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[fg-2603] Bosin, A., "Resource Provisioning for e-Science Environments", International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, vol. 5, issue 1: IGI Global, pp. 1 - 24, 31/2013. Abstract
[fg-2695] S, S., and A. Basu, "Performance of Eucalyptus and OpenStack Clouds on FutureGrid", International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 80, issue 13, pp. 31 - 37, 10/2013.
[fg-2208] Lee, K., T. Choi, P. O. Boykin, and R. J. Figueiredo, "MatchTree: Flexible, Scalable, and Fault-tolerant Wide-area Resource Discovery with Distributed Matchmaking and Aggregation", Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. to be published , issue to be published , to be published , 2012.
[fg-1923] Bosin, A., M. Dessalvi, G. M. Mereu, and G. Serra, "Enhancing Eucalyptus Community Cloud", Intelligent Information Management, vol. 04, issue 03, pp. 52 - 59, 2012. Abstract
[fg-2231] Bates, A., B. Mood, J. Pletcher, H. Pruse, M. Valafar, and K. Butler, "Detecting Co-Residency with Active Traffic Analysis Techniques", ACM Cloud Computer Security Workshop, Raleigh, NC, ACM, 10/2012.
[fg-2069] Bresnahan, J., "Nimbus Infrastructure: Hands-on Using IaaS Clouds", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, University of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory, 07/2012.  Download: Euca Hands On.pdf (521.88 KB); Boto Hands On.pdf (526.72 KB)
[fg-2070] Bresnahan, J., K. Keahey, and M. Wilde, "Nimbus Platform: Managing Deployments in Multi-Cloud Environments", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, University of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory, 07/2012.  Download: Swift for XSEDE Cloud Tutorial.2012.0716.pptx (7.81 MB); cloudinitd_and_phantom.pptx (21.27 MB)
[fg-2068] Bresnahan, J., and K. Keahey, "Nimbus: Introduction to IaaS Cloud Computing for Science", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, Bloomington, IN, University of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory, 07/2012.  Download: nimbus intro.pptx (8.34 MB)
[ruan2012dacidr] Ruan, Y., S. Ekanayake, M. Rho, H. Tang, S. - H. Bae, J. Qiu, and G. Fox, "DACIDR: deterministic annealed clustering with interpolative dimension reduction using a large collection of 16S rRNA sequences", Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine: ACM, pp. 329–336, 2012.
[fg-2063] von Laszewski, G., J. Bresnahan, and F. Wang, "Signing up for a FutureGrid Account", Science Cloud Summer School 2012, vol. 2012, no. 07/2012, Bloomington, FutureGrid Portal, 2012.
[fg-1015] Younge, A. J., R. Henschel, J. Brown, G. von Laszewski, J. Qiu, and G. C. Fox, "Analysis of Virtualization Technologies for High Performance Computing Environments", The 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2011), Washington, DC, IEEE, 07/2011.
[Loffler:2011:UTT:2016741.2016800] Löffler, F., G. Allen, W. Benger, A. Hutanu, S. Jha, and E. Schnetter, "Using the TeraGrid to teach scientific computing", Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 55:1–55:7, 07/2011.
[Vockler:2011:EUC:1996109.1996114] Vöckler, J. - S., G. Juve, E. Deelman, M. Rynge, and B. Berriman, "Experiences using cloud computing for a scientific workflow application", Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Scientific cloud computing, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 15–24, 2011.
[Loffler:2011:UTT:2016741.2016800] Löffler, F., G. Allen, W. Benger, A. Hutanu, S. Jha, and E. Schnetter, "Using the TeraGrid to teach scientific computing", Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 55:1–55:7, 2011. Abstract