GIS Research @ CGL

 Some Geophysics Applications to which our visualization system is integrated.

  • Pattern Informatics
    • PI (Pattern Informatics) is a technique developed at University of California, Davis for analyzing earthquake seismic records to forecast regions with high future seismic activity.

    • PI analysis technique, formulated based on the physical and theoretical understanding of complex, nonlinear fault systems, to isolate emergent regions of coherent, correlated seismicity prior to their occurrence in Southern California. This new technique, the PI index, identifies the characteristic patterns associated with the shifting of small earthquakes from one location to another through time prior to the occurrence of large earthquakes. These identify regions of increased probability of a future large earthquake, on an intermediate length time scale.

    • IEISS (The Interdependent Energy Infrastructure Simulation System) is a set of software tools that helps analyzing independent energy networks. This project is led by Los Alamos National Laboratory.

  • GeoFEST
    • GeoFEST (Geophysical Finite Element Simulation Tool) is a two- and three-dimensional finite element software package for the modeling of solid stress and strain in geophysical and other continuum domain applications. GeoFEST uses stress-displacement finite elements to model stress and strain due to elastic static response to an earthquake event in the region of the slipping fault, the time-dependent viscoelastic relaxation, and the net effects from a series of earthquakes.

    • The program uses input and output in the form of formatted plain text files; the data formats can be adapted to accommodate visualization and graphically oriented i/o. The computational engine of the program employs Crout factorization for the direct inversion of the finite element matrices as well as conjugate gradient for an iterative solution option. The physics models supported by the code include isotropic linear elasticity and both Newtonian and power-law viscoelasticity, via implicit/explicit quasi-static time stepping. In addition to triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral continuum elements, the program supports split-node faulting, body forces and surface tractions. Capabilities under development include frictional faulting and buoyancy driving. Scientific applications of the code include the modeling of static and transient co- and post-seismic earth deformation, Earth response to glacial, atmospheric and hydrological loading, and other scenarios involving the bulk deformation of geologic media.

  • Virtual California
    • The VC (Virtual California) approach to earthquake forecasting is similar to the computer models used for weather forecasting, said John Rundle, director of the UC Davis Computational Science and Engineering Center, who has developed the model with colleagues from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and other institutions. A previous forecast of earthquake hazards, the Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, used records of past earthquakes to calculate the probability of future ones.

    • The VC model includes 650 segments representing the major fault systems in California, including the San Andreas fault responsible for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The simulation takes into account the gradual movement of faults and how they interact with each other.



This work is supported by the NASA Advanced Information System Technologies Office.

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