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b. Variable in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
BACK_SPACE. Static variable in class java.awt.Event
The BackSpace key.
Background. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of the background color attribute.
BACKGROUND. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
The background color.
backgroundColor. Variable in class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellRenderer
backgroundColor. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.Spinner
backgroundNonSelectionColor. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellRenderer
Color to use for the background when the node isn't selected.
backgroundSelectionColor. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellRenderer
Color to use for the background when a node is selected.
backingStore. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JViewport
backingStoreImage. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JViewport
backwardAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically backward one position.
BAD_CONTEXT(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_CONTEXT
Constructs a BAD_CONTEXT with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
BAD_CONTEXT(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_CONTEXT
Constructs a BAD_CONTEXT with the specified minor code and completion status.
BAD_CONTEXT(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_CONTEXT
Constructs a BAD_CONTEXT with the specified detail.
BAD_CONTEXT(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_CONTEXT
Constructs a BAD_CONTEXT with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
BAD_INV_ORDER(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER
Constructs a BAD_INV_ORDER with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
BAD_INV_ORDER(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER
Constructs a BAD_INV_ORDER with the specified minor code and completion status.
BAD_INV_ORDER(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER
Constructs a BAD_INV_ORDER with the specified detail.
BAD_INV_ORDER(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER
Constructs a BAD_INV_ORDER with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
BAD_LOCATION. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Error message to indicate a bad location.
BAD_OPERATION(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION
Constructs a BAD_OPERATION with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
BAD_OPERATION(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION
Constructs a BAD_OPERATION with the specified minor code and completion status.
BAD_OPERATION(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION
Constructs a BAD_OPERATION with the specified detail.
BAD_OPERATION(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION
Constructs a BAD_OPERATION with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
BAD_PARAM(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM
Constructs a BAD_PARAM with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
BAD_PARAM(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM
Constructs a BAD_PARAM with the specified minor code and completion status.
BAD_PARAM(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM
Constructs a BAD_PARAM with the specified detail.
BAD_PARAM(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM
Constructs a BAD_PARAM with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
BAD_TYPECODE(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_TYPECODE
Constructs a BAD_TYPECODE with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
BAD_TYPECODE(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_TYPECODE
Constructs a BAD_TYPECODE with the specified minor code and completion status.
BAD_TYPECODE(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_TYPECODE
Constructs a BAD_TYPECODE with the specified detail.
BAD_TYPECODE(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_TYPECODE
Constructs a BAD_TYPECODE with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
BadKind(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind
BadLocationException(String, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.BadLocationException
Creates a new BadLocationException object.
BandCombineOp(float[][]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.BandCombineOp
This constructs a BandCombineOp with the specified matrix.
BandedSampleModel(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Constructs a BandedSampleModel with the specified parameters.
BandedSampleModel(int, int, int, int, int, int, int[]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Constructs a BandedSampleModel with the specified parameters.
bankdata. Variable in class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
All data banks
banks. Variable in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
The number of banks (or arrays in this DataBuffer).
BAR. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
barModel. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JProgressBar
base_interfaces. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDefPackage.FullInterfaceDescription
base_interfaces. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDescription
base_interfaces(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDef
base_interfaces(InterfaceDef[]). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDef
BASELINE. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Baseline to which to align lines.
BASELINE_DEFAULT. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
The default baseline if BASELINE is unspecified.
BASELINE_HANGING. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Use a hanging baseline for the line.
BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Use a center baseline for the line.
BASELINE_OFFSETS. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Baseline offsets used by a line.
BASELINE_ROMAN. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Use a roman baseline for the line.
baseRasterOriginX. Variable in class java.awt.image.Raster
The X offset of the base Raster from the global origin.
baseRasterOriginY. Variable in class java.awt.image.Raster
The Y offset of the base Raster from the global origin.
