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Usage Report hotel

  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Hostname: hotel.futuregrid.org
  • Services: nimbus
  • Metrics: VMs count, Users count, Wall time (hours), Distribution by wall time, project, project leader, and institution, and systems


Summary (Monthly)

Average Monthly Usage Data (Wall time, Launched VMs, Users)
Figure 1: Average monthly usage data (wall time (hour), launched VMs, users)
This mixed chart represents average monthly usage as to wall time (hour), the number of VM instances and active users.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014

  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus

  • Hostname: hotel

  • Metric:
    • Runtime (Wall time hours): Sum of time elapsed from launch to termination of VM instances
    • Count (VM count): The number of launched VM instances
    • User count (Active): The number of users who launched VMs

Summary (Daily)

Users count (daily)
Figure 2: Users count
This time series chart represents daily active user count for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel
VMs count (daily)
Figure 3: VMs count
This time series chart represents the number of daily launched VM instances for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel
Wall time (hours, daily)
Figure 4: Wall time (hours)
This time series chart represents daily wall time (hours) for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel


VM count by wall time
Figure 5: VM count by wall time
This chart illustrates usage patterns of VM instances in terms of running wall time.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel
VMs count by project
Figure 6: VMs count by project
This chart illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by project groups. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel
VMs count by project
Project Value
fg-54:Investigating cloud computing as a solution for analyzing particle physics data 821
fg-224:Nimbus Auto Scale 254
fg-97:FutureGrid and Grid‘5000 Collaboration 239
fg-172:Cloud-TM 147
fg-82:FG General Software Development 67
fg-314:User-friendly tools to play with cloud platforms 8
fg-239:Community Comparison of Cloud frameworks 7
fg-175:GridProphet, A workflow execution time prediction system for the Grid 6
fg-213:Course: Cloud Computing class - second edition 5
fg-9:Distributed Execution of Kepler Scientific Workflow on Future Grid 4
fg-150:SC11: Using and Building Infrastructure Clouds for Science 3
fg-371:Characterizing Infrastructure Cloud Performance for Scientific Computing 3
fg-374:Course: Cloud and Distributed Computing 3
fg-298:FRIEDA: Flexible Robust Intelligent Elastic Data Management 2
fg-165:The VIEW Project 2
fg-10:TeraGrid XD TIS(Technology Insertion Service) Technology Evaluation Laboratory 2
fg-362:Course: Cloud Computing and Storage (UF) 1
fg-401:Evaluation of HPC Applications on Cloud Resources 1
VMs count by project leader
Figure 7: VMs count by project leader
This chart also illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by project Leader. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel
VMs count by project leader
Projectleader Value
Randall Sobie 821
Pierre Riteau 254
Mauricio Tsugawa 239
Paolo Romano 147
Gregor von Laszewski 67
Massimo Canonico 13
Yong Zhao 7
Thomas Fahringer 6
Ilkay Altintas 4
Philip Rhodes 3
John Bresnahan 3
Theron Voran 3
Shiyong Lu 2
Lavanya Ramakrishnan 2
John Lockman 2
Brock Palen 1
Andy Li 1
VMs count by institution
Figure 8: VMs count by institution
This chart illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by Institution. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel
VMs count by institution
Institution Value
University of Victoria 821
University of Chicago 254
University of Florida 239
Indiana University 67
University of Piemonte Orientale, Computer Science Department 8
University of Electronic Science and Technology 7
University of Innsbruck 6
University of Piemonte Orientale 5
Nimbus 3
University of Colorado at Boulder, Computer Science Department 3
University of Mississippi, Department of Computer Science 3
University of Texas at Austin 2
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 2
Wayne State University 2
U of Michigan / Xsede, CAEN HPC 1
University of Florida, Department of Electrical and Computer Eng 1
Wall time (hours) by project leader
Figure 9: Wall time (hours) by project leader
This chart illustrates proportionate total run times by project leader.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel

System information

System information shows utilization distribution as to VMs count and wall time. Each cluster represents a compute node.

VMs count by systems in Cluster (hotel)
Figure 10: VMs count by systems (compute nodes) in Cluster (hotel)
This column chart represents VMs count among systems.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel
Wall time (hours) by systems in Cluster (hotel)
Figure 11: Wall time (hours) by systems (compute nodes) in Cluster (hotel)
This column chart represents wall time among systems.
  • Period: January 01 – March 31, 2014
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus
  • Hostname: hotel