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icAbsoluteColorimetric. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
ICC_ColorSpace(ICC_Profile). Constructor for class java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace
Constructs a new ICC_ColorSpace from an ICC_Profile object.
icCurveCount. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icCurveData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrAttributes. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrCmmId. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrColorSpace. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrCreator. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrDate. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrDeviceClass. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrFlags. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrIlluminant. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrMagic. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrManufacturer. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrModel. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrPcs. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrPlatform. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrRenderingIntent. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrSize. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icHdrVersion. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icon. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonUI
icon. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Icon used in pane.
ICON_COLOR_16x16. Static variable in interface java.beans.BeanInfo
Constant to indicate a 16 x 16 color icon.
ICON_COLOR_32x32. Static variable in interface java.beans.BeanInfo
Constant to indicate a 32 x 32 color icon.
ICON_MONO_16x16. Static variable in interface java.beans.BeanInfo
Constant to indicate a 16 x 16 monochrome icon.
ICON_MONO_32x32. Static variable in interface java.beans.BeanInfo
Constant to indicate a 32 x 32 monochrome icon.
ICON_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Bound property name for icon.
iconable. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
iconAreaWidth(). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifComboBoxUI
IconAttribute. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of the icon attribute.
IconElementName. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of elements used to represent icons.
ICONIFIED. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleState
iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
This method is called when the user wants to iconify the frame.
iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
Removes the frame from it's parent and adds it's desktopIcon to the parent.
iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in interface java.awt.swing.DesktopManager
Generally, remove this frame from it's parent and add an iconic representation.
iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFDesktopManager
Removes the frame from it's parent and stores it for later use.
iconSpacingWidth. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
iconSpacingWidth(). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTabbedPaneUI
IconUIResource(Icon). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.IconUIResource
Creates a UIResource border object which wraps an existing Icon instance.
IconView(Element). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.IconView
Creates a new view that represents an element.
icPerceptual. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icRelativeColorimetric. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSaturation. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigAbstractClass. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigAToB0Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigAToB1Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigAToB2Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigBlueColorantTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigBlueTRCTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigBToA0Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigBToA1Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigBToA2Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigCalibrationDateTimeTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigCharTargetTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigCmyData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigCmykData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigColorSpaceClass. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigCopyrightTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigDeviceMfgDescTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigDeviceModelDescTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigDisplayClass. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigGamutTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigGrayData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigGrayTRCTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigGreenColorantTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigGreenTRCTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigHead. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigHlsData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigHsvData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigInputClass. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigLabData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigLinkClass. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigLuminanceTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigLuvData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigMeasurementTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigMediaBlackPointTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigMediaWhitePointTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigNamedColor2Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigNamedColorClass. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigOutputClass. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPreview0Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPreview1Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPreview2Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigProfileDescriptionTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigProfileSequenceDescTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPs2CRD0Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPs2CRD1Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPs2CRD2Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPs2CRD3Tag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPs2CSATag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigPs2RenderingIntentTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigRedColorantTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigRedTRCTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigRgbData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigScreeningDescTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigScreeningTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpace2CLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpace3CLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpace4CLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpace5CLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpace6CLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpace7CLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpace8CLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpace9CLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpaceACLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpaceBCLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpaceCCLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpaceDCLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpaceECLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigSpaceFCLR. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigTechnologyTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigUcrBgTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigViewingCondDescTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigViewingConditionsTag. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigXYZData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigYCbCrData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icSigYxyData. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icTagReserved. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icTagType. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
icXYZNumberX. Static variable in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
id. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.AttributeDescription
id. Variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
id. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.ConstantDescription
id. Variable in class java.awt.Event
Indicates which type of event the event is, and which other Event variables are relevant for the event.
id. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionDescription
id. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDefPackage.FullInterfaceDescription
id. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDescription
id. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.ModuleDescription
id. Variable in class org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent
id. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.OperationDescription
id. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.TypeDescription
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.AlreadyBoundHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingListHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingTypeHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.CannotProceedHelper
id(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.Contained
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidNameHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.IstringHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponentHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NameHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotEmptyHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFoundHelper
id(). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFoundReasonHelper
id(). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode
The id operation can be invoked on object reference, structure, union, enumeration, alias, and exception TypeCodes.
id(String). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.Contained
IDENTICAL. Static variable in class java.text.Collator
Collator strength value.
identifier. Variable in class java.awt.swing.table.TableColumn
This object is set by the source to act as an identifier of this column, so the source can tell the columns apart.
identities(). Method in class
Returns an enumeration of all identities in this identity scope.
IDENTITY. Static variable in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
This constant indicates that the transform defined by this object is an identity transform.
Identity(). Constructor for class
Constructor for serialization only.
Identity(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an identity with the specified name and no scope.
Identity(String, IdentityScope). Constructor for class
Constructs an identity with the specified name and scope.
identityEquals(Identity). Method in class
Tests for equality between the specified identity and this identity.
identityHashCode(Object). Static method in class java.lang.System
Returns the same hashcode for the given object as would be returned by the default method hashCode(), whether or not the given object's class overrides hashCode().
IdentityScope(). Constructor for class
This constructor is used for serialization only and should not be used by subclasses.
IdentityScope(String). Constructor for class
Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name.
IdentityScope(String, IdentityScope). Constructor for class
Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name and scope.
IEEEremainder(double, double). Static method in class java.lang.Math
Computes the remainder operation on two arguments as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard.
ifModifiedSince. Variable in class
Some protocols support skipping the fetching of the object unless the object has been modified more recently than a certain time.
IGNORE_ALL_BEANINFO. Static variable in class java.beans.Introspector
IGNORE_IMMEDIATE_BEANINFO. Static variable in class java.beans.Introspector
IllegalAccessError(). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessError
Constructs an IllegalAccessError with no detail message.
IllegalAccessError(String). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessError
Constructs an IllegalAccessError with the specified detail message.
IllegalAccessException(). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessException
Constructs an IllegalAccessException without a detail message.
IllegalAccessException(String). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessException
Constructs an IllegalAccessException with a detail message.
IllegalArgumentException(). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Constructs an IllegalArgumentException with no detail message.
IllegalArgumentException(String). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Constructs an IllegalArgumentException with the specified detail message.
IllegalComponentStateException(). Constructor for class java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException
Constructs an IllegalComponentStateException with no detail message.
IllegalComponentStateException(String). Constructor for class java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException
Constructs an IllegalComponentStateException with the specified detail message.
IllegalMonitorStateException(). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
Constructs an IllegalMonitorStateException with no detail message.
IllegalMonitorStateException(String). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
Constructs an IllegalMonitorStateException with the specified detail message.
IllegalPathStateException(). Constructor for class java.awt.geom.IllegalPathStateException
Constructs an IllegalPathStateException with no detail message.
IllegalPathStateException(String). Constructor for class java.awt.geom.IllegalPathStateException
Constructs an IllegalPathStateException with the specified detail message.
IllegalStateException(). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalStateException
Constructs an IllegalStateException with no detail message.
IllegalStateException(String). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalStateException
Constructs an IllegalStateException with the specified detail message.
IllegalThreadStateException(). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
Constructs an IllegalThreadStateException with no detail message.
IllegalThreadStateException(String). Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
Constructs an IllegalThreadStateException with the specified detail message.
IMAGE. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
image. Variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
Image(). Constructor for class java.awt.Image
IMAGEABORTED. Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
The image creation process was deliberately aborted.
imageComplete(int). Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
The imageComplete method is called when the ImageProducer is finished delivering all of the pixels that the source image contains, or when a single frame of a multi-frame animation has been completed, or when an error in loading or producing the image has occured.
imageComplete(int). Method in class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the imageComplete method of the ImageConsumer interface.
imageComplete(int). Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
The imageComplete method is part of the ImageConsumer API which this class must implement to retrieve the pixels.