BasicArrowButton(int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicArrowButton
BasicButtonBorder(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicButtonBorder
BasicButtonListener(AbstractButton). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicButtonListener
BasicButtonUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicButtonUI
BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI
BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI.CheckboxMenuItemListener(BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI, Component). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI.CheckboxMenuItemListener
BasicCheckBoxUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicCheckBoxUI
BasicComboBoxEditor(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicComboBoxEditor
BasicComboBoxEditor.UIResource(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicComboBoxEditor.UIResource
BasicComboBoxRenderer(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer
BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource
BasicComboBoxUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
BasicDesktopIconUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDesktopIconUI
BasicDesktopPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
BasicDirectoryPaneUI(JDirectoryPane). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDirectoryPaneUI
BasicDirectoryPaneUI.Listener(BasicDirectoryPaneUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDirectoryPaneUI.Listener
BasicEditorPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicEditorPaneUI
Creates a new BasicEditorPaneUI.
BasicEditorPaneUI.EditorController(JTextComponent). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicEditorPaneUI.EditorController
Creates a new controller for an editor.
BasicFieldBorder(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFieldBorder
BasicFileChooserUI(JFileChooser). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
BasicFileChooserUI.CancelAction(BasicFileChooserUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.CancelAction
BasicFileChooserUI.GoHomeAction(BasicFileChooserUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.GoHomeAction
BasicFileChooserUI.Listener(BasicFileChooserUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.Listener
BasicFileChooserUI.MkdirAction(BasicFileChooserUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.MkdirAction
BasicFileChooserUI.NoFocusButton(BasicFileChooserUI, String). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.NoFocusButton
BasicFileChooserUI.OkayAction(BasicFileChooserUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.OkayAction
BasicFileChooserUI.TypeRenderer(BasicFileChooserUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.TypeRenderer
BasicFileChooserUI.TypesComboBoxModel(BasicFileChooserUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.TypesComboBoxModel
BasicGraphicsUtils(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils
BasicIconFactory(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicIconFactory
BasicInternalFrameUI(JInternalFrame). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener(BasicInternalFrameUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener
BasicLabelUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLabelUI
BasicListCellRenderer(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListCellRenderer
BasicListCellRenderer.UIResource(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListCellRenderer.UIResource
BasicListUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI
BasicListUI.DataListener(BasicListUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI.DataListener
BasicListUI.PropertyListener(BasicListUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI.PropertyListener
BasicListUI.SelectionListener(BasicListUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI.SelectionListener
BasicLookAndFeel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
BasicMarginBorder(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMarginBorder
BasicMenuBarBorder(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarBorder
BasicMenuBarUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI
BasicMenuBarUI.ContaineeListener(BasicMenuBarUI, JMenuBar). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI.ContaineeListener
BasicMenuBarUI.ContaineeMenuListener(BasicMenuBarUI, JMenuBar). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI.ContaineeMenuListener
BasicMenuBarUI.ContainerListener(BasicMenuBarUI, JMenuBar). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI.ContainerListener
BasicMenuBarUI.DragListener(BasicMenuBarUI, JMenuBar). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI.DragListener
BasicMenuBarUI.MenuSelectionListener(BasicMenuBarUI, Component). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI.MenuSelectionListener
BasicMenuItemUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
BasicMenuItemUI.MenuItemListener(BasicMenuItemUI, Component). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.MenuItemListener
BasicMenuUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI
BasicMenuUI.DragListener(BasicMenuUI, JMenu). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI.DragListener
BasicMenuUI.MenuChangeListener(BasicMenuUI, Component). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI.MenuChangeListener
BasicMenuUI.MenuMouseListener(BasicMenuUI, JMenu). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI.MenuMouseListener
BasicMenuUtilities(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUtilities
BasicOptionPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
BasicPasswordFieldUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPasswordFieldUI
BasicPermission(String). Constructor for class
Creates a new BasicPermission with the specified name.
BasicPermission(String, String). Constructor for class
Creates a new BasicPermission object with the specified name.
BasicPopupMenuUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI
BasicPopupMenuUI.ComponentListener(BasicPopupMenuUI, JPopupMenu). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI.ComponentListener
BasicPopupMenuUI.DragListener(BasicPopupMenuUI, JPopupMenu). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI.DragListener
BasicPopupMenuUI.MenuSelectionListener(BasicPopupMenuUI, Component). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI.MenuSelectionListener
BasicPopupMenuUI.PopupContainerListener(BasicPopupMenuUI, JPopupMenu). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI.PopupContainerListener
BasicPopupMenuUI.PopupContainerListener.ContaineeListener(BasicPopupMenuUI.PopupContainerListener). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI.PopupContainerListener.ContaineeListener
BasicPopupMenuUI.PopupListener(JPopupMenu). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI.PopupListener
BasicProgressBarUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI
BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI.RadioButtonMenuItemListener(BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI, Component). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI.RadioButtonMenuItemListener
BasicRadioButtonUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonUI
BasicScrollBarUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
BasicScrollBarUI.ArrowButtonListener(BasicScrollBarUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ArrowButtonListener
BasicScrollBarUI.ModelListener(BasicScrollBarUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ModelListener
BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener(BasicScrollBarUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener
BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener(BasicScrollBarUI, int, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener
BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener(BasicScrollBarUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.TrackListener
BasicScrollPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
BasicScrollPaneUI.BasicScrollPaneLayout(BasicScrollPaneUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.BasicScrollPaneLayout
BasicScrollPaneUI.HSBListener(BasicScrollPaneUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.HSBListener
BasicScrollPaneUI.ViewportListener(BasicScrollPaneUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.ViewportListener
BasicScrollPaneUI.VSBListener(BasicScrollPaneUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.VSBListener
BasicSeparatorUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSeparatorUI
BasicSliderUI(JSlider). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI
BasicSliderUI.ActionScroller(BasicSliderUI, int, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI.ActionScroller
BasicSliderUI.FListener(BasicSliderUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI.FListener
BasicSliderUI.ModelListener(BasicSliderUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI.ModelListener
BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener(BasicSliderUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener
BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener(BasicSliderUI, int, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener
BasicSliderUI.SizingListener(BasicSliderUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI.SizingListener
BasicSliderUI.TrackListener(BasicSliderUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI.TrackListener
BasicSpinnerUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSpinnerUI
BasicSplitPaneDivider(BasicSplitPaneUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Creates an instance of BasicSplitPaneDivider.
BasicSplitPaneDivider.DividerLayout(BasicSplitPaneDivider). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider.DividerLayout
BasicSplitPaneDivider.DragController(BasicSplitPaneDivider, MouseEvent). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider.DragController
BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler(BasicSplitPaneDivider). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider.MouseHandler
BasicSplitPaneDivider.VerticalDragController(BasicSplitPaneDivider, MouseEvent). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider.VerticalDragController
BasicSplitPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Creates a new instance of SplitPaneUI.
BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicSplitPaneBorder(BasicSplitPaneUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicSplitPaneBorder
BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager(BasicSplitPaneUI). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicVerticalLayoutManager
BasicStroke(). Constructor for class java.awt.BasicStroke
Construct a new stroke with defaults for all attributes.
BasicStroke(float, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.BasicStroke
Construct a new stroke with the specified attributes, but no dashing.
BasicStroke(float, int, int, float). Constructor for class java.awt.BasicStroke
Construct a new stroke with the specified attributes, but no dashing.
BasicStroke(float, int, int, float, float[], float). Constructor for class java.awt.BasicStroke
Construct a new stroke with the specified attributes.
BasicTabbedPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
BasicTableHeaderUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI
BasicTableUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableUI
BasicTextAreaUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTextAreaUI
Constructs a new BasicTextAreaUI object.
BasicTextFieldUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTextFieldUI
Creates a new BasicTextFieldUI.
BasicTextPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTextPaneUI
Creates a new BasicTextPaneUI.
BasicTextUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTextUI
BasicToggleButtonUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToggleButtonUI
BasicToolBarUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolBarUI
BasicToolTipUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolTipUI
BasicTreeCellEditor(BasicTreeCellRenderer). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellEditor
BasicTreeCellEditorContainer(TreeCellEditor, BasicTreeCellRenderer). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellEditorContainer
BasicTreeCellRenderer(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellRenderer
Returns a new instance of BasicTreeCellRenderer.
BasicTreeUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
BasicTreeUI.BasicTreeMouseListener(BasicTreeUI, Component, Component, MouseEvent). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI.BasicTreeMouseListener
BasicTreeUI.BasicTreeUIPaintInfo(BasicTreeUI, Graphics). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI.BasicTreeUIPaintInfo
BasicTreeUI.CollapsedIcon(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI.CollapsedIcon
BasicTreeUI.ExpandedIcon(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI.ExpandedIcon
BasicVisibleTreeNode(AbstractTreeUI, Object, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicVisibleTreeNode
BC. Static variable in class java.util.GregorianCalendar
Useful constant for GregorianCalendar.
bcmListeners. Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
bcsListeners. Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
beanContext. Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
BEANCONTEXT_PROPERTYNAME. Static variable in interface java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
BeanContextAddedEvent(BeanContext, Object[]). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextAddedEvent
Contruct a BeanContextAddedEvent
BeanContextEvent(BeanContext). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
Contruct a BeanContextEvent
BeanContextMembershipEvent(BeanContext, Object[]). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
Contruct a BeanContextMembershipEvent
BeanContextRemovedEvent(BeanContext, Object[]). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextRemovedEvent
Contruct a BeanContextRemovedEvent
BeanContextSupport(). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Create an instance that is not a delegate of another object
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Create an instance using the default Locale.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Create an instance using the specified locale
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale, boolean). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Create an instance using the specified Locale and design mode.
BeanContextSupport(BeanContext, Locale, boolean, boolean). Constructor for class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport

Construct a BeanContextSupport instance

BeanDescriptor(Class). Constructor for class java.beans.BeanDescriptor
Create a BeanDescriptor for a bean that doesn't have a customizer.
BeanDescriptor(Class, Class). Constructor for class java.beans.BeanDescriptor
Create a BeanDescriptor for a bean that has a customizer.
Beans(). Constructor for class java.beans.Beans
beep(). Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Emits an audio beep.
beepAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the action to create a beep
before(Date). Method in class java.util.Date
Tests if this date is before the specified date.
before(Object). Method in class java.util.Calendar
Compares the time field records.
before(Object). Method in class java.util.GregorianCalendar
Overrides Calendar Compares the time field records.
before(Timestamp). Method in class java.sql.Timestamp
Is this timestamp earlier than the timestamp argument?
beginAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begining of the document.
beginDragDividerLocation. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Location of the divider when the dragging session began.
beginDraggingFrame(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
beginDraggingFrame(JComponent). Method in interface java.awt.swing.DesktopManager
This method is normally called when the user has indicated that they will begin dragging a component around.
beginParagraphAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the begin of the paragraph
beginPrivileged(). Static method in class
Marks the calling thread's stack frame as "privileged".
beginResizingFrame(JComponent, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
beginResizingFrame(JComponent, int). Method in interface java.awt.swing.DesktopManager
This methods is normally called when the user has indicated that they will begin resizing the frame.
beginUpdate(). Method in class java.awt.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport
BELOW_BOTTOM. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.border.TitledBorder
BELOW_TOP. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.border.TitledBorder
BEST_COMPRESSION. Static variable in class
Compression level for best compression.
BEST_SPEED. Static variable in class
Compression level for fastest compression.
bestRowNotPseudo. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
BEST ROW PSEUDO_COLUMN - is NOT a pseudo column.
bestRowPseudo. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
BEST ROW PSEUDO_COLUMN - is a pseudo column.
bestRowSession. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
BEST ROW SCOPE - valid for remainder of current session.
bestRowTemporary. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
BEST ROW SCOPE - very temporary, while using row.
bestRowTransaction. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
BEST ROW SCOPE - valid for remainder of current transaction.
bestRowUnknown. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
BEST ROW PSEUDO_COLUMN - may or may not be pseudo column.
