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Overview of CPS616 -- Technologies of Information Age January-April 1996

Initially this builds on our recent tutorial at Supercomputing95 which itself builds on the version of this course one year ago! Some Overview material can be found at:
cps616over96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS616 Initial Foils for January-April 96 Course on Technologies for the Information Age
cps616tech96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Web Technology Overview
cps616services96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * NII(Web) Services Overview
cps616appl96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Web Application Overview

Three books Chosen for the course are:
The technologies are:
cps616java96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS616 Lectures on Java
cps616javascript96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS616 Lectures on JavaScript
cps616perl Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS616 Instructional Material on PERL4 based on O'Reilly Llama book
cps616perl5etc Local abstract * Local foilindex * Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features

Notice Some of the same material was covered in the companion course ECS400 where one can find a full online description and in particular course material on HTML CGI and a simpler (than CPS616) discussion of Perl and Java:
ecs400spring96/ecs400www Local abstract * Local foilindex * Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW)
ecs400spring96/ecs400html Local abstract * Local foilindex * Introduction to HTML
ecs400spring96/ecs400http Local abstract * Local foilindex * Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms
ecs400spring96/ecs400cgi Local abstract * Local foilindex * Introduction to CGI Programming
ecs400spring96/ecs400perlstroll Local abstract * Local foilindex * Master Set of Foils for 1996 Session of CPS615
ecs400spring96/ecs400javastroll Local abstract * Local foilindex * Introduction to Java Programming: a Stroll Through Java

VRML is covered in two foilsets
Databases are covered in three foilsets taking you from basic SQL to linkage to the Web.
cps616oraclebasic96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database
cps616oracleaccess96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Access of Data using SQL-PL/SQL-OraPerl in Oracle
cps616oracleweb96 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Web-Oracle Integration focussing on use of PL/SQL

And see NPAC's SQL PL/SQL OraPerl and Example Resource

Note that we did not cover parallel databases and benchmarking which is included in
cps616fulldbms Local abstract * Local foilindex * Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)

from last year which has an old account of Web Linkage
We finished CPS616 with a "sneak preview" of material being prepared for a new course CPS640 emphasizing systems issues as opposed to the base technology covered in CPS616.

We also emphasized that the technology front was still unclear with some very recent announcements from Microsoft which in many cases compete with "Netscape/WWW Community" technologies that we discussed in CPS616

cps640/mmnetworks Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overall Summary of MultiMedia Networks and Rationale for Integrated Services

Application Scenarios are available as follows:
Some Useful Resources are

And now the December 95 Tutorial Overview:

Summary of Foilsets in SC-95 Tutorial

Interactive Web and HPCC Technologies for Distance Education

Monday December 4 San Diego Convention Center

This full day tutorial was presented by Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Gang Cheng, Marek Podgorny and several students from NPAC at Syracuse University. It covered key enabling NII (World Wide Web) technologies and their application both to large scale distributed computing and distance education. The talk was presented electronically and includes eight classes of material.

Note on presentation: below you will find each foilset used represented by a one line cryptic summary. This has three links -- first to a file containing all abstracts for these foilsets; second to a file containing abstracts and list of titles of foils. Third "blue" link (title of foilset in one liner) leads you to particular online foilset. Note that material is being evolved as our understanding and the Web changes every day.

M8 Interactive Web and HPCC Technologies for Distance Education
G. C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, and Marek Podgorny, Northeast Parallel
Architectures Center (NPAC), Syracuse University
50% beginner, 30% intermediate, 20% advanced
This tutorial will provide comprehensive coverage of interactive WWW
technologies and their integration with HPCC from the perspective of distance
education. The presenters will outline their vision of the Virtual University
for modern education and discuss interactive WWW, HPCC backends, and
agent-based communication as three critical enabling technologies in this
framework. They will illustrate these concepts with demonstrations of WWW
spaces and courses developed at the University of Syracuse such as KidsWeb,
Science for the 21st Century, Living Textbook, and Computational Science for
the Information Age. They will explain component technologies and
infrastructure such as WebTools, parallel databases, and video and
computational servers. Finally, they will discuss their concept of WebWork
and WebWindows as an emergent, collectively developed integration framework
for the WWW, agents, and HPCC-based Simulations-on-Demand, and they will
present prototype demonstrations of interactive and collaborative modules for
distance education.

List of Foilsets and URL's to foils

1)Application talk on distance education for both university level and K-12 education.

virtuniv95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Technologies and Issues for Virtual University

2)Basic Technology Talk Prepared for Supercomputing95

sc95tutorial Local abstract * Local foilindex * SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education

This supercedes two earlier general summaries:

3)Vision talk on the future of the World Wide Web with the emergence of the environment ("operating system") WebWindows

webvisionsept95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology

4)Theme talk on distributed metacomputing and software engineering built in terms of World Wide Web Technologies.

This Webwork project is a joint effort between Boston University, Cooperating Systems and NPAC. It represents one new approach to HPDC -- High Performance Distributed Computing.

webworksept95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering

5)Some applications to world-wide computing, business enterprise systems and the Living School Book skipped in actual presentation except in summary fashion in 2)

sc95fafner Local abstract * Local foilindex * Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web
sc95enterprise Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
sc95lsb Local abstract * Local foilindex * The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future

6)A section that will be skipped in tutorial on base World Wide Web Technologies

These modules were first given spring 1995 in a course CPS600 (now called CPS616) which is the core course in information track of Syracuse University's Computational Science Program. They are a useful base reference to bring audience upto base level in areas such as PERL CGI etc.

cps616overview Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils given at start of CPS600 describing broad concept of course
hpdc95collab Local abstract * Local foilindex * Collaboration Presentation for HPDC95
hpdc95compress Local abstract * Local foilindex * Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
hpdc95agent Local abstract * Local foilindex * Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation
cps616fulldbms Local abstract * Local foilindex * Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)
cps616perl Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS616 Instructional Material on PERL4 based on O'Reilly Llama book
webtool/CPS600CourseServer Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS600 WebTool Course Server
webtool/HTML Local abstract * Local foilindex * HTML
webtool/Forms Local abstract * Local foilindex * HTML Forms
webtool/Imagemaps Local abstract * Local foilindex * HTML Clickable Imagemaps
webtool/MIME Local abstract * Local foilindex * MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension Data Format -- MIME
webtool/HTTP Local abstract * Local foilindex * HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP for Server-Client Communication
webtool/CGI Local abstract * Local foilindex * Common Gateway Interface:CGI
webtool/HTTPD Local abstract * Local foilindex * Web Servers or HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemons -- HTTPD
cps616threads Local abstract * Local foilindex * Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail
slitex/atmmahesh Local abstract * Local foilindex * Asynchronous Transfer Mode Tutorial

See also David Koester's ATM Tutorial

7)A set of seven advanced core World Wide Web Technology areas

WebTools (major NPAC WebWindows Prototype), Televirtual Environments, Java, VRML, PERL5, Video Server, Web-relational database integration and Web Search Technologies.

sc95java Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview of Java
sc95vrml Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview of VRML
sc95televirtual Local abstract * Local foilindex * Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications
sc95video Local abstract * Local foilindex * Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies
sc95webrdbms Local abstract * Local foilindex * Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration

An excellent general (but incomplete) collection of URL's in various technology areas is Furmanski's Interactive Web Technology Page

Advanced Material of Relevance not covered on the day is described in

webtool/WebTools(Summer1995) Local abstract * Local foilindex * WebTools (Updated to Summer 1995)
webtool/Perl5 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Perl5

And further details of material presented above will be found in
cps616webdbms Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases
hpdc95websearch Local abstract * Local foilindex * Web Search Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Outdated Material on Advanced Technologies may be found here

hpdc95videoA Local abstract * Local foilindex * First Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
hpdc95videoB Local abstract * Local foilindex * Second Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
webtool/Java Local abstract * Local foilindex * Java Tutorial
webtool/VRML Local abstract * Local foilindex * VRML Tutorial

8)A set of Demonstrations was given covering Video servers, WebTools, Integration of the database with the Web as well as Java VRML and WebWork Prototypes

Note exact details of demonstrations depend on availability of IWAY ATM link to NPAC during conference. We will be conservative and not assume this availability! In fact only internet connection was available to NPAC but even video on demand was demonstrated using equipment brought with us

Titles and Abstracts

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616over96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

CPS616 Initial Foils for January-April 96 Course on Technologies for the Information Age

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 16 January 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This is base foilset of CPS616 which describes academic structure with grading strategy, garder etc.
We contrast Technology base in Simulation and Information Arena
Discuss National Information Infrastructure Initiative
Define topics covered from base techniques to higher level services
Note that all material will be on-line and initial point of departure will be
There will be several other online components and the structure will require Netscape 2.0 for good viewing

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616tech96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Web Technology Overview

Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 22 January 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This surveys "old" Web Technology characterized by passive browsers and CGI enhanced servers. This is contrasted with the major new Web Technologies including VRML, PERL5, Java and JavaScript and illustrated by Netscape 2.0
We discuss the integration of the best technologies from "other computing arenas" (from PC to HPCC) including database, collaboration, Compression, GIS, Security, Network Protocols, CORBA, Multimedia Servers as well the many physical infrastructures of importance.
Emerging overall Web Concepts such as WebWindows WebWork and WebScript
Further major changes with the support of full televirtuality are expected with the evolution of interactive 3D worlds in VRML 2.0

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616services96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

NII(Web) Services Overview

Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 22 January 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This overviews five broad services areas
WebTop Productivity Systems illustrated by WebFoil
InfoVision - or INFOrmation, VIdeo, Simulation, Imagery ON demand
Commerce including Security and Authentication technologies
Collaboration where many major commercial systems are currently outside the Web but this will change
MetaComputing or WebWork

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616appl96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Web Application Overview

Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 22 January 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
HealthCare including Telemedicine
Education including K-12 and Virtual University
The mass market -- "Society" !
(Business) Enterprise Systems
Defence Command and Control and civilian Crisis Management
Collaboratory -- the new way of doing research
Manufacturing of Complex Systems (aircraft)
These are related to multi-use NII Services and Technologies

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616java96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

CPS616 Lectures on Java

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 29 January 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Overview including History and alpha versus beta issues
Comparison of Java and Javascript
Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
Java Programming Language
Object Oriented and Class Structure
Applet Programming and Threads
Abstract Windowing Toolkit
Networking and I/O; native classes
Futures and HPCC Implications
Hot Java is not discussed as beta version not currently available

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616javascript96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

CPS616 Lectures on JavaScript

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 26 February 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Some Simple Motivating Examples
Language Features and Syntax
The Peculiar Object Model -- Functions Properties and Methods
MakeArray and how to fool Interpreter into Arrays
Arguments of Functions
with and other object related syntax
The Math String and Date Objects
The Navigator Objects
Event Handling
User Objects and examples including using JavaScript for frames

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616perl

HELP! * Title and abstract for

CPS616 Instructional Material on PERL4 based on O'Reilly Llama book

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 Material on February 1995. Foils prepared May 2,1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This simple discussion of PERL4 describes the essential features needed to get going for general purpose programming
i.e. it does not describe the special concerns needed for systems programming but is aimed at what you need for writing CGI programs
We reference Llama Book: Learning PERL by Randal L. Schwartz and published by O'Reilly and Associates. ISBN: 1-56592-042-2
More detailed is the older Camel book: Programming PERL by Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz and also published by O'Reilly and Associates.
ISBN: 0-937175-64-1
Another useful book which lies between Llama and Camel books in completeness is: PERL by Example by Ellie Quigley, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-122839-0

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616perl5etc

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 Material on April 16,1996. Foils prepared April 16,1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
See Perl Home Page for background information and resources such as manual!
This Foilset mainly extends the previous Perl4 Presentation with a discussion of some key Perl5 capabilities.
However some features may be advanced Perl4 features
We give an initial Summary of Perl5 Changes and then discuss:
Some old and new functions in Perl
Regular Expression Enhancements
New Syntax especially -> and =>
New subroutine calling and declaration syntax
Hard(address) and Soft(Symbol Table) References
General Data Structures including multidimensional Arrays
Object Oriented Features -- packages, classes and Methods

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for ecs400spring96/ecs400www

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW)

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 27 February 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
The World Wide Web is a world-wide repository of linked information, called hypertext or hypermedia. It consists of
  • A user interface consistent across many computers
  • A set of standards that enables the interface to access a variety of document types and information protocols.
  • A provision for universal access, based on the Internet domain name schemes.
In this talk, we give a brief background on the Internet, Client/Server Architectures and the components of the World Wide Web.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for ecs400spring96/ecs400html

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Introduction to HTML

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 6 June 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is defined using SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) and provides tags to identify document structure for later formatting and links to other documents.
This presentation will cover the most commonly used or important features of HTML; more details can be found in the references.
Topics will include
  • formatting text on a web page and creating links to other web pages
  • using images and imagemaps
  • creating forms
  • creating tables
  • creating frames
Features will be included from both HTML2.0 and HTML3.0, and the enhancements from the Netscape 1.1 and Netscape2.0 browsers.
  • HTML and CGI Unleashed, John December and Mark GInsburg.
  • - Various documents on html features, under the Assistance section of this Table of Contents from Netscape.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for ecs400spring96/ecs400http

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 2 June 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
MIME stands for Multipart Internet Mail Extensions and is the developing standard for the contents of all messages passed over the Internet.
HTTP is Hypertext Transport Protocol and is the protocol that provides the basis of the World Wide Web: transmitting multimedia documents across the Internet. HTTPD is the daemon running the HTTP Web server.
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is the universal addressing scheme for all documents (multimedia) on the WWW.
CGI is the Common Gateway Interface and is the scheme to interface other programs and systems to the HTTP Web protocol, using the same data protocols as the HTTP clients and servers.
  • HTML and CGI Unleashed, John December and Mark GInsburg, chapters 19 and 20.
  • Innumerable web documents.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for ecs400spring96/ecs400cgi

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Introduction to CGI Programming

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 2 June 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
CGI is the Common Gateway Interface and is the scheme to interface other programs and systems to the HTTP Web protocol, using the same data protocols as the HTTP clients and servers.
In this section, we will cover
  • passing information from the web page to the CGI script
  • processing information on the server and returning formatted web pages back to the web client
  • an example using Perl as the scripting language
  • brief descriptions of other CGI capabilities
  • HTML and CGI Unleashed, John December and Mark GInsburg, chapters 19, 20 and 21, Publishing.
  • CGI Programming on the World Wide Web, Gundavaram, O'Reilly & Associates.
  • The CGI Book, William Weinman, New Riders Publishing.
  • Web documents.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for ecs400spring96/ecs400perlstroll

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Master Set of Foils for 1996 Session of CPS615

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science CPS615 on Fall Semester 96. Foils prepared 10 Sept 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Text: Learning PERL (the Llama book), Randal L. Schwartz, OšReilly & Associates, 1993.
PERL4 is an interpreted language that can be regarded as a cross between C, Unix shell, sed and awk. It is a C-based language which can also deal directly with Unix commands and file system and easily do string processing matching.
In this course, we will concentrate not on using PERL in systems programming, but in using PERL for CGI programming, i.e. implementing programs activated from Web pages.
In general, we use PERL for tedious high level things which can take a long time to program but not much execution time. For computationally intense programs, we would use a compiled language such as C.
Our first lecture on Perl will show a series of small programming examples from Chapter 1 of the Learning Perl book, designed to illustrate the main features of the language. Later we will cover each topic in more detail.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for ecs400spring96/ecs400javastroll

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Introduction to Java Programming: a Stroll Through Java

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 27 February 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Java is an object-oriented language based on C++ suitable for general distributed applications programming. In this course, we will concentrate on Java applets to program application interfaces on the World Wide Web.
These lecture slides on programming in Java will show a series of small programming examples, designed to illustrate the main features of the language.
They accompany the Java Course Module, by Geoffrey Fox, which covers more details about the language.
Text: "Teach yourself Java in 21 days", by Laura Lemay and Charles L. Perkins, February 1996, Publishing.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616dbforvrml

HELP! * Title and abstract for

CPS616 VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS

Given by Krzysztof Walczak at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 20 February 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Open Inventor
VRML language
VRML Browsers
Illustra Database System
Why database support for VRML ?
File based terrain rendering in VRML
Terrain rendering with Illustra database support
Objects - storing rich semantic information
Multiversion representation
Examples of VRML for Terrain Rendering

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616basicvrml96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Overview of VRML 1.0 Language with Examples

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox, Alvin Leung at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 10 April 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
VRML 1.0 resource is
This presentation illustrates many but NOT all the VRML 1.0 nodes using some simple examples taken from
where there is a car and 8 variants on a pyramid defined
We juxtapose formal definitions of nodes with snippets of VRML from these exemplars

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616oraclebasic96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database

Given by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 4 April 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This starts with a summary of four major modules (this is first one of the four)
What is a Relational Database
A Phone-List Example for Motivation and Illustration of Concept
Major Schema Objects and Structures in Oracle with examples
Data Integrity and Data Types in Oracle
Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616oracleaccess96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Access of Data using SQL-PL/SQL-OraPerl in Oracle

Given by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 4 April 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
General Structure of SQL
Features of Oracle SQL and Examples
The six classes of SQL commands: Data Manipulation Language statements (DML), Data Definition Language statements (DDL), Transaction Control statements, Session Control statements, System Control statements, Embedded SQL statements
Programming in PL/SQL with examples and discussion of difference between SQL and PL/SQL
Oraperl - Access Oracle RDBMS from Perl

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616oracleweb96

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Web-Oracle Integration focussing on use of PL/SQL

Given by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 4 April 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
The Strengths, Weaknesses and Synergy of Web and Database Technologies
Architectures of Web and Oracle RDBMS Integration
A Technical Overview of The Oracle-Web Integration
using wowstub and PL/SQL
Examples of a Web-based Search Interface for the Phone List Database

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616fulldbms

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)

Given by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny (Geoffrey Fox) at HPDC-4 Tutorial/CPS616 Spring95 on August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. Foils prepared July 23,1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Commercial Applications and Motivation for large Parallel Databases
Overview of base Technology including parallel architecture and review of sequential SQL
NPAC's Parallel Database Installation
Parallel Oracle on SP2 and nCUBE
DR-LINK high level frontend from Textwise
Some experiences with benchmarking --TPC-D
Linking of relational databases to the Web
  • Example of use with large UNIX mail system
  • Contrast of pluses and minuses of relational databases with distributed Web databnases

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps640/mmnetworks

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Overall Summary of MultiMedia Networks and Rationale for Integrated Services

Given by Marek Podgorny at Tutorial in Poland on April 1996. Foils prepared 3 May 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Review of the networked multimedia presentations
Requirements for the networking infrastructure supporting multimedia applications
  • Application categorization
  • Relevant network performance parameters
Network technologies supporting multimedia delivery
  • Multicast
  • Switching technologies
  • Quality of service guarantees (integrated services)
  • ATM networks and multimedia

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for virtuniv95

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Technologies and Issues for Virtual University

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at HPDC95/SC95 Tutorials on August 1/Dec 4 1995. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This presentation sets the application (in this case education) backdrop for the HPDC95 Tutorial on the use of Web based technologies for education
  • i.e. for the Virtual School (K-12 classroom) and the Virtual University
We assume that Living Textbook, Phy105/106 material (on-line screendumps) and InfoVision and WebServer discussions are also used
We describe uses of NII/GII in education, relationships with edutainment, advantages of digital versus analog, overseas as well as U.S.A.. delivery, role of Geographical Information Systems, role of Interactive and other simulations
We look at current as well as future Web Technologies and the implications for presentation of scholarly work and the curriculum

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95tutorial

HELP! * Title and abstract for

SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This tutorial will provide comprehensive coverage of interactive WWW technologies and their integration with HPCC from the perspective of distance education.
The presenters will outline their vision of the Virtual University for modern education and discuss interactive WWW, HPCC backends, and agent-based communication as three critical enabling technologies in this framework.
They will illustrate these concepts with demonstrations of WWW spaces and courses developed at the University of Syracuse such as KidsWeb,Science for the 21st Century, Living Textbook, and Computational Science for the Information Age.
They will explain component technologies and infrastructure such as WebTools, parallel databases, and video and computational servers. Finally, they will discuss their concept of WebWork and WebWindows as an emergent, collectively developed integration framework for the WWW, agents, and HPCC-based Simulations-on-Demand,
They will present prototype demonstrations of interactive and collaborative modules for distance education.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webvisionsept95

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Several Presentations on September 95. Foils prepared 15 Sept 1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This material prepared for the HPDC-95 Tutorial and Presentations on the role of the NII in future manufacturing (ASOP) covers the following issues
Expected evolution of Web PC and Workstation technologies
High Performance multimedia and Web Servers
The concept of the the all-encompassing WebWindows Environment
The integration of databases with the Web
WebTop Productivity Tools
The role of various classes of NII services and technologies in 7 application (National Challenge) areas

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webworksept95

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 on 15 September 95. Foils prepared 15 September 1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This describes the forces motivating use of Web in MetaComputing
First the need for a pervasive technology base for HPCC which is otherwise a nonviable niche market.
The growing number of Web-enabled machines and the development of WebWindows giving the productivity tools needed for a true distributed HPCC software engineering environment
We describe the 3 layer model of WebWork
At the high end we describe our early example -- WebFlow and how this can be extended to a full WebHPL with mixed interpreted and compiled systems.
At the base level, we have the World-Wide Virtual Machine as a mesh of computationally extended web servers
At the Intermediate level, we propose WebScript to integrate VRML, PERL5 Java and similar domain specific scripting systems

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95fafner

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web

Given by Jim Cowie, Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski at Supercomputing 95 on December 3-8,95. Foils prepared December 3,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This short presentation has some notes on factoring on the Web prepared by Jim Cowie from material from Lenstra and Leyland
Also a summary of key features of Fafner as a World Wide Computing System
Go to for a full description and pointers to other collaboraters and further instructions on how to get your software and get started on breaking the Bank of England
We describe why RSA security status is equivalent to factoring large numbers into two large primes
A very handwavy description is given of the strategy to find factors with the GNFS -- Generalized Number Field Sieve and its predecessors

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95enterprise

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
We review possible uses of the Web in Enterprise (organization) Information Systems
Here we use Web technology in a possibly closed domain to support exchange of information and collaboration between members of the organization
These members could be teachers and kids/ manufacturers and their distributers etc.
Lotus Notes is a famous example of a modern client-server implementation of this and traditional mainframes have long been used for this
Databases, VRML for 3D product depiction and Java are all of relevance

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95lsb

HELP! * Title and abstract for

The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future

Given by Kim Mills-NPAC at SC95 San Diego on December 3-8. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Project Overview
Technologies and Infrastructure
Teachers and Schools
Living Schoolbook Products
Kids and Learning

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616overview

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Overview foils given at start of CPS600 describing broad concept of course

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS600 Spring Semester 1995 on January 1995 . Foils prepared July 6,1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This Introduction to course describes Philosophy which is built around both a general list of issues and technologies as well as particular focus on areas where NPAC is working
We supplement these foils with those in InfoMall, InfoVision and Webserver collections
We summarise Technology base in Simulation and Information Arena
Discuss National Information Infrastructure Initiative
List possible Topics in Course as set of 10 base modules
Define Initial set of lectures and NPAC focus on Hierarchical Web Servers

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for hpdc95collab

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Collaboration Presentation for HPDC95

Given by Roman Markowski and Geoffrey Fox at HPDC95 Tutorial Pentagon City on August 1 1995. Foils prepared July 28,1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This module describes desktop collaboration with a comparison of some of the existing tools including
Communique! (Insoft) and the toolkit DVE (Digital Video Everywhere)
InPerson (SGI)
Proshare (Intel)
MBONE -- Internet standard
MOO environment
We also discuss standards (there are dozens of incompatible systems) and audio/video compression

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for hpdc95compress

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Given by Roman Markowski and Geoffrey Fox at HPDC95 Pentagon City on August 1,1995. Foils prepared July 28,1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This set of foils describes image and video compression schemes concentrating on Wavelets which seem most powerful although JPEG and MPEG using related but less efficient Fourier technology will be used much more widely initially
JPEG, JBIG, Fractal for images and MPEG, H.261 schemes for video clips are briefly reviewed
Wavelets are described in detail

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for hpdc95agent

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation

Given by Vasu Polisetty at Event: HPDC95 Tutorial Pentagon City on August 1 1995. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
HPDC95 Washington August 1 1995
This broad overview describes rationale for agents including applications and exemplars such as Telescript, Smalltalk Agents, Tcl/Safe-tcl, Java/Hotjava, KQML

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/CPS600CourseServer

Webtool Foilset CPS600 WebTool Course Server

This material on the CPS600 Course Server was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". The course material and Student activities were somewhat organized around a course Web Server described here. This server was built using the prototype WebTool technologies which are described elsewhere. As implementation preliminary, not all material and activities are here but we learnt a lot from this activity which integrated education with research activities.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/HTML

Webtool Foilset HTML

This short summary of HTML Development Tools as of January 1995 was prepared for CPS600 Course taught by Geoffrey Fox Spring Semester 1995

