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Testing a Single Class

To test a single class:

  1. Indicate what class to test by performing one of the following steps:
    • Browse for the class by...
      1. Clicking the Browse button in the Class Testing UI's Class Name panel.
      2. Locating and selecting the .class file you want to test in the file viewer.
      3. Clicking Open.
    • Enter the fully qualified name of the class to test (without the .class extension) in the Class Name field.

      Note: We recommended that you use the Class Testing UI's Browse button to select the class you want to test. When a class is selected using the Browse button, the working directory is set to the root directory of the class's package.
    • Use the Find Classes UI to find available classes, then double-click the name of the appropriate test in the lower panel of the Find Classes UI. This will set up a test for the selected class in the Class Testing UI.
  2. Start the test by clicking the Start tool bar button.
    • If you only want to perform static analysis or a specific type of static analysis, right-click the Start button and choose the menu item that describes the type of test that you want to perform.
    • If you only want to perform dynamic analysis or a specific type of dynamic analysis, right-click the Start button and choose the menu item that describes the type of test that you want to perform.

Unless you tell it to do otherwise, Jtest automatically performs all steps required for:

  • Static analysis
  • White-box testing
  • Black-box testing (if Design by Contract-format contract information is included in the class under test or test case outcomes have been validated)
  • Regression testing (on all test runs after the first)

If you want to configure Jtest to perform only static analysis or only dynamic analysis, modify your testing parameters as described in Customizing Test Parameters.

For details on specific types of tests performed, see the following topics:


Results are displayed in the Errors Found Panel. To learn more about this panel's branches and available options, see Understanding the Errors Found Panel and Exploring and Customizing Class Test Results.

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