BevelBorder(int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.border.BevelBorder
Creates a bevel border with the specified type and whose colors will be derived from the background color of the component passed into the paintBorder method.
BevelBorder(int, Color, Color). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.border.BevelBorder
Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight and shadow colors.
BevelBorder(int, Color, Color, Color, Color). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.border.BevelBorder
Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight shadow colors.
bevelType. Variable in class java.awt.swing.border.BevelBorder
BIDI_EMBEDDING. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
The embedding level for nested bidirectional runs.
BIDI_EMBEDDING_DEFAULT. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
The default embedding if BIDI_EMBEDDING is unspecified.
BIDI_NUMERIC. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
The bidirectional layout control for roman numeral text.
BIDI_NUMERIC_DEFAULT. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
BIDI_NUMERIC_STRONG_ARABIC. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Interpret roman numerals as arabic numerals always.
BIDI_NUMERIC_STRONG_ROMAN. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Interpret roman numerals as roman numerals always.
BIDI_NUMERIC_WEAK_ARABIC. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Interpret roman numerals as having arabic line order.
BigDecimal(BigInteger). Constructor for class java.math.BigDecimal
Translates a BigInteger into a BigDecimal.
BigDecimal(BigInteger, int). Constructor for class java.math.BigDecimal
Translates a BigInteger and a scale into a BigDecimal.
BigDecimal(double). Constructor for class java.math.BigDecimal
Translates a double into a BigDecimal.
BigDecimal(String). Constructor for class java.math.BigDecimal
Constructs a BigDecimal from a string containing an optional minus sign followed by a sequence of zero or more decimal digits, optionally followed by a fraction, which consists of a decimal point followed by zero or more decimal digits.
BIGINT. Static variable in class java.sql.Types
BigInteger(byte[]). Constructor for class java.math.BigInteger
Translates a byte array containing the two's-complement representation of a (signed) integer into a BigInteger.
BigInteger(int, byte[]). Constructor for class java.math.BigInteger
Translates the sign-magnitude representation of an integer into a BigInteger.
BigInteger(int, int, Random). Constructor for class java.math.BigInteger
Returns a randomly selected BigInteger with the specified bitLength that is probably prime.
BigInteger(int, Random). Constructor for class java.math.BigInteger
Returns a random number uniformly distributed on [0, 2**numBits - 1] (assuming a fair source of random bits is provided in rndSrc).
BigInteger(String). Constructor for class java.math.BigInteger
Translates a string containing an optional minus sign followed by a sequence of one or more decimal digits into a BigInteger.
BigInteger(String, int). Constructor for class java.math.BigInteger
Translates a string containing an optional minus sign followed by a sequence of one or more digits in the specified radix into a BigInteger.
BILINEAR. Static variable in class java.awt.TexturePaint
Texture colors are generated with the bilinear algorithm.
BilinearAffineTransformOp(AffineTransform). Constructor for class java.awt.image.BilinearAffineTransformOp
Constructs a BilinearAffineTransformOp given an affine transform.
BINARY. Static variable in class java.sql.Types
binarySearch(byte[], byte). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array of bytes for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(char[], char). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array of chars for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(double[], double). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array of doubles for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(float[], float). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array of floats for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(int[], int). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array of ints for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(List, Object). Static method in class java.util.Collections
Searches the specified List for the specified Object using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(List, Object, Comparator). Static method in class java.util.Collections
Searches the specified List for the specified Object using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(long[], long). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array of longs for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(Object[], Object). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array for the specified Object using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(Object[], Object, Comparator). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array for the specified Object using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(short[], short). Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Searches the specified array of shorts for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
bind(InetAddress, int). Method in class
Binds this socket to the specified port number on the specified host.