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/Forms

Webtool Foilset HTML Forms

This material on HTML Forms was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". HTML Forms are an example of using CGI scripts to enhance functionality of base server technology. We describe Form format and take as an example its use in WebTools to allow general editing.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/Imagemaps

Webtool Foilset HTML Clickable Imagemaps

This material on HTML Clickable Imagemaps was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". Like Forma and CGI mechanism, HTML Clickable Imagemaps allow more interactive Web Services. We give an example and describe functionality and implementation.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/MIME

Webtool Foilset MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension Data Format -- MIME

This material on the MIME (MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension) data format was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". We describe the MIME format which is basis of simple and extended electronic mail services. Note MIME is closely related to HTTP Protocol described elsewhere. We also review the Internet process for discussing and setting standards including RFC-822 document for electronic mail.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/HTTP

Webtool Foilset HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP for Server-Client Communication

This material on the HTTP (HyperText Transfer) Protocol was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". HTTP is protocol used by Web Servers and Clients in their communication and is closely related to MIME data format used by electronic mail. We describe both functionality and detailed use of HTTP with both GET and POST mechanisms.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/CGI

Webtool Foilset Common Gateway Interface:CGI

This material on the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". We describe both the functionality and implementation of the CGI which allows one to interface arbitary programs (often in PERL) with World Wide Web Servers.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/HTTPD

Webtool Foilset Web Servers or HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemons -- HTTPD

This material on World Wide Web Servers was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". HTTP Protocol is described elsewhere and here we describe the relatively simple daemons (HTTP daemons) which are core of a Web Server. Note key additional functionality is provided by CGI mechanism descibed elsewhere which allows further PERL programs to be used to enhance Server functionality. We describe in great detail the set up of the NCSA HTTP daemon with functionality of the various directories and configuration files. Other servers are also reviewed including the parallel Web server implemented on the nCUBE.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616threads

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail

Given by Janusz Niemiec and Geoffrey Fox at CPS600 Spring Semester95 on April 1995. Foils prepared July 6,1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This presentation was prepared by Janusz Niemiec and describes
Overview of Multithreading
Existing Experience with Multithreading on UNIX
Experience with multithreading for parallel processing -- Nexus and Chant
Design and Implementation of TCE (Thread-based Communication Environment)
This was based on experience with MOVIE interpreted environment and use of TCE in this and other interpreted systems such as parallel HTTP servers and Java from Sun is explored

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for slitex/atmmahesh

Slitex Foilset Asynchronous Transfer Mode Tutorial

In this tutorial we present an overview of ATM and Gigabit Networks. We begin with an overview of High Speed Networks and their applications. Next we examine the details of the ATM protocols and formats. We also look at the ATM-adaptation layers (AAL) and the manner in which ATM cells are actually packaged for transmission across the user-network interface.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95java

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Overview of Java

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared January 8,96
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
Overview including History and the great alpha versus beta Java Mystery
HotJava Features
Java Features
Java Programming Language
Abstract Windowing Toolkit
On-Line HTML Documentation
Security Model
Applets Programming
NPAC Java Demos
  • "Hello World" Demo
  • WebFoil Demo including major October 95 Upgrade
  • WebFlow Demo
  • Software Project Manager Demo
  • Neural Network Demo
  • Java based Collaboratory
  • Java based front end to Distributed Simulation

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95vrml

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Overview of VRML

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared January 8 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This describes VRML starting with its Open Inventor basis with examples of language and its nodes and actions
Some Tools and Browsers are summarized
Terrain Rendering is given as an example of use of VRML
The advantages of using a "real" database as a backend of VRML are given
Illustra is described as an example of an object oriented database backjend for VRML

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95televirtual

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
What Is Televirtuality?
  • HyperWorld of New Media
  • Potential Major Players
  • Current Developments in VRML Forum
VAG --- VRML Architecture Group
  • VAG Proposals for Behavior in VRML
  • VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc.
  • VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc. (cont)
VRML+ -- A Model for VRML based Collaboratory
  • VRML+ Concepts
  • VRML+ Concepts (cont)
Unifying Role of Agents
  • Variable Grain Size Agents --- Examples
We also describe various new Web approaches including VRML extensions and their implications for WebScript
Integrating Collaboratory and Simulation
Examples of Current R&D at NPAC
  • VRML based Terrain Rendering
  • Thread based HPCC Distributed Simulation
  • JAVA Collaboratory

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95video

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This covers basic issues underlying digital video including:
Video Compression with MPEG Standards
Some commercial Internet Examples: RealAudio and Xing
Home delivery with ADSL and ISDN
Windows NT as an impressive server basis
NPAC VoD and ATM testbed is surveyed
Video Indexing including Closed Caption Text

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for sc95webrdbms

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This short summary is expanded in an earlier longer presntation by Gang Cheng describing Mail example and technology in more detail
The complementary advantages and disadvantages of relational and web information models is described
This motivates their integration which is overviewed in several applications developed at NPAC
Their general importance for Education, Research and Industry is described

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/WebTools(Summer1995)

Webtool Foilset WebTools (Updated to Summer 1995)

This Overview of the NPAC WebTools project was originally prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Semester class of CPS600. WebTools was was first used in very preliminary fashion in this class and this lecture set describes virtual disk navigator, hyperworld manager, on-line HTML editor, and the WebTool interface to mh mail. THe updates also include WebSpell, WebSearch, WebEdit interfaces to emacs/vi as well the HyPerl software engineering tool.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/Perl5

Webtool Foilset Perl5

This overview of Perl5 was used in CPS600 course Spring 1995 and followed an extensive discussion of Perl4 earlier in the class. This discusses both the new pointer, multi-dimensional array and object-oriented features. It still needs a crisper discussion with more examples.

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for cps616webdbms

HELP! * Title and abstract for

CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases

Given by Gang Cheng (Geoffrey Fox) at CPS600 Spring Semester on April 1995. Foils prepared Jan 8, 1996
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
These foils were prepared by Gang Cheng and presented by Geoffrey Fox in CPS600
They contrast the strengths and weaknesses of Web and Database Information models
They describe Web, Conventional and DB-WEb linked Client Servers Models
They describe Oracle's WOW Oracle to Web Interface
They describe one of our experimental implementations which links mh mail to Oracle

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for hpdc95websearch

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Web Search Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at HPDC95 Pentagon City on August 1,1995. Foils prepared July 28,1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This was prepared for tutorial at HPDC-4 Conference
It starts with motivation and Identification of four components of a Web Search system -- Information Gathering and Filtering, Indexing, Searching and User Interface
Web Robots (gatherers) are reviewed followed by
Discussion in detail of 3 examples Lycos, FreeWAIS and Harvest -- the associated demonstrations also include Oracle Free text search
We end with discussion of future technologies including natural language frontends, distributed queries, metadata, caching and artificial intelligence

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for hpdc95videoA

HELP! * Title and abstract for

First Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Given by Marek Podgorny at HPDC95 Pentagon City on August 1,1995. Foils prepared July 31,1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This presentation describes issues involved in Video server and transport
As well as server technology, we cover data transport over ATM, and MPEG compression
VBR (Variable Bit Rate) and CBR (Constant Bit Rate) are two data delivery options and we present comparisons
We discuss the realAudio digital audio and extensions to video

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for hpdc95videoB

HELP! * Title and abstract for

Second Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Given by Miguel del Rosario at HPDC95 Pentagon City on August 1,1995. Foils prepared July 28,1995
Full HTML Summary See also color IMAGE
This presentation describes issues involved in Video server and transport
As well as server technology, we cover data transport over ATM, and MPEG compression
VBR (Variable Bit Rate) and CBR (Constant Bit Rate) are two data delivery options and we present comparisons
We discuss the realAudio digital audio and extensions to video

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/Java

Webtool Foilset Java Tutorial

This Tutorial on Java covers both the Browser HotJava and the language Java which is a semi interpreted and restricted version of C++. The language design features as well as syntax are covered. Examples are given of use of built in classes as well as tables of these. It was developed for a tutorial given at HPDC95 August 1,1995

Local OneLiner * Local foilindex Title and Abstract for webtool/VRML

Webtool Foilset VRML Tutorial

The design features of VRML in the context of a restriction of Open Inventor with added web capability are described. A table of existing nodes and example source is given. It was developed for a tutorial given at HPDC95 August 1,1995

Lists of Foils in Talks

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616over96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset CPS616 Initial Foils for January-April 96 Course on Technologies for the Information Age

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 16 January 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This is base foilset of CPS616 which describes academic structure with grading strategy, garder etc.
We contrast Technology base in Simulation and Information Arena
Discuss National Information Infrastructure Initiative
Define topics covered from base techniques to higher level services
Note that all material will be on-line and initial point of departure will be
There will be several other online components and the structure will require Netscape 2.0 for good viewing

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for CPS616 Initial Foils for January-April 96 Course on Technologies for the Information Age

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616
January-April 1996
Computational Science Track on base technologies for the Information Age:
Module A: Course Overview
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of CPS 616Over96 Course Foils
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Topics covered in CPS616 - I
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Topics covered in CPS616 - II
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Teacher , Grader and Grading for CPS616
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Knowledge needed for CPS616
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of Course CPS616
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML National Challenges will drive the adoption of HPCC in the "Real World"
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The National Challenges Identified by the Federal HPCC Initiative
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Federal 1994 Blue Book Comparison of National and Grand Challenges
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Core Enabling HPCC Software Technologies for Information Production (Simulation)
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Core Enabling HPCC Algorithms and Components for Information Production (Simulation)
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Core Enabling HPCC Technologies Information Analysis, Access, Integration - I
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Core Enabling HPCC Technologies Information Analysis, Access, Integration -II
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Where are we -- 18 March 1996
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Projects Should Use

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616tech96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Web Technology Overview

Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 22 January 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This surveys "old" Web Technology characterized by passive browsers and CGI enhanced servers. This is contrasted with the major new Web Technologies including VRML, PERL5, Java and JavaScript and illustrated by Netscape 2.0
We discuss the integration of the best technologies from "other computing arenas" (from PC to HPCC) including database, collaboration, Compression, GIS, Security, Network Protocols, CORBA, Multimedia Servers as well the many physical infrastructures of importance.
Emerging overall Web Concepts such as WebWindows WebWork and WebScript
Further major changes with the support of full televirtuality are expected with the evolution of interactive 3D worlds in VRML 2.0

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Web Technology Overview

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Web Technology Overview
Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations
Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley
Master for Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC
Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96
Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration
CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases
Master Foilset for RCI Presentation on HPCC and NII for Industry and Education
Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education

Table of Contents for Web Technology Overview

Additional Resources
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616 January-April 1996
Computational Science Track on base technologies for the Information Age:
Overview of NII Technologies
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of CPS616 NII Technology Overview
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Technology has at least three opportunities for you and me!

We Start with the Current Party Line Web Technology Scenario

4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Web Software
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Structure of World Wide Web
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Java/Netscape2.0 Client server Model
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- I
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- II
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- I

Integration of Web with Parallel or Sequential Relational Databases
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 10: Query by Subject --2
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Oracle 7 Web Interface -- Home Page
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Popular Query by Subject for NPAC Oracle 7 Web Interface

Note that database use typifies use of filters to convert between various formats
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Choices of Formats and Filters in Web Systems

The Integration of Web with Relational Data Bases is Remarkably Succesful
  • And brings powerful technology associated with mainframes and giant organizations to real people
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Oracle Integration
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in Web Technology
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in database technology
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-Database Synergy
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Web-Database Applications
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Importance for Key Communities
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client-Server Architecture for WOW

And Relational and Other Database Technology is Part of the Amazing Web Search Capabilities
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Search Examples and Issues
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Motivation for Web Search Systems
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Challenges and Issues
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Major Players in Web Search
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Components and Architecture of a Web Search System
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Web Gathering Subsystem
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Indexing Subsystem
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Database Search Engine
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Web Search Interface

This is just one early example but other technologies will also get integrated

30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- II
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Our Overall NII Integrating Vision
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Critical Emerging Web Technologies

Illustrations of relevance of Java

33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Character Recognition Demo -- The Letter W
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Dining Philosopher Educational Applet
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Nuclear Reactor Educational Applet

VRML is another important technology!

37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Why is VRML Another Important Concept?
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML New York State Interactive Journey: link to Herkimer Home
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Link between Interactive Journey and classroom multimedia projects
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML for Geographical Information system -- Western Long Island View-1 using WebView

Geographical Information Systems using VRML enables virtual field trips in Living Schoolbook(see later)

41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2D Terrain Rendering for New York State Interactive Journey
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Weather Report accessed through the Interactive Journey

Back to Overview Material on Technology!
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- I
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- II

WebWindows is a Critical Unifying Concept

45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Universal WebWindows --
A Revolution in the Software Industry!
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples and Why WebWindows will Dominate Software Industry?
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustrative Screendump for WebTools (Spring '95):Message Editor: Functionality, Implementation
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is WebWindows ?
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Is WebWindows an Operating System ?
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWindows is Open Portable Environment
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Is WebWindows an Operating System ?
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustration of WebWindows Concept for Presentation Software
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML RCIHalloween Presentation Foil on WebFoil in WebFoil!!
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Lessons of WebFoil for WebWindows Software Development Scenario
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML RCIHalloween Presentation Foil on WebFoil in WebFoil with Perl Manipulated Source
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Operating System Issues
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Web Client-Server Software -- Mosaic/Netscape Today
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Web Client-Server Software -- The Future as suggested by Hotjava?

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616services96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset NII(Web) Services Overview

Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 22 January 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This overviews five broad services areas
WebTop Productivity Systems illustrated by WebFoil
InfoVision - or INFOrmation, VIdeo, Simulation, Imagery ON demand
Commerce including Security and Authentication technologies
Collaboration where many major commercial systems are currently outside the Web but this will change
MetaComputing or WebWork

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for NII(Web) Services Overview

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
NII(Web) Services Overview
Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley
Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation
InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand
InfoMall - Bringing the Economic Development Opportunities of the Internet/World Wide Web to New York State
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
Discussion of NII for Real World -- Education Medicine Journalism
CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation
Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96
Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation
Master Foilset for The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web

Table of Contents for NII(Web) Services Overview

Additional Resources
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616 January-April 1996
Computational Science Track on base technologies for the Information Age:
Overview of NII Services
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of CPS616 NII Services Overview

NII Services Overview
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Web Software
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-I
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-II

The InfoVision Service in Detail
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebServers and InfoVision as an example of Opportunity for MPP's on the NII
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration of Industry Sectors forming the NII
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What will National Information Infrastructure(NII) give us?
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Standard Scenario for HPCC and NII
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII Compute & Communications Capability in Year 2000 --> 2005
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Ultimate Vision and Implementation of NII and InfoVision
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Next Generation Home Computers include Settop Boxes and Videogame Controllers
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The InfoVision Scenario
INFOrmation Video Imagery and Simulation ON demand
-- Home clients and High Performance Multimedia Servers
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is a Web or HPMMCC Network Server ?

Note Interest in Caching described in detail in Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
  • Apply Computer Architecture Research to world wide MetaComputer
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Typical Hierarchical Server Network
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ThinkMedia helping Education and Business Together
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Berlin Journey of a City, documentary by Bob Frye
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How a Car is Built, Bob Frye educational documentary
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video (Movie and News) on Demand (VOD) and the NII
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VASTNET -- NPAC, Newhouse School, University Electronic Media Services Collaboration
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CNN Newsource Database, video of President Clinton
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Discovery Channel video on demand, video graphics

Computing on the Web
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University, Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- I?
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- II?
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Features of WebWork
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Numbers and Security
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Codes -- Software Resource FAFNER
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Codes -- NPAC Page
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Crime(!?) Home Page
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Architecture
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 2: WebWork -- System Overview with Three Layers
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PCRC Naturally Fits in with WebWork
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Interface for Performance Visualization
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Performance Visualization of Sorting Algorithm

HPF on the Web
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design -- Contd
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A World-Wide Virtual Machine design based on Web and PVM technologies
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A WWVM based on Web and PVM Technologies
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of NPAC HPF Compilation System on WWW
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Input Page
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Output Page
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interpreters versus Compilers -- I?
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interpreters versus Compilers -- Domain Specific Environments
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java and HPF Futures
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML and HPF Futures
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Remarks on HPJava

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616appl96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Web Application Overview

Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 22 January 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

HealthCare including Telemedicine
Education including K-12 and Virtual University
The mass market -- "Society" !
(Business) Enterprise Systems
Defence Command and Control and civilian Crisis Management
Collaboratory -- the new way of doing research
Manufacturing of Complex Systems (aircraft)
These are related to multi-use NII Services and Technologies

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Web Application Overview

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Web Application Overview
Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley
Discussion of NII for Real World -- Education Medicine Journalism
Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96
Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations
Master Foilset for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/106
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
Screendumps of kidsweb web pages
Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995
Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations
Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
Master Foilset for Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Project Overview
ASOP Requirements for the NII
ASOP Framework and Technology Plan
Master Foilset for RCI Presentation on HPCC and NII for Industry and Education

Table of Contents for Web Application Overview

Additional Resources
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616 January-April 1996
Computational Science Track on base technologies for the Information Age:
Overview of Some NII Applications
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of CPS616 NII Application Overview

Applications on the Web are built on top of Generic Services
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-I
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-II

And Here the applications start

Now we can Discuss Medical Applications Using the Web
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- HealthCare and Telemedicine
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC -- SUNY Health Science Center Collaboration
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Framework of WebMed - Telemedicine Lessons
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle database support for HealhCare digital libraries
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Framework -- The new WebMed Approach
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TeleMedicine Bridge Concept -- Web Page
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TeleMedicine Bridge Concept -- Players
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebMed Project Team
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Gathering Medical Information Together
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JavaScript Based Patient Record Database -I
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JavaScript Based Patient Record Database -II
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JavaScript Based Patient Record Database -IV
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JavaScript Based Patient Record Database -V
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Possible WebMed Projects - I
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Neat Thing in Action I
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Neat Thing in Action III
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Structure of Neat Thing -- setting relation of Physical and Logical Units
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Structure of Neat Thing -- Calibrating Logical Units
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Structure of Neat Thing -- Output from Physical Units
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Neat Thing in Action II
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Possible WebMed Projects - II

Education as an NII Application
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Education
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Implications of Brave New Web World for Education
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Interface for Performance Visualization
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Virtual University Activities Involving NPAC -- I
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Virtual University Activities Involving NPAC -- II

Science for the Twentyfirst Century is a sophisticated hyperlinked educational resource and includes simulation, homework, internal and external material

31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Encoder neural network tutorial and simulation page

The next Example is Living Text/Schoolbook
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of the Living Schoolbook Project
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Living Schoolbook Project Partners
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Outside Partners of the Living Schoolbook Project

FLAG is a major effort to link Africa and the Far East by ocean cable
  • This enables the Global Virtual University
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - I
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - II
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Fiber Link Across the Globe FLAG -- Topology

Kids Web is a digital library for K-12 use of Internet and the following Illustrates Title page and one section of library (on Space from NASA)

For example Example of Kidsweb Title Page

38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Kidsweb Home Page and Table of Contents for Arts, Science
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Astronomy and Space content - Combined picture of Jupiter with Comet Shoemaker-Levy9 fragments

New Approachs to Computational Science

40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Computational Science?
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program in Computational Science
Implemented within current academic framework
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Proposed Interdisciplinary MultiMedia Master's Degree IMM
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The 4 tracks of the IMM Master's Degree
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Proposed Academic Schedule of IMM
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Computational Science (CPS) Core Courses
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Proposed CPS Core Courses -- Information Track
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Education in a Box -- Initial Steps to Understand Web Based Education
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scope of Certificate in Computational Science

End More Details on Education

The Application of NII in Consumer Market
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Society

We can Involve the Media Professionals in Newhouse School at SU

51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VASTNET -- NPAC, Newhouse School, University Electronic Media Services Collaboration

applications of NII to Business Enterprise Systems
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Business (Enterprise Systems)

With Business Enterprise Systems in more detail
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Enterprise Systems
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- external
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- internal
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- Groupware == Collaborative Support
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- Groupware
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- future

End Discussion of Business Enterprise Systems

60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Defence and Crisis Management

More Details on Crisis Management
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Features of Crisis 2005

There are a Bunch of Technology Issues Linked to Crisis2005
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some CrypticTopics in Crisis 2005

The Collaborative Environment in Crisis2005
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Televirtual Collaborative Environment in Crisis 2005

End of Command and Control/Crisis Management Detail

65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Collaboratory
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII Enhances ASOP in a Multi-Organization Activity
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Industrial/Academic/Government Consensus is ASOP Basis
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ASOP Introduces Aerospace Paradigm Shifts
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2.0 ASOP Object Backplane - Functional Services for Users
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2.1 Collaboration Services - Support Virtual Co-location
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2.2 Configuration Control Services - Critical for User
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2.3 Metacomputing Services - Distributed Computing
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2.4 Security and Access Services - Critical to ASOP
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2.5 Object & Data Services - Robust Integration for ASOP
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 5.1 Collaboration Services - Support Virtual Co-location
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 5.2 Configuration Control Services - Driven by ASOP
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 5.3 Metacomputing Services - Coordinated NII Computing
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 5.4 Security and Access Services - Critical Technology
81 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An anecdote contrasting MPP and NII value in Manufacturing

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616java96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset CPS616 Lectures on Java

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 29 January 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Overview including History and alpha versus beta issues
Comparison of Java and Javascript
Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
Java Programming Language
Object Oriented and Class Structure
Applet Programming and Threads
Abstract Windowing Toolkit
Networking and I/O; native classes
Futures and HPCC Implications
Hot Java is not discussed as beta version not currently available

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for CPS616 Lectures on Java

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616
January-April 1996
Computational Science Track on base technologies for the Information Age:
Module on Java Language and Applets
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of CPS616 Java Presentatation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview -- What Is Java/HotJava?
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of Java Language and Team
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of Java Language and Team (contd)
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta Situation -- Alpha
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta Situation -- Beta/1.0
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta Situation -- HotJava/Books
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- I
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- II
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Java Features
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Simple and Familiar!
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Object-oriented
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Architecture-Neutral
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Portable
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Somewhat Interpreted
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Distributed
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Robust
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- High Performance
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Multithreaded
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Dynamic
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sun's Comparison of Language Features
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Java Programming Language
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language Discussion -- Table of Contents
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Program Structure
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Lexical Issues I
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Lexical Issues II
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Applications Versus Applets - I
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Applications Versus Applets - II
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Variable/Expression Types
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Types: Array
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Expressions
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow I
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow II -- continue
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow III -- break and for loop
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow IV -- break and switch
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Control Flow V -- continue and switch
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Handling Errors Using Exceptions
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Exception Hierarchy
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Java Object Model Overview
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Methods Defined in Parent
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Methods Defined in Parent but overridden in child class
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Overview of Classes
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hello World Applet from Sun Tutorial
Getting Started
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hello World Application from Sun Tutorial
Getting Started
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Date Application from Sun Tutorial
Anatomy of an Application
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Counting Application from Sun Tutorial
Nuts and Bolts of Java
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Types of Classes
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Methods
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A little more complicated Paint Method for Applets
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Interfaces
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Cars as an Examples of Interfaces/ Multiple Inheritance
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Picture of Interfaces and Classes for Cars and their Manufacture
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More on Interfaces -- II
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More on Interfaces -III- Real Examples
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ReverseString Class from Sun Tutorial
The String and StringBuffer Classes
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Instantiating an Object from its Class
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts - I
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Summary of Object-Oriented Concepts - II
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Constructors of Objects
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Class Finalizers
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Handling Exceptions in Closing a File
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some More Methods for mPoint
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Inheritance or Subclassing
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Packages
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java System Packages
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Overarching Object Class
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Determining and Testing Class of Object
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML java.lang.Object Wrappers
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Basic Methods for Applets -- I
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Basic Methods for Applets -- II
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The details of the <applet> tag
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML <param> Tags and Applets
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The java.awt.Graphics Class
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The java.awt.Font and FontMetrics Classes
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The java.awt.Color Classes
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Threads as Discussed in Sun's Tutorial
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sun's Digital Clock Applet to Illustrate Threads -- I
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sun's Digital Clock Applet to Illustrate Threads -- II
81 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Flickering in Applets and its Solution
82 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sun's Animator.class Applet
83 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --I
84 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --II
85 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The default Update(Graphics g) Method
86 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - I
87 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - run Method
88 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ColorSwirl -- An Example from Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days - paint and update
89 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - I
90 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - II
91 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - I
92 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - II
93 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - I
94 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - II
95 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Picture of the AWT Component Class and its inheritance
96 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Simple AWT Components -- label,button
97 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT Components -- Checkbox
98 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT Components -- Radio Buttons , CheckboxGroup
99 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Further AWT Components -- typical subunits of panels
100 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - I
101 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - II
102 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Actions associated with Components in AWT - I
103 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Actions associated with Components in AWT - II
104 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Layout of Components in a Panel
105 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Description and Example of BorderLayout
106 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Brief Description of Four Other LayoutManager's
107 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hierarchical use of LayoutManagers
108 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Networking, Web Access and I/O in Java
109 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Accessing URL's in Java -- URL, showDocument
110 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Accessing URL's in Java -- URLConnection
111 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Input/Output in Java -- InputStreams -- I
112 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Input/Output in Java -- (Filter etc.)InputStreams -- II
113 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Accessing URL's in Java -- InputStreams and URLConnections
114 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Native Classes to Speed Up Execution
115 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPCC and Java -- High Performance HPjava -- I
116 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPCC and Java -- HPjava -- II