IMAGEERROR. Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
An error was encountered while producing the image.
ImageFilter(). Constructor for class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
ImageIcon(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.ImageIcon
Creates an uninitialized image icon.
ImageIcon(Image). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.ImageIcon
Creates an ImageIcon from the image.
ImageIcon(Image, String). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.ImageIcon
Creates an ImageIcon from the image.
ImageIcon(String). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.ImageIcon
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file.
ImageIcon(String, String). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.ImageIcon
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file.
ImageIcon(URL). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.ImageIcon
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL.
ImageIcon(URL, String). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.ImageIcon
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL.
imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Component
Repaints the component when the image has changed.
imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int). Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
This method is called when information about an image which was previously requested using an asynchronous interface becomes available.
ImagingOpException(String). Constructor for class java.awt.image.ImagingOpException
IMP_LIMIT(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.IMP_LIMIT
Constructs a IMP_LIMIT with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
IMP_LIMIT(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.IMP_LIMIT
Constructs a IMP_LIMIT with the specified minor code and completion status.
IMP_LIMIT(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.IMP_LIMIT
Constructs a IMP_LIMIT with the specified detail.
IMP_LIMIT(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.IMP_LIMIT
Constructs a IMP_LIMIT with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
implAccept(Socket). Method in class
Subclasses of ServerSocket use this method to override accept() to return their own subclass of socket.
IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE. Static variable in class java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
Some predefined attribute names.
IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR. Static variable in class java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
Some predefined attribute names.
IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION. Static variable in class java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
Some predefined attribute names.
implies(Permission). Method in class
Checks if the specified permission is "implied" by this object.
implies(Permission). Method in class
Checks if this FilePermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission). Method in class
Checks if the specified permission's actions are "implied by" this object's actions.
implies(Permission). Method in class
Checks to see if the specified permission is implied by the collection of Permission objects held in this PermissionCollection.
implies(Permission). Method in class
Checks to see if this object's PermissionCollection for permissions of the specified permission's type implies the permissions expressed in the permission object.
implies(Permission). Method in class java.util.PropertyPermission
Checks if this PropertyPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission). Method in class
Checks if this socket permission object "implies" the specified permission.
importedKeyCascade. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - for update, change imported key to agree with primary key update; for delete, delete rows that import a deleted key.
importedKeyInitiallyDeferred. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
IMPORT KEY DEFERRABILITY - see SQL92 for definition
importedKeyInitiallyImmediate. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
IMPORT KEY DEFERRABILITY - see SQL92 for definition
importedKeyNoAction. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - do not allow update or delete of primary key if it has been imported.
importedKeyNotDeferrable. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
IMPORT KEY DEFERRABILITY - see SQL92 for definition
importedKeyRestrict. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - do not allow update or delete of primary key if it has been imported.
importedKeySetDefault. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - change imported key to default values if its primary key has been updated or deleted.
importedKeySetNull. Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - change imported key to NULL if its primary key has been updated or deleted.
in. Static variable in class
A handle to the standard input stream.
in. Variable in class
The underlying input stream.
in. Variable in class
The underlying character-input stream, or null if the stream has been closed
in. Variable in class
The index of the position in the circular buffer at which the next byte of data will be stored when received from the connected piped output stream.
in. Static variable in class java.lang.System
The "standard" input stream.
inactive(ActivationID). Static method in class java.rmi.activation.Activatable
Informs the system that the object with the corresponding activation id is currently inactive.
INACTIVE_CAPTION. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the inactive caption background color.
INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the inactive caption border color.
INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the inactive caption text color.
inactiveCaption. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The background color for inactive captions in window borders.
inactiveCaptionBorder. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The border color for inactive captios in window borders.
inactiveCaptionText. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The text color for inactive captions in window borders.
inactiveColor. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFFrameBorder
inactiveGroup(). Method in class java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroup
This protected method is necessary for subclasses to make the inactiveGroup callback to the group's monitor.
inactiveGroup(ActivationGroupID, long). Method in interface java.rmi.activation.ActivationMonitor
Informs that the group is now inactive.
inactiveObject(ActivationID). Method in class java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroup
The group's inactiveObject method is called indirectly via a call to the Activatable.inactive method.
inactiveObject(ActivationID). Method in interface java.rmi.activation.ActivationMonitor
An activation group calls its monitor's inactiveObject method when an object in its group becomes inactive (deactivates).
inCheck. Variable in class java.lang.SecurityManager
This field is true if there is a security check in progress; false otherwise.
inClass(String). Method in class java.lang.SecurityManager
Tests if a method from a class with the specified name is on the execution stack.
inClassLoader(). Method in class java.lang.SecurityManager
Tests if a method from a class defined using a class loader is on the execution stack.
IncompatibleClassChangeError(). Constructor for class java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
Constructs an IncompatibleClassChangeError with no detail message.
IncompatibleClassChangeError(String). Constructor for class java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
Constructs an IncompatibleClassChangeError with the specified detail message.
incrButton. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
INCREASE_HIGHLIGHT. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
inDaylightTime(Date). Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Overrides TimeZone Queries if the given date is in Daylight Savings Time.
inDaylightTime(Date). Method in class java.util.TimeZone
Queries if the given date is in Daylight Savings Time in this time zone.
IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], byte[], byte[]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, and blue components.
IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, blue and alpha components.
IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], byte[], byte[], int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red, green, and blue components.
IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], int, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single array of packed red, green, blue and optional alpha components.
IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], int, boolean, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single array of packed red, green, blue and optional alpha components.
IndexColorModel(int, int, int[], int, boolean, int, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
Constructs an IndexColorModel from an array of integers where each integer is comprised of red, green, blue, and optional alpha components in the default RGB color model packing.
IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Class). Constructor for class java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
This constructor constructs an IndexedPropertyDescriptor for a property that follows the standard Java conventions by having getFoo and setFoo accessor methods, for both indexed access and array access.
IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String, String, String, String). Constructor for class java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
This constructor takes the name of a simple property, and method names for reading and writing the property, both indexed and non-indexed.
IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Method, Method, Method, Method). Constructor for class java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
This constructor takes the name of a simple property, and Method objects for reading and writing the property.
indexOf(int). Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character.
indexOf(int, int). Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character, starting the search at the specified index.
indexOf(Object). Method in class java.util.AbstractList
Returns the index in this List of the first occurence of the specified element, or -1 if the List does not contain this element.
indexOf(Object). Method in class java.util.ArrayList
Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, testing for equality using the equals method.
indexOf(Object). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultListModel
indexOf(Object). Method in interface java.util.List
Returns the index in this List of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the List does not contain this element.
indexOf(Object). Method in class java.util.Vector
Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, testing for equality using the equals method.
indexOf(Object, int). Method in class java.util.AbstractList
Returns the index in this List of the first occurence of the specified element at or after the specified position, or -1 if the element is not found.
indexOf(Object, int). Method in class java.util.ArrayList
Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, beginning the search at index, and testing for equality using the equals method.
indexOf(Object, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultListModel
indexOf(Object, int). Method in interface java.util.List
Returns the index in this List of the first occurrence of the specified element at or after the specified position, or -1 if the element is not found.
indexOf(Object, int). Method in class java.util.Vector
Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, beginning the search at index, and testing for equality using the equals method.
indexOf(String). Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring.
indexOf(String, int). Method in class java.lang.String
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting at the specified index.
indexOfComponent(Component). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTabbedPane
Returns the index of the tab for the specified component.
indexOfTab(String). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTabbedPane
Convenience method for locating the first tab with a given title, testing for equality with String.equals.