bind(int, InetAddress). Method in class
Binds a datagram socket to a local port and address.
bind(NameComponent[], Object). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextOperations
bind(NameComponent[], Object). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextStub
bind(NameComponent[], Object). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextTie
bind(NameComponent[], Object). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext
Creates a binding of a name and an object relative to this naming context.
bind(String, Remote). Static method in class java.rmi.Naming
Binds the name to the specified remote object.
bind(String, Remote). Method in interface java.rmi.registry.Registry
Binds the name to the specified remote object.
bind_context(NameComponent[], NamingContext). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextOperations
bind_context(NameComponent[], NamingContext). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextStub
bind_context(NameComponent[], NamingContext). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextTie
bind_context(NameComponent[], NamingContext). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext
Creates a binding of the given name with the given naming context.
bind_new_context(NameComponent[]). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextOperations
bind_new_context(NameComponent[]). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextStub
bind_new_context(NameComponent[]). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextTie
bind_new_context(NameComponent[]). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext
Creates a new naming context and binds it to the name supplied as an argument.
BindException(). Constructor for class
Construct a new BindException with no detailed message.
BindException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs a new BindException with the specified detail message as to why the bind error occurred.
Binding(). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.Binding
Binding(NameComponent[], BindingType). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.Binding
binding_name. Variable in class org.omg.CosNaming.Binding
binding_type. Variable in class org.omg.CosNaming.Binding
BindingHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingHolder
BindingHolder(Binding). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingHolder
BindingIteratorHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHolder
BindingIteratorHolder(BindingIterator). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHolder
BindingListHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingListHolder
BindingListHolder(Binding[]). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingListHolder
BindingTypeHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingTypeHolder
BindingTypeHolder(BindingType). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingTypeHolder
BIT. Static variable in class java.sql.Types
bitCount(). Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns the number of bits in the two's complement representation of this number that differ from its sign bit.
bitLength(). Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns the number of bits in the minimal two's-complement representation of this number, *excluding* a sign bit, i.e., (ceil(log2(this < 0 ? -this : this + 1))).
BITMASK. Static variable in interface java.awt.Transparency
The transparency object represents image data that is guaranteed to be either completely opaque (alpha value of 1.0) or completely transparent (alpha value of 0.0).
BitSet(). Constructor for class java.util.BitSet
Creates a new bit set.
BitSet(int). Constructor for class java.util.BitSet
Creates a bit set whose initial size is the specified number of bits.
black. Static variable in class java.awt.Color
The color black.
Black. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFUtilities
BLOCK_DECREMENT. Static variable in class java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent
The block decrement adjustment type.
BLOCK_INCREMENT. Static variable in class java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent
The block increment adjustment type.
blockIncrement. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JScrollBar
blockingShow(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JDialog
Messaged after super has been messaged to show if the Dialog is to block.
blue. Static variable in class java.awt.Color
The color blue.
BLUECOMPONENT. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_ProfileRGB
To request a gamma value or TRC for the blue component.
bodyPanel. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
BOLD. Static variable in class java.awt.Font
The bold style constant.
Bold. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of the bold attribute.
Book(). Constructor for class java.awt.print.Book
Create a new book containing no pages.
Book.PageAndPainter(Book, PageFormat, Printable). Constructor for class java.awt.print.Book.PageAndPainter
A new instance where 'format' describes the page's size and orientation and 'painter' is the instance that will draw the page's graphics.
Boolean(boolean). Constructor for class java.lang.Boolean
Allocates a Boolean object representing the value argument.
Boolean(String). Constructor for class java.lang.Boolean
Allocates a Boolean object representing the value true if the string argument is not null and is equal, ignoring case, to the string "true".
BooleanHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BooleanHolder
construct the BooleanHolder with false initial value
BooleanHolder(boolean). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.BooleanHolder
construct the BooleanHolder with the given boolean value
booleanValue(). Method in class java.lang.Boolean
Returns the value of this Boolean object as a boolean.