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616javascript96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset CPS616 Lectures on JavaScript

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 26 February 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Some Simple Motivating Examples
Language Features and Syntax
The Peculiar Object Model -- Functions Properties and Methods
MakeArray and how to fool Interpreter into Arrays
Arguments of Functions
with and other object related syntax
The Math String and Date Objects
The Navigator Objects
Event Handling
User Objects and examples including using JavaScript for frames

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for CPS616 Lectures on JavaScript

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616
January-April 1996
Computational Science Track on base technologies for the Information Age:
Module on JavaScript from Netscape
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of CPS616 JavaScript Presentatation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Remarks on JavaScript
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hello World Example of JavaScript- I
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hello World Example of JavaScript- II
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of Clicking on a Form - I
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of Clicking on a Form - II
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of Parameterized HTML
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The JavaScript Language -- Values, Names Etc.
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The JavaScript Language -- Expressions - I
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The JavaScript Language -- Expressions - II
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The JavaScript Language -- Conditionals
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JavaScript Object Model -- I
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JavaScript Object Model -- II
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of a JavaScript Function
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Creation of JavaScript Objects
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Addition of Methods to Object Definitions
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Final Version of Display "Constructor"
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The JavaScript with Statement for objects
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The for ... in JavaScript syntax
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The MakeArray Function and Arrays of Objects - I
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The MakeArray Function and Arrays of Objects - II
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The arguments Array in JavaScript
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The this keyword in JavaScript
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The parseInt parseFloat System functions
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The eval JavaScript Function
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Math Object in JavaScript
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The string Object in JavaScript - I
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Explanation of string methods - I
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The string Object in JavaScript - II
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Explanation of string methods - II
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Date Object in JavaScript
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Structure of the Navigator Object/Property Hierarchy
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Confused Window Labelling Scheme
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Role of Frames in JavaScript
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Frame Basics in Netscape HTML -- Example
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Frame Basics in Netscape HTML -- Rules
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Dummy Frames in JavaScript
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Syntax of <Frameset> </Frameset>
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Syntax of <Frame> tag
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Event Handlers in JavaScript - I
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Event Handlers in JavaScript - II
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some JavaScript Examples -- I
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some JavaScript Examples -- II
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of Index -- mainframe Case
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Self Documenting Index-mainframe sets
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AccumulateInfo Self Describing Document
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Typical Look of Document Calling AccumulateInfo - I
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Typical Look of Document Calling AccumulateInfo - II
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Asynchronous JavaScript/Browser
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Another Important Way of setting a new document to be loaded
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Dynamic Forms (Layout) in JavaScript
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The flexbuttons dynamic form in JavaScript
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Create RadioButtons Dynamically
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Create Select Field Dynamically

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616perl

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset CPS616 Instructional Material on PERL4 based on O'Reilly Llama book

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 Material on February 1995. Foils prepared May 2,1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This simple discussion of PERL4 describes the essential features needed to get going for general purpose programming
i.e. it does not describe the special concerns needed for systems programming but is aimed at what you need for writing CGI programs
We reference Llama Book: Learning PERL by Randal L. Schwartz and published by O'Reilly and Associates. ISBN: 1-56592-042-2
More detailed is the older Camel book: Programming PERL by Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz and also published by O'Reilly and Associates.
ISBN: 0-937175-64-1
Another useful book which lies between Llama and Camel books in completeness is: PERL by Example by Ellie Quigley, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-122839-0

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for CPS616 Instructional Material on PERL4 based on O'Reilly Llama book

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Perl4 -- a Module for
CPS616 -- Technologies for the Information Age
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of PERL4 Overview for CPS616
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Remarks on PERL
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scalar Data I -- Numbers (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scalar Data II -- Single Quoted Strings (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scalar Data III -- Single Quoted Strings (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scalar Variables and Statements/Comments (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Operators for Numbers and Strings I (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Operators for Numbers and Strings II -- Comparison (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Operators for Numbers and Strings III -- Binary Assignment (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interpolation of Scalars into Strings (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Simple Scalar I/O Capabilities (Chapter 2 of Llama Book)
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Logical Operators
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arithmetic Operators
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Bitwise Logical Operators
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) I (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) II -- Construction (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) III -- Construction (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) IV -- Element Access (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) V -- Element Access (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) VI -- Undefined (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) VII -- Printing (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays and Lists of Scalars(data) VIII -- Operators on Arrays (Chapter 3 of Llama Book)
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Control Structures -- if,else,unless,elsif (Chapter 4 of the Llama Book)
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Control Structures -- What is true and false (Chapter 4 of the Llama Book)
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Control Structures -- while,until (Chapter 4 of the Llama Book)
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Control Structures -- for Statement (Chapter 4 of the Llama Book)
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Control Structures -- foreach Statement (Chapter 4 of the Llama Book)
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Associative Arrays -- Definition
(Chapter 5 of the Llama Book)
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Associative Arrays -- Examples (Chapter 5 of the Llama Book)
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Associative Arrays -- Storage and Access (Chapter 5 of the Llama Book)
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Associative Arrays -- Operators: keys, values, each (Chapter 5 of the Llama Book)
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Input (Chapter 6 of the Llama Book)
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Output (Chapter 6 of the Llama Book)
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Regular Expressions -- Analogy with grep
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Regular Expressions --Patterns
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Backslash Escapes (Chapter 2 of the Llama book)
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Predefined Character Classes in Regular Expressions
(Chapter 7of the Llama Book)
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Grouping Patterns in Regular Expressions
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Anchoring and Alternation in Regular Expressions
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parentheses in Regular Expressions
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - I ( =~, m)
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - II
Variable Interpolation; i,g options; general substitution
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Matching Operator in Regular Expressions - III
\1 $1 $` $& and $' etc.
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some regular expression Examples
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Split and Join Operators
(Chapter 7 of the Llama Book)
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML index and rindex (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML substr (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Functions or Subroutines - I (Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Functions or Subroutines - II (Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Functions or Subroutines - III -- The local construct
(Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Functions or Subroutines - IV -- An Example
(Chapter 8 of the Llama Book)
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML cmp <=> Binary Equality Operators (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sorting with various criteria (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The tr translation operator (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Additional Control Flow Constructs I (Chapter 9 of the Llama Book)
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Additional Control Flow Constructs II
-- Statement Labels and next,last,redo (Chapter 9 of the Llama Book)
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Additional Control Flow Constructs III -- Accelerated Tests
(Chapter 9 of the Llama Book)
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Additional Control Flow Constructs IV -- && || and ?
(Chapter 9 of the Llama Book)
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML FileHandles I -- open close die (Chapter 10 of Llama Book)
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Using FileHandles and Testing Files
(Chapter 10 of Llama Book)
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PERL as a Practical Extraction and Report Language
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Format Definitions (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of a Format Definition (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Text and Numeric Fieldholders (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multiline Format Fields and Expressions (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Filled Fields (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Top of Page and its Format
(Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Default Filehandles and Formats (Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Page Limits and Positions
(Chapter 11 of Llama Book)
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Special Capabilities in formatted writes
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Globbing (Chapter 12 of Llama Book)
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Directory Access (Chapter 12 of Llama Book)
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Execution of UNIX Commands -- system (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Processing the Environment %ENV
(Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Execution of UNIX Commands -- backquotes (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Execution of UNIX Commands -- Filehandle Mechanism (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Execution of UNIX Commands -- fork and exec (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Signals, Interrupt Handlers, kill (Chapter 15 of Llama Book)
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The eval Function and Indexed Arrays of Associative Arrays

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616perl5etc

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 Material on April 16,1996. Foils prepared April 16,1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

See Perl Home Page for background information and resources such as manual!
This Foilset mainly extends the previous Perl4 Presentation with a discussion of some key Perl5 capabilities.
However some features may be advanced Perl4 features
We give an initial Summary of Perl5 Changes and then discuss:
Some old and new functions in Perl
Regular Expression Enhancements
New Syntax especially -> and =>
New subroutine calling and declaration syntax
Hard(address) and Soft(Symbol Table) References
General Data Structures including multidimensional Arrays
Object Oriented Features -- packages, classes and Methods

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616 January-April 1996 Computational Science Track on Base Technology for the Information Age:
Perl5 and Perl Extensions
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Perl5 and Extensions
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Advances in Perl5 -- I
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Advances in Perl5 -- II
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Advanced Syntax in Perl
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Perl Modules -- Packages - I
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Perl Modules -- Packages - II
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of Module HTML::FormatPS
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Pod Syntax Explaining Use of Module HTML::FormatPS
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Aside on Perl Pod Notation
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML require and use in Perl5
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of References in Perl5
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Soft Symbol Table References - I
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Soft Symbol Table References - II
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hard References in Perl5 - I
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hard References in Perl5 - II
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Anonymous Data Structures and Subroutines
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Structures, Arrays of Arrays in Perl5 -I
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Structures, Arrays of Arrays in Perl5 -II
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML There really are only 1D Arrays and Hashs! - I
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML There really are only 1D Arrays and Hashs! - II
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The -> Pointer Notation -- I
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The -> Pointer Notation -- II
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Remarks about Subroutines - I
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Remarks about Subroutines - II
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Remarks about Subroutines - III
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Remarks about Subroutines - IV -- Call by Reference
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Remarks about Subroutines - V -- Separating Arguments
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Remarks about Subroutines - VI -- Separating Arguments
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Remarks about Subroutines - VII -- AUTOLOAD
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Perl5 Object Model -- I
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Perl5 Object Model -- II
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Constructor for class HTML::FormatPS - I
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Constructor for class HTML::FormatPS - II
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Constructor for class HTML::FormatPS - III
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML splice function in Perl
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Hash of Arrays in class HTML::FormatPS
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of Method in class HTML::FormatPS
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Inheritance in Perl5
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Predefined Variables in Perl - I
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Predefined Variables in Perl - II
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some functions equivalent to Different Quotes
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Quotemeta() and \Q .. \E Construct
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML (?..) Constructs in Regular Expressions - I
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML (?..) Constructs in Regular Expressions -II
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Minimal Matching in Regular Expressions
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML (?..) Constructs in Regular Expressions -III
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Further Perl4 and Perl5 Functions
-- do and glob!
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Upper and Lower case Functions
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The defined undef and exists functions
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The map and grep functions
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML pack and unpack Functions -- I
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML pack and unpack Functions -- II
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ref and scalar functions
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML tie() and untie() Perl Functions - I
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML tie() and untie() Perl Functions - II
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML tie() and untie() Perl Functions - III
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interfacing Perl with C

Local OneLiner Foil Index for ecs400spring96/ecs400www

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW)

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 27 February 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

The World Wide Web is a world-wide repository of linked information, called hypertext or hypermedia. It consists of
  • A user interface consistent across many computers
  • A set of standards that enables the interface to access a variety of document types and information protocols.
  • A provision for universal access, based on the Internet domain name schemes.
In this talk, we give a brief background on the Internet, Client/Server Architectures and the components of the World Wide Web.

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW)

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction to the World Wide Web (WWW)
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction to the World Wide Web
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Background on the Internet
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of the Internet
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of the World Wide Web
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Applications based on information services typically use a Client/Server Architecture
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Familiar Clients and Servers
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The World Wide Web is a collection of clients and servers called browsers and Web sites

Local OneLiner Foil Index for ecs400spring96/ecs400html

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Introduction to HTML

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 6 June 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is defined using SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) and provides tags to identify document structure for later formatting and links to other documents.
This presentation will cover the most commonly used or important features of HTML; more details can be found in the references.
Topics will include
  • formatting text on a web page and creating links to other web pages
  • using images and imagemaps
  • creating forms
  • creating tables
  • creating frames
Features will be included from both HTML2.0 and HTML3.0, and the enhancements from the Netscape 1.1 and Netscape2.0 browsers.
  • HTML and CGI Unleashed, John December and Mark GInsburg.
  • - Various documents on html features, under the Assistance section of this Table of Contents from Netscape.

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Introduction to HTML

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Preparing Web Pages with HTML
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Preparing Web Pages with HTML
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Creating a Web Page
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting a Web Page: Headers and Paragraphs
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting a Web Page: Lists
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting a Web Page: More Lists
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Creating a Web Page: Hyperlinks (Anchors)
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More on Hyperlinks
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting a Web Page: More on Text
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting a Web Page: Miscellaneous Topics
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting a Web Page:
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting a Web Page: Backgrounds
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Completing your Web Page
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Inlined Images
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More on Inlined Images
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Inlined Images: Performance
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML External Viewers for Images, Audio, and Video
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML External Viewers, continued
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Producing Images
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Forms
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Content Fields of a Form: Text and Password Fields
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Content Fields of a Form: Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Content Fields of a Form: Menus and Scrolled Lists, TextAreas
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Content Fields of a Form: Submit and Reset Buttons
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example Form
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Clickable Maps
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting Tables
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What's Inside a Table
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of a Table
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Frame Documents in Netscape 2.0 Browsers
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting Frames
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of a Frame Document

Local OneLiner Foil Index for ecs400spring96/ecs400http

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 2 June 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

MIME stands for Multipart Internet Mail Extensions and is the developing standard for the contents of all messages passed over the Internet.
HTTP is Hypertext Transport Protocol and is the protocol that provides the basis of the World Wide Web: transmitting multimedia documents across the Internet. HTTPD is the daemon running the HTTP Web server.
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is the universal addressing scheme for all documents (multimedia) on the WWW.
CGI is the Common Gateway Interface and is the scheme to interface other programs and systems to the HTTP Web protocol, using the same data protocols as the HTTP clients and servers.
  • HTML and CGI Unleashed, John December and Mark GInsburg, chapters 19 and 20.
  • Innumerable web documents.

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Setting the Stage for CGI Programming:
HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD, and many other acronyms
too numerous to mention
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML In a Nutshell
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Internet Documents: Drafts, Memos and Standards
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Internet Documents - Examples
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Internet E-Mail (RFC-822)
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME)
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MIME - Extension Model
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MIME - "Content-Type" Header Field
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MIME - Base Content Types
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MIME - Base Content Types, continued
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MIME - Implementation Status
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HTTP - Hypertext Transport Protocol
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HTTPD - HTTP Daemon
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML URL - Uniform Resource Locator
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HTTP - How does it work?
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HTTP - GET Request Example
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HTTP - Reply Example
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HTTP - POST Request Example
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Common Gateway Interface (CGI) - an introduction

Local OneLiner Foil Index for ecs400spring96/ecs400cgi

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Introduction to CGI Programming

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 2 June 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

CGI is the Common Gateway Interface and is the scheme to interface other programs and systems to the HTTP Web protocol, using the same data protocols as the HTTP clients and servers.
In this section, we will cover
  • passing information from the web page to the CGI script
  • processing information on the server and returning formatted web pages back to the web client
  • an example using Perl as the scripting language
  • brief descriptions of other CGI capabilities
  • HTML and CGI Unleashed, John December and Mark GInsburg, chapters 19, 20 and 21, Publishing.
  • CGI Programming on the World Wide Web, Gundavaram, O'Reilly & Associates.
  • The CGI Book, William Weinman, New Riders Publishing.
  • Web documents.

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Introduction to CGI Programming

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CGI Programming
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CGI Programming
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Flow of Data amongst the Client, Server and CGI Script
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Flow of Data amongst the Client, Server and CGI Script
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example form for Hello, World!
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example CGI program in Perl for Hello, World!
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Pass Data to a CGI Program through Environment Variables
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Another way to pass data through environment variables
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Other Information in environment variables
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Passing data as Standard Input to the CGI program
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Perl subprogram to read input from web forms - Part I
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Perl subprogram - Part II
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CGI Program Output: the response to the web server
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some CGI programming practical tips
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More practical tips

Local OneLiner Foil Index for ecs400spring96/ecs400perlstroll

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Master Set of Foils for 1996 Session of CPS615

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science CPS615 on Fall Semester 96. Foils prepared 10 Sept 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Text: Learning PERL (the Llama book), Randal L. Schwartz, OšReilly & Associates, 1993.
PERL4 is an interpreted language that can be regarded as a cross between C, Unix shell, sed and awk. It is a C-based language which can also deal directly with Unix commands and file system and easily do string processing matching.
In this course, we will concentrate not on using PERL in systems programming, but in using PERL for CGI programming, i.e. implementing programs activated from Web pages.
In general, we use PERL for tedious high level things which can take a long time to program but not much execution time. For computationally intense programs, we would use a compiled language such as C.
Our first lecture on Perl will show a series of small programming examples from Chapter 1 of the Learning Perl book, designed to illustrate the main features of the language. Later we will cover each topic in more detail.

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Master Set of Foils for 1996 Session of CPS615

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction to PERL Programming:
a Stroll Through Perl
from "Learning Perl" by Randal L. Schwartz
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PERL4
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Simplest Program: Hello, World!
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scalar Variables and Keyboard Input
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Conditional and Comparison
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML While Loop
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays, also known as lists
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Associative arrays
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Regular Expressions and String Matching
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Substitute and Translate Operators
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Subroutines
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reading Files
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sending commands to the operating system
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Formatting output and using file names
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Further Topics

Local OneLiner Foil Index for ecs400spring96/ecs400javastroll

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Introduction to Java Programming: a Stroll Through Java

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 27 February 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Java is an object-oriented language based on C++ suitable for general distributed applications programming. In this course, we will concentrate on Java applets to program application interfaces on the World Wide Web.
These lecture slides on programming in Java will show a series of small programming examples, designed to illustrate the main features of the language.
They accompany the Java Course Module, by Geoffrey Fox, which covers more details about the language.
Text: "Teach yourself Java in 21 days", by Laura Lemay and Charles L. Perkins, February 1996, Publishing.

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Introduction to Java Programming: a Stroll Through Java

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Stroll through Java
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Stroll through Java
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Simplest Java Application: Hello, World!
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Simplest Java Applet: Hello, World!
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Displaying your applet from a Web page.
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Graphics class
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Using Graphics properties
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Passing parameters to an applet: the HTML
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Passing parameters to an applet: the applet
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Drawing simple shapes
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Centering a string in the applet window.
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Random color boxes example
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Arrays of random colors
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Applet Flow of Control
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Threads
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example showing the standard thread methods
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example showing thread methods, continued
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA - defining a class
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More methods in the class definition
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Defining a child class
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Using parent and child classes
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parent and child example, continued
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overloading Constructors
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More child classes
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Class Hierarchy of this example
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Getting Images
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Drawing Images
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Image Drawing Example
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Double Buffering
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Using Mouse Events for User Interaction
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Mouse Events: Initializing the movable objects
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Mouse Move Event
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Set of Mouse Dragging Events
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More Methods in the Movable Point class
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Keyboard Events
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT - Grid Layout with Two Components
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT - Adding Components to a Layout
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT - Canvas Component
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT - Panel Component with Buttons
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AWT - Handling Actions from Components
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Designing an AWT User Interface - the Pizza Order example
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Pizza Order: GUI Components
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Pizza Order: the Specials Component
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Pizza Order: the Toppings Component and Graphics Canvas
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Pizza Order: the Class Hierarchy
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Pizza Order: the Calling Hierarchy

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616dbforvrml

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset CPS616 VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS

Given by Krzysztof Walczak at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 20 February 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Open Inventor
VRML language
VRML Browsers
Illustra Database System
Why database support for VRML ?
File based terrain rendering in VRML
Terrain rendering with Illustra database support
Objects - storing rich semantic information
Multiversion representation
Examples of VRML for Terrain Rendering

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for CPS616 VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS616 Lectures
VRML and
Database Support
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Topics in VRML/Illustra Tutorial
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor and VRML -- Introduction
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor -- Overview
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor -- Nodes
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor -- Database Structure
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor -- Typical Applications
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language -- Overview
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Goals
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML -- Specification
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Language characteristics
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example I - Shapes
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example II - Properties
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example III - Group Nodes
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example IV - Textures
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Nodes I
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Nodes II
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Nodes III -- Properties nodes
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Nodes IV
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Example
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Tools
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Browsers
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Browsers II
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Browsers - Examples I -- WebSpace
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Browsers - Examples II -- SDSC WebView
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Browsers - Examples III -- VRWeb
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Browsers - Examples IV -- WebFX
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System - Server
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra - Evolution in DBMS
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System
Object-Relational DBMS
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System - DataBlades
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System
DataBlades (cont.)
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra - System Architecture
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System --
2D Spatial DataBlade
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System --
3D Spatial DataBlade
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System
Access to the Data
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Database Support for VRML
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Why Database Support for VRML ?
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Standard VRML Storage
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Standard VRML Storage
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Geometrical vs. Semantical Model
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML System Architecture
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Synthesis
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Data
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Synthesis of Terrain Description
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Creation of VRML files
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML modeling
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML LOD - Level-Of-Detail
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Level-Of-Detail - Example
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Colors
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Storage and Indexing
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reducing Number of Polygons
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multi Resolution Terrain Model - I
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multi Resolution Terrain Model- II
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Modeling of Objects - Object Data
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Modeling of Objects - Types
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Definition of Objects - Example
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Database Schema
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multiversion Approach
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multiversion Approach
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML - Example I
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML - Example II

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616basicvrml96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Overview of VRML 1.0 Language with Examples

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox, Alvin Leung at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 10 April 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

VRML 1.0 resource is
This presentation illustrates many but NOT all the VRML 1.0 nodes using some simple examples taken from
where there is a car and 8 variants on a pyramid defined
We juxtapose formal definitions of nodes with snippets of VRML from these exemplars

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Overview of VRML 1.0 Language with Examples

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616 January-April 1996 Computational Science Track on Base Technology for the Information Age:
VRML Language Basics
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Basic VRML for CPS616
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of VRML from wired VRML Site
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of VRML Language Details - I
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of VRML Language Details - II
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Structure of VRML
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Coordinate System for VRML
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Types of Fields (attributes,properties) in VRML
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The 12 SF and 4 MF Type Classes
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML SFColor SFLong SFFloat Basic Types
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML SFMatrix and SFRotation
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML SFEnum and SFString
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML SFVec2f and SFVec3f
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML SFImage Specification of Hexadecimal Representation
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML SFImage Specification Examples
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MFColor and MFLong
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MFVec2f and MFVec3f
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Nodes in VRML -- Overall Classes and Function
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Coordinate System and How Fields are entered into Nodes in VRML
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Shape Nodes
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Property Nodes
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Group and "Other" Nodes
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Structure of a VRML Node
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Online VRML Examples
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Eight Versions of a VRML Pyramid - I
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Eight Versions of a VRML Pyramid - II
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Start of Basic White Pyramid -- Separator and Material
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Material Node
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Separator Node I
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Separator Node II -- Formal Specification
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of the Pyramid with Coordinate3 and IndexedFaceSet - I
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of the Pyramid with Coordinate3 and IndexedFaceSet - II
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML IndexedFaceSet Node I
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML IndexedFaceSet Node II
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML IndexedFaceSet Node III -- Formal Specification
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of WWWAnchor Transform and WWWInline in Pyramid Demonstration
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Notes on Use of WWWAnchor Transform and WWWInline in Pyramid Demonstration
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML WWWAnchor Node I
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML WWWAnchor Node II
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML WWWAnchor Node III -- Formal Specification
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML WWWInline Node - I
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML WWWInline Node - II Formal Specification
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Transform Node I
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Transform Node is Equivalent to Several Other VRML Nodes Applied Together
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Rotation Node
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PerspectiveCamera in Pyramid Demonstration
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML PerspectiveCamera Node - I
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML PerspectiveCamera Node - Formal Specification
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Separator Transform DirectionalLight in Car Demonstration
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML DirectionalLight Node
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of ShapeHints in Pyramid - I
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of ShapeHints in Pyramid - II
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML ShapeHints Node I
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML ShapeHints Node II
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML ShapeHints Node III -- Formal Specification
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML ShapeHints Node IV -- Formal Specification (contd)
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PER_VERTEX MaterialBinding in Pyramid Coloring - I
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PER_VERTEX MaterialBinding in Pyramid Coloring - II
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML MaterialBinding Node - I
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML MaterialBinding Node - II
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML MaterialBinding Node - III
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PER_VERTEX_INDEXED MaterialBinding in Pyramid Coloring - I
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PER_VERTEX_INDEXED MaterialBinding in Pyramid Coloring - II
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PER_VERTEX_INDEXED MaterialBinding in Pyramid Coloring - III
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PER_FACE MaterialBinding in Pyramid Coloring - I
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PER_FACE MaterialBinding in Pyramid Coloring - II
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of PER_FACE_INDEXED MaterialBinding in Pyramid Coloring - I
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of Simple Texture Map in Pyramid Coloring
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Texture2 Node - I
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Texture2 Node - II Formal Specification
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of TextureCoordinate2 in Pyramid Coloring - I
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of TextureCoordinate2 in Pyramid Coloring - II
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML TextureCoordinate2 Node
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Texture2Transform Node I
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Texture2Transform Node II Formal Specification
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Definition of Wheel in Car Demonstration - I
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Definition of Wheel in Car Demonstration - II
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Sphere Node - I
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Sphere Node -- Formal Specification
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Definition of HeadLight in Car Demonstration - I
81 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Definition of HeadLight in Car Demonstration - II
82 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Definition of HeadLight in Car Demonstration - III
83 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Definition of HeadLight in Car Demonstration - IV
84 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Cone Node - I
85 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Cone Node - II
86 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Cone Node - III
87 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML PointLight Node - I
88 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML PointLight Node - Formal Specification
89 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Cylinder Node - I
90 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Cylinder Node - II
91 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Cylinder Node Formal Specifications- III
92 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AsciiText in Car Demonstration - I
93 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AsciiText in Car Demonstration - II
94 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AsciiText Node Type -- General Structure - I
95 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AsciiText Node Type -- General Structure - II
96 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML AsciiText Node Type -- Formal Specification
97 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Level Of Detail LOD Node I
98 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Level Of Detail LOD Node II Formal Specification