IndexOutOfBoundsException(). Constructor for class java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an IndexOutOfBoundsException with no detail message.
IndexOutOfBoundsException(String). Constructor for class java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an IndexOutOfBoundsException with the specified detail message.
indexToLocation(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JList
Returns the origin of the specified item in JList coordinates, null if index isn't valid.
indexToLocation(JList, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI
indexToLocation(JList, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.ListUI
Returns the origin of the specified item in JList coordinates, null if index isn't valid.
indexToLocation(JList, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiListUI
Returns the origin of the specified item in JList coordinates, null if index isn't valid.
INDICATOR. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
inf. Variable in class
Decompressor for this stream.
inflate(byte[]). Method in class
Uncompresses bytes into specified buffer.
inflate(byte[], int, int). Method in class
Uncompresses bytes into specified buffer.
Inflater(). Constructor for class
Creates a new decompressor.
Inflater(boolean). Constructor for class
Creates a new decompressor.
InflaterInputStream(InputStream). Constructor for class
Creates a new input stream with a default decompressor and buffer size.
InflaterInputStream(InputStream, Inflater). Constructor for class
Creates a new input stream with the specified decompressor and a default buffer size.
InflaterInputStream(InputStream, Inflater, int). Constructor for class
Creates a new input stream with the specified decompressor and buffer size.
info. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The background color for info(help) text.
INFO. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the info background color.
INFO_TEXT. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the info text color.
INFORMATION_MESSAGE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Used for information messages.
infoText. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The text color for info(help) text.
init(). Method in class java.applet.Applet
Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that it has been loaded into the system.
init(). Static method in class org.omg.CORBA.ORB
Return the ORB singleton object.
init(AlgorithmParameterSpec). Method in class
Initializes this parameter generator with a set of algorithm-specific parameter generation values.
init(AlgorithmParameterSpec). Method in class
Initializes this parameters object using the parameters specified in paramSpec.
init(AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom). Method in class
Initializes this parameter generator with a set of algorithm-specific parameter generation values.
init(Applet, Properties). Static method in class org.omg.CORBA.ORB
Create a new ORB instance for an applet.
init(byte[]). Method in class
Imports the specified parameters and decodes them according to the primary decoding format for parameters.
init(byte[], String). Method in class
Imports the parameters from params and decodes them according to the specified decoding format.
init(int). Method in class
Initializes this parameter generator for a certain strength.
init(int, SecureRandom). Method in class
Initializes this parameter generator for a certain strength and source of randomness.
init(ServletConfig). Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet
Initializes the servlet and logs the initialization.
init(ServletConfig). Method in interface javax.servlet.Servlet
Initializes the servlet.
init(StateEditable, String). Method in class java.awt.swing.undo.StateEdit
init(String, Icon). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
init(String, Icon). Method in class java.awt.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
init(String, Icon). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenuItem
init(String, Icon). Method in class java.awt.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem
init(String[], Properties). Static method in class org.omg.CORBA.ORB
Create a new ORB instance for an application.
initClassDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
Initialize the uiClassID to BasicComponentUI mapping.
initClassDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFLookAndFeel
Initialize the uiClassID to BasicComponentUI mapping.
initClassDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifLookAndFeel
Initialize the uiClassID to BasicComponentUI mapping.
initColors(). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTabbedPaneUI
initColors(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
initComponentDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
initComponentDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFLookAndFeel
initComponentDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifLookAndFeel
INITIAL_SELECTION_VALUE_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Bound property name for initialSelectionValue.
INITIAL_VALUE_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Bounds property name for initialValue.
initialFocusComponent. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractOptionPaneUI
Component to receive focus when messaged with selectInitialValue.
initialize(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractLookAndFeel
UIManger.setLookAndFeel calls this method before the first call (and typically the only call) to getDefaults().
INITIALIZE(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE
Constructs a INITIALIZE with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
initialize(). Method in class java.lang.ThreadLocal
Returns the calling thread's initial value for this ThreadLocal variable.
initialize(AlgorithmParameterSpec). Method in class
Initializes the key pair generator using the specified parameter set and a system-provided source of randomness.
initialize(AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom). Method in class
Initializes the key pair generator using the specified parameter set and user-provided source of randomness.
initialize(Applet, BeanContext). Method in interface java.beans.AppletInitializer

If passed to the appropriate variant of java.beans.Beans.instantiate this method will be called in order to associate the newly instantiated Applet (JavaBean) with its AppletContext, AppletStub, and Container.

initialize(DSAParams, SecureRandom). Method in interface
Initializes the key pair generator using p, q and g, the DSA family parameters.
initialize(int). Method in class
Initializes the key pair generator for a certain strength using a system-provided source of randomness and the default parameter set.
initialize(int, boolean, SecureRandom). Method in interface
Initializes the key pair generator for a given modulus length, without parameters.
INITIALIZE(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE
Constructs a INITIALIZE with the specified minor code and completion status.
initialize(int, SecureRandom). Method in class
Initializes the key pair generator for a certain strength, using the default parameter set.
INITIALIZE(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE
Constructs a INITIALIZE with the specified detail.
INITIALIZE(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE
Constructs a INITIALIZE with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
initializeDefaultIcons(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI
initializeDefaultIcons(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifMenuUI
initializeLocalVars(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
initializeLocalVars(). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.JTableHeader
initialSelectionValue. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Initial value to select in selectionValues.
initialValue. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Value that should be initialy selected in options.
initListeners(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI
initListeners(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI
initListeners(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
initListeners(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI
initListeners(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI
initListeners(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI
initSign(PrivateKey). Method in class
Initialize this object for signing.
initSign(PrivateKey, SecureRandom). Method in class
Initialize this object for signing.
initSystemColorDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
Load the SystemColors into the defaults table.
initSystemColorDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFLookAndFeel
Load the SystemColors into the defaults table.
initSystemColorDefaults(UIDefaults). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifLookAndFeel
Load the SystemColors into the defaults table.
initVerify(PublicKey). Method in class
Initializes this object for verification.
INPUT_METHOD_EVENT_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
The event mask for selecting input method events.
INPUT_METHOD_FIRST. Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Marks the first integer id for the range of input method event ids.
INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT. Static variable in class
Attribute name for input method highlight styles.
INPUT_METHOD_LAST. Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Marks the last integer id for the range of input method event ids.
INPUT_METHOD_SEGMENT. Static variable in interface java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator
Constant for the attribute "input method segment".
INPUT_METHOD_SEGMENT. Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Constant for the attribute "input method segment".
INPUT_METHOD_TEXT_CHANGED. Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
The event type indicating changed input method text.
INPUT_VALUE_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Bound property name for inputValue.
inputComponent. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
JComponent provide for input if optionPane.getWantsInput() returns true.
InputContext(). Constructor for class
Constructs an InputContext.
inputL. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI
InputMethodEvent(Component, int, AttributedCharacterIterator, int, TextHitInfo, TextHitInfo). Constructor for class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Constructs an InputMethodEvent with the specified source component, type, text, caret, and visiblePosition.
InputMethodEvent(Component, int, TextHitInfo, TextHitInfo). Constructor for class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Constructs an InputMethodEvent with the specified source component, type, caret, and visiblePosition.
InputMethodHighlight(boolean, int). Constructor for class
Constructs an input method highlight record.