BORDER. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
border. Variable in class java.awt.swing.border.TitledBorder
BORDER_BUFFER. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFProgressBarUI
BORDER_SIZE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifFrameBorder
BorderLayout(). Constructor for class java.awt.BorderLayout
Constructs a new border layout with no gaps between components.
BorderLayout(int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.BorderLayout
Constructs a border layout with the specified gaps between components.
borderListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
borderPainted. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.Spinner
borderSelectionColor. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellRenderer
Color to use for the background when the node isn't selected.
borderTable. Variable in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFToolBarUI
BorderUIResource(Border). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource
Creates a UIResource border object which wraps an existing Border instance.
BOTH. Static variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
Resize the component both horizontally and vertically.
bottom. Variable in class java.awt.Insets
The inset from the bottom.
BOTTOM. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JSplitPane
Used to add a Component below the other Component.
BOTTOM. Static variable in interface java.awt.swing.SwingConstants
BOTTOM. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.border.TitledBorder
BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT. Static variable in class java.awt.Component
Ease-of-use constant for getAlignmentY.
BOTTOM_LEFT_SPRINGS. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.SpringLayout
Convience constraint object.
BOTTOM_MARGIN_CAN_CHANGE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.SpringLayout
Indicates that the space to the bottom of widget will grow and shrink as the parent component changes size.
BOTTOM_RIGHT_SPRINGS. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.SpringLayout
Convience constraint object.
BOTTOM_SPRING. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.SpringLayout
Convience constraint object.
bottomColor. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFFrameBorder
bottomPanel. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
BOUND. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.beaninfo.SwingBeanInfo
bound(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.SequenceDef
bound(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.StringDef
bound(int). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.SequenceDef
bound(int). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.StringDef
bounds. Variable in class java.awt.Polygon
Bounds(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.Bounds
Bounds(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.Bounds
bounds(). Method in class java.awt.Component
Box(int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.Box
Creates a Box that displays its components along the the specified axis.
Box.Filler(Dimension, Dimension, Dimension). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.Box.Filler
Constructor to create shape with the given size ranges.
BoxLayout(Container, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.BoxLayout
Creates a layout manager that will lay out components either left to right or top to bottom, as specified in the axis parameter.
BoxView(Element, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.BoxView
Constructs a BoxView.
BreakIterator(). Constructor for class java.text.BreakIterator
breakView(int, float, Shape). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.LabelView
Breaks this view on the given axis at the given length.
breakView(int, float, Shape). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.View
Breaks this view on the given axis at the given length.
BRIEF. Static variable in class java.rmi.server.LogStream
brighter(). Method in class java.awt.Color
Creates a brighter version of this color.
buf. Variable in class
The buffer where data is stored.
buf. Variable in class
The buffer where data is stored.
buf. Variable in class
The byte array containing the data.
buf. Variable in class
The buffer where data is stored.
buf. Variable in class
Character buffer
buf. Variable in class
The buffer where data is stored.
buf. Variable in class
Output buffer for writing compressed data.
buf. Variable in class
Input buffer for decompression.
buf. Variable in class
The pushback buffer.
buffer. Variable in class
The circular buffer into which incoming data is placed.
buffer. Variable in class
The string from which bytes are read.
BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
The default size of the initial content buffer.
BUFFERED_OPTION. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Show buffered operations in a seperate Frame.
BufferedImage(ColorModel, WritableRaster, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
Constructs a new BufferedImage with a given ColorModel and Raster.
BufferedImage(int, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
Constructs a BufferedImage of one of the predefined image types.
BufferedImage(int, int, int, IndexColorModel). Constructor for class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
Constructs a BufferedImage of one of the predefined image types: TYPE_BINARY or TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED
BufferedImageFilter(BufferedImageOp). Constructor for class java.awt.image.BufferedImageFilter
Constructs a BufferedImageFilter with the specified single-source/single-destination operator.
BufferedInputStream(InputStream). Constructor for class
Creates a new buffered input stream to read data from the specified input stream with a default 512-byte buffer size.
