Current Projects


Fall 2012

1. Home of Twitter Reseach Project top

Hencier, Margulis, Shriver. Mentors: Hani T. Dawoud


Identify Twitter Spam Accounts                                                                             

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3. The future of cloud computing in gaming and social media top

Coughlin, Kenworthy, Lakstins, Pugh. Mentor: Ninad Faterpekar


The future of cloud computing in gaming and social media                                                          

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

4. Why is Google+ not as successful as Facebook? top

Amanda Shields, Camren Babbs, Samantha Lewis, Shannon Glass. Mentor: Prithvi Raj Jampana


This is the placeholder site for our research project, which aims to answer the question, "Why is Google+ not as successful as Facebook?"

You can find our project presentation here: Prezi Presentation

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

5. How social network affects an employee finding a job. and how it effects employers making the decision to hire a person top

Dorsey, Lu, Miller, Zheng. Mentor: Minqi Luo


Our project is about how social network affects an employee finding a job. and how it effects employers making the decision to hire a person. And How is social network going to change our career in the future. However, people using social network everyday, like Facebook and Twitter, these are most popular social network in today....

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

7. Influence of Technology on Healthier Lifestyles top

Connor Jarvis, Joe Mikiska, David Deist, Jiyao Qiu. Mentors: Chen Liang


Impact of interactive systems (mobile phone, computer, sensors) on users' daily behavior to foster healthier lifestyle

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

8. Restaurant Technology. top

Kim, Lee, Paik, Smith. Mentor: Shreyasee Chand


Technology when compared to other fields has had very limited impact on restaurants. Come up with a design to incorporate technology more into restaurants and help the customers have a better dining experience.

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

12. Recommender Systems top

Kevin Auble, Alex Choi, Alyssa Maurer, Adam Richardson. Mentor: Ridhima Mahajan, David Nemer


Studying and analyzing Recommender Systems (e.g. identifying best movie for you) including Collaborative filtering, Content Based filtering and Hybrid-Recommender methods

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

18. How Enterprenuers use Information Technolgy to do business development top

Josh Schwaber, Patrick Ostrom, Saqar Alhajri. Mentor: Shubham Dubey


How Enterpreneurs Use Information Technology to do Business Development                                                         

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

19. iOS vs Android top

Barrett, Kacan, Shi, Sprinkle. Mentor: Steve Tularak


Comparison between Apple iOS and Android from users point of view.                                                         

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

23. Subtle changes result in great user experience top

Coddens, Hwang, Ogden, Perez. Mentor: Sen Yang


Subtle changes result in great user experience                                                          

Paper Poster Video Slides Webpage

27. Security Force top

Johnson, Li, West, Wilson. Mentor: Ridhima Mahajan.


Compare and evaluate Android and iOS with respect to mobile security" such as Web-based attacks, Malware, Denial of resource and service, Data Integrity attacks and Social engineering attacks, Study how these are addressed in Android and IOS.

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