InputMethodHighlight(boolean, int, int). Constructor for class
Constructs an input method highlight record.
inputMethodTextChanged(InputMethodEvent). Method in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
Handles the inputMethodTextChanged event by invoking the inputMethodTextChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
inputMethodTextChanged(InputMethodEvent). Method in interface java.awt.event.InputMethodListener
Invoked when the text entered through an input method has changed.
InputStream(). Constructor for class
InputStream(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream
InputStreamReader(InputStream). Constructor for class
Create an InputStreamReader that uses the default character encoding.
InputStreamReader(InputStream, String). Constructor for class
Create an InputStreamReader that uses the named character encoding.
inputValue. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Value the user has input.
INSERT. Static variable in class java.awt.Event
The Insert key, a non-ASCII action key.
insert(Action, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
insert(Action, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JPopupMenu
insert(Any, AlreadyBound). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.AlreadyBoundHelper
insert(Any, Binding). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingHelper
insert(Any, Binding[]). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingListHelper
insert(Any, BindingIterator). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHelper
insert(Any, BindingType). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.BindingTypeHelper
insert(Any, CannotProceed). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.CannotProceedHelper
insert(Any, InvalidName). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidNameHelper
insert(Any, NameComponent). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponentHelper
insert(Any, NameComponent[]). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NameHelper
insert(Any, NamingContext). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextHelper
insert(Any, NotEmpty). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotEmptyHelper
insert(Any, NotFound). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFoundHelper
insert(Any, NotFoundReason). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFoundReasonHelper
insert(Any, String). Static method in class org.omg.CosNaming.IstringHelper
insert(Component, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JPopupMenu
insert(int, boolean). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the boolean argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, char). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the char argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, char[]). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the char array argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[]). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Inserts new elements in bulk.
insert(int, double). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the double argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, float). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the float argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, int). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the second int argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, int, DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[], DefaultDocumentEvent). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
Inserts new content.
insert(int, long). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the long argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, Object). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string representation of the Object argument into this string buffer.
insert(int, String). Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
Inserts the string into this string buffer.
insert(int, View). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.CompositeView
Convenience call to replace to insert a single child
insert(JMenuItem, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
insert(MenuItem, int). Method in class java.awt.Menu
Inserts a menu item into this menu at the specified position.
insert(MutableTreeNode, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicVisibleTreeNode
Stops editing, repaints the node if only 1 child and messages super.
insert(String, int). Method in class java.awt.Choice
Inserts the item into this choice at the specified position.
insert(String, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
insert(String, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTextArea
Inserts the specified text at the specified position.
insert(String, int). Method in class java.awt.Menu
Inserts a menu item with the specified label into this menu at the specified position.
insert(String, int). Method in class java.awt.TextArea
Inserts the specified text at the specified position in this text area.
insert_any(Any). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_boolean(boolean). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_char(char). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_double(double). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_float(float). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_long(int). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_longlong(long). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_Object(Object). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_Object(Object, TypeCode). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_octet(byte). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_Principal(Principal). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_short(short). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_Streamable(Streamable). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
takes a streamable and inserts it into the any
insert_string(String). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_TypeCode(TypeCode). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_ulong(int). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_ulonglong(long). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_ushort(short). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_wchar(char). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insert_wstring(String). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Any
insertBreakAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the action to place a line/paragraph break into the document.
insertChar(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int, int, int[], byte[]). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphSet
Return a new GlyphSet which is an incremental modification of this one.
insertComponent(Component). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTextPane
Inserts a component into the document as a replacement for the currently selected content.
insertContentAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the action to place content into the associated document.
insertElementAt(Object, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultListModel
insertElementAt(Object, int). Method in class java.util.Vector
Inserts the specified object as a component in this vector at the specified index.
insertIcon(Icon). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTextPane
Inserts an icon into the document as a replacement for the currently selected content.
insertIndexForLayer(int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JLayeredPane
Primative method that determines the proper location to insert a new child based on layer and position requests.
insertIndexInterval(int, int, boolean). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
Insert length indices beginning before/after index.
insertIndexInterval(int, int, boolean). Method in interface java.awt.swing.ListSelectionModel
Insert length indices beginning before/after index.
insertItemAt(Object, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComboBox
Insert an item in the item list at a given index
insertProviderAt(Provider, int). Static method in class
Adds a new provider, at a specified position.
insertRow(int, Object[]). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Insert a row at rowIndex in the model.
insertRow(int, Object[]). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
Insert a row at rowIndex in the table.
insertRow(int, Vector). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Insert a row at rowIndex in the model.
insertRow(int, Vector). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
Insert a row at rowIndex in the table.
insertSeparator(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
Inserts a separator at the specified position.
insertSeparator(int). Method in class java.awt.Menu
Inserts a separator at the specified position.
insertString(int, String). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content
Insert a string of characters into the sequence.
insertString(int, String). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.StringContent
Inserts a string into the content.
insertString(int, String, AttributeSet). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Inserts some content into the document.
insertString(int, String, AttributeSet). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.Document
Inserts a string of content.
insertTab(String, Icon, Component, String, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTabbedPane
Inserts a component, at index, represented by a title and/or icon, either of which may be null.
insertTabAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the action to place a tab character into the document.
insertText(String, int). Method in class java.awt.TextArea
insertUpdate(DefaultDocumentEvent, AttributeSet). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.
insertUpdate(DefaultDocumentEvent, AttributeSet). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.
insertUpdate(DefaultDocumentEvent, AttributeSet). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.PlainDocument
Updates document structure as a result of text insertion.
insertUpdate(DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec[]). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
Inserts an update into the document.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent). Method in interface java.awt.swing.event.DocumentListener
Gives notification that there was an insert into the document.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.BoxView
Gives notification that something was inserted into the document in a location that this view is responsible for.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.LabelView
Gives notification that something was inserted into the document in a location that this view is responsible for.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.ParagraphView
Gives notification that something was inserted into the document in a location that this view is responsible for.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.PlainView
Gives notification that something was inserted into the document in a location that this view is responsible for.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent, Shape, ViewFactory). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.View
Gives notification that something was inserted into the document in a location that this view is responsible for.
insets. Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
This field specifies the external padding of the component, the minimum amount of space between the component and the edges of its display area.
insets(). Method in class java.awt.Container
Insets(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.Insets
Creates and initializes a new Insets object with the specified top, left, bottom, and right insets.
InsetsUIResource(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource
inside(int, int). Method in class java.awt.Component
inside(int, int). Method in class java.awt.Polygon
inside(int, int). Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
insideBorder. Variable in class java.awt.swing.border.CompoundBorder
install(JTextComponent). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.Caret
Called when the UI is being installed into the interface of a JTextComponent.
install(JTextComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Called when the UI is being installed into the interface of a JTextComponent.
install(JTextComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
Called when the UI is being installed into the interface of a JTextComponent.
install(JTextComponent). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.Highlighter
Called when the UI is being installed into the interface of a JTextComponent.
installAccessory(Component). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
installBorder(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonUI
installBorder(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFSpinnerUI
installBorder(JComponent, String). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
Convenience method for installing Basic's default Border object on the specified component if either the border is currently null or already an instance of UIResource.
installColors(JComponent, String, String). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
Convenience method for initializing a components foreground and background color properties with values from the current defaults table.
installColorsAndFont(JComponent, String, String, String). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
Convenience method for initializing a components foreground background and font properties with values from the current defaults table.
installColorsAndFont(JComponent, String, String, String). Static method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFLookAndFeel
installFont(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
installMouseHandlers(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicButtonUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDesktopIconUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDirectoryPaneUI
If necessary, create this UI's list and scroller.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
If necessary, create this UI's various components and its BasicDirectoryPaneUI.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLabelUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI
Initializes this.list by calling configureList(), addListListeners(), and registerKeyboardActions() in order.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
Installs the reciever as the L&F for the passed in JOptionPane
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSeparatorUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSpinnerUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Installs the reciever as the L&F for the passed in split pane.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToggleButtonUI
ToggleButtonUI Implementation
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolTipUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.ComponentUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultTextUI
Installs the UI for a component.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFCheckBoxMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFComboBoxUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFDesktopPaneUI
This fuction creates the JLFDesktopManager.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFDirectoryPaneUI
If necessary, create this UI's list and scroller.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFFileChooserUI
If necessary, create this UI's various components and its BasicDirectoryPaneUI.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFInternalFrameUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFMenuBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFMenuUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFOldTabbedPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFPasswordFieldUI
Installs the UI for a component.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFPopupMenuUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFProgressBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFRadioButtonMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFScrollBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFScrollPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFSpinnerUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTabbedPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTableHeaderUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTableUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTextAreaUI
Installs the background and selection color for the text editor
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTextFieldUI
Installs the UI for a component.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTextPaneUI
Installs the UI for a component.