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616oraclebasic96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database

Given by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 4 April 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This starts with a summary of four major modules (this is first one of the four)
What is a Relational Database
A Phone-List Example for Motivation and Illustration of Concept
Major Schema Objects and Structures in Oracle with examples
Data Integrity and Data Types in Oracle
Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616 January-April 1996 Computational Science Track on Base Technology for the Information Age:
Oracle RDBMS and Web Integration
Module 1 - A Technical Introduction to Oracle RDBMS
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of: Module 1 - A Technical Introduction to Oracle RDBMS
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Full Summary of CPS616 Oracle/Web Presentation - I
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Full Summary of CPS616 Oracle/Web Presentation - II
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Technical Introduction to Oracle RDBMS
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example Problem Description -I
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example Problem Description -II
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example problem description -III
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example problem description -IV
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Relational Database Model
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Attribute and Entity Relationship Tables
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Relational Rules -- 1
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Relational Rules - 2
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Relational Rules - 3
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Relational Algebra
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Database Structure and Space Management in Oracle
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle - Tablespace I
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle - Tablespace II
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle - III -- Table
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Define A Table Structure in Oracle - An Example
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle -IV- View
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Use of Views in a Database I
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Use of Views in a Database II
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Define a View in Oracle - An Example
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle -V -- Sequences
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle -VI - Procedures etc.
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle -VI- Synonym
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle -VII-Synonym
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle -VIII - Indices
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML When Should one Create Indices ?
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How to Choose Columns to be Indexed
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Schema Objects in Oracle - IX
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Integrity in Oracle -I
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Integrity in Oracle -II
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Integrity in Oracle -III
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Datatypes in Oracle -I
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Datatypes in Oracle -II
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Datatypes in Oracle -III
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle -I
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle -II
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle RDBMS Supports Read-Consistency -I
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle RDBMS Supports Read-Consistency -II
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle -I
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle -II

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616oracleaccess96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Access of Data using SQL-PL/SQL-OraPerl in Oracle

Given by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 4 April 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

General Structure of SQL
Features of Oracle SQL and Examples
The six classes of SQL commands: Data Manipulation Language statements (DML), Data Definition Language statements (DDL), Transaction Control statements, Session Control statements, System Control statements, Embedded SQL statements
Programming in PL/SQL with examples and discussion of difference between SQL and PL/SQL
Oraperl - Access Oracle RDBMS from Perl

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Access of Data using SQL-PL/SQL-OraPerl in Oracle

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616 January-April 1996 Computational Science Track on Base Technology for the Information Age:
Oracle RDBMS and Web Integration
Module 2: Data Access and Progamming in Oracle
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of: Module 2: Data Access and Progamming in Oracle
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Access and Progamming in Oracle
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What we will do in These Lectures
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Basic Terminology for Relational Database Model
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Typical Relational Operations
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of SELECT and PROJECT
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of JOIN and UNION Select Operations
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of INTERSECT and recursive embedded Operations
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure Query Language (SQL) - I
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure Query Language - II
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML SQL and Parallelism
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Types and Operators in Oracle SQL
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Functions in Oracle SQL
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Classes of Oracle SQL Statements
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Manipulation Language statements (DML)
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML DML Examples - I
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML DML Examples - II
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Definition Language statements (DDL)
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML DDL Statement Examples
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Transaction Control Statements
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Session and System Control Statements
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Embedded and Recursive Sequel Statements
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle 7 Cursors or Named Memory
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Shared SQL Statements
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PL/SQL - Oracle's Procedural Language to SQL
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Advantages of PL/SQL
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic 3GL Programming Language features in PL/SQL
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of The PL/SQL "Engine"
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PL/SQL Data Types
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program Units in PL/SQL
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PL/SQL Stored Procedure
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How to use Example of PL/SQL Stored Procedure
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PL/SQL Packages
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of A PL/SQL Package Structure
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Cursors in PL/SQL - I
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Cursors in PL/SQL - II
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Example of PL/SQL Stored Procedure - I
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Example of PL/SQL Stored Procedure - II
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Example of PL/SQL Stored Procedure - III
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Explanation of Example of PL/SQL Stored Procedure
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scope and Life time of Procedure and Package Variables, Constants, and Cursors
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oraperl - Oracle Data Access From a Perl Program
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Built-in Functions in Oraperl
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Example in OraPerl - Query a Person's Phone Number By Last or First Name - I
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Example in OraPerl - Query a Person's Phone Number By Last or First Name - II
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More detailed information about SQL, PL/SQL and Oraperl, including examples, can be found in the handout and on-line at

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616oracleweb96

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Web-Oracle Integration focussing on use of PL/SQL

Given by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS616 Basic Information Track for Computational Science on Winter-Spring Semester 96. Foils prepared 4 April 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

The Strengths, Weaknesses and Synergy of Web and Database Technologies
Architectures of Web and Oracle RDBMS Integration
A Technical Overview of The Oracle-Web Integration
using wowstub and PL/SQL
Examples of a Web-based Search Interface for the Phone List Database

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Web-Oracle Integration focussing on use of PL/SQL

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Master Foilset for Web-Oracle Integration
CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96

Table of Contents for Web-Oracle Integration focussing on use of PL/SQL

Third Module in NPAC Tutorial on Oracle and its Integration with Web
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 616 January-April 1996 Computational Science Track on Base Technology for the Information Age:
Oracle RDBMS and Web Integration
Web/Oracle Module 3: Integration of WWW and Oracle RDBMS
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Web/Oracle Module 3: Integration of WWW and Oracle RDBMS
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points of Web Technology
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Strengths of Web Technology
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Weak Points in Web Technology
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in database technology - I
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in database technology - II
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Synergy of Web Networking and Database Technologies - I
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-Database Synergy - II
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML By integrating a database server into Web technology, a web server can be enhanced with:
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML By integrating Web into database technology, a database server can be enhanced with:
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Web-Database Applications
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Importance for Key Communities
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Networking and Client-Server Archtecture in WWW - I
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Networking and Client-Server Archtecture in WWW - II
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Two Different Strategies for WWW Client-Server Interactions - I
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Two Different Strategies for WWW Client-Server Interactions - II
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Features In Database Access -- A SQL-based Query Interface
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Client-Server model
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Approaches and Components for Interfacing Web into DB Server Environment
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic WWW DB Integration Model
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Oracle-Web Integration: A Technical Overview
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle-Web Integration Architecture
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Web Agent
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Web Agent Components
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Approach to Web Information - I
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Approach to Web Information - II
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Why Use PL/SQL ?
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Web Agent: Dynamic Creation of HTML
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Anatomy of a Web Agent URL
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The WOW OCI program (wowstub)
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebServer Developer's Toolkit
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of the Use of HTP and HTF - I
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of the Use of HTP and HTF - II
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Web/Oracle Example - Query A Person's Phone Number by Last or First Name From a Web Page
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web/Oracle Example Overall Set Up - CGI Script - II
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The PL/SQL Package For Phone Example - I
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The PL/SQL Package For Phone Example - II
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Web Page - Search Interface - I
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Web Page - Search Interface - II
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More Examples of PL/SQL Procedures for Web/Oracle Application
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle's Latest WebServer 2.0 - I
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle's Latest WebServer 2.0 - II
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-oracle Mail Database: a case study of integrating Oracle7 database server into Web
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Entity-Relation Model
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Functionality of the mail database
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 1: Home Page for the Web-Mail Database
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 2: Query the Mailbox
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 3: Query the Folder -- Choose a Folder
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 4: Query the Folder
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by mail header
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 5: Query by Mail Header -- Choose a Folder
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 6: Query by mail header
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 14: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --1
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 15: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --2
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by date
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 7: Query by Date --1
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 8: Query by Date --2
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by Subject
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 9: Query by Subject --1
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 10: Query by Subject --2
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by Sender
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 11: Query by Sender
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Incorporating new mail into the Database from your UNIX mailbox --I
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 12: Incorporate New Mail from Web Page -- Choose a folder
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Incorporating new mail into the Database from your UNIX mailbox --II
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 13: Incorporate New Mail
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Format of Query results from all query options
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 6: Query by mail header
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 14: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --1
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 15: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --2
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query options to be added in the future to Oracle-based Web Mail System
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current(January 96) NPAC Web-RDBMS Activities -- Enterprise Information Systems(EIS)
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current(January 96) NPAC Web-RDBMS Activities -- Full Text Web Search System
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current(January 96) NPAC Web-RDBMS Activities -- Mixture of well Structured and Full Text Entitities
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current(January 96) NPAC Web-RDBMS Activities -- Parallel Server Technology

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616fulldbms

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * BLUE=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)

Given by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny (Geoffrey Fox) at HPDC-4 Tutorial/CPS616 Spring95 on August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. Foils prepared July 23,1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Commercial Applications and Motivation for large Parallel Databases
Overview of base Technology including parallel architecture and review of sequential SQL
NPAC's Parallel Database Installation
Parallel Oracle on SP2 and nCUBE
DR-LINK high level frontend from Textwise
Some experiences with benchmarking --TPC-D
Linking of relational databases to the Web
  • Example of use with large UNIX mail system
  • Contrast of pluses and minuses of relational databases with distributed Web databnases

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Masters for Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial
First Part (Motivation, Theory) of Parallel Relational Databases
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
Second Part (Benchmarking,Explicit Systems, Textwise) of Parallel Relational Databases
CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases

Table of Contents for Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)

Initial Two Presentations cover Relational Databases
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Parallel Relational Databases including Oracle, DB2PE on nCUBE2 and IBM SP2
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Parallel Relational Database Tutorial

Start First Presentation Covering
  • Commercial Applications and Motivation of Parallel Relational Databases
  • Theory and Architecture of Parallel Relational Databases
  • Including a SQL review
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Relational Database Management Systems -- I
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Parallel Relational Database Management Systems -- I
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Outline of Full Database Presentation
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Section I:
Parallel Database Technology in Commercial Applications and Industry
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Motivations for Parallel Databases -- I:
Overview of Parallel Database Appeal
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Motivations for Parallel Databases -- II:
Inadequacies with Current Mainframe Solutions
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Motivations for Parallel Databases -- III:
Commercial versus Scientific Applications
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Motivations for Parallel Databases -- IV:
Market Demand from Competitiveness
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Application Areas for Parallel Database: commercial, administration, scientific
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Classes of Commercial Applications
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An Application Example ---
Intelligent Business systems
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Intelligent Business systems ---
2)Typical Questions
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Intelligent Business systems ---
3) Major Technology Challenges
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Intelligent Business systems ---
4) Solutions
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Software and Hardware vendors in Parallel Database Technology
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current Major Commercial Users
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Database Technology and Theory
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hardware architectures for parallel DBMS
-- Generic System
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Hardware Architectures and forms of Parallelism
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Three (Hardware) architectures for parallel DBMS
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Notes on Shared Nothing Architecture
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Shared-data Architecture
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Shared Data Architecture
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Note on Oracle nCUBE2 Hybrid Architecture
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Topological view of MP machines (with ŌScalabilityĶ in mind)
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Dataflow perspective
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallelisms in parallel database systems
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Partitioning --- How to divide data among multiple disks ?
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Data Partitioning Schemes
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Approaches in Data Partitioning
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Danger of Data Skew arises on
Shared Nothing with Data Partitioning
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Pitfalls in data partitioning
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Performance Metrics In Parallel Database Systems
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Performance barriers
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some basic terminology for relational database model
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Typical Relational Operations
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Join Operation: a SELECT operation that combines rows from two or more tables. Each returned row contains data from more than one table
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Structure Query Language (SQL)
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Features of Structure Query Language (SQL)
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major RDBMS functionality
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is a 3GL or 4GL?
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is PL/SQL -- I ?
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is PL/SQL -- II?
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is PL/SQL -- III?
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Data Integrity?
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are Schemes?
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are Roles?
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are Profiles and Auditing?
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are Two-phase Database Schema?
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example: Relational Joins
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Structure of Parallel and Sequential Relational Joins
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Algorithm for Relational Joins
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Database Software Architecture
Distributed Lock Manager
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel Relational Database -- Screen1: Oracle Parallel Server
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel Relational Database -- Screen2: Parallel Cache Management
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Database Software Architecture
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel Relational Database -- Screen3: Oracle's Parallel Query

Start Second Presentation here Covering
  • Benchmarking, Explicit Issues with Oracle on SP2 and nCUBE
  • Textwise High Level Front End
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Relational Database Management Systems II
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Second Part of Parallel Relational Database Systems Presentation
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Database efforts at NPAC and in InfoMall
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC's Experience in Parallel Database Technology
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML nCUBE Database Hardware and Software Infrastructure in NPAC
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML IBM Database Hardware and Software Infrastructure in NPAC
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML InfoMall(NPAC) Parallel Database Evaluation and Benchmarking Service
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Decision Support Systems
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of DR-LINK High Level Natural Language Database Interface
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Features of DR-LINK High Level Natural Language Database Interface
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of DR-LINK High Level Database Interface
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Oracle7 RDBMS -- A Case Study
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is the Oracle Parallel Server -- Introduction ?
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel RDBMS Architecture
Overall Structure
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel RDBMS Architecture
Parallel Data Query option:
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel RDBMS Architecture
Parallel Server option
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are the versions of the Oracle Parallel Server ?
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is the Oracle Parallel Server File Structure and Architecture?
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle7 Server Architecture
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel Relational Database Server on nCUBE2 -- Screen 1 on Oracle's Parallel Server for nCUBE2
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel Relational Database Server on nCUBE2 -- Screen 2 on Oracle's Parallel Server for nCUBE2
81 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel Relational Database Server on nCUBE2 -- Screen 3 on Oracle's Parallel Server for nCUBE2
82 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel Relational Database Server on nCUBE2 -- Screen 4 on Oracle's Parallel Server for nCUBE2
83 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Oracle Server Instance
84 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle7 Parallel Server Characteristics
85 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Oracle7 Parallel Server
86 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Application Example of Parallel Server (functional parallelism)
87 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Server Option
88 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle7 on IBM SPX Architecture
89 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Cache Management (PCM) and Distributed Lock Manager(DLM)
90 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle Parallel Server On-Line Recovery
91 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of failure due to lack of concurrency control
92 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Discussion of PCM Lock Example
93 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Contention for Shared Resources
94 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Using Oracle 7 Server's PCM locks:
95 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Consider the following PCM Example
96 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Query Option
97 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Query Processing: Overview
98 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query Processing
99 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Three Processing Phases in Parallel Query
100 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of parallel execution of a full scan
101 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Query Execution
102 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The query coordinator dynamically partitions the work among the query servers
103 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Partitioning in Oracle 7.1.3
104 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML File Striping in Oracle
105 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Benchmarking Parallel RDBMS
106 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Industry Benchmarking Tests-I
107 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Industry Benchmarking Tests-II
108 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Characteristics of DSS Workloads
109 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TPC-D - a Decision Support Benchmark?
Overall Structure
110 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TPC-D - a Decision Support Benchmark?
Nature of Benchmark Examples
111 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TPC-D - a Decision Support Benchmark? Nature of Queries
112 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TPC-D - a Decision Support Benchmark?
Problems with TPC-D design
113 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TPC-D - a Decision Support Benchmark?
Scalability Issues
114 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TPC-D - a Decision Support Benchmark?
Relevance to Real Applications
115 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TPC-D - a Decision Support Benchmark?
Overall Evaluation
116 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Lessons Learned in NPAC's Benchmarking

Now we discuss Linkage of Relational Databases with Web
117 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration of Database Server and Web Technology
118 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Web Oracle Integration Presentation
119 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in Web Technology
120 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in database technology
121 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Synergy of Web Networking and Database Technologies
122 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Weak Points in Web Technology
123 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Weak Points in Database Technology
124 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML By integrating a database server into Web technology, a Web server can be enhanced with:
125 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML By integrating Web into database technology, a Database server can be enhanced with:
126 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interfacing Web server and a database server
-- Basic Features of WWW Client Server System
127 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WWW Client Server Relationship
128 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic features in database access -- a SQL-based query interface
129 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Client-Server model
130 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major approaches for interfacing web into DB server environment
131 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic WWW DB Integration Model
132 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle approach to Web-RDBMS Integration
133 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Procedural and Programmable mechanisms
134 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-Oracle-Web (WOW) --- a Web-Oracle interface tool for developing gateways
135 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic components in WOW
136 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client-Server Architecture for WOW
137 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-oracle Mail Database: a case study of integrating Oracle7 database server into Web
138 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Entity-Relation Model
139 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Functionality of the mail database
140 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 1: Home Page for the Web-Mail Database
141 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 2: Query the Mailbox
142 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 3: Query the Folder -- Choose a Folder
143 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 4: Query the Folder
144 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by mail header
145 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 5: Query by Mail Header -- Choose a Folder
146 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 6: Query by mail header
147 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 14: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --1
148 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 15: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --2
149 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by date
150 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 7: Query by Date --1
151 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 8: Query by Date --2
152 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by Subject
153 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 9: Query by Subject --1
154 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 10: Query by Subject --2
155 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by Sender
156 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 11: Query by Sender
157 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Incorporating new mail into the Database from your UNIX mailbox --I
158 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 12: Incorporate New Mail from Web Page -- Choose a folder
159 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Incorporating new mail into the Database from your UNIX mailbox --II
160 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 13: Incorporate New Mail
161 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Format of Query results from all query options
162 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 6: Query by mail header
163 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 14: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --1
164 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 15: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --2
165 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query options to be added in the future to Oracle-based Web Mail System

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps640/mmnetworks

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Overall Summary of MultiMedia Networks and Rationale for Integrated Services

Given by Marek Podgorny at Tutorial in Poland on April 1996. Foils prepared 3 May 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Review of the networked multimedia presentations
Requirements for the networking infrastructure supporting multimedia applications
  • Application categorization
  • Relevant network performance parameters
Network technologies supporting multimedia delivery
  • Multicast
  • Switching technologies
  • Quality of service guarantees (integrated services)
  • ATM networks and multimedia

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Overall Summary of MultiMedia Networks and Rationale for Integrated Services

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Network Architectures for Multimedia Delivery
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Network Architectures for Multimedia Delivery
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Networked multimedia applications
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Networked multimedia applications (Continued)
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Application Industry -- I
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Application Industry (Continued)
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Categories of Net MM Apps -- I
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Categories of Net MM Apps - II
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Kiosks -- I
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Kiosks - II
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - I - Overview
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - II - Bandwidth
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - III - Bandwidth (Continued)
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - IV - Bandwidth Scenarios
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - V - Bandwidth Scenarios (Continued)
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - VI - Quality of Service
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - VII- Quality of Service (Continued)
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - VIII -- Latency
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - IX - Latency (Continued)
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - X - Jitter
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - X I - Jitter (Continued)
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - XII - Multipoint Packet Delivery
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Network Requirements - XIII - Multipoint Packet Delivery (Continued) -- Multicast
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia QoS Support -- Introduction
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia QoS Support -- General Mechanisms
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML QoS -- ATM and Integrated Services Network
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ATM versus Integrated Services Network
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services for the Internet
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services: Additional Rationale -- Bandwidth Allocation - I
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services: Additional Rationale -- Bandwidth Allocation II
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated services: Architecture Elements - I
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated services: Architecture Elements - II
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model - I
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model - II -- Basic assumptions of the model
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model - III -- Basic assumptions of the model (Continued)
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model - IV -- Basic assumptions of the model (Continued)
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model: Unnecessary? - I
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model: Unnecessary? - II
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model: Unnecessary? - III
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model: Unnecessary? - IV
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model: Reservations - I
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Model: Reservations - II
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework Overview I
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework - Overview II
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework -- flow
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework -- Router Function
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework -- Packet Scheduler I
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework -- Packet Scheduler II
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework -- Classifier I
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework -- Classifier II
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework -- Admission Control I
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Reference Implementation Framework -- Admission Control II
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Router -- Diagram
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Router -- Forwarding Path
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services Router -- Background Routines
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML IS : Host Model and Routing Changes - I
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML IS : Host Model and Routing Changes -- II
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services - I
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services - II
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services - III
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services - IV
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services- QoS - I
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services- QoS - II
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services Playback Real-Time Apps - I
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core ServicesPlayback Real-Time Apps - II
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core ServicesPlayback Real-Time Apps - III
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services Playback Real-Time Apps - IV
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services Playback Real-Time Apps - V -- intolerant
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services Real-Time Apps - Tolerant - I
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services Real-Time Apps - Tolerant/Predictive Service - II
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services Real-Time Apps - Guaranteed v. Predictive Services
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services - Adaptive Real-Time Apps - I
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services - Adaptive Real-Time Apps - II
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services - Elastic Applications - I
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services - Elastic Applications - II
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services -- Analysis of Taxonomy - I
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services -- Analysis of Taxonomy - II
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services -- Resource Sharing - I
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services -- Resource Sharing - II
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services -- Resource Sharing - III
81 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Service Model: Core Services -- Resource Sharing - IV
82 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Services: Outstanding Issues

Local OneLiner Foil Index for virtuniv95

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Technologies and Issues for Virtual University

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at HPDC95/SC95 Tutorials on August 1/Dec 4 1995. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This presentation sets the application (in this case education) backdrop for the HPDC95 Tutorial on the use of Web based technologies for education
  • i.e. for the Virtual School (K-12 classroom) and the Virtual University
We assume that Living Textbook, Phy105/106 material (on-line screendumps) and InfoVision and WebServer discussions are also used
We describe uses of NII/GII in education, relationships with edutainment, advantages of digital versus analog, overseas as well as U.S.A.. delivery, role of Geographical Information Systems, role of Interactive and other simulations
We look at current as well as future Web Technologies and the implications for presentation of scholarly work and the curriculum

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Master Foilset for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/106
Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
Screendumps of kidsweb web pages

Table of Contents for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University

For Auxiliary Resources on this Presentation -- see:
Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages for full set of screendumps on living textbook project
Hyperlinked "Paper" Submitted by NPAC to Supercomputing 95 on Living Textbook for a Paper on the Living Textbook (== schoolbook)
Implications of NII for Kids in Schools and Home for a Presentation on role of NII for Kids
InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand for General Discussion of relevant technology
Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995 for discussion of relevant education curricula
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Virtual University -- General Principles and Some Examples from NPAC Activities
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Virtual University Presentation

The General situation of technology in education
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Broad Areas of Applicability of NII/GII (National/Global Information Infrastructure) in Education
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Historical Backdrop -- A Disappointing Role of Technology in Education
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML But the Future will be Different with a Technology Dominated Education

The Hardware Scenario:
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some remarks on the Hardware Infrastructure
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Further remarks on base Infrastructure

Technology and Education Overview
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some General Remarks and Features of Virtual University on the Web -- I
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some General Remarks and Features of Virtual University on the Web -- II
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Technological Issues and People--People Interactions
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII and Education - Distance Learning
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The InfoVision Scenario
INFOrmation Video Imagery and Simulation ON demand
-- Home clients and High Performance Multimedia Servers
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Technological Issues and Pedagogical Curricula
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Natural Information Unit -- I?
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Natural Information Unit -- II?
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Technological Issues and the Student
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Features of Virtual Reality -- a New Consumer Level Product
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Implementation Issues for use of Web Technology in Education
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is so important about Digital ?
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some of the Jobs that will Need NII (Internet, World Wide Web) Skills
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Students Prefer Education using Technologies that will benefit them in the Real World
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Next Generation Home Computers include Settop Boxes and Videogame Controllers
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Classes of Educational Uses of the Internet and the future National Information Infrastructure (NII)

Virtual University Activities that NPAC is involved in:
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Virtual University Activities Involving NPAC -- I
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Virtual University Activities Involving NPAC -- II

Science for the Twentyfirst Century is a sophisticated hyperlinked educational resource and includes simulation, homework, internal and external material

26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Phy105/106 Home Page - Science for the 21st Century
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Home Page for SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Biology section - what is life? - table of contents
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Home Page for Mind and Machine Module
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Encoder neural network tutorial and simulation page

The next Example is Living Text/Schoolbook
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of the Living Schoolbook Project
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Living Schoolbook Project Partners
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Outside Partners of the Living Schoolbook Project
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML New York State Interactive Journey Page and clickable map of downtown Syracuse
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Discovery Channel project

The set of Activities in LivingTextbook Described Generally
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Collaborative Technology and the NII
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video (Movie and News) on Demand (VOD) and the NII
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML InfoVision - Text Information on Demand on the NII
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML InfoVision - Image Information on Demand on the NII

Simulation-on-Demand in Education is particularly interesting
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML InfoVision - Simulation on Demand
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Approaches to Simulation in Web Education -I
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Approaches to Simulation in Web Education -II
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Approaches to Simulation in Web Education -III
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML From Video Games to Yellow Pages
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Uses of Geographical Information Systems with the NII
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Content of New York State -- The Interactive Journey
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Exploratorium versus Structured Learning

We can Involve the Media Professionals in Newhouse School at SU
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VASTNET -- NPAC, Newhouse School, University Electronic Media Services Collaboration

FLAG is a major effort to link Africa and the Far East by ocean cable
  • This enables the Global Virtual University
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - I
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - II
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Fiber Link Across the Globe FLAG -- Topology

Caching of Information is an important technology
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Role of Caching in the Virtual University -- I
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Role of Caching in the Virtual University -- II
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Role of Caching in the Virtual University -- III

Kids Web is a digital library for K-12 use of Internet and the following Illustrates Title page and one section of library (on Space from NASA)

55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Kidsweb Home Page and Table of Contents for Arts, Science
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Astronomy and Space content - Combined picture of Jupiter with Comet Shoemaker-Levy9 fragments

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95tutorial

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This tutorial will provide comprehensive coverage of interactive WWW technologies and their integration with HPCC from the perspective of distance education.
The presenters will outline their vision of the Virtual University for modern education and discuss interactive WWW, HPCC backends, and agent-based communication as three critical enabling technologies in this framework.
They will illustrate these concepts with demonstrations of WWW spaces and courses developed at the University of Syracuse such as KidsWeb,Science for the 21st Century, Living Textbook, and Computational Science for the Information Age.
They will explain component technologies and infrastructure such as WebTools, parallel databases, and video and computational servers. Finally, they will discuss their concept of WebWork and WebWindows as an emergent, collectively developed integration framework for the WWW, agents, and HPCC-based Simulations-on-Demand,
They will present prototype demonstrations of interactive and collaborative modules for distance education.

