GIS Research @ CGL

   WMS Server :

  • Download OGC Compatible Web Map Server ( OGC-WMS )  (API).

   WMS Clients :


     Our Maven Repository is here.
     We use the the most stable version of maven, ver-1.0.2.
     You can download from here.


    Additional Setting at the Server Side to be able to run map movies :

  • Download and install jmf-2.1.
  • After instaling, go to program directory and,
  • Replace the jmf.jar in the jmf lib directory with this one.
  • Download this exe file and run it on your machine.
  • Runtime settings:
  • Run your newly installed JMStudio, and Click on <File><Open RTP Session>
  • Enter the values of Address, Port and TTL values.
  • Sample values corresponding above parameters <233 2 171 233> <59914> <16>
  • WMS Server automatically publishes its movie streams to these port and multicast IP.
  • In the future it will be user defined from the user interface.



This work is supported by the NASA Advanced Information System Technologies Office..

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