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFToolBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFToolTipUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTreeUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifCheckBoxMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifComboBoxUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifDesktopIconUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifDesktopPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifInternalFrameUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifMenuUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifRadioButtonMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifSeparatorUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTabbedPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTreeUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiButtonUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiCheckBoxMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiComboBoxUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiDesktopIconUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiDesktopPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiDirectoryPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiInternalFrameUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiLabelUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiListUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiMenuBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiMenuUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiOptionPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiPopupMenuUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiProgressBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiRadioButtonMenuItemUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiScrollBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiScrollPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiSeparatorUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiSliderUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiSpinnerUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiSplitPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTabbedPaneUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTableHeaderUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTableUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTextUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiToggleButtonUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiToolBarUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiToolTipUI
installUI(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTreeUI
INSTANCE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI.CollapsedIcon
INSTANCE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI.ExpandedIcon
INSTANCE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTreeUI.MotifCollapsedIcon
INSTANCE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTreeUI.MotifExpandedIcon
instantiate(Class, Aggregate). Static method in class java.beans.AggregateObject
Instantiate an Aggregate
instantiate(ClassLoader, String). Static method in class java.beans.Beans

Instantiate a JavaBean.

instantiate(ClassLoader, String, BeanContext). Static method in class java.beans.Beans

Instantiate a JavaBean.

instantiate(ClassLoader, String, BeanContext, AppletInitializer). Static method in class java.beans.Beans
Instantiate a bean.
instantiateChild(String). Method in interface java.beans.beancontext.BeanContext
Instantiate the javaBean named as a child of this BeanContext
instantiateChild(String). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport

The instantiateChild method is a convenience hook in BeanContext to simplify the task of instantiating a Bean, nested, into a BeanContext.

InstantiationError(). Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationError
Constructs an InstantiationError with no detail message.
InstantiationError(String). Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationError
Constructs an InstantiationError with the specified detail message.
InstantiationException(). Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationException
Constructs an InstantiationException with no detail message.
InstantiationException(String). Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationException
Constructs an InstantiationException with the specified detail message.
INT_DATA. Static variable in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Tag for int data.
intBitsToFloat(int). Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the single-float corresponding to a given bit represention.
INTEGER. Static variable in class java.sql.Types
Integer(int). Constructor for class java.lang.Integer
Constructs a newly allocated Integer object that represents the primitive int argument.
Integer(String). Constructor for class java.lang.Integer
Constructs a newly allocated Integer object that represents the value represented by the string.
INTEGER_FIELD. Static variable in class java.text.NumberFormat
Field constant used to construct a FieldPosition object.
INTERFACE. Static variable in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
InterfaceDescription(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDescription
InterfaceDescription(String, String, String, String, String[]). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDescription
intern(). Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a canonical representation for the string object.
intern(String). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleContext
INTERNAL(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL
Constructs a INTERNAL with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_MAYBE.
INTERNAL(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL
Constructs a INTERNAL with the specified minor code and completion status.
INTERNAL(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL
Constructs a INTERNAL with the specified detail.
INTERNAL(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL
Constructs a INTERNAL with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
INTERNAL_FRAME. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
InternalError(). Constructor for class java.lang.InternalError
Constructs an InternalError with no detail message.
InternalError(String). Constructor for class java.lang.InternalError
Constructs an InternalError with the specified detail message.
InternalFrameUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.InternalFrameUI
internalGet(int). Method in class java.util.Calendar
Gets the value for a given time field.
interrupt(). Method in class java.lang.Thread
Interrupts this thread.
interrupt(). Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
Interrupts all threads in this thread group.
interrupted(). Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Tests if the current thread has been interrupted.
InterruptedException(). Constructor for class java.lang.InterruptedException
Constructs an InterruptedException with no detail message.
InterruptedException(String). Constructor for class java.lang.InterruptedException
Constructs an InterruptedException with the specified detail message.
InterruptedIOException(). Constructor for class
Constructs an InterruptedIOException with no detail message.
InterruptedIOException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an InterruptedIOException with the specified detail message.
intersect(Area). Method in class java.awt.geom.Area
Sets the shape to the intersection of the current shape with the shape of the specified Area.
intersection(Rectangle). Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Computes the intersection of this rectangle with the specified rectangle.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.Area
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.GeneralPath
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D
Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.Polygon
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(double, double, double, double). Method in interface java.awt.Shape
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given set of rectangular coordinates.
intersects(Rectangle). Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Determines whether this rectangle and the specified rectangle intersect.
intersects(Rectangle2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.Area
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(Rectangle2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(Rectangle2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.GeneralPath
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(Rectangle2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D
Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(Rectangle2D). Method in class java.awt.Polygon
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(Rectangle2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Test if the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(Rectangle2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersects(Rectangle2D). Method in interface java.awt.Shape
Test if the interior of the Shape intersects the interior of a given Rectangle.
intersectsLine(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D
Tests if the line segment from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) intersects this line segment.
intersectsLine(double, double, double, double). Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D
Tests if the given line segment intersects the interior of this Rectangle.
intersectsLine(Line2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D
Tests if the given line segment intersects this line segment.
intersectsLine(Line2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D
Tests if the given line segment intersects the interior of this Rectangle.
INTERVAL_ADDED. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.event.ListDataEvent
INTERVAL_REMOVED. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.event.ListDataEvent
intervalAdded(ListDataEvent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI.DataListener
intervalAdded(ListDataEvent). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComboBox
intervalAdded(ListDataEvent). Method in interface java.awt.swing.event.ListDataListener
Sent after the indices in the index0,index1 interval have been inserted in the data model.
intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI.DataListener
intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComboBox
intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent). Method in interface java.awt.swing.event.ListDataListener
Sent after the indices in the index0,index1 interval have been removed from the data model.
INTF_REPOS(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INTF_REPOS
Constructs a INTF_REPOS with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
INTF_REPOS(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INTF_REPOS
Constructs a INTF_REPOS with the specified minor code and completion status.
INTF_REPOS(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INTF_REPOS
Constructs a INTF_REPOS with the specified detail.
INTF_REPOS(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INTF_REPOS
Constructs a INTF_REPOS with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
IntHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder
construct the IntHolder with null initial value
IntHolder(int). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder
construct the IntHolder with the given int
IntrospectionException(String). Constructor for class java.beans.IntrospectionException
intValue(). Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Converts this number to an int.
intValue(). Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Converts this number to an int.
intValue(). Method in class java.lang.Byte
Returns the value of this Byte as an int.
intValue(). Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the integer value of this Double (by casting to an int).
intValue(). Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the integer value of this Float (by casting to an int).
intValue(). Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as an int.
intValue(). Method in class java.lang.Long
Returns the value of this Long as an int.
intValue(). Method in class java.lang.Number
Returns the value of the specified number as an int.
intValue(). Method in class java.lang.Short
Returns the value of this Short as an int.