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation
Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations
Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation
Master Foilset for RCI Presentation on HPCC and NII for Industry and Education
InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley
Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96
Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration
CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases
Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education
Discussion of NII for Real World -- Education Medicine Journalism
Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
ASOP Requirements for the NII
Master Foilset for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/106
Screendumps of kidsweb web pages
Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995
Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations
CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation
Master Foilset for The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web
General Foils on PCRC -- Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium

Table of Contents for SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education

Additional Resources

Web Technology has Three Opportunities
  • Use the Web to implement HPCC and Computing Environments
  • Use the Web to teach both internally to the University and Across the World
  • this educational use of the web can be applied at all levels from K-12 up
  • Teach the (Advanced) Web to Eager Students
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies as the basis of Distance Education and Related Topics
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Supercomputing 95 Web/NII Tutorial for Distance Education
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Technology has at least three opportunities for you and me!

The Web can come to the rescue of HPCC and we can use HPCC to implement the high performance server network and computing parts of the web!

4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software)
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML World Wide Web (WWW) is key to HPCC Implementation

The WebServer -- InfoVision Scenario
  • Including the very large world wide computer!
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebServers and InfoVision as an example of Opportunity for MPP's on the NII
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration of Industry Sectors forming the NII
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Standard Scenario for HPCC and NII
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII Compute & Communications Capability in Year 2000 --> 2005
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Ultimate Vision and Implementation of NII and InfoVision
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is a Web or HPMMCC Network Server ?

Could switch to Video technology Presentation here
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How a Car is Built, Bob Frye educational documentary
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Discovery Channel video on demand, video graphics

Note Interest in Caching described in detail in Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
  • Apply Computer Architecture Research to world wide MetaComputer
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Typical Hierarchical Server Network

We Start with the Current Party Line Web Technology Scenario

15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Web Software
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Java/Netscape2.0 Client server Model
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- I
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- II
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- I

Integration of Web with Parallel or Sequential Relational Databases
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 10: Query by Subject --2
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Oracle 7 Web Interface -- Home Page
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Popular Query by Subject for NPAC Oracle 7 Web Interface

The Integration of Web with Relational Data Bases is Remarkably Succesful
  • And brings powerful technology associated with mainframes and giant organizations to real people
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Oracle Integration
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in Web Technology
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in database technology
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-Database Synergy
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Web-Database Applications
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Importance for Key Communities
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client-Server Architecture for WOW

And Relational and Other Database Technology is Part of the Amazing Web Search Capabilities
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Search Examples and Issues
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Motivation for Web Search Systems
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Challenges and Issues
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Major Players in Web Search
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major Components and Architecture of a Web Search System
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Web Gathering Subsystem
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Indexing Subsystem
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Database Search Engine
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Web Search Interface

This is just one early example but other technologies will also get integrated

39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- II
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Our Overall NII Integrating Vision
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Critical Emerging Web Technologies
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- I

Illustrations of relevance of Java

43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Character Recognition Demo -- The Letter W
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Dining Philosopher Educational Applet
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Nuclear Reactor Educational Applet

Illustration of VRML
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML New York State Interactive Journey: link to Herkimer Home
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Link between Interactive Journey and classroom multimedia projects

Back to Overview Material on Technology!
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- I
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- II
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is WebWindows ?
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Components of WebWindows
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Is WebWindows an Operating System ?

And what we have/will talk about!
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are we going to Discuss?
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client, Server and Delivery Technologies in Tutorial - I
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Server and Delivery Technologies in Tutorial - II
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Server and Delivery Technologies in Tutorial - III

WebWindows is underlying Environment for world wide MetaComputer
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWindows is Open Portable Environment
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustrative Screendump for WebTools (Spring '95):Message Editor: Functionality, Implementation
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Is WebWindows an Operating System ?
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustration of WebWindows Concept for Presentation Software
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML RCIHalloween Presentation Foil on WebFoil in WebFoil!!
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Lessons of WebFoil for WebWindows Software Development Scenario
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML RCIHalloween Presentation Foil on WebFoil in WebFoil with Perl Manipulated Source

A good time to Go to Java Presentation!

Applications on the Web
  • Built on top of Generic Services
  • with an emphasis on manufacturing with
  • Business Enterprise systems an interesting near term opportunity
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-I
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-II
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- HealthCare and Telemedicine
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Education
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Society
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Business (Enterprise Systems)

With Business Enterprise Systems in more detail
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Enterprise Systems
73 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- external
74 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- internal
75 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- Groupware == Collaborative Support
76 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- Groupware
77 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- future
78 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Defence and Crisis Management
79 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Collaboratory
80 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems
81 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)
82 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII Enhances ASOP in a Multi-Organization Activity
83 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Industrial/Academic/Government Consensus is ASOP Basis
84 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ASOP Introduces Aerospace Paradigm Shifts
85 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML An anecdote contrasting MPP and NII value in Manufacturing

VRML is another important technology!

86 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Why is VRML Another Important Concept?
87 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML for Geographical Information system -- Western Long Island View-1 using WebView

Geographical Information Systems using VRML enables virtual field trips in Living Schoolbook(see later)

88 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2D Terrain Rendering for New York State Interactive Journey
89 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Weather Report accessed through the Interactive Journey

And now we could discuss VRML in detail

Virtual University Activities that NPAC is involved in:

90 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Implications of Brave New Web World for Education
91 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Virtual University Activities Involving NPAC -- I
92 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Virtual University Activities Involving NPAC -- II

Science for the Twentyfirst Century is a sophisticated hyperlinked educational resource and includes simulation, homework, internal and external material

93 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Encoder neural network tutorial and simulation page

The next Example is Living Text/Schoolbook
94 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of the Living Schoolbook Project
95 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Living Schoolbook Project Partners
96 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Outside Partners of the Living Schoolbook Project

We can Involve the Media Professionals in Newhouse School at SU

97 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VASTNET -- NPAC, Newhouse School, University Electronic Media Services Collaboration

FLAG is a major effort to link Africa and the Far East by ocean cable
  • This enables the Global Virtual University
98 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - I
99 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on FLAG (Fiber Optic Link Across the Globe) and the Virtual University - II
100 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Fiber Link Across the Globe FLAG -- Topology

Kids Web is a digital library for K-12 use of Internet and the following Illustrates Title page and one section of library (on Space from NASA)

For example Example of Kidsweb Title Page

101 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Kidsweb Home Page and Table of Contents for Arts, Science
102 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Astronomy and Space content - Combined picture of Jupiter with Comet Shoemaker-Levy9 fragments

New Approachs to Computational Science

103 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Computational Science?
104 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program in Computational Science
Implemented within current academic framework
105 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program
106 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What we taught this Spring CPS600 --
"Technologies for Webwindows" --
The next generation (meta)Computing and Communications Environment
107 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Proposed Interdisciplinary MultiMedia Master's Degree IMM
108 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The 4 tracks of the IMM Master's Degree
109 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Proposed Academic Schedule of IMM
110 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Computational Science (CPS) Core Courses
111 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Proposed CPS Core Courses -- Information Track
112 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Education in a Box -- Initial Steps to Understand Web Based Education
113 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scope of Certificate in Computational Science

Back to Computing **************************************************

Introduction to WebWork

114 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University, Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- I?
115 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- II?
116 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Features of WebWork

Some Motivating Examples of WebWork

117 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Numbers and Security
118 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England
119 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Codes -- Software Resource FAFNER
120 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Codes -- NPAC Page
121 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Crime(!?) Home Page

Details of WebWork

122 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Architecture
123 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 2: WebWork -- System Overview with Three Layers

The lowest Layer is the World Wide Virtual Machine
  • A network of compute enhanced Web Servers
124 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML World-Wide Virtual Machine
125 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram

The first High Level Example is WebFlow
  • Think as Web Implementation of AVS or Khoros
  • This also illustrates role of Java
126 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebFlow Paradigm
127 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 7: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow Editor prototype

WebScript is Layer 2 Integration of Agents and Scripted Languages

128 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General WebScript and Agents

Software Project Manager Illustrates the Synergy between Software Engineering and Computing
  • Java does both WebFlow Computing and WorkFlow analysis
129 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Software Project Manager -- Example of Agent Middleware
130 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 8: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow application prototype: Project Manager
131 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 3: WebTools CASE tools sample manual page Including hyper-source code

More Ambitious is WebHPL (High Performance Language)
  • Initially HPFCL with task parallelism done with Web
  • Generally a hybrid Compiled/Interpreted Environment
132 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design
133 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design -- Contd
134 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A World-Wide Virtual Machine design based on Web and PVM technologies
135 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A WWVM based on Web and PVM Technologies
136 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of NPAC HPF Compilation System on WWW
137 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Guidelines for HPF Futures

Parallel Compiler Runtime Support

138 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PCRC Project Overview
139 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Research Issues and Innovations - 1
140 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Team Members
141 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PCRC Naturally Fits in with WebWork

How does one Integrate Java,VRML, Interpreters and Compilers?

142 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interpreters versus Compilers -- I?
143 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interpreters versus Compilers -- Domain Specific Environments
144 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java and HPF Futures
145 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML and HPF Futures

Finally an Overview of WebWork Concepts
  • And comparison with HPCC and the "real world"
146 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Integration Model
147 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Contrast of Technologies in 3 Worlds

And now we can combine Computing with Collaboration Technologies

First Another Approach to Scripting Tcl/Tk
148 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tcl/Tk for Internet Applications
149 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tcl/Tk vs. Java
150 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Tcl/Tk ?
151 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java can be Compared to Tcl/Tk
152 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Using Tcl/Tk or Java or both?
153 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Details of Tcl/Tk
154 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Relationship of Tcl and Tk
155 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Advantages and Disadvantages of Tcl/Tk
156 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Selected Language features
157 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Extensions of Tcl/Tk
158 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TcL/Tk Multimedia Extensions and WWW Tools
159 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TcL/Tk Applications for Supercomputing Community
160 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tcl/Tk References

and then the very important agent technology Telescript
162 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Background Information on the General Magic Corporation
163 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Three Components of General Magic's main product, announced in 1994
164 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Potted History of Telescript
165 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Telescript and the Web
166 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Telescript Language
167 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript Communication and Process Implementation
168 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript Places and Agents
169 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript supports persistent objects
170 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript Attributes
171 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Telescript World -- Telenames!
172 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Telescript Object Methods and examples for the Place class
173 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Important methods of the Telescript Agent class
174 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Telescript Application Domains

And a European Entry in Information Organization Arena: Hyper-G
175 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is Hyper-G?
176 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Developers of Hyper-G
177 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Necessity of a new information system?
178 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is the Point of Hyper-G ?
179 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of Information in Hyper-G
180 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Harmony and Clients for Hyper-G
181 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Other Clients of Hyper-G
182 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Conclusion on Hyper-G:

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webvisionsept95

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Several Presentations on September 95. Foils prepared 15 Sept 1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This material prepared for the HPDC-95 Tutorial and Presentations on the role of the NII in future manufacturing (ASOP) covers the following issues
Expected evolution of Web PC and Workstation technologies
High Performance multimedia and Web Servers
The concept of the the all-encompassing WebWindows Environment
The integration of databases with the Web
WebTop Productivity Tools
The role of various classes of NII services and technologies in 7 application (National Challenge) areas

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Master Foilset for Fall95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology
Master for Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC
Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley
Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education
Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation
InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96
Overview foils for NPAC Database Activity including Web March 1995
CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation
Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96
CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases

Table of Contents for Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology

We Start with the Current Party Line Web Scenario
1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Vision for the Evolution of World Wide Web Technology
September 1995
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Web Vision Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Structure of World Wide Web
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Web Software
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- I
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- II

The Technologies from the "Real(PC) World" Poised to be Integrated into Web
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- I
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- II

The WebServer -- InfoVision Scenario
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebServers and InfoVision as an example of Opportunity for MPP's on the NII
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration of Industry Sectors forming the NII
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Standard Scenario for HPCC and NII
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NII Compute & Communications Capability in Year 2000 --> 2005
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Ultimate Vision and Implementation of NII and InfoVision
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What will National Information Infrastructure give us?
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The InfoVision Scenario: INFOrmation Video Imagery and Simulation ON demand
-- Home clients and High Performance Multimedia Servers
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is a Web or HPMMCC Network Server ?
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Typical Hierarchical Server Network
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on Storage of Movies on HPCC WebServers
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Visit of Hillary Clinton to Syracuse University April 5,1994 -- Mrs Clinton and Fox
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Visit of Hillary Clinton to Syracuse University April 5,1994 -- Medical Demonstration

General Vision of the Future All encompassing World Wide Web
  • WebWindows
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overall NII Integrating Vision
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is WebWindows ?
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWindows: A Web based Internet Operating System
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWindows -- Implementation
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWindows -- Milestones

The next future component is WebWork
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University, Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- I?
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- II?
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Features of WebWork
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software)

Critical Emerging Technologies
  • Java,VRML,Perl5,Multithreaded WebServers
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Critical Emerging Web Technologies
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Character Recognition Demo -- The Letter G
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 9: Example of use of VRML -- Black Hole Collision Diagram (NCSA)
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Application Software Vision

Emerging High Level Integration Concepts I
  • WebTools(NPAC), WebTop Productivity Tools, WebRDBMS, Metadata
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- I
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebTools-I (Basic WebWindows Functionality)
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebTools-II
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of WebTool External Editor Interface -- vi and emacs
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example of Spell Check Feature in WebTools
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustrative Screendump for WebTools (Spring '95):E-Mail Functionality, Implementation
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustrative Screendump for WebTools (Spring '95):Folder Viewer: Functionality, Implementation
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustrative Screendump for WebTools (Spring '95):Message Editor: Functionality, Implementation

WebTop Productivity Examples
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Productivity Tools and Virtual Software Laboratory (VSL)
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 3: WebTools CASE tools sample manual page Including hyper-source code
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 4:Java documentation sample page
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Final Java Demonstration -- How WebFoil might look in Java

Integration of Web with Parallel or Sequential Relational Databases
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Weak Points in Web Technology
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Weak Points in Database Technology
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML By integrating a database server into Web technology, a Web server can be enhanced with:
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML By integrating Web into database technology, a Database server can be enhanced with:
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 10: Query by Subject --2
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web to Oracle Interface Screen 14: Query Result -- Browse Mail Body --1

Emerging High Level Integration Concepts II
  • First the Virtual Reality and Collaboration Scenario
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- II
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Hyperworld of New Interactive Media
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebSpace: WebTools for WebWindows Collaboratory
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebSpace -- Planned Collaboration with ANL LabSpace

Now an important paradigm WebFlow which
  • Integrates Computing and Workflow
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebFlow Paradigm
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 7: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow Editor prototype
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Software Project Manager -- Example of Agent Middleware
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 8: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow application prototype: Project Manager

The Middle layer in WebWork is WebScript
  • where different paradigms are integrated
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General WebScript and Agents

Finally 7 Application Examples
  • Mapping Application needs to NII Services
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Web Software
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-I
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Relevant NII Services-II
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- HealthCare and Telemedicine
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Education
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Society
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Business (Enterprise Systems)
69 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Defence and Crisis Management
70 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Collaboratory
71 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems
72 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webworksept95

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Icase/HPDC95/HPCS95 on 15 September 95. Foils prepared 15 September 1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This describes the forces motivating use of Web in MetaComputing
First the need for a pervasive technology base for HPCC which is otherwise a nonviable niche market.
The growing number of Web-enabled machines and the development of WebWindows giving the productivity tools needed for a true distributed HPCC software engineering environment
We describe the 3 layer model of WebWork
At the high end we describe our early example -- WebFlow and how this can be extended to a full WebHPL with mixed interpreted and compiled systems.
At the base level, we have the World-Wide Virtual Machine as a mesh of computationally extended web servers
At the Intermediate level, we propose WebScript to integrate VRML, PERL5 Java and similar domain specific scripting systems

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering
Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation
Conclusions of Working Group 2 at Second Pasadena Workshop on System Software and Tools for HPCC
CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation
Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96

Table of Contents for Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork --
MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering
September 1995
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of WebWork and MetaComputing Presentation

Forces Driving HPCC Applications and Technologies
  • Convergence of Communications and Computing
  • Importance of Pervasive User and Technology Base
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-I
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-II
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Superficial Observations on High Performance Communication
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Implications of HPCC Observations
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Initial Summary of Technical Points
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Another Non Technical Issue -- What is the Community ?
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Initial Vignettes Identified
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software)

Introduction to WebWork
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University, Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- I?
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is WebWork -- NPAC,
Boston University Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- II?
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Features of WebWork

Some Motivating Examples of WebWork
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork -- Example from
Dun & Bradstreet
One of Largest Information Providers
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring RSA Numbers and Security
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England

Details of WebWork
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork -- Figures/Screendumps Index
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Architecture
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 2: WebWork -- System Overview with Three Layers

WebTools and More Generally WebTop Productivity used in the Virtual Software Laboratory(VSL)
  • This enables parallel software engineering
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebTools-I (Basic WebWindows Functionality)
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebTools-II
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Productivity Tools and Virtual Software Laboratory (VSL)
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 3: WebTools CASE tools sample manual page Including hyper-source code
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 4:Java documentation sample page

The lowest Layer is the World Wide Virtual Machine
  • A network of compute enhanced Web Servers
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML World-Wide Virtual Machine
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram

The first High Level Example is WebFlow
  • Think as Web Implementation of AVS or Khoros
  • This also illustrates role of Java
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebFlow Paradigm
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 7: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow Editor prototype
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Character Recognition Demo -- The Letter W

More Ambitious is WebHPL (High Performance Language)
  • Initially HPFCL with task parallelism done with Web
  • Generally a hybrid Compiled/Interpreted Environment
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebHPL: HPCC Infrastructure for WebWindows
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebHPL -- Integrating Compiler and Interpreter Technologies

Software Project Manager Illustrates the Synergy between Software Engineering and Computing
  • Java does both WebFlow Computing and WorkFlow analysis
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Software Project Manager -- Example of Agent Middleware
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 8: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow application prototype: Project Manager

WebScript is Layer 2 Integration of Agents and Scripted Languages
  • VRML is either a script for 3D graphics or a universal data structure
  • Java is a script optimized for browsers and computing
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General WebScript and Agents
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 9: Example of use of VRML -- Black Hole Collision Diagram (NCSA)
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 10: VRML source code example
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Figure 11: Java source code example

Finally an Overview of WebWork Concepts
  • And comparison with HPCC and the "real world"
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Integration Model
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Contrast of Technologies in 3 Worlds
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Terms and Concepts -- I
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Terms and Concepts -- II
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Terms and Concepts -- III
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebWork Terms and Concepts -- IV

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95fafner

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web

Given by Jim Cowie, Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski at Supercomputing 95 on December 3-8,95. Foils prepared December 3,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This short presentation has some notes on factoring on the Web prepared by Jim Cowie from material from Lenstra and Leyland
Also a summary of key features of Fafner as a World Wide Computing System
Go to for a full description and pointers to other collaboraters and further instructions on how to get your software and get started on breaking the Bank of England
We describe why RSA security status is equivalent to factoring large numbers into two large primes
A very handwavy description is given of the strategy to find factors with the GNFS -- Generalized Number Field Sieve and its predecessors

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Factoring on the Web
A Prototype of WebWork Pervasive Implementation of HPCC
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Supercomputing 95 Fafner Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key Features of FAFNER/WebWork Dec 4,1995 -- I
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key Features of FAFNER/WebWork Dec 4,1995 -- II
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key Features of FAFNER/WebWork Dec 4,1995 -- III
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML RSA: Public Key Cryptosystem
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How hard is Factoring the Public Modulus?
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Number Field Sieve -- GNFS:
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Sieving (RSA-129 and MPQS, RSA-130 and GNFS)
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Extracting The Relations
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML FIRST Backend Processing STAGE GRAPH REDUCTION
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML SECOND Backend Processing STAGE GRAPH REDUCTION
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Notes on Current -- Dec 2 -- Status

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95enterprise

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

We review possible uses of the Web in Enterprise (organization) Information Systems
Here we use Web technology in a possibly closed domain to support exchange of information and collaboration between members of the organization
These members could be teachers and kids/ manufacturers and their distributers etc.
Lotus Notes is a famous example of a modern client-server implementation of this and traditional mainframes have long been used for this
Databases, VRML for 3D product depiction and Java are all of relevance

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies
-- Opportunities in Business Enterprise Systems
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Remarks on Business Enterprise Systems
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Enterprise Systems
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- external
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- internal
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- Groupware == Collaborative Support
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- Groupware
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Enterprise Systems -- future

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95lsb

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future

Given by Kim Mills-NPAC at SC95 San Diego on December 3-8. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Project Overview
Technologies and Infrastructure
Teachers and Schools
Living Schoolbook Products
Kids and Learning

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Outline
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Vision of the Living Schoolbook Project
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Living Schoolbook Partners
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Content and Media Partners
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Status of Project
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Does Advanced Technology Belong in K-12 Education?
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML K-12 Education Infrastructure
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key Role of Web Technologies
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Scaling the Living Schoolbook
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Content Issue
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Schools and Teachers
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Products: EII Services
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Network Exploratorium
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML New York State the Interactive Journey
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multimedia Design and Development
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What kind of learning can take place?
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Teacher Workshop Feedback
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Summary of Living Schoolbook
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Related URLs

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616overview

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Overview foils given at start of CPS600 describing broad concept of course

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS600 Spring Semester 1995 on January 1995 . Foils prepared July 6,1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This Introduction to course describes Philosophy which is built around both a general list of issues and technologies as well as particular focus on areas where NPAC is working
We supplement these foils with those in InfoMall, InfoVision and Webserver collections
We summarise Technology base in Simulation and Information Arena
Discuss National Information Infrastructure Initiative
List possible Topics in Course as set of 10 base modules
Define Initial set of lectures and NPAC focus on Hierarchical Web Servers

