GIS Research @ CGL

Documents : 

Demo Snapshots :

  • Pattern Informatics  geophysics applications WMS Client demo snapshots for the seismic data from Turkey and Japan. PI server takes the required parameters from the user to calculate future earthquake probability values for each seismic point and return the result as GML. Returned GML is processed and geometry values are extracted. Geometry values are interpreted in different colors according to their values and plotted on the map.

  • IEISS  geophysics applications WMS Client demo snapshots for the electric-power and natural-gas feature data. IEISS server takes the parameters and map data, calculates outage area and returns outage area as GML. This returned outage area data in GML is rendered in pictorial format such as jpeg and overlaid on the map.

  • WMS Client snapshots with California Fault data and GetFeatureInfo properties. One snapshot from the portal version of WMS Client.

  • Some snapshots displaying capability of integration of Google Maps with Web Service based Web Feature Services (WFS). Same generic integration interface can be used for the other types of WFSs. Demo is done with California Fault and World Seismic feature data.

  • Some snapshots displaying capability of integration of Google Maps with Web Service based Web Map Services (WMS). Same generic integration interface can be used for the other types of WMSs. Demo is done with electric power and natural-gas feature data.


This work is supported by the NASA Advanced Information System Technologies Office..

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