BufferedInputStream(InputStream, int). Constructor for class
Creates a new buffered input stream to read data from the specified input stream with the specified buffer size.
BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream). Constructor for class
Creates a new buffered output stream to write data to the specified underlying output stream with a default 512-byte buffer size.
BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream, int). Constructor for class
Creates a new buffered output stream to write data to the specified underlying output stream with the specified buffer size.
BufferedReader(Reader). Constructor for class
Create a buffering character-input stream that uses a default-sized input buffer.
BufferedReader(Reader, int). Constructor for class
Create a buffering character-input stream that uses an input buffer of the specified size.
BufferedWriter(Writer). Constructor for class
Create a buffered character-output stream that uses a default-sized output buffer.
BufferedWriter(Writer, int). Constructor for class
Create a new buffered character-output stream that uses an output buffer of the given size.
buildPopup(). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTabbedPaneUI
buildUI(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDirectoryPaneUI
buildUI(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Builds our UI the first time it is called, does nothing after that.
buildUI(). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFFileChooserUI
Builds our UI the first time it is called, does nothing after that.
burstStringInto(Container, String, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractOptionPaneUI
Recursively creates new JLabel instances to represent d.
BUSY. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleState
Button(). Constructor for class java.awt.Button
Constructs a Button with no label.
Button(String). Constructor for class java.awt.Button
Constructs a Button with the specified label.
BUTTON1_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
The mouse button1 modifier constant.
BUTTON2_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
The mouse button2 modifier constant.
BUTTON3_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
The mouse button3 modifier constant.
ButtonGroup(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.ButtonGroup
Creates a new ButtonGroup.
buttonListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI
buttonListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
buttonListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI
buttonListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI
buttonListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
buttonListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifCheckBoxMenuItemUI
buttonListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifRadioButtonMenuItemUI
buttons. Variable in class java.awt.swing.ButtonGroup
buttonUI. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicButtonUI
ButtonUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.ButtonUI
Byte(byte). Constructor for class java.lang.Byte
Constructs a Byte object initialized to the specified byte value.
Byte(String). Constructor for class java.lang.Byte
Constructs a Byte object initialized to the value specified by the String parameter.
BYTE_DATA. Static variable in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Tag for byte data.
ByteArrayInputStream(byte[]). Constructor for class
Creates a new byte array input stream that reads data from the specified byte array.
ByteArrayInputStream(byte[], int, int). Constructor for class
Creates a new byte array input stream that reads data from the specified byte array.
ByteArrayOutputStream(). Constructor for class
Creates a new byte array output stream.
ByteArrayOutputStream(int). Constructor for class
Creates a new byte array output stream, with a buffer capacity of the specified size, in bytes.
ByteHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ByteHolder
construct the ByteHolder with null initial value
ByteHolder(byte). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ByteHolder
construct the ByteHolder with the given byte
ByteLookupTable(int, byte[]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.ByteLookupTable
Create a LookupTable object from an array of bytes representing a lookup table for each tile channel.
ByteLookupTable(int, byte[][]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.ByteLookupTable
Create a LookupTable object from an array of byte arrays representing a lookup table for each tile channel.
bytesTransferred. Variable in class
Reports how many bytes had been transferred as part of the I/O operation before it was interrupted.
bytesWidth(byte[], int, int). Method in class java.awt.FontMetrics
Returns the total advance width for showing the specified array of bytes in this Font.
byteValue(). Method in class java.lang.Byte
Returns the value of this Byte as a byte.
byteValue(). Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the value of this Double as a byte (by casting to a byte).
byteValue(). Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the value of this Float as a byte (by casting to a byte).
byteValue(). Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as a byte.
byteValue(). Method in class java.lang.Long
Returns the value of this Long as a byte.
byteValue(). Method in class java.lang.Number
Returns the value of the specified number as a byte.
byteValue(). Method in class java.lang.Short
Returns the value of this Short as a byte.

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