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Overview foils given at start of CPS600 describing broad concept of course

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS 600
Winter-Spring 1995
A Prototype of new course CPS616
Computational Science for the Information Age:
Module A: Course Overview
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of CPS 600 Course Foils
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Structure of CPS600
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Knowledge needed for CPS600
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Structure of Course
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Coverage of Initial 10 Lectures is Approximately:
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Initial 5 Homeworks
are expected to be
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML National Challenges will drive the adoption of HPCC in the "Real World"
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The National Challenges Identified by the Federal HPCC Initiative
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Federal 1994 Blue Book Comparison of National and Grand Challenges
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Core Enabling HPCC Software Technologies for Information Production (Simulation)
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Core Enabling HPCC Algorithms and Components for Information Production (Simulation)
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Core Enabling HPCC Technologies Information Analysis, Access, Integration
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Core Enabling HPCC Technologies Information Analysis, Access, Integration (continued)
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML CPS616: Technologies and Applications of the Information Age
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Implementation of Pilot version of CPS616 as CPS600(Special Topics)
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Draft Curriculum for Pilot CPS616
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 1: Curriculum of Module: Internet and Specialized Testbeds as Prototypes of the GII (Global Information Infrastructure)
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2: Curriculum of Module: The Physical Network
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 3: Curriculum of Module: The Consumer Multimedia Enterprise:
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 4: Curriculum of Module: Digital Media: Audio, Video, Graphics and Images
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 5: Curriculum of Module: User, Application and Service Interfaces
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 6: Curriculum for Module: Client and Server High Performance Multimedia Computer
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 7: Curriculum for Module: Base Software and Systems Architecture of the GII
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 8: Curriculum for Module: Pervasive and Niche Applications for the GII
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 9: Curriculum for Module: Generic Services and Middleware on the GII
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 10: Curriculum for Module: The Emerging GII Enterprise in Industry, Academia and Society
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Handouts Lectures 2 and 3:
Tutorials on HTML
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Handouts Lectures 2 and 3:
Special Webtools for CPS 600

Local OneLiner Foil Index for hpdc95collab

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Collaboration Presentation for HPDC95

Given by Roman Markowski and Geoffrey Fox at HPDC95 Tutorial Pentagon City on August 1 1995. Foils prepared July 28,1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This module describes desktop collaboration with a comparison of some of the existing tools including
Communique! (Insoft) and the toolkit DVE (Digital Video Everywhere)
InPerson (SGI)
Proshare (Intel)
MBONE -- Internet standard
MOO environment
We also discuss standards (there are dozens of incompatible systems) and audio/video compression

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Collaboration Presentation for HPDC95

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPDC4 Module on
Computer Collaboration
August 1,1995
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Collaboration Module
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Desktop collaboration vs face-to-face meeting
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Collaborative environment
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Requirements for
Collaborative Environments
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Common collaborative tools
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Audio Tool Functionality
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Text Tool Functionality
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Graphics Tool Requirements
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Shared White Board Functionality
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video to Image Tool Functionality
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TV Tool Functionality
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML File Exchange Tool Functionality
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Share Application Tool Functionality
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML List of collaboratory software
-- UNIX and Internet
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML List of collaboratory software
IBM PC and Macintosh
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression -- I
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression -- II
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Audio Compression
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Videoconferencing Standards
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open DVE - Digital Video Everywhere (Insoft, Inc.)
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Communique! ver 4.0 InSoft ($9495)
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML InPerson ver 2.0 SGI ($495)
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML ProShare ver 2.00 Intel ($2499)
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MBONE - Multicast BackBONE
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MBONE (2)
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MBONE References(3)
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction to Collaborative MOO Environments
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML A Formal Definition of Collaborative MOO Environments
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Characteristics of a MOO
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on Multi-User Simulations

Local OneLiner Foil Index for hpdc95compress

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * BLUE=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Given by Roman Markowski and Geoffrey Fox at HPDC95 Pentagon City on August 1,1995. Foils prepared July 28,1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This set of foils describes image and video compression schemes concentrating on Wavelets which seem most powerful although JPEG and MPEG using related but less efficient Fourier technology will be used much more widely initially
JPEG, JBIG, Fractal for images and MPEG, H.261 schemes for video clips are briefly reviewed
Wavelets are described in detail

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Master Foils for Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96

Table of Contents for Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPDC95 Module on
August 1,1995
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Compression Module
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Compressing Still and Moving Images
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Image Compression
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Performance Measures
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JBIG - Joint-bi-level Image Experts Group
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Fractal Compression
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction to Wavelets
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Discrete Wavelet Transform
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet Transform Characteristics
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Daubechie's Mother wavelets
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Mathematical Structure of Discrete Wavelet Transform-I
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Matrix Structure of a Simple Wavelet Transformation
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Mathematical Structure of Discrete Wavelet Transform-II
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How Image wavelet compression works
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML How wavelet compression works
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2D Forward/inverse wavelet transform
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2D Forward wavelet transform
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML 2D Inverse wavelet transform
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelets -- Quantization
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelets -- Coding
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelets in Telemedicine
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comparison W6+VLC, Biorthogonal+VLC, JPEG image coders
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet demo - competition
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Page on Wavelets comparing Compression at different resolutions
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet Compression - four different resolutions
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet versus JPEG Compression - original image (Pathology 2)
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet Compression : 120:1 (Pathology 2)
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JPEG Compression : 120:1 (Pathology 2)
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet versus JPEG Compression - original image (Pathology 3)
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet Compression : 120:1 (Pathology 3)
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JPEG Compression : 120:1 (Pathology 3)
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Renoir : bouquet 1:1 Original Image
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet compression 120:1 of Renoir : bouquet
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML JPEG compression 120:1 of Renoir : bouquet
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression -- I
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression -- II
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML H.261 - similar to but not compatible with MPEG
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelets -- Video compression
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Block diagram of the video encoder
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Block diagram of the video decoder
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Wavelet references

Local OneLiner Foil Index for hpdc95agent

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation

Given by Vasu Polisetty at Event: HPDC95 Tutorial Pentagon City on August 1 1995. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

HPDC95 Washington August 1 1995
This broad overview describes rationale for agents including applications and exemplars such as Telescript, Smalltalk Agents, Tcl/Safe-tcl, Java/Hotjava, KQML

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview of Issues for Web Agent Technology
HPDC95 Conference
Washington DC August 1 1995
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Web Agent Technology Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Inroduction
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Introduction
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agent Technology & Operation
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology - A Case Study
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are these buzz words?
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are the buzz words?
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are the buzz words?
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are the buzz words?
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What are the buzz words?
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents Technology & Operation
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents & Security
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents & Security
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents & Security
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents & Ethics
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Agents & Ethics
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Future Agent Scenario

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/CPS600CourseServer

Webtool Foilset CPS600 WebTool Course Server

This material on the CPS600 Course Server was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". The course material and Student activities were somewhat organized around a course Web Server described here. This server was built using the prototype WebTool technologies which are described elsewhere. As implementation preliminary, not all material and activities are here but we learnt a lot from this activity which integrated education with research activities.
05.Navigation Paradigm
06.Navigation Bar
07.Getting Help
09.Providing Your ID Material
10.Building Your HomePage
11.Starting the WebLab
12.Sending WebMail comments
13.Building Your On-Line Glossaries
14.Exploring the WebTools source code

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/HTML

Webtool Foilset HTML

This short summary of HTML Development Tools as of January 1995 was prepared for CPS600 Course taught by Geoffrey Fox Spring Semester 1995
01.HTML Editors - Overview
02.HTML Editors via Custom WWW Browsers
03.HTML Editors via extended WWW Servers
04.HTML Editors - Platform Specific Solutions
05.HTML Development Tools - WWW Info Pages
06.HTML Development Tools - This Week Assignment

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/Forms

Webtool Foilset HTML Forms

This material on HTML Forms was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". HTML Forms are an example of using CGI scripts to enhance functionality of base server technology. We describe Form format and take as an example its use in WebTools to allow general editing.
02.HTML Tags and GUI Widgets
03.HTML Tags and GUI Widgets (cont)
04.HTML Tags and GUI Widgets (cont)
05.Forms and X/Motif
06.Forms and X/Motif (cont)
08.Example: WebMail Editor

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/Imagemaps

Webtool Foilset HTML Clickable Imagemaps

This material on HTML Clickable Imagemaps was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". Like Forma and CGI mechanism, HTML Clickable Imagemaps allow more interactive Web Services. We give an example and describe functionality and implementation.

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/MIME

Webtool Foilset MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension Data Format -- MIME

This material on the MIME (MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension) data format was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". We describe the MIME format which is basis of simple and extended electronic mail services. Note MIME is closely related to HTTP Protocol described elsewhere. We also review the Internet process for discussing and setting standards including RFC-822 document for electronic mail.
01.Internet Documents - Drafts, Memos
02.Internet Documents - Standards
03.Internet Documents - Examples
04.Internet E-Mail (RFC-822)
05.Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME)
06.MIME - Extension Model
07.MIME - "Content-Type" Header Field
08.MIME - Base Content Types
09.MIME - Base Content Types (cont)
10.MIME - Base Content Types (cont)
11.MIME - Implementation status

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/HTTP

Webtool Foilset HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP for Server-Client Communication

This material on the HTTP (HyperText Transfer) Protocol was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". HTTP is protocol used by Web Servers and Clients in their communication and is closely related to MIME data format used by electronic mail. We describe both functionality and detailed use of HTTP with both GET and POST mechanisms.
01.HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
02.GET Request Example
03.Reply Example
04.POST Request Example
05.List of Methods
06.List of Methods (cont)
07.Request Header Fields
08.Request Header Fields (cont)
09.Request Header Fields (cont)
10.HTTP and MIME - This Week Assignment

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/CGI

Webtool Foilset Common Gateway Interface:CGI

This material on the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". We describe both the functionality and implementation of the CGI which allows one to interface arbitary programs (often in PERL) with World Wide Web Servers.
01.Overview: What It Is? How Does It Work
02.Overview (cont): Functionality / Typical Applications
03.Implementation: Languages, Client-server interface
04.Implementation (cont): Server-size interface
05.Implementation (cont): Server-size interface (cont)
06.Implementation (cont): Server-size interface (cont)
08.Example (cont): learn-cgi.html
09.Example (cont): learn-cgi.html (cont)
10.Example (cont): show-file.cgi
11.Example (cont): show-file.cgi (cont)
12.Example (cont):
13.Example (cont): show-env.cgi
14.15. Example (cont): show-env.cgi (cont)
16.Example (cont): show-env.cgi output
17.Example (cont): show-env.cgi output (cont)
18.Example (cont): show-env.cgi - Comments

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/HTTPD

Webtool Foilset Web Servers or HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemons -- HTTPD

This material on World Wide Web Servers was prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Syracuse Course CPS600 on "Technologies for WebWindows". HTTP Protocol is described elsewhere and here we describe the relatively simple daemons (HTTP daemons) which are core of a Web Server. Note key additional functionality is provided by CGI mechanism descibed elsewhere which allows further PERL programs to be used to enhance Server functionality. We describe in great detail the set up of the NCSA HTTP daemon with functionality of the various directories and configuration files. Other servers are also reviewed including the parallel Web server implemented on the nCUBE.
02.Contents (cont)
03.WWW Servers - The Most Popular Models
04.WWW Servers - Proxy and Caching
05.WWW Servers - Introduction to NCSA HTTPD
06.NCSA HTTPD - Installation Procedure
07.ServerRoot and DocumentRoot
08.Configuration Files
09.Configuration Files (cont)
10.httpd.conf - Directive Table
11.httpd.conf - Comments
12.srm.conf - Directive Table
13.srm.conf - Comments
14.access.conf - Directive Table
15.access.conf - Comments
16.Running The Server
17.Managing CGI Software
18.Log Files: Access, Error, Process ID
19.Server Side Includes
20.Client Access Control
21.Per-Directory Host Filter
22.Per-Directory User Passwords
23.Users Authentication and Management
24.Server Security Issues
25.Planned Security Model for the CPS600 Course Server
26.Server Administration Tasks (Summary)
27.Server Software - Organization
28.Server Software - Top Level Control Flow
29.Server Software - Request Handler Control Flow
30.Parallel WWW Servers - Issues
31.Parallel WWW Servers - Implementation Modes
32.The nCUBE Parallel Web Server

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616threads

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * BLUE=global GREY=local Full Index for

GLOBAL foilset Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail

Given by Janusz Niemiec and Geoffrey Fox at CPS600 Spring Semester95 on April 1995. Foils prepared July 6,1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This presentation was prepared by Janusz Niemiec and describes
Overview of Multithreading
Existing Experience with Multithreading on UNIX
Experience with multithreading for parallel processing -- Nexus and Chant
Design and Implementation of TCE (Thread-based Communication Environment)
This was based on experience with MOVIE interpreted environment and use of TCE in this and other interpreted systems such as parallel HTTP servers and Java from Sun is explored

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Master Foils for Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96

Table of Contents for Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Light Weight Threads
General Overview
TCE System and its Use in
Interpreted Environments
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of TCE Thread Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Concepts of Multithreading -- 1: What are threads and their benefits
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Concepts of Multithreading -- 2: Comparison of Threads and Processes
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Concepts of Multithreading -- 3: Efficiency of Threads vs. Processes
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Concepts of Multithreading -- 4: Application or Kernel Threads
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Concepts of Multithreading -- 5: Brief History and Motivation
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading on Unix-compliant Operating Systems -- 1: Sun LWP
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading on Unix-compliant Operating Systems -- 2: LWP Functions
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading on Unix-compliant Operating Systems -- 3: DCE Threads
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading on Unix-compliant Operating Systems -- 4: DCE Thread Functions
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading on Unix-compliant Operating Systems -- 5: IRIX "Threads"
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading on Unix-compliant Operating Systems --6:IRIX Thread Characteristics
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading on Unix-compliant Operating Systems -- 7: Mach Threads
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading on Unix-compliant Operating Systems -- 8: C-Threads
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreaded Environments for Parallel Processing -- Nexus
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading Environments for Parallel Processing -- Chant - 1
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading Environments for Parallel Processing -- Chant - 2
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Thread-based Communication Environment (TCE) -- 1: Goals
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Thread-based Communication Environment (TCE) -- 2: How Has it Been Achieved
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Thread-based Communication Environment (TCE) -- 3: Why it is Great
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 1: What is a thread and how do you make it!
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 2: tce_thrd_init
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 3
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 4:
Scheduling policy
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 5: Priority
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 6 :
Preemptive and Non-Preemptive scheduling
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 7: Time Slice per Thread in Scheduling
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 8: Preemptive Scheduling
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 9:
To Preempt Or Not To Preempt, ...
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 10:
When is Preemptive Scheduling Used
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 11: Non-Blocking I/O operations
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 12: Thread Synchronization
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 12: Synchronization Example
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 13: Parent-Child Join Synchronization
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 14: Communication in TCE
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 15: Ports
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE PORT Types
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 16: Creating Ports
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Creating Regular SENDING PORTS a)through the parent-child relation
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 17: Ports contd
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Creating Regular SENDING PORTS b)By passing port in a message
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 18: Channels
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE CHANNEL Types
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Creating CHANNELS a)By pairing appropriate ports
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 19:tce_chn_send
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Creating CHANNELS b)By sending a Channel in a message
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 20: tce_chn_rcv/set
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 21: Channel Sets
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 22:
Channel Set Functions
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 23: Example of Use of Channel Set Functions
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 24: Using Communication Objects
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 25: Communication Modes
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 26:Changing Channel Characteristics
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 27: tce_chnset_set
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 28: Communication between heterogenous machines
57 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 29: TCE as a Distributed Environment
58 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML TCE -- Implementation -- 30: TCE as a Parallel Environment
59 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MOVIE -- 1:Introduction To Total System
60 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MOVIE -- 2: MOVIE Threads
61 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MOVIE -- 3: Communication of Code
62 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MOVIE -- 4: Communication Model and Preemptive Structure
63 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading for Interpreted Environments -- 1: Overview
64 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading for Interpreted Environments -- 2: Comparison of Two Implementation Strategies
65 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading for Interpreted Environments -- 3: Multithreading for HTTP Servers and Clients
66 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading for Interpreted Environments -- 4: Preemptive WWW Server and Client Multithreading
67 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Multithreading for Interpreted Environments -- 5: HotJava Browser
68 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comparison of HotJava and Mosaic/Netscape

Local OneLiner Foil Index for slitex/atmmahesh

Slitex Foilset Asynchronous Transfer Mode Tutorial

In this tutorial we present an overview of ATM and Gigabit Networks. We begin with an overview of High Speed Networks and their applications. Next we examine the details of the ATM protocols and formats. We also look at the ATM-adaptation layers (AAL) and the manner in which ATM cells are actually packaged for transmission across the user-network interface.
1:ATM and Gigabit Networks
2:Gigabit Networks
4:High Speed Applications
6:High Speed Networking
7:ATM Description
8:A Description of ATM
9:CCITT Definition
10:Switching Techniques
11:Switching Techniques
12:ATM Description
13:Advantages of ATM
14:ATM Benefits - I
15:ATM Benefits - II
16:Disadvantages of ATM
17:Why ATM-based LANs?
19:ATM Forum
20:ATM Specifications
21:ATM Network
23:BISDN Reference Model
24:BISDN Reference Model
25:ATM Protocol Architecture
27:ATM Cell Structure
28:ATM Cell Header Bits
29:AAL Type 1
30:AAL Type 2
31:AAL Type 3/4
32:AAL Type 5 (Simple and Efficient Layer)
33:Virtual Circuit (VC) Concept
34:Virtual Circuit (VC) Concept
36:VPs and VCs
37:PVCs and SVCs
38:PVM over ATM
39:PVM over ATM
40:Concluding Remarks

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95java

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Overview of Java

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared January 8,96
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

Overview including History and the great alpha versus beta Java Mystery
HotJava Features
Java Features
Java Programming Language
Abstract Windowing Toolkit
On-Line HTML Documentation
Security Model
Applets Programming
NPAC Java Demos
  • "Hello World" Demo
  • WebFoil Demo including major October 95 Upgrade
  • WebFlow Demo
  • Software Project Manager Demo
  • Neural Network Demo
  • Java based Collaboratory
  • Java based front end to Distributed Simulation

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Overview of Java

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies
Java and HotJava
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of NPAC Java/HotJava Presentatation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Overview -- What Is Java/HotJava?
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of Java Language and Team
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML History of Java Language and Team (contd)
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta (contd)
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Alpha vs JDK Beta (contd)
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comparison of Java and JavaScript
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key HotJava Features
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HotJava Features -- Modular Browser Design
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HotJava Features -- Interactive Content
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HotJava Features -- Dynamic Types and Protocols
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HotJava Features -- Open and Closed Model
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Key Java Features
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Simple!
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Object-oriented
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Distributed
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Robust
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Architecture-Neutral
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Portable
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Interpreted
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- High Performance
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Multithreaded
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Features -- It's Dynamic
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Java Programming Language
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Program Structure
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Lexical Issues
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Variable/Expression Types
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Types: Array
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Classes
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Classes: An Example
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Declaration of Class Point:
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Declaration of Class Rectangle:
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Declaration of Class Canvas:
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Comments on Examples Point, Canvas, Rectangle
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Language -- Packages
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Package Example: AWT -- Abstract Windowing Toolkit
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java On-Line HTML Documentation
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java/HotJava Security Model
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Applet Programming
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Applet Programming (Contd.)
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Example: "Hello World" Applet
45 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Initial (August 95) NPAC Java Demos
46 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Java Demo 1: From "Hello World" to WebFoil
47 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Java Demo 1 (cont): Using AWT from Applets
48 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Java Demo 2: WebFlow Editor Prototype
49 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Java Demo 3: Software Project Manager
50 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Java Demo 4: Neural Networks
51 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Recent NPAC Demos (Fall '95)-I
52 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Recent NPAC Demos (Fall '95)-II
53 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebFoil --- Features -I
54 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebFoil --- Features -II
55 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebFoil -- Implementation
56 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC WebFoil --- Distribution

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95vrml

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Overview of VRML

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared January 8 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This describes VRML starting with its Open Inventor basis with examples of language and its nodes and actions
Some Tools and Browsers are summarized
Terrain Rendering is given as an example of use of VRML
The advantages of using a "real" database as a backend of VRML are given
Illustra is described as an example of an object oriented database backjend for VRML

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Overview of VRML

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies
-- VRML and Applications
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of VRML Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor and VRML -- Introduction
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor -- Overview
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor -- Nodes
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor -- Database Structure
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Open Inventor -- Typical Applications
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language -- Overview
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Goals
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML -- Specification
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Language characteristics
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example I - Shapes
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example II - Properties
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example III - Group Nodes
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example IV - Textures
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Nodes I
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Nodes II
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Nodes III -- Properties nodes
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Nodes IV
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Example
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Tools
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Browsers
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML - Browsers II
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Browsers - Examples I -- WebSpace
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Browsers - Examples II -- SDSC WebView
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Browsers - Examples III -- VRWeb
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Browsers - Examples IV -- WebFX
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML -- VRML modeling
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML --
LOD - Level-Of-Detail
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML -- Colors
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML -- Creation of VRML files
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML -- Optimization
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain rendering in VRML - Example I
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Example II
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Database Support for VRML
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Database Support for VRML
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Database Support for VRML
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database -- Overview
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System -- Object-Relational DBMS
42 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System --
2D Spatial DataBlade
43 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System --
3D Spatial DataBlade
44 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Illustra Database System --
Web DataBlade

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95televirtual

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

What Is Televirtuality?
  • HyperWorld of New Media
  • Potential Major Players
  • Current Developments in VRML Forum
VAG --- VRML Architecture Group
  • VAG Proposals for Behavior in VRML
  • VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc.
  • VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc. (cont)
VRML+ -- A Model for VRML based Collaboratory
  • VRML+ Concepts
  • VRML+ Concepts (cont)
Unifying Role of Agents
  • Variable Grain Size Agents --- Examples
We also describe various new Web approaches including VRML extensions and their implications for WebScript
Integrating Collaboratory and Simulation
Examples of Current R&D at NPAC
  • VRML based Terrain Rendering
  • Thread based HPCC Distributed Simulation
  • JAVA Collaboratory

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies
-- TeleVirtual Environments
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Televirtual Environments Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What Is Televirtuality?
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HyperWorld of New Media
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Hyperworld of New Interactive Media
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Potential Major Players
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Current Developments in VRML Forum
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VAG --- VRML Architecture Group
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VAG Proposals for Behavior in VRML
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML Behavior Proposal by Mitra, Worlds, Inc. (cont)
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML+ --- A Model for VRML Based Cyberspace Collaboratory
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML+ Concepts
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML+ Concepts (cont)
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Unifying Role of Agents
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Variable Grain Size Agents --- Examples
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VRML 2.0 Object Extensions, Client Technologies and WebScript
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some VRML Extension Candidates
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Side Interpreter Candidates - I
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Side Interpreter Candidates - II
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client Side Interpreter Candidates - III
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration or the Tower of Babel of the Many Approaches with WebScript
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrating Collaboratory and Simulation
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Current R&D at NPAC
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Introduction
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Level-Of-Detail
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Concept
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Terrain Rendering and Televirtuality -- Advantages
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Collaboratory and HPCC Simulations -- I
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Collaboratory and HPCC Simulations -- II
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML What is TCE ?
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interactive WaTor Simulation -- I
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interactive WaTor Simulation -- II
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System --
What is a Collaboratory System
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Operations
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Operations' Management
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Client Server Structure
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Multi-Client Structure
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Java Based Collaboratory System -- Ongoing Extensions

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95video

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This covers basic issues underlying digital video including:
Video Compression with MPEG Standards
Some commercial Internet Examples: RealAudio and Xing
Home delivery with ADSL and ISDN
Windows NT as an impressive server basis
NPAC VoD and ATM testbed is surveyed
Video Indexing including Closed Caption Text

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies -- Digital Video Services
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Digital Video Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video: The Basics
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video: The Basics
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video: Myths and Facts
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video: Middle Ground
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression (1)
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression (2)
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression (3)
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MPEG-1 vs. MPEG-2
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression (4)
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Encoding and Content Preparation
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Decoders: Current Technology
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video: Network Delivery Options
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Media Servers: RealAudio server
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Media Servers: Xing StreamWorks
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Network Delivery: "last mile" Alternatives
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Network Delivery: "last mile" Alternatives
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interactive Video on Demand Servers
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VoD Testbed in NPAC
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Elements of a Video Server
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML LAN Video Servers in NPAC
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Video on Demand ATM Testbed
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML nCUBE Video on Demand Server
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interactive Video on Demand Servers
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Windows NT
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Architecture of Windows NT
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Windows NT I/O and Networking

