is the one you

Submitted by jdiaz on Tue, 31 Jul 2012, 16:19:35 GMT.
The ppk file is the one you use to ssh into FutureGrid machines. On the other hand, the .pem file is the key that you need to create using euca-add-keypairs.