Basic IMAGE version of Foils prepared 15 August99

Foil 8 Testing - 1, 2, 3!

From Using TangoInterative in Distance Education Jackson State Miss. Training Workshop -- 16-17 August 99. by David Bernholdt, Nancy McCracken
(0 to 5):

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Table of Contents for Using TangoInterative in Distance Education

1 Preparation, Authoring and Presentation for Distance Education with Tango Interactive
2 Abstract
3 Acknowledgments
4 Hardware Requirements
5 NPAC/JSU configuration
6 Network Considerations
7 Software Requirements
8 Testing - 1, 2, 3!
9 Authoring Lecture Materials
10 Lecture Slides (such as PowerPoint)
11 Showing Diagrams
12 Guidelines for Instructors
13 More Guidelines
14 Attention Factors
15 Interaction Issues
16 Future
Click outside pointer rectangle to move pointer
Click on Pointer to Hide
Click on Pointer + ALT to toggle message hiding
Click on Pointer + CNTL to abolish pointer
Click on Pointer + Shift to cycle families
Click outside + Alt is Change Image
Click outside + Control is Double Size
Click outside + Shift is Halve Size
Right Mouse Down on Pointer Toggles Index
Shift Right Mouse aligns top with scrolled Page
While With Mouse Down on Current Pointer
h hides This Message while m restores
i Toggles Index Aligned with Page Top
j Toggles Index Aligned with Scrolled View Top
a Abolishes Pointer while CNTL-Click restores
f cycles through pointer families
c cycles through members of a family
u increases Size Up and d decreases Down
Mouse Up-Down between changes of
Pointer to process new option