Local OneLiner Foil Index for sc95webrdbms

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration

Given by NPAC Team at SC95 Tutorial on Web Technologies on December 4,95. Foils prepared December 2,95
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This short summary is expanded in an earlier longer presntation by Gang Cheng describing Mail example and technology in more detail
The complementary advantages and disadvantages of relational and web information models is described
This motivates their integration which is overviewed in several applications developed at NPAC
Their general importance for Education, Research and Industry is described

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration of Database Server and Web Technology
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Web Relational Database Integration
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Oracle Integration
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in Web Technology
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in database technology
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-Database Synergy
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML NPAC Web-Database Applications
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Importance for Key Communities

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/WebTools(Summer1995)

Webtool Foilset WebTools (Updated to Summer 1995)

This Overview of the NPAC WebTools project was originally prepared by Wojtek Furmanski for the Spring 1995 Semester class of CPS600. WebTools was was first used in very preliminary fashion in this class and this lecture set describes virtual disk navigator, hyperworld manager, on-line HTML editor, and the WebTool interface to mh mail. THe updates also include WebSpell, WebSearch, WebEdit interfaces to emacs/vi as well the HyPerl software engineering tool.
01.HyperWorld Navigator - Building and Using WebTools for Education (Glossary)
02.WebTools - Overview
03.WebTools - Overview (cont)
04.WebTools - List of Current Tools
05.WebTools - Virtual Disk Navigator
06.WebTools - Virtual Disk Navigator (cont)
07.WebTools - HyperWorld Manager
08.WebTools - HyperWorld Manager (cont)
09.WebTools - On-Line HTML Editor
10.WebTools - On-Line HTML Editor (cont)
11.WebTools - Base Toolkit and Extensions
12.WebTools - E-Mail
13.WebTools - E-Mail (cont)
14.WebTools - Folder Scanner
15.WebTools - Folder Scanner (cont)
16.WebTools - Message Handler
17.WebTools - Message Handler (cont)
18.WebTools - Message Editor
19.WebTools - Message Editor (cont)
20.WebTools - Message Bag
21.WebTools - Message Bag (cont)
22.WebTools - Folder Cabinet
23.WebTools - Folder Cabinet (cont)
24.WebTools - Current Implementation
25.WebTools - Recent Extensions
26.WebTools - WebSpell
27.WebTools - WebSpell (cont)
28.WebTools - WebEdit
29.WebTools - WebEdit (cont)
30.WebTools - WebSearch
31.WebTools - WebSearch (cont)
32.WebTools - WebSearch (cont)
33.WebTools - HyPerl World
34.WebTools - HyPerl World (cont)
35.WebTools - Planned Next Step

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/Perl5

Webtool Foilset Perl5

This overview of Perl5 was used in CPS600 course Spring 1995 and followed an extensive discussion of Perl4 earlier in the class. This discusses both the new pointer, multi-dimensional array and object-oriented features. It still needs a crisper discussion with more examples.
01.Perl5 - Introduction
02.Perl5 - New Features
03.Perl5 - New Features (cont)
04.Perl5 - New Major Features
05.Perl5 - (No) New Data Structures
06.Perl5 - (Minor) Syntax Extensions
07.Perl5 - New Built-In Functions
08.Perl5 - Modules
09.Perl5 - Modules (Examples)
10.Perl5 - References
11.Perl5 - References (cont)
12.Perl5 - Anonymous References
13.Perl5 - Classes
14.Perl5 - Classes (cont)
15.Perl5 Modules - Internet Libraries
16.Perl5 Moudles - Software Domain Table
17.Perl5 Modules - Software Domain Table (cont)
18.Perl5 Modules - Software Development Stage Table

Local OneLiner Foil Index for cps616webdbms

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases

Given by Gang Cheng (Geoffrey Fox) at CPS600 Spring Semester on April 1995. Foils prepared Jan 8, 1996
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

These foils were prepared by Gang Cheng and presented by Geoffrey Fox in CPS600
They contrast the strengths and weaknesses of Web and Database Information models
They describe Web, Conventional and DB-WEb linked Client Servers Models
They describe Oracle's WOW Oracle to Web Interface
They describe one of our experimental implementations which links mh mail to Oracle

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration of Database Server and Web Technology
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Web Oracle Integration Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in Web Technology
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Key points in database technology
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Synergy of Web Networking and Database Technologies
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Weak Points in Web Technology
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Weak Points in Database Technology
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML By integrating a database server into Web technology, a Web server can be enhanced with:
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML By integrating Web into database technology, a Database server can be enhanced with:
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interfacing Web server and a database server
-- Basic Features of WWW Client Server System
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WWW Client Server Relationship
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic features in database access -- a SQL-based query interface
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic Client-Server model
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major approaches for interfacing web into DB server environment
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic WWW DB Integration Model
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Oracle approach to Web-RDBMS Integration
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Procedural and Programmable mechanisms
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-Oracle-Web (WOW) --- a Web-Oracle interface tool for developing gateways
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Basic components in WOW
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Client-Server Architecture for WOW
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web-oracle Mail Database: a case study of integrating Oracle7 database server into Web
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML The Entity-Relation Model
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Functionality of the mail database
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by mail header
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by date
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by Subject
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query by Sender
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Incorporating new mail into the Database from your UNIX mailbox --I
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Incorporating new mail into the Database from your UNIX mailbox --II
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Format of Query results from all query options
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Query options to be added in the future to Oracle-based Web Mail System
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current(January 96) NPAC Web-RDBMS Activities -- Enterprise Information Systems(EIS)
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current(January 96) NPAC Web-RDBMS Activities -- Full Text Web Search System
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current(January 96) NPAC Web-RDBMS Activities -- Mixture of well Structured and Full Text Entitities
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Some Current(January 96) NPAC Web-RDBMS Activities -- Parallel Server Technology

Local OneLiner Foil Index for hpdc95websearch

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Web Search Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at HPDC95 Pentagon City on August 1,1995. Foils prepared July 28,1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This was prepared for tutorial at HPDC-4 Conference
It starts with motivation and Identification of four components of a Web Search system -- Information Gathering and Filtering, Indexing, Searching and User Interface
Web Robots (gatherers) are reviewed followed by
Discussion in detail of 3 examples Lycos, FreeWAIS and Harvest -- the associated demonstrations also include Oracle Free text search
We end with discussion of future technologies including natural language frontends, distributed queries, metadata, caching and artificial intelligence

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Web Search Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Search
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Web Search Presentation
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Motivations
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Challenges
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major components in a web search system
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major components in a web search system (cont.)
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Web Robots (also called Spiders, Web Worms or Web Wanderers)
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Major uses of Web Robots
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Implementation Issues of Web Rebots
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Costs & Dangers of Using Web Robots
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Costs & Dangers of Using Web Robots (conÕt)
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Examples of Web Search Systems
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Lycos
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Total Volume and Data Capture in Lycos
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Data Content in Lycos
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML FreeWAIS - Wide Area Information Server
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Indexing in FreeWAIS
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Search in FreeWAIS
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Harvest System
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Harvest Architecture
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Harvest Overview
22 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Harvest Gatherer
23 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Customized Content Extraction (Essence)
24 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Summary Object Interchange Format (SOIF)
25 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Harvest Broker
26 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Distributed Gatherer-Broker Arrangement
27 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Index & Search in Harvest
28 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Cache in Harvest
29 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Perfomance of Harvest -- Gatherer
30 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Performance of Search in Harvest -- Glimpse
31 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Implementation of Harvest
32 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Implementations of Harvest
with Other Systems -- Continued
33 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Future Technologies in Web Search
34 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Future Technologies in
Web Search - NLP
35 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Future Technologies in
Web Search - DQ
36 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Future Technologies in Web Search - MDF
37 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Future Technologies in
Web Search - AI
38 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Future Technologies in
Web Search - CSCM
39 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More about Web Search Systems and Web Robots-- Yahoo
40 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML More about Web Search Systems and Web Robots
41 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Recent Capital Ventures in Web Search Business

Local OneLiner Foil Index for hpdc95videoA

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset First Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Given by Marek Podgorny at HPDC95 Pentagon City on August 1,1995. Foils prepared July 31,1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This presentation describes issues involved in Video server and transport
As well as server technology, we cover data transport over ATM, and MPEG compression
VBR (Variable Bit Rate) and CBR (Constant Bit Rate) are two data delivery options and we present comparisons
We discuss the realAudio digital audio and extensions to video

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for First Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video: Myths and Facts
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video: Middle Ground
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression (1)
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression (2)
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression (3)
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML MPEG-1 vs. MPEG-2
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Compression (4)
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Encoding and Content Preparation
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Decoders: Current Technology
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video: Network Delivery Options
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Media Servers: RealAudio server
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML LAN Video Servers in NPAC
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interactive Video on Demand Servers
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Interactive Video on Demand Servers
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Server Simulation
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VBR to CBR work (slides from Mike)

Local OneLiner Foil Index for hpdc95videoB

Basic Foilset Search HELP! * GREY=local Full Index for

LOCAL foilset Second Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

Given by Miguel del Rosario at HPDC95 Pentagon City on August 1,1995. Foils prepared July 28,1995
Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Foil Index from this file * See also color IMAGE

This presentation describes issues involved in Video server and transport
As well as server technology, we cover data transport over ATM, and MPEG compression
VBR (Variable Bit Rate) and CBR (Constant Bit Rate) are two data delivery options and we present comparisons
We discuss the realAudio digital audio and extensions to video

Full HTML Summary * Abstract * Alias List * Print List

Table of Contents for Second Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Digital Video Servers and Video Transport
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Abstract of Video Server Tutorial
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Video Server Simulation
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VBR(Variable Bit Rate) to CBR(Constant Bit Rate)
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VBR(Variable Bit Rate) to
CBR(Constant Bit Rate) II
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VBR(Variable Bit Rate) to
CBR(Constant Bit Rate) III
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VBR-to-CBR Transmission- I
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VBR-to-CBR Transmission - II
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VBR-to-CBR Transmission -III
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML VBR-to-CBR Transmission - IV
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Preliminary CBR versus VBR Results
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Preliminary Results (conÕt ...)

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/Java

Webtool Foilset Java Tutorial

This Tutorial on Java covers both the Browser HotJava and the language Java which is a semi interpreted and restricted version of C++. The language design features as well as syntax are covered. Examples are given of use of built in classes as well as tables of these. It was developed for a tutorial given at HPDC95 August 1,1995
01.Java/HotJava - List of Modules
02.Overview - What Is Java/HotJava?
03.HotJava Features
04.HotJava Features - Modular Browser Design
05.HotJava Features - Interactive Content
06.HotJava Features - Dynamic Types and Protocols
07.HotJava Features - Open and Closed Model
08.Java Features
09.Java Features - Simple
10.Java Features - Object-oriented
11.Java Features - Distributed
12.Java Features - Robust
13.Java Features - Secure
14.Java Features - Architecture-Neutral
15.Java Features - Portable
16.Java Features - Interpreted
17.Java Features - High Performance
18.Java Features - Multithreaded
19.Java Features - Dynamic
20.Java Programming Language
21.Java Language - Program Structure
22.Java Language - Lexical Issues
23.Java Language - Types
24.Java Language - Types: Array
25.Java Language - Classes
26.Java Language - Classes: Example
27.Java Language - Classes: Example (cont 1)
28.Java Language - Classes: Example (cont 2)
29.Java Language - Classes: Example (cont 3)
30.Java Language - Classes: Example (cont 4)
31.Java Language - Packages
32.Java Language - Packages: Table
33.Package Example: AWT - Abstract Windowing Toolkit
34.Java - Abstract Windowing Toolkit (cont)
35.Abstract Windowing Toolkit - Class Table
36.Abstract Windowing Toolkit - Class Table (cont 1)
37.Abstract Windowing Toolkit - Class Table (cont 2)
38.Abstract Windowing Toolkit - Class Table (cont 3)
39.On-Line HTML Documentation
40.Java/HotJava Security Model
41.Applet Programming
42.Applet Programming (cont 1)
43.Applet Programming (cont 2)
44.Applet Programming (cont 3)
45.Applet Programming (cont 4)
46.Applet Programming (cont 5)
47.Applet Programming (cont 6)
48.Example: "Hello World" Applet
49.NPAC Java Demos
50.NPAC Java Demo 1: From "Hello World" to WebFoil
51.NPAC Java Demo 1 (cont): Using AWT in Applets
52.NPAC Java Demo 2: WebFlow Editor Prototype
53.NPAC Java Demo 3: Software Project Manager
54.NPAC Java Demo 4: Neural Network

Local OneLiner Foil Index for webtool/VRML

Webtool Foilset VRML Tutorial

The design features of VRML in the context of a restriction of Open Inventor with added web capability are described. A table of existing nodes and example source is given. It was developed for a tutorial given at HPDC95 August 1,1995
01.VRML - Overview
02.VRML - Overview (cont 1)
03.VRML - Overview (cont 2)
04.Open Inventor - Superset of VRML
05.Open Inventor - Scene Database, Graphs and Nodes
06.Open Inventor - Database Primitives
07.Open Inventor - Actions and Graph Traversal
08.Open Inventor - Action Table
09.Open Inventor vs VRML
10.VRML - Node Tables
11.VRML - Node Tables (cont 1)
12.VRML - Node Tables (cont 2)
13.VRML - Node Tables (cont 3)
14.VRML - Node Tables (cont 4)
15.VRML Browser/Viewer Anatomy
16.An Example of VRML Source
17.An Example of VRML Source (cont 1)
18.An Example of VRML Source (cont 2)