INV_FLAG(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_FLAG
Constructs a INV_FLAG with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
INV_FLAG(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_FLAG
Constructs a INV_FLAG with the specified minor code and completion status.
INV_FLAG(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_FLAG
Constructs a INV_FLAG with the specified detail.
INV_FLAG(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_FLAG
Constructs a INV_FLAG with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
INV_IDENT(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_IDENT
Constructs a INV_IDENT with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
INV_IDENT(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_IDENT
Constructs a INV_IDENT with the specified minor code and completion status.
INV_IDENT(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_IDENT
Constructs a INV_IDENT with the specified detail.
INV_IDENT(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_IDENT
Constructs a INV_IDENT with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
INV_OBJREF(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF
Constructs a INV_OBJREF with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_MAYBE.
INV_OBJREF(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF
Constructs a INV_OBJREF with the specified minor code and completion status.
INV_OBJREF(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF
Constructs a INV_OBJREF with the specified detail.
INV_OBJREF(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF
Constructs a INV_OBJREF with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
Constructs a INVALID_TRANSACTION with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_MAYBE.
INVALID_TRANSACTION(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INVALID_TRANSACTION
Constructs a INVALID_TRANSACTION with the specified minor code and completion status.
Constructs a INVALID_TRANSACTION with the specified detail message.
INVALID_TRANSACTION(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.INVALID_TRANSACTION
Constructs a INVALID_TRANSACTION with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidAlgorithmParameterException with no detail message.
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidAlgorithmParameterException with the specified detail message.
invalidate(). Method in class java.awt.swing.CellRendererPane
Overridden to avoid propogating a invalidate up the tree when the cell renderer child is configured.
invalidate(). Method in class java.awt.Component
Invalidates this component.
invalidate(). Method in class java.awt.Container
Invalidates the container.
invalidate(). Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
Causes this representation of the session to be invalidated and removed from its context.
invalidateCache(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel
Invalidates the cached copy of the current directory
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
Does nothing.
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in class java.awt.BorderLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in class java.awt.swing.BoxLayout
Indicates that a child has changed its layout related information, and thus any cached calculations should be flushed.
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in class java.awt.CardLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in class java.awt.GridBagLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in class java.awt.swing.JRootPane.RootLayout
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in interface java.awt.LayoutManager2
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in class java.awt.swing.OverlayLayout
Indicates a child has changed it's layout related information which causes any cached calculations to be flushed.
invalidateLayout(Container). Method in class java.awt.swing.SpringLayout
InvalidClassException(String). Constructor for class
Report a InvalidClassException for the specified reason.
InvalidClassException(String, String). Constructor for class
InvalidDnDOperationException(). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException
Create a default Exception
InvalidDnDOperationException(String). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException
Create an Exception with its own descriptive message
InvalidKeyException(). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidKeyException with no detail message.
InvalidKeyException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidKeyException with the specified detail message.
InvalidKeySpecException(). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidKeySpecException with no detail message.
InvalidKeySpecException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidKeySpecException with the specified detail message.
InvalidName(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName
InvalidName(). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidName
InvalidNameHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidNameHolder
InvalidNameHolder(InvalidName). Constructor for class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidNameHolder
InvalidObjectException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidObjectException with a detail message.
InvalidParameterException(). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidParameterException with no detail message.
InvalidParameterException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidParameterException with the specified detail message.
InvalidParameterSpecException(). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidParameterSpecException with no detail message.
InvalidParameterSpecException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an InvalidParameterSpecException with the specified detail message.
inverseTransform(double[], int, double[], int, int). Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Inverse transforms an array of double precision coordinates by this transform.
inverseTransform(Point2D, Point2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Inverse transforms the specified ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst.
InvocationTargetException(). Constructor for class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
InvocationTargetException(Throwable). Constructor for class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Constructs a InvocationTargetException with a target exception.
InvocationTargetException(Throwable, String). Constructor for class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Constructs a InvocationTargetException with a target exception and a detail message.
invoke(). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Request
The invoke operation does a synchronous invocation using the information in the Request object.
invoke(Object, Object[]). Method in class java.lang.reflect.Method
Invokes the underlying method represented by this Method object, on the specified object with the specified parameters.
invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], long). Method in interface java.rmi.server.RemoteRef
Invoke a method.
invoke(RemoteCall). Method in interface java.rmi.server.RemoteRef
Executes the remote call.
invoke(ServerRequest). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._BindingIteratorImplBase
The invoke operation is the dynamic implementation, which accepts a server request object, and uses its methods to determine the request target, operation and parameters, and to set the result or exception.
invoke(ServerRequest). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextImplBase
The invoke operation is the dynamic implementation, which accepts a server request object, and uses its methods to determine the request target, operation and parameters, and to set the result or exception.
invoke(ServerRequest). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.DynamicImplementation
The invoke operation is the dynamic implementation, which accepts a server request object, and uses its methods to determine the request target, operation and parameters, and to set the result or exception.
invokeAndWait(Runnable). Static method in class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities
Causes obj to have its run() method called in the dispatch thread of the EventQueue.
invokeClass(String, String[]). Method in class
Invokes an application given the name of the application's main class and an array of arguments.
invokeLater(Runnable). Static method in class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities
Causes obj to have its run() method called in the dispatch thread of the EventQueue.
IOException(). Constructor for class
Constructs an IOException with no detail message.
IOException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs an IOException with the specified detail message.
ipadx. Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
This field specifies the internal padding of the component, how much space to add to the minimum width of the component.
ipady. Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
This field specifies the internal padding, that is, how much space to add to the minimum height of the component.
is_a(Object, String). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate
Check if the object reference is an instance of the given interface.
is_a(String). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDef
IS_CLOSED_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
Constrained property name indicating that the frame is closed.
is_equivalent(Object, Object). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate
Determines if the two object references are equivalent.
IS_ICON_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
Constrained property name indicating that the frame is iconified.
IS_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
Constrained property name indicating that the frame is maximized.
IS_SELECTED_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
Constrained property name indicated that this frame has selected status.
isAbsolute(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel.WindowsRootDir
Tests if the file represented by this File object is an absolute pathname.
isAbsolute(). Method in class
Tests if the file represented by this File object is an absolute pathname.
isAbstract(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the abstract modifier.
isAbstractTreePath(TreePath, boolean, boolean). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if path is an instance of AbstractTreePath and was created by this instance (updating it if it is out of date).
isAccessible(). Method in class java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject
Get the value of the accessible flag for this object.
isActionKey(). Method in class java.awt.event.KeyEvent
Returns whether or not the key in this event is an "action" key, as defined in
isActive. Variable in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTextBorder
isActive(). Method in class java.applet.Applet
Determines if this applet is active.
isActive(). Method in interface java.applet.AppletStub
Determines if the applet is active.
isActive(). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
isActiveFrame(). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifFrameBorder
isActiveFrame(). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifInternalFrameBorder
isAddedPath(). Method in class java.awt.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
Returns true if the first path element has been added to the selection, a return value of false means the first path has been removed from the selection.
isAddedPath(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
Returns true if the path identified by path was added to the selection.
isAdjusting. Variable in class java.awt.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
isAfter(int, int, Rectangle). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.BoxView
Determines if a point falls after an allocated region.
