Past News and Events

Important Changes! All FutureGrid Users PLEASE READ.
FutureGrid Transition Plans for Hotel and Alamo Users - PLEASE READ
Shutdown of Nimbus Hotel clouds
Cloudmesh Educational Material
From FutureGrid to NSFCloud
Eucalyptus use changes on FutureGrid
New Phantomize feature: automatic installation of tcollector sensor agent
Alamo now supports native OpenStack APIs
OpenStack Hotel now supports the native OpenStack APIs
FutureGrid multi-cloud VM image generator now available
Important: new OpenSSL vulnerabilities announced
Proposed Queue Name Changes on India
Nimbus/Hotel authentication changes
Nimbus/Foxtrot authentication changes
Important Notice about OpenSSL "Heartbleed"
Nimbus users on Hotel and Sierra should now start migrating to KVM
Changes in Nimbus Cloud Allocations in FutureGrid
OpenStack On India Unavailable (Feb 11, 2014)
OpenStack Havana is available on Hotel
New Images for Alamo/OpenStack
OpenStack Havana is ready on India
ScaleMP and FutureGrid Collaboration Announced
Cloudmesh on FutureGrid
Increasing Footprint of Havana: Towards Shutdown of Essex on India
Newly Released OpenStack Havana on FutureGrid
Sierra's OpenStack response improved
Nimbus/Alamo authentication changes
qcow2 images on Nimbus/Alamo
Nimbus/Alamo networking improvements
Try CoreOS and Docker at Futuregrid
OpenStack Tutorial for Alamo Available
Please participate in the FutureGrid user survey
CentOS 6, SL 6 and Debian 7 are available on OpenStack
OpenStack Tips
Science Clouds BOF at XSEDE 13
FutureGrid Upgrades Support of Educational Use
New OpenStack Grizzly Manual Page
OpenStack Grizzly Available on FutureGrid
OpenStack Summit keynote in High Energy Physics acknowledges Nimbus and FutureGrid
OpenStack Folsom on Alamo
Meet us at the OpenStack Summit in Portland
Open Project: FG Vagrant
Planned OpenStack Upgrades in India and Sierra
Please delete your VMs
Please clean your space
Update to FG RAIN Documentation
Nimbus Upgrade on Alamo
Announcing Nimbus Phantom Alpha on FutureGrid
Email Handling Change 26-FEB-2013
Xray upgrade complete
Introducing Precip - a new tool for experiment management on FutureGrid
Maintenance Day Plans
Engage with FutureGrid at SC12
Call for Papers: Workshop on Cloud Services and the 8th Open Cirrus Summit
FutureGrid use during Science Cloud Summer School
Science Cloud Summer School 2012 Web Resources
Science Cloud Summer School: July 30 - Aug. 3, 2012
Engage with FutureGrid at XSEDE 12
July 14 Deadline for papers: Workshop on Cloud Services and the 8th Open Cirrus Summit
Major Hotel outage expected to be resolved by end of week
Paper about IaaS comparison presented at IEEE Cloud 2012
Paper about FG abstract image management presented at IEEE Cloud 2012
Image Management for Cloud/HPC Infrastructure with OpenNebula
OpenStack Essex Deployed on FutureGrid
FutureGrid Project Challenge Deadline Extended to June 1st
USC Team Wins SCALE Challenge Using FutureGrid Resources
Eucalyptus 3.0.2 now available on FutureGrid
OpenStack FutureGrid User Group Meeting: May 4
New software available on Bravo: PAPI 4.2.0 and OpenMPI 1.5.4 (includes VampirTrace 5.8.4)
New FutureGrid Tutorials for Pegasus Workflow Management and HPSS Storage
GPU Cloud: Call for Early Users
Announcing FutureGrid Project Challenge
Experimental Support for Computer Science report released
Nimbus Version 2.9 is available on Hotel
Clemson University's OpenNebula One Cloud
EMI collaboration with FutureGrid
FutureGrid Image Repository
FutureGrid Used at SC11 Tutorial
FutureGrid Tutorial at 9th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2011), Torun, Poland
Joining the Development Team
FutureGrid at TeraGrid'11 and OGF'32
Cloud2011: Panel Opportunities of Services Business in Cloud Age
FutureGrid enables cloud-in-cloud experiments using OpenStack
Cloud2011: Panel on Science and Cloud Computing
Cloud2011: Analysis of Virtualization Technologies for High Performance Computing Environments
CCGrid 2011 Tutorial
CCGrid2011: FutureGrid Tutorial
Director Fox Presents at CReSIS Advisory Board Meeting
FutureGrid Staff Presents Poster at CReSIS Advisory Board Meeting
University of California CloudSummit 2011
HPCwire: FutureGrid Team to Present Analysis of Virtualization in HPC
HPAGC 2011: Workshop On High Performance Applications Of Cloud And Grid Tools
PARENG11: Threat Detection in Urban Water Distribution Systems with Simulations Conducted in Grids and Clouds
CCA11: Grappling Cloud Infrastructure Services with a Generic Image Repository
Director Fox Presents at CReSIS Virtual Meeting
Director Fox Presents at The Science of Cloud Computing Workshop
Director Fox Presents at MSI-CIEC Cyberinfrastructure Day
Dr. Fox Presents at the IU School of Informatics and Computing
Director Fox Presents at the IUPUI Computer Science Department Seminar
Dr. Fox Presents at IMA Annual Program Year Workshop
Dr. Fox Presents at the CReSIS Center
CloudCom 2010
FutureGrid Poster at SC10
FutureGrid at SC10
iSGTW Highlights Success Story
Qiu Uses FutureGrid in the Classroom
FutureGrid Activities at TG 2010
First UAB Meeting
Vampir Workshop
Project Equipment Arrives
NIH Funds FutureGrid
Director Fox Honored
FutureGrid Workshop at SC09
IU to lead FutureGrid
FutureGrid Boosts Indiana in IT