Full Alias List Used in Foils

key ASOPSept95A URL * ASOP Framework and Technology Plan by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key ASOPSept95B URL * ASOP Requirements for the NII by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key BlackHole URL * NSF Grand Challenge -- Binary BlackHole Collision by gcf on Sat Sep 16 1995
key CAPSarticle URL * STORM WARNING: A Thunderstorm Prediction Model by gcf on Nov 27,95
key CAPScentral URL * Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms at Oklahoma by gcf on Nov 27,95
key Crisis2005 URL * Text of Crisis 2005 CyberThriller Illustrating Use of HPCC/NII Technologies by gcf on Nov 28,95
key Crisis2005tech URL * List of Technologies in Crisis 2005 CyberThriller by gcf on Nov 28,95
key DandB URL * Dun & Bradstreet by gcheng on July 22,1995
key DataAss URL * NASA's 4 dimensional Data Assimilation Grand Challenge by gcf on Sat Sep 16 1995
key HPDC95furmfoils URL * Wojtek Furmanski's foils on WebTools Java VRMLPerl5 for HPDC95 by gcf on august 17,1995
key IBM URL * IBM Corp. by gcheng on July 22,1995
key IBMDB2PESP2 URL * DB2 Parallel Edition on SP2 by gcheng on July 22,1995
key IBMOracleSP2 URL * Parallel Oracle 7 on SP2 by gcheng on July 22,1995
key IBMSP2 URL * IBM SP2 by gcheng on July 22,1995
key Ida1 URL * Part A:Overview of HPCC Applications in Industry for Halloween IDA Presentation by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key Ida2 URL * Dual Issues and a discussion of HPCC Defense Applications by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key JWID96 URL * Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration by gcf on Nov 28,95
key LTBAAImages URL * African American Images from Syracuse's Heritage in Living Textbook Collection by gcf on June 15,1995
key LTBdiscovery URL * Example page from Living Textbook showing "Video on Demand" with content from Discovery Channel by gcf on June 15,1995
key LTBimages URL * Example page from Living Textbook showing "Image on Demand" by gcf on June 15,1995
key LTBkidsweb URL * Example of Kidsweb Title Page by gcf on June 15,1995
key LTBvideo URL * Example snapshot from Living Textbook showing "Video on Demand" with content coming from student or teacher by gcf on June 15,1995
key MPI URL * MPI HomePage with Many Resources by gcf on Oct 8 95
key NPACDataAss URL * NPAC's Role in NASA Grand Challenge: High Performance Computing and Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation by gcf on Nov 28,95
key NPACOracleServer URL * NPAC Oracle 7 Database Server by gcheng on July 22,1995
key NPACWebRDBMS URL * Integration of Web and RDBMS by gcheng on July 22,1995
key NPACWebRDBMSdemo1 URL * CPS600 Demo Mailbox Database by gcheng on July 22,1995
key NPACWebRDBMSdemo2 URL * TravelVenture Demo by gcheng on July 22,1995
key NPACinfrastructure URL * NPAC's Computing and Communication Infrastructure by gcf on June 15,1995
key NPACpdb1 URL * Parallel Database Project at NPAC by gcheng on July 22,1995
key NPACpdb2 URL * NPAC Parallel RDBMS WWW page by gcheng on July 22,1995
key NPACpdbhard URL * NPAC's Parallel RDBMS Hardware Infrastructure by gcheng on July 22,1995
key NPACstaff URL * A list of NPAC staff with attention to country of origin by gcf on June 15,1995
key NYSJourney URL * New York State -- The Interactive Journey -- a 3D Terrain Rendering of a virtual field trip over the State by gcf on June 15,1995
key Oracle URL * Oracle Corp. by gcheng on July 22,1995
key OracleFAQ URL * Oracle General FAQ by gcheng on July 22,1995
key OracleOnlineResource URL * Exercises and Manuals on SQL/Oracle/Web Issues by gcf on Fri Apr5 1996
key OracleWWW URL * Oracle World Wide Web Interface Kit by gcheng on July 22,1995
key PCRCAug95 URL * General Foils on PCRC -- Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key PCRCOverview URL * Overview of PCRC by gcf on Nov 4 1995
key PHY105/106 URL * The Multimedia Modules Prepared for Science for the 21st Century Introductory course for nonscience majors prepared by Physics department by gcf on June 15,1995
key PPTKoggeJNAC3 URL * Some Numerical Memory and MicroProcessor Projections for PetaFlops by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key PPTKoggepimtalk URL * Processing-In-Memory (PIM) Architectures for Very High Performance MPP Computing by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTcareweb URL * Overview of Syracuse School CareWeb Prototype by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTcornell URL * Master Set of Foils for Overview of Education component of Cornell PACI by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key PPTgcfcareweb URL * School Nurse CareWeb Guided Tour Overview by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTmabcornell1 URL * MetaComputing -- the Informal Supercomputer -- MRA Meeting Part I:Concepts and Issues by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTmabcornell2 URL * MetaComputing -- the Informal Supercomputer -- MRA Meeting Part II:The Practical Issues by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTmetaCRPC-ANL96 URL * MetaComputing -- the Informal Supercomputer by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTpetasoft URL * Summary of Working Groups at PAWS and PetaSoft Meetings by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTpetasoftstrat URL * Software Strategy for JNAC (PetaFlops) Initiative by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTrlcivhealthcare URL * Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application by gcf on Sun Sep 29 1996
key PPTsmithpetaoverview1 URL * PetaFlop(JNAC) Overview Presentations -- Results of Studies and Next Steps Aug 28 96 by gcf on Sun Sep 29 1996
key PPTsmithpetaoverview2 URL * PetaFlop(JNAC) Overview Presentations -- Results of Studies and Next Steps Sep 19,96 by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key PPTzdeneme2 URL * School Nurse CareWeb Architecture and Function by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key RLCIVapp1 URL * Application 1:Real-time Interactive Distributed Weather Information System by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVapp2 URL * Application 2:Joint/Service C2 Information System by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVapp3 URL * Application 3:Electromagnetic Scattering Simulation System by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVapp4 URL * Application 4: Medical Collaboration and Visualization System by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVdemos URL * Demonstrations for CIV Proposal by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVfacilities URL * Facilities for CIV Proposal by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVprop URL * Collaborative Interaction and Visualization NPAC-Vanguard Proposal by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVsow URL * Collaborative Interaction and Visualization NPAC-Vanguard Statement of Work by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVtech1 URL * Technology 1:Virtual Reality, including its integration with the Web by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVtech2 URL * Technology 2:Compression and network management by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVtech3 URL * Technology 3:Collaboration technologies including simulated environments by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVtech4 URL * Technology 4:Geographical Information Systems (GIS) by gcf on Nov27,95
key RLCIVtech5 URL * Technology 5:Parallel and Distributed Multimedia Information Systems by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVtech6 URL * Technology 6:World Wide Web Technologies, including VR and High Resolution Video Support by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVtech7 URL * Technology 7:Parallel and Distributed Computing including HPCC and CORBA issues by gcf on Nov 27,95
key RLCIVtechapp URL * Technical Strategy for CIV Proposal by gcf on Nov 27,95
key SC95LTBPaper URL * Hyperlinked "Paper" Submitted by NPAC to Supercomputing 95 on Living Textbook by gcf on June 15,1995
key SETI URL * the SETI(Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence) Module prepared for Science for the 21st Century by gcf on June 15,1995
key SQLStandards URL * SQL Standards Home Page by gcheng on July 22,1995
key Warner URL * Institute for Interventional Informatics by gcf on Nov 28,96
key YSP URL * The Young Scholars Program Summer 1994 -- NPAC teaching the Web to Women and Minority 8th gradersa by gcf on June 15,1995
key applgengloss URL * Glossary of Generic Applications by gcf on April 1,1995
key applinstgloss URL * Glossary of Applications Instances by gcf on April 1,1995
key applroadmap URL * Application Roadmap Entry by gcf on April 1,1995
key arpapifeb96 URL * Recommendations for Research in Problem Solving Environments by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key askeric URL * The AskEric educational Resource by gcf on June 15,1995
key asknpac URL * Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services by gcf on Oct 30,1995
key asoplangley URL * Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key asopmaster URL * Master for Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key asopmasterB URL * Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key asopreport URL * ASOP NII Requirements for Multidisciplinary Optimization Report by gcf on Mon Feb 12 1996
key asopscript URL * Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key blackholeapr96 URL * Problem Solving Environments and the NPAC Activity for Black Hole Grand Challenge by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key blue94 URL * 1994 Federal Blue Book on HPCC by gcf on April 1,1995
key blue95 URL * 1995 Federal Blue Book on HPCC by gcf on April 1,1995
key blue96 URL * High Performance Computing and Communications: Foundation for America's Information Future" (1996 Federal Blue Book on HPCC) by gcf on Sept 1,1995
key bookoracle URL * Oracle-Web Interface to Books on Parallel Computing by gcf on Oct 13,1995
key careweb URL * Resource for CareWeb Project by gcf on Thu Jun 6 1996
key carewebguidedtour URL * Guided Tour of CareWeb Web based School Nurse Support System by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key carewebscreendumpsmay96 URL * Collection of GIF Images for CareWeb Project by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key casemeetsept95 URL * Some Thoughts on Central New York in the Information Age by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key casenov95 URL * Business Opportunities and Advanced Web Technologies by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key china1 URL * Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key china2 URL * Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias -- Part 2 by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key china3 URL * Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias -3- Auxiliary(Tall) Foils by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key cnycitidec95 URL * NPAC's Programs of Interest to New York State Economic Development and Statewide ATM Network by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key coloradoHPSC URL * Fosdick/Jessup/Schauble/Domik Computational Science Materials by gcf on Nov 9 1995
key coloradoHPSCNA URL * Fosdick Jessup Overview of Numerical Analysis by gcf on Nov 9 95
key compsci95 URL * Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995 by gcf on Fri Nov 22 1996
key cornellMPI URL * Cornell's Online MPI Resource by gcf on Tue Oct 10 1995
key cornellhpcc96 URL * A Short Overview of HPCC -- From GigaFlops to PetaFlops and From Tightly Coupled MPP's to the World Wide Web by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key cornellhpcc96M URL * Master Foils for A Short Overview of HPCC -- From GigaFlops to PetaFlops and From Tightly Coupled MPP's to the World Wide Web by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key cornellmra96 URL * Some Programmatic Issue in Delivery of Parallel Computing Educational Material by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key cornellpacied96 URL * Overview of Cornell PACI Education and Outreach Area by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key cps606course96 URL * Fall 1996 CPS606 Course on Basic Web Technologies PERL and Java by gcf on Fri Feb 23 1996
key cps606fall96/cps606image URL * Image Format Basics by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key cps606fall96/cps606intro URL * Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key cps606fall96/cps606net URL * Networking Basics-CPS606fall96 by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key cps615 URL * CPS615 Simulation Track Core course by gcf on April 1,1995
key cps615A URL * Master Set A of Overview Material on Parallel Computing for CPS615 Foils by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615B URL * Master Set B of Overview Material on Parallel Computing for CPS615 Foils by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615C URL * CPS615 Foils -- set C: Laplace Example -- Programming Models and Performance by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615D URL * CPS615 Foils -- set D: Statistics and Random Numbers (In preparation for Monte Carlo) by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key cps615E URL * CPS615 Foils -- set E: ODE's and Particle Dynamics by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key cps615F URL * Background in Partial Differential Equations with attention to CFD by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key cps615G URL * CPS615 Foils -- Master set G for Iterative Approachs to PDE Solution by gcf on Sun Nov 24 1996
key cps615PDEIter95 URL * CPS615 Module on Iterative PDE Solvers by gcf on Thu Sep 26 1996
key cps615f9095 URL * CPS615 Foils -- Fortran 90 Language and Simple Examples by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615f90hpf96 URL * Overview of Fortran 90 and HPF Fall 96 by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615femcg95 URL * CPS615 Finite Element and Conjugate Gradient Presentation by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615homepage95 URL * CPS 615 Basic Overview of Computational Science -- Simulation Track by gcf on Sept 1,1995
key cps615homepage96 URL * 1996 Session of CPS 615 Basic Overview of Computational Science -- Simulation Track by gcf on Aug 27 1996
key cps615hpf95 URL * An Introduction to High Performance Fortran by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615hpfintro95 URL * Introduction to HPF by gcf on Thu Oct 24 1996
key cps615intro96 URL * CPS615-Introduction-Course,Driving Technology and HPCC Current Status and Futures by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key cps615lectures1 URL * Initial CPS615 Course and Parallel Computing Overview by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615lectures2 URL * Second set of lectures on CPS615 Parallel Computing Overview by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615linalg95 URL * CPS615 Linear Algebra Presentation by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615master URL * Miscellaneous CPS615 Foils by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615master1 URL * Master Material for Initial CPS615 Course and Parallel Computing Overview by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615master2 URL * Master Material for Second set of lectures on CPS615 Parallel Computing Overview by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615master96 URL * Master Set of Foils for 1996 Session of CPS615 by gcf on Sun Nov 10 1996
key cps615mat95 URL * Parallel Full Matrix Algorithms by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615mpi95 URL * CPS615 Foils -- Message Passing Interface MPI for users by gcf on Thu Oct 31 1996
key cps615nic95 URL * Parallel Computation Illustrated with Adaptive Integration by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps615nov796 URL * CPS615-Completion of MPI foilset and Application to Jacobi Iteration in 2D by gcf on Sun Nov 10 1996
key cps615nov896 URL * CPS615-Completion of MPI foilset and Application to Jacobi Iteration in 2D by gcf on Thu Nov 14 1996
key cps615oct1596 URL * CPS615-End of N-Body Discussion and Beginning of Numerical Integration by gcf on Sat Nov 23 1996
key cps615oct2296 URL * CPS615-End of Basic Overview of Random Numbers and First Part of Monte Carlo Integration by gcf on Sun Nov 10 1996
key cps615oct2496 URL * CPS615-End of Numerical Integration and Very End of HPF by gcf on Sun Nov 10 1996
key cps615oct3196 URL * CPS615-Initial Lecture on MPI ending with discussion of basic MPI_SEND by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key cps615sept1096 URL * CPS615-Lecture on Performance(end) and Computer Technologies(start) by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps615sept1296 URL * CPS615-Lecture on Computer Architectures and Networks by gcf on Sun Nov 10 1996
key cps615sept596 URL * CPS615-Lecture on Performance(end) and Computer Technologies(start) by gcf on Sat Oct 26 1996
key cps615software96 URL * HPCC Software Technologies Fall 96 -- Overview and HPF by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key cps616 URL * CPS616 Information Track Core Course by gcf on April 1,1995
key cps616appl96 URL * Web Application Overview by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616basicvrml96 URL * Overview of VRML 1.0 Language with Examples by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616collab URL * Collaboration Presentation for CPS600 by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616compress URL * Compression Presentation for CPS600 by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616course96 URL * Spring 1996 CPS616 Course on Technologies for the Information Age by gcf on Fri Feb 23 1996
key cps616dbforvrml URL * CPS616 VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616foxoverview URL * Teachers Overview of CPS616 Spring 96 by gcf on Fri Feb 23 1996
key cps616fulldbms URL * Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995) by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616java96 URL * CPS616 Lectures on Java by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616javascript96 URL * CPS616 Lectures on JavaScript by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616master96 URL * CPS616 Administrative Foils for January-April 96 Course on Technologies for the Information Age by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps616oracleaccess96 URL * Access of Data using SQL-PL/SQL-OraPerl in Oracle by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616oraclebasic96 URL * Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616oracleweb96 URL * Web-Oracle Integration focussing on use of PL/SQL by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616oracleweb96M URL * Master Foilset for Web-Oracle Integration by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616over96 URL * CPS616 Initial Foils for January-April 96 Course on Technologies for the Information Age by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616overview URL * Overview foils given at start of CPS600 describing broad concept of course by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616perl URL * CPS616 Instructional Material on PERL4 based on O'Reilly Llama book by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616perl5etc URL * Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616rdbms1 URL * First Part (Motivation, Theory) of Parallel Relational Databases by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616rdbms2 URL * Second Part (Benchmarking,Explicit Systems, Textwise) of Parallel Relational Databases by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616services96 URL * NII(Web) Services Overview by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616tech96 URL * Web Technology Overview by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616threads URL * Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616threadsmaster URL * Master Foils for Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail by gcf on Sun Oct 27 1996
key cps616webdbms URL * CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases by gcf on Wed Oct 16 1996
key cps640/mmnetworks URL * Overall Summary of MultiMedia Networks and Rationale for Integrated Services by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key cps713complexsys96 URL * Complex Systems and Parallel Computing -- CPS713 update from Decemember 1992 Talk at ANU Conference on Complex Systems by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713nasi96 URL * Introduction to Physics and Numerics of NAS Benchmarks by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713nasii96 URL * Spatial Differencing and ADI Solution of the NAS Benchmarks by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713nasiii96 URL * Further PDE Solvers for the NAS Benchmarks by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713nr96 URL * Detailed Discussion of Numerical Formulation and Solution of Collision 0f two Black Holes by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713nr96M URL * Master Foilset of Detailed Discussion of Numerical Formulation and Solution of Collision of two Black Holes by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713opt96 URL * Physical Optimization and Physical Computation -- CPS713 update from November 1992 Talk at Houston Keck Symposium by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713over94 URL * Case Studies of Computational Science -- Overview of 3 Areas (Monte Carlo,CFD/Numerical Relativity,Information Age) by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713over94M URL * Master set for Case Studies of Computational Science -- Overview of 3 Areas (Monte Carlo,CFD/Numerical Relativity,Information Age) by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713overI94 URL * Overview of Monte Carlo Case Study by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps713overII94 URL * Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cps714overI94 URL * Case Studies of Computational Science -- Overview of Initial Information Area Applications by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key cpshpf URL * HPF Education Overview at NPAC by gcf on April 1,1995
key crpcappls URL * Overview Foils for Parallel Applications and software Talk by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key crpcedtechmay96 URL * Web Technology and Applications for Education by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key crpchpccapplmay96 URL * Overview of HPCC Applications at NPAC by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key crpchpfmay96 URL * Status of PCRC HPF and HPJava by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key crpcjavamay96 URL * CRPC Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key crpcjavastrollmay96 URL * Introductory Lectures on Java -- An Overview Mixing Code and Comments by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key crpclist URL * List of CRPC Applications by gcf on April 1,1995
key crpcmay96 URL * General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual Meeting by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key crpcnetcomp2 URL * Emerging Network(Web) Technologies for Scientific Computing by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key crpcnetcomp2M URL * Master Foilset for Web Based Network Technologies for Scientific Computing by gcf on Thu Oct 17 1996
key crpcpsemay96 URL * Problem Solving Environments from Simulation, Medicine and Defense using the Web by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key crpcrsamay96 URL * Lessons and Implementation -- RSA Factoring on the Web by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key crpctutmay96 URL * A Tutorial on Base Web Technologies by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key csep URL * DoE Computational Science Education Project by gcf on August 29,1995
key csepPDE1 URL * Basic CSEP PDE Discussion by gcf on Nov 8 95
key csepPDE2 URL * CSEP PDE Discussion of Examples by gcf on Nov 8 95
key dbforvrml9feb96 URL * Study of Use of Databases for VRML and Application to GIS by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key degamiequs675 URL * General Discussion of CFD Equations needed for NAS Benchmarks by gcf on April 14,1996
key degaminas676 URL * A Discussion of NAS Benchmarks from CFD Point of View by gcf on April 14,1996
key ecs400course96 URL * Spring 96 ECS 400 Course HomePage by gcf on Tue Feb 27 1996
key ecs400coursefall96 URL * Fall 96 ECS 400 Course HomePage by gcf on Tue Feb 27 1996
key ecs400fall96/ecs400a URL * Software technologies for the Worl Wide Web-- ECS400 Course Overview by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key ecs400fall96/ecs400cgi URL * Introduction to CGI Programming --ECS400 fall 96 by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key ecs400fall96/ecs400html URL * Introduction to HTML--ECS400 fall 96 by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key ecs400fall96/ecs400http URL * Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key ecs400fall96/ecs400proj URL * ECS400 Projects by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key ecs400fall96/ecs400www URL * Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW) by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key ecs400spring96/ecs400a URL * Introduction to Web Technologies -- ECS400 Course Overview by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecs400spring96/ecs400cgi URL * Introduction to CGI Programming by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecs400spring96/ecs400html URL * Introduction to HTML by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecs400spring96/ecs400http URL * Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecs400spring96/ecs400javastroll URL * Introduction to Java Programming: a Stroll Through Java by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecs400spring96/ecs400perlstroll URL * Introduction to Perl Programming: a Stroll Through Perl from &quot;Learning Perl&quot; by Randal L. Schwartz by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecs400spring96/ecs400projects URL * ECS400 Projects by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecs400spring96/ecs400www URL * Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW) by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecseductalk URL * Challenges and Opportunities for Information Technology in ECS by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ecsfall95 URL * Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key ecsmarch96 URL * NPAC and InfoMall Interactions with College of Engineering and Computer Science by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key flatlist URL * List of Many Application Resources on Web by gcf on April 1,1995
key fortgloss URL * Fortran Language Glossary by gcf on April 1,1995
key forumhpf URL * HPF Forum Web Page by gcf on April 1,1995
key fosterMPI URL * Chapter 8 of Ian Foster's Book by gcf on Tue Oct 10 1995
key fosterbook URL * Designing and Building Parallel Programs(Addison-Wesley,1995) (HPF,MPI,Fortran-M) by gcf on June 20,1995
key foxresfall95 URL * Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key gcfhomepage URL * Geoffrey Fox's Home Page by gcf on June 16,1995
key gcfpic URL * Geoffrey Fox's Picture by gcf on June 16,1995
key gcfsummary URL * Mother of all Technology Presentations by gcf on Sat Nov 11 1995
key gcinstgloss URL * Survey of Grand Challenges by gcf on April 1,1995
key generalres96 URL * Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996 by gcf on Sun Sep 29 1996
key generalresB96 URL * General Collection of Research Foils -- July--December 1996 by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key goethe96 URL * The Information Highway amd Multimedia Information Resources for Goethe Institut by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key goethe96M URL * Master Foilset for The Information Highway for Goethe Institut by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hariri10aug95 URL * NYNET Communication System NCS -- A New Multithreaded Message Passing Environment for ATM by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key hawicktis-talk URL * Rome Laboratory/AFMC Technology Integration Server Presentation by gcf on dec 16,95
key hpcc URL * The HPCC Web Home Page by gcf on April 1,1995
key hpcc96appls URL * HPCC Current Status: Applications, Industry , Grand and National Challenges by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key hpcc96hardware URL * HPCC Current Status: Hardware MPP by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key hpcc96petaflops URL * HPCC Futures Topic 2:A Possible PetaFlop Initiative by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key hpcc96pse URL * HPCC Futures Topic 1:Problem Solving Environments as the best Software Model by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key hpcc96software URL * HPCC Current Status: Software by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key hpcc96status URL * HPCC Status -- TeraFlop to Web and Petaflops -- Success and Failure by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key hpcc96web URL * HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC by gcf on Sat Nov 9 1996
key hpccsysgloss URL * Survey of HPCC Systems by gcf on April 1,1995
key hpcctermgloss URL * Generic Glossary of HPCC terms by gcf on April 1,1995
key hpcs95 URL * HPCS95 Keynote Presentation: HPC at the Crossroads Academic Niche or Economic Development Cornucopia by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hpcs95master URL * Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key hpdc95agent URL * Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key hpdc95collab URL * Collaboration Presentation for HPDC95 by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key hpdc95compress URL * Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hpdc95compressmaster URL * Master Foils for Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hpdc95master URL * Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key hpdc95videoA URL * First Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hpdc95videoB URL * Second Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hpdc95websearch URL * Web Search Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hpf2bench URL * HPF-2 Scope of Activities and Motivating Applications prepared by Saltz's Group (Result of 1994 HPF Forum work) by gcf on June 20,1995
key hpfa URL * High Performance Fortran Application Resource by gcf on April 1,1995
key hpfappl95B URL * An Applications Perspective on High Performance Fortran by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key hpfappls URL * HPF Application Classes by gcf on April 1,1995
key hpffutures URL * The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hpffuturesM URL * Master Foilset for The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key hpfover URL * The Status of HPF from an Application and Compiler Use Point of View by gcf on Sun Oct 20 1996
key hpfoverM URL * The Status of HPF from an Application and Compiler Use Point of View by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key ibmtech7feb96 URL * IBM Tutorial on Web Technology for HPCC by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key icasejavajune96 URL * Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key icpse URL * Xiaoming Li's Internet Course for Harbin Institute of Technology by gcf on Sun Aug 18 1996
key info URL * InfoMall Server by gcf on April 1,1995
key infomall URL * NPAC's InfoMall Technology Transfer Organization by gcf on June 15,1995
key infomall95 URL * Overview of InfoMall -- A Virtual Corporation for HPCC Systems and Software by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key infovision95 URL * InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key javaaddonfall96 URL * Additional Java Material incl-Teaching at Grade 5-12 Level by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key javaforcsefall96 URL * The Future:Petaflop Computers and Java as a High Performance Computational Science and Simulation Language by gcf on Tue Oct 1 1996
key javaforcsefall96M URL * Master Set of Presentations on Java for Computational Science by gcf on Mon Sep 30 1996
key kidsweb URL * Screendumps of kidsweb web pages by gcf on Sun Oct 20 1996
key kidswebpage URL * KidsWeb Home Page by gcf on Oct 13,95
key leskiw17oct95 URL * Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project Leskiw Electromagnetic and C3 Application Foils by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key livingtextbook URL * Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages by gcf on Sun Oct 20 1996
key livingtextbookpage URL * LIving SchoolBook Home Page by gcf on Oct 13 95
key mameoct95 URL * Impact of National Information Infrastructure on Manufacturing by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key millerintro680 URL * Introduction to Relativity for Computer Scientist by gcf on April 14,1996
key millsscreendumps URL * Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96- by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key minnnov95 URL * NII Technologies from WebTop Productivity to Computing -- Industrial Uses of HPCC by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key mppoioct95 URL * Software and System Issues in use of Optical Interconnects in MPPs by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key mraapril95 URL * April 1995 Fox Presentation on Applications by gcf on April 1,1995
key nCUBE URL * nCUBE by gcheng on July 22,1995
key nasatnasa URL * Homepage for NAS Benchmarks with pointer to latest performance figures by gcf on April 14,1996
key naspaper URL * Specification of Pencil and Paper NAS Benchmarks by gcf on April 14,1996
key natchlist URL * National Challenge List by gcf on April 1,1995
key newphy105server URL * Gateway to Phy105/106 Modules by gcfApril 11,96
key nhse URL * National High Performance Software Exchange by gcf on April 1,1995
key nhsejan96 URL * Possible Roles of new Web technologies in the National High Performance Software Exchange by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key niikids URL * Implications of NII for Kids in Schools and Home by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key niilayers URL * NII Layers from federal overview by gcf on April 1,1995
key npac URL * NPAC Server by gcf on April 1,1995
key npacMPI URL * NPAC's Collection of MPI material for NSF Funded MRA by gcf on Tue Oct 10 1995
key npacaddons URL * Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96 by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key npacdbover URL * Overview foils for NPAC Database Activity including Web March 1995 by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key npacscreendumps96 URL * Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96- by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key npacwebspace URL * NPAC's Collaboration with Argonne on WebSpace Collaboratory by gcf on Wed Feb 21 1996
key nratnpac URL * Numerical Relativity Resources at NPAC by gcf on April 14,1996
key nrcfdtoolkit URL * Computational Toolkit for CFD and Colliding Black Holes by gcf on April 18,96
key nsehpf URL * HPF Entry at NHSE by gcf on April 1,1995
key nynetgif URL * The NYNET network superimposed on New York State Map by gcf on June 15,1995
key nynethome URL * Full description of NYNET ATM Network by gcf on June 15,1995
key nysaccess URL * Information Access/Dissemination part of New York State Survey by gcf on April 1,1995
key nysanalysis URL * Data Analysis part of New York State Industry Survey by gcf on April 1,1995
key nysintegration URL * Integrated Information systems part of New York State Survey by gcf on April 1,1995
key nyssimulation URL * Simulation part of New York State Industry Survey by gcf on April 1,1995
key nyssurvey URL * New York State Industry Survey by gcf on April 1,1995
key nystable URL * Table of New York State Industry Survey (To check) by gcf on April 1,1995
key pasadena2 URL * Conclusions of Working Group 2 at Second Pasadena Workshop on System Software and Tools for HPCC by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key pcw URL * Parallel Computing Works Overview by gcf on April 1,1995
key pcwbook URL * Parallel Computing Works Book by gcf on April 1,1995
key pcwchap11 URL * Chapter 11 of Parallel Computing Works (Optimization and Load Balancing) by gcf on April 1,1995
key pcwchap14 URL * Chapter 14 of Parallel Computing Works (Asynchronous Problems) by gcf on April 1,1995
key pcwchap18 URL * Chapter 18 of Parallel Computing Works (Metaproblems) by gcf on April 1,1995
key pcwchap3 URL * Chapter 3 of Parallel Computing Works (Theory of Problem Architecture) by gcf on April 1,1995
key pcwchap4 URL * Chapter 4 of Parallel Computing Works (Synchronous Applications) by gcf on April 1,1995
key pcwchap9 URL * Chapter 9 of Parallel Computing Works (Loosely Synchronous Applications) by gcf on April 1,1995
key petasurvey URL * Petaflops Workshop Applications List by gcf on April 1,1995
key phy105 URL * Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/106 by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key pittsbasef90 URL * Fortran90 Implementation of Pittsburgh Code by gcf on April 14,1996
key pittsf77 URL * Pittsburgh's Original Fortran77 Code by gcf on April 14,1996
key pittshpf URL * HPF Implementation of Pittsburgh Code by gcf on April 14,1996
key pittsintro681 URL * Introduction to Pittsburgh Wave Evolution Code for Computer Scientist by gcf on April 14,1996
key pittsoriginal URL * Pittsburgh's Original Description of Their Wave Equation Evolution by gcf on April 14,1996
key progparaA URL * Part A:Overview of Programming Paradigms and Relation to Applications by gcf on Sat Nov 30 1996
key progparaB URL * Part B:Overview of Programming Paradigms and Relation to Applications by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key psepurdue95 URL * Problem Solving Environments:Virtual Parallel Environments and Languages Subgroup by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key rcihalloween95 URL * RCI Presentation on HPCC and NII for Industry and Education by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key rcihalloween95M URL * Master Foilset for RCI Presentation on HPCC and NII for Industry and Education by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key rdbmshpdc95 URL * Masters for Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key reumaster URL * Master Foilset for REU Presentation -- An Overview of NPAC by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key reuscript URL * REU Presentation -- An Overview of NPAC by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key rlciv18mar96 URL * Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Second Quarterly Review by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key rlciv31jan96 URL * Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- First Project Review by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key rlciv31jan96M URL * Master Foilset for Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- First Project Review by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key rlcivtechplanfeb96 URL * Technology Integration Plan for Rome Laboratory CIV Project by gcf on Mar 9 96
key rlkickoff17oct95 URL * Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Project Overview by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key rlkickoff17oct95M URL * Master Foilset for Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Project Overview by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key sc95enterprise URL * Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key sc95fafner URL * Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key sc95java URL * Overview of Java by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key sc95lsb URL * The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key sc95televirtual URL * Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key sc95tutorial URL * SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education by gcf on Fri Nov 1 1996
key sc95tutorialmaster URL * Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key sc95tutpage URL * Master HTML Page for SC95 Tutorial by NPAC by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key sc95video URL * Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key sc95vrml URL * Overview of VRML by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key sc95webrdbms URL * Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key sc96master URL * Master Set of Foils for NPAC Supercomputing 96 Tutorial by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key sc96tutorial URL * Part 1 of Tutorial on Web Technologies and applications to HPCC and HealthCare by gcf on Sun Nov 17 1996
key sc96tutorialHC URL * Part 2 of Tutorial on Web Technologies and applications to HPCC and HealthCare by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key sc96tutpage URL * Master HTML Page for SC96 Tutorial by NPAC by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key showcase URL * The Education Showcase -- an InfoMall Startup by gcf on June 15,1995
key slitex/CPS615FEM95 URL * Slitex CPS615 Gauss Seidel Finite Element Methods and Conjugate Gradient by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key slitex/CPS615Mat95 URL * Slitex CPS615 Module on Matrices and EigenStructure by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key slitex/CPS615NI95 URL * Slitex CPS615 Numerical Integration Module by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key slitex/CPS713MonteCarlo96 URL * Slitex CPS713 Monte Carlo Simulation for Statistical Physics by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key slitex/atmmahesh URL * Slitex Asynchronous Transfer Mode Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key slitex/bbhklasky URL * Slitex Scott Klasky Presentation on Binary Black Hole Collision by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key slitex/hpfappl95A URL * Slitex HPF Templates for Data Parallel Applications by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key statenov95 URL * InfoMall - Bringing the Economic Development Opportunities of the Internet/World Wide Web to New York State by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key telemedmay96 URL * Web Technology and its Use in Medical Informatics and TeleMedicine by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key templatesbook URL * Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods by gcf on Nov 8 95
key trusteesM URL * Discussion of NII for Real World -- Education Medicine Journalism by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key usenetoracle URL * Oracle-Web Interface to Usenet and other Services by gcf on Oct 13,1995
key vanguard17oct95 URL * Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project Vanguard C3, Demonstration and Coroporate Presentation by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key vidalimar96 URL * Teaching Science to the 21st Century Student by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key vidaliphy105 URL * Vidali's Presentation on Phy105/106 by gcfApril 11,96
key virtuniv95 URL * Technologies and Issues for Virtual University by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key virtuniv95master URL * Master Foilset for Technologies and Issues for Virtual University by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key walkerMPI URL * Oak Ridge MPI Resource including Walker's Tutorial by gcf on Tue Oct 10 1995
key webapplservjune96 URL * Web Application and Services Overview as of June96 by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
key webserver URL * General Description of NPAC's and InfoMall's Webserver Activities by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/CGI URL * Webtool Common Gateway Interface:CGI by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/CPS600CourseServer URL * Webtool CPS600 WebTool Course Server by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/Forms URL * Webtool HTML Forms by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/HTML URL * Webtool HTML by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/HTTP URL * Webtool HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP for Server-Client Communication by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/HTTPD URL * Webtool Web Servers or HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemons -- HTTPD by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/Imagemaps URL * Webtool HTML Clickable Imagemaps by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/Java URL * Webtool Java Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/MIME URL * Webtool MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension Data Format -- MIME by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/Perl5 URL * Webtool Perl5 by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/SC96 URL * Webtool HyperWorld - Design and Prototype Components by gcf on Sat Nov 16 1996
key webtool/VRML URL * Webtool VRML Tutorial by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/WebTools(Spring1995) URL * Webtool WebTools (Spring1995) by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/WebTools(Summer1995) URL * Webtool WebTools (Updated to Summer 1995) by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webtool/hpdc5metacomp URL * Webtool Towards Web/Java based High Performance Distributed Computing - an Evolving Virtual Machine by gcf on Sat Sep 28 1996
key webtutorial URL * Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key webvisionsept95 URL * Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key webvisionsept95M URL * Master Foilset for Fall95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key webwindows URL * CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webwindowspaper95 URL * Web Windows and the The Use of the National Information Infrastructure and High Performance Computers in Industry by gcf on Nov 29,95
key webwisdomapr96 URL * Web Technologies as a Revolution in Teaching at K-12 and University Level by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webwisdommar96 URL * Web Technologies for Education and NPAC Projects by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key webwisdommar96M URL * Web Technologies for Education and NPAC Projects Master Presentation by gcf on Fri Sep 27 1996
key webworkaddons URL * Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96 by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key webworkpaper95 URL * WebWork: Integrated Programming Environment Tools for National and Grand Challenges by gcf on Nov 29,95
key webworkproject URL * The NPAC-Boston-Cooperating Systems WebWork Project by gcf on June 19,1995
key webworksept95 URL * Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key webworksept95M URL * WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering by gcf on Tue Sep 17 1996
key welchallynfeb96 URL * Web Technologies and Opportunities in Medical and Engineering Applications by gcf on Mon Sep 16 1996
key wwwfoilhelp URL * wwwfoil foil manipulation package by gcf on Sat Nov 11 1995
key wwwhelp URL * Foils to illustrate wwwfoil used in wwwfoilhelp by gcf on Sun Dec 1 1996
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