isAfter(int, int, Rectangle). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.CompositeView
Tests whether a point is after the rectangle range.
isAlive(). Method in class java.lang.Thread
Tests if this thread is alive.
isAllocationValid(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.BoxView
Are the allocations for the children still valid?
isAlphaPremultiplied(). Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
Returns whether or not the alpha has been premultiplied.
isAlphaPremultiplied(). Method in class java.awt.image.ColorModel
Returns whether or not the alpha has been premultiplied in the Raster associated with this ColorModel.
isAltDown(). Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the Alt modifier is down on this event.
isAncestorOf(Component). Method in class java.awt.Container
Checks if the component is contained in the component hierarchy of this container.
isArmed(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.ButtonModel
isArmed(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Checks if the button is armed.
isArray(). Method in class java.lang.Class
If this Class object represents an array type, returns true, otherwise returns false.
isAssignableFrom(Class). Method in class java.lang.Class
Determines if the class or interface represented by this Class object is either the same as, or is a superclass or superinterface of, the class or interface represented by the specified Class parameter.
isAutoIncrement(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Is the column automatically numbered, thus read-only?
isAutoscrolling(). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
isBackingStoreEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JViewport
Returns true if this viewport is maintaining an offscreen image of its contents.
isBefore(int, int, Rectangle). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.BoxView
Determines if a point falls before an allocated region.
isBefore(int, int, Rectangle). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.CompositeView
Tests whether a point is before the rectangle range.
isBold(). Method in class java.awt.Font
Indicates whether the font's style is bold.
isBold(AttributeSet). Static method in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleConstants
Checks whether the bold attribute is set.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.AbstractBorder
This default implementation returns false.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicSplitPaneBorder
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.BevelBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.border.Border
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.CompoundBorder
Returns whether or not this compound border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.EmptyBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.EtchedBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFFrameBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.LineBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.MatteBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.border.TitledBorder
Returns whether or not the border is opaque.
isBorderPainted(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
Returns whether the border should be painted.
isBorderPainted(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenuBar
isBorderPainted(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JPopupMenu
Checks whether the border should be painted.
isBorderPainted(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JProgressBar
Returns true if the progress bar has a border or false if it does not.
isBorderPainted(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JToolBar
Checks whether the border should be painted.
isBorderPainted(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.Spinner
isBound(). Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
Updates to "bound" properties will cause a "PropertyChange" event to get fired when the property is changed.
isCancelled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.ProgressMonitor
Returns true if the user does some UI action to cancel this operation.
isCaseSensitive(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Does a column's case matter?
isCatalogAtStart(). Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Does a catalog appear at the start of a qualified table name? (Otherwise it appears at the end)
isCellEditable(EventObject). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellEditor
Returns true for triple clicks, or if isCellEditable is true, or the event is null.
isCellEditable(EventObject). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellEditorContainer
If the realEditor returns true to this message, prepareForEditing is messaged and true is returned.
isCellEditable(EventObject). Method in interface java.awt.swing.CellEditor
Ask the editor if it can start editing using anEvent.
isCellEditable(EventObject). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
isCellEditable(EventObject). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellEditor
isCellEditable(int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
This default implementation returns false for all cells
isCellEditable(int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Returns true if the cell at columnIdentifier and rowIndex is editable.
isCellEditable(int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
Returns true if the cell at columnIndex and rowIndex is editable.
isCellEditable(int, int). Method in interface java.awt.swing.table.TableModel
Returns true if the cell at rowIndex and columnIndex is editable.
isCellEditable(Object, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
Returns true if the cell at columnIdentifier and rowIndex is editable.
isCertificateEntry(String). Method in class
Returns true if the entry identified by the given alias is a certificate entry, and false otherwise.
isChoosableFileType(FileType). Method in class java.awt.swing.JFileChooser
isClosable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
Can the JInternalFrame be closed by some user action.
isClosed. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isClosed(). Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Tests to see if a Connection is closed.
isClosed(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isCollapsed(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by row is currently collapsed.
isCollapsed(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the value identified by row is currently collapsed.
isCollapsed(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by row is currently collapsed.
isCollapsed(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.TreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by row is currently collapsed.
isCollapsed(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently collapsed, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
isCollapsed(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently collapsed, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
isCollapsed(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently collapsed, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
isCollapsed(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.TreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently collapsed, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
isColumnSelected(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
isColumnSelected(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
isColumnSelected(int). Method in interface java.awt.swing.table.TableColumnModel
isColumnSelected(Object). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
isColumnSelected(Object). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
isColumnSelected(Object). Method in interface java.awt.swing.table.TableColumnModel
isCombining(). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics
Return true if this is a combining glyph.
isCompatibleRaster(Raster). Method in class java.awt.image.ColorModel
Returns true if raster is compatible with this ColorModel and false if it is not.
isCompatibleRaster(Raster). Method in class java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel
Returns true if raster is compatible with this ColorModel and false if it is not.
isCompatibleRaster(Raster). Method in class java.awt.image.DirectColorModel
Returns true if raster is compatible with this ColorModel and false if it is not.
isCompatibleRaster(Raster). Method in class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
Returns true if raster is compatible with this ColorModel and false if it is not.
isCompatibleWith(String). Method in class java.lang.Package
Compare this package's specification version with a desired version.
isCompletelyDirty(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.RepaintManager
Convenience that returns true if aComponent will be completely painted during the next paintDirtyRegions().
isCompletelyLTR(). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphSet
Return true if every glyph in the glyphset is left-to-right, and the glyphs all run from left to right.
isComponent(). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics
Return true if this is a component glyph.
isConstrained(). Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
Attempted updates to "Constrained" properties will cause a "VetoableChange" event to get fired when the property is changed.
isConsumed(). Method in class java.awt.AWTEvent
isConsumed(). Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not this event has been consumed.
isConsumed(). Method in class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
Returns whether or not this event has been consumed.
isConsumer(ImageConsumer). Method in class java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource
Determines whether an ImageConsumer is on the list of consumers currently interested in data for this image.
isConsumer(ImageConsumer). Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageProducer
This method determines if a given ImageConsumer object is currently registered with this ImageProducer as one of its consumers.
isConsumer(ImageConsumer). Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
Determine if an ImageConsumer is on the list of consumers currently interested in data for this image.
isConsumer(ImageConsumer). Method in class java.awt.swing.SyntheticImage
isContainer(). Method in class java.awt.swing.FileType.Computer
isContainer(). Method in class java.awt.swing.FileType.ExtensionBased
isContainer(). Method in class java.awt.swing.FileType.FloppyDrive
isContainer(). Method in class java.awt.swing.FileType.Folder
isContainer(). Method in class java.awt.swing.FileType.GenericFile
isContainer(). Method in class java.awt.swing.FileType.HardDrive
isContainer(). Method in class java.awt.swing.FileType.Hidden
isContainer(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.FileType
isContinuousLayout(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
isContinuousLayout(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JSplitPane
Returns true if the child comopnents are continuously redisplayed and layed out during user intervention.
isControlDown(). Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the Control modifier is down on this event.
isCS_sRGB(). Method in class java.awt.color.ColorSpace
Returns true if the ColorSpace is CS_sRGB.
isCurrency(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Is the column a cash value?
isDaemon(). Method in class java.lang.Thread
Tests if this thread is a daemon thread.
isDaemon(). Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
Tests if this thread group is a daemon thread group.
isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetContext.TransferableProxy
check if a particular flavor is supported?
isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor). Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection
Returns whether the requested flavor is supported by this object.
isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor). Method in interface java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable
Returns whether or not the specified data flavor is supported for this object.
isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(). Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Allows you to get the behavior of the decimal separator with integers.
isDefined(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if a character has a defined meaning in Unicode.
isDefined(String). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Checks whether a given attribute is defined.
isDefined(String). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.AttributeSet
Checks whether the named attribute has a value specified in the set without resolving through another attribute set.
isDefined(String). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
Tells whether a given attribute is defined.
isDefined(String). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
Checks whether a given attribute is defined.
isDefinitelyWritable(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Will a write on the column definitely succeed?
isDelegated(). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
isDeltaMember(Object). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
isDescendingFrom(Component, Component). Static method in class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities
Return true if a component a descends from a component b
isDesignTime(). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
isDesignTime(). Static method in class java.beans.Beans
Test if we are in design-mode.
isDesignTime(). Method in interface java.beans.DesignMode

A value of true denotes that JavaBeans should behave in design time mode, a value of false denotes runtime behavior.

