Quarterly. Up to 3 pages per CTA/PEI. For each project provide
Project Title, Project Objective, Accomplishments (during current quarter),
Projectioned Accomplishments (for next quarter). For each CTA/PEI
provide a short paragraph description of any outreach, new ventures, consulting,
or collaborative assistance that you have provided this quarter. List publications
and presentations at conferences/workshops sponsored in whole or in part
Submitted 21 Dec 98 for Oct-Dec 98 period
Submitted 12 Apr 99 for Jan-Mar 99 period
Monthly. Due by 3rd Friday of each calendar month for the
one month period preceeding
Quarterly. Due 30 June, 31 December (Review meetings substitute
for other quarters)
Expected length around 2 pages.
Title of Effort
Point of Contact
Annual Reports
This is a "glossy" book summarizing activities and successes each year.
Many research centers and institutes put out annual reports of this type.
This is an important aid for communicating with those who fund the PET
program (the individual site as well as the entire PET program).
Expect the writing assignments in March from Joe Thompson
Technical Reports
Typically requires a technical report as a deliverable for each and every
effort. This is a journal-quality paper/report that describes
the work done in the project. The use of papers published elsewhere
is acceptable as long as they adequately describe the project. Generally,
these reports are due at the end of the contract year, in March.
Also see PET-Supported Publications below.
Trip Reports
Requires trip reports for all paid travel
May require trip reports for specific PET-sponsored trips
Please note that I personally encourage writing of trip reports for both
PET-sponsored and non-PET travel. I collect this material and publish
it at http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/bernhold/trip-reports/
for the benefit of our PET sponsors and collaborators and others.
PET-Supported Publications
Publication of PET-sponsored work is encouraged by all sites, as it increases
the visibility of the PET program in the scientific community. Note,
however that unless your papers actually carry acknowledgements of PET
support, they are likely to be worthless as a PR tool for PET, and an embarassment
to us when a sponsor sees a paper in which we failed to acknowledge their
Formal acknowledgements are traditionally placed at the end of a paper,
between the main body of the text and the references, though some fields/organizations
put them as footnotes to title info. Acknowledgements are required both
for financial support and for MSRC computer time used. Obviously
if your work has been supported by multiple centers, use an appropriate
linear combination.
Work funded wholly or in part by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization
Program ARL Major Shared Resource Center through Programming Environment
and Training (PET). Supported by Contract Number: DAHC 94-96-C-0010
with Raytheon Systems Company.
Work funded wholly or in part by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization
Program ASC Major Shared Resource Center through Programming Environment
and Training (PET). Supported by Contract Number: DAHC 94-96-C-0005
with Nichols Research Corp.
Work funded wholly or in part by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization
Program ERDC Major Shared Resource Center through Programming Environment
and Training (PET). Supported by Contract Number: DAHC 94-96-C-0002
with Nichols Research Corp.
Work funded wholly or in part by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization
Program NAVO Major Shared Resource Center through Programming Environment
and Training (PET). Supported by Contract Number: DAHC 94-96-C-0008
with Logicon Inc.
Computer Time
This work was supported in part by a grant of HPC time from the DoD
HPC Center, fill in center and machine name
Record Keeping
I keep track of our projects, our reports,
and PET-supported travel. You should
please keep track of contacts you've had with users of the MSRCs.
This means people who actually do/might use the HPC systems at one
or more of the MSRCs. It does not mean other PET staff (on-site at
the MSRC or off-site at the home institution), MSRC staff, etc. User
contacts are quantifiable, and therefore something higher-level management
of the program like. Relevant information includes:
Who you contacted and their professional affiliation
Mode of contact (face-to-face, phone, fax, email, etc.)
Brief purpose
Rough time frame of contact
It is enough to note each discussion, even though it might involved
trading several emails.
PET Proposal Forms and Guidance
PET projects run on a contract year basis -- each site has a different
contract year (see the bottom of http://www.npac.syr.edu/Projects/DoD/#MSRCs).
Although in principle, we can propose projects at any time, (a) most funds
will be allocated at the beginning of each contract year, and (b) you must
be prepared to show significant deliverables which coincide with Annual
and Mid-Year Reviews, contract anniversaries, etc.
Deliverables must include dates, and you will be expected to deliver
as promised. All sites will be looking increasingly for "return on investment",
so be sure you can deliver something useful for the money you request.
All proposals require budgetary information. Normally I produce
the appropriate spreadsheets based on discussions of the level of effort
required, amount of travel, etc. Please be careful to think about
other special requirements as well. For example, obtaining
accounts on MSRC computers, purchasing software or hardware are non-trivial
processes and can take quite a long time in some cases. You must
account for these in both your timeline and your budget.
Most of these forms ask for a PI or point of contact. Historically,
we have listed David Bernholdt or Geoffrey Fox on all proposals to help
insulate the real project leader from queries that I would have to respond
to anyway. The info is as follows:
David Bernholdt, email: bernhold@npac.syr.edu, voice: 315 443 3857,
fax: 315 443 1973
Previous and current NPAC PET projects can be found at: http://www.npac.syr.edu/Projects/DoD/projects.html
Guidance & Instructions for Upcoming Reviews
None at the moment
General Scheduling
The PET programs like to bring everybody together periodically for reviews
of past progress and future plans. Typically this happens annually,
though some programs have more than one per year.
February and August (since they started conducting reviews
jointly, its hard to say what is "Annual" and what is "Mid-Year")
Annual Review usually in February
Mid-Year Review usually in September, typically limited to on-site
staff. Because it has no native on-site presence, NPAC has sometimes sent
a representative and other times been represented by Wayne Mastin.
Usually Wayne and John Eberle will visit NPAC in advance of the Review
to prepare presentations.