isDestroyed(). Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
Tests if this thread group has been destroyed.
isDigit(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a digit.
isDirectory(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel.WindowsRootDir
Tests if the file represented by this File object is a directory.
isDirectory(). Method in class
Tests if the file represented by this File object is a directory.
isDirectory(). Method in class
Returns true if this is a directory entry.
isDone(). Method in class java.awt.geom.FlatteningPathIterator
Tests if there are more points to read.
isDone(). Method in class java.awt.geom.GeneralPathIterator
Tests if there are more points to read.
isDone(). Method in interface java.awt.geom.PathIterator
Tests if there are more points to read.
isDoubleBuffered(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Return whether the receiving component should use a buffer to paint.
isDoubleBufferingEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.RepaintManager
isDragging. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
isDrawingBuffer(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
isEditable. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JComboBox
isEditable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComboBox
isEditable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.JTextComponent
Returns the boolean indicating whether this TextComponent is editable or not.
isEditable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the tree is editable.
isEditable(). Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Indicates whether or not this text component is editable.
isEditing(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
Returns true if the tree is being edited.
isEditing(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
isEditing(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the tree is being edited.
isEditing(). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTreeUI
Returns true if the tree is being edited.
isEditing(). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.TreeUI
Returns true if the tree is being edited.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.AbstractCollection
Returns true if this Collection contains no elements.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Checks whether any attributes have been defined.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.AbstractMap
Returns true if this Map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Float
Determines whether the rectangular shape is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.geom.Area
Tests whether this area contains any geometries.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.ArrayList
Tests if this ArrayList has no components.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.ArraySet
Returns true if this ArraySet contains no elements.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.jar.Attributes
Returns true if this Map contains no attributes.
isEmpty(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.AttributeSet
Returns true if the set is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface java.text.AttributeSet
Returns true if the set is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
isEmpty(). Method in interface java.util.Collection
Returns true if this Collection contains no elements.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultListModel
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.Dictionary
Tests if this dictionary maps no keys to value.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Float
Determines whether the rectangular shape is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.HashMap
Returns true if this Map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.HashSet
Returns true if this HashSet contains no elements.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values.
isEmpty(). Method in interface java.util.List
Returns true if this List contains no elements.
isEmpty(). Method in interface java.util.Map
Returns true if this Map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.mime.MimeTypeParameterList
Determine whether or not this list is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Determines whether this rectangle is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double
Determines whether the rectangle is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float
Determines whether the rectangle is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Determines whether the rectangular shape is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D.Float
Determines whether the rounded rectangle is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface java.util.Set
Returns true if this Set contains no elements.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
Checks whether the set of attributes is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
Checks whether any attributes have been defined.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet
Returns true if the set is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class java.util.Vector
Tests if this vector has no components.
isEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.accessibility.AbstractAccessible
Determine if the object is enabled.
isEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractAction
isEnabled(). Method in interface java.awt.accessibility.Accessible
Determine if the object is enabled.
isEnabled(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.Action
isEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSliderUI.ActionScroller
isEnabled(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.ButtonModel
isEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component is enabled.
isEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Checks if the button is disabled.
isEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
Checks whether this menu item is enabled.
isEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.ToolTipManager
isEnqueued(). Method in class java.lang.ref.CachedReference
Tell whether or not this reference has been enqueued.
isEnqueued(). Method in class java.lang.ref.Reference
Tell whether or not this reference object has been enqueued.
isEqual(AttributeSet). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Checks whether two attribute sets are equal.
isEqual(AttributeSet). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.AttributeSet
Determines if the two attribute sets are equivalent.
isEqual(AttributeSet). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
Compares two attribute sets.
isEqual(AttributeSet). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
Checks whether two attribute sets are equal.
isEqual(byte[], byte[]). Static method in class
Compares two digests for equality.
isErrorAny(). Method in class java.awt.MediaTracker
Checks the error status of all of the images.
isErrorID(int). Method in class java.awt.MediaTracker
Checks the error status of all of the images tracked by this media tracker with the specified identifier.
isExpanded. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.LargeTreeModelNode
Is this node expanded?
isExpanded(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.LargeTreeModelNode
Returns true if this node is expanded.
isExpanded(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.VisibleTreeNode
Returns true if the receiver has been expanded.
isExpanded(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
isExpanded(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
isExpanded(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
isExpanded(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.TreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
isExpanded(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently expanded, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
isExpanded(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently expanded, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
isExpanded(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently expanded, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
isExpanded(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.TreeUI
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently expanded, this will return false if any of the values in path are currently not being displayed.
isExpert(). Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
The "expert" flag is used to distinguish between those features that are intended for expert users from those that are intended for normal users.
isFile(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel.WindowsRootDir
Tests if the file represented by this File object is a "normal" file.
isFile(). Method in class
Tests if the file represented by this File object is a "normal" file.
isFinal(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the final modifier.
isFixedRowHeight(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if the height of each row is a fixed size.
isFixedRowHeight(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the height of each row is a fixed size.
isFloatable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolBarUI
isFloating(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolBarUI
isFocusCycleRoot(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Override this method and return true if your component is the root of of a component tree with its own focus cycle.
isFocusManagerEnabled(). Static method in class java.awt.swing.FocusManager
Return whether Swing's focus manager is enabled
isFocusPainted(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
Returns whether focus should be painted.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.accessibility.AbstractAccessible
Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in interface java.awt.accessibility.Accessible
Returns whether this object can accept focus or not.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicArrowButton
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.NoFocusButton
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.Component
Returns the value of a flag that indicates whether this component can be traversed using Tab or Shift-Tab keyboard focus traversal.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComboBox
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFInternalFrameButton
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.JTextComponent
Returns true if the focus can be traversed.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifScrollBarButton
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
isFocusTraversable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.Spinner
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
isGroupingUsed(). Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Returns true if grouping is used in this format.
isGuiAvailable(). Static method in class java.beans.Beans
isHangingPunctuation(). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics
Return true if this is a hanging punctuation glyph.
isHidden(). Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
The "hidden" flag is used to identify features that are intended only for tool use, and which should not be exposed to humans.
isIcon. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isIcon(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isIconifiable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isIdentifierIgnorable(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character should be regarded as an ignorable character in a Java identifier or a Unicode identifier.
isIdentity(). Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Returns the boolean true value if this AffineTransform is an identity transform.
isInDefaultEventSet(). Method in class java.beans.EventSetDescriptor
Report if an event set is in the "default set".
isIndexSelected(int). Method in class java.awt.List
Determines if the specified item in this scrolling list is selected.
isInfinite(). Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns true if this Double value is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInfinite(). Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns true if this Float value is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInfinite(double). Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInfinite(float). Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude.
isInProgress(). Method in class java.awt.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
Returns true if this edit is in progress--that is, it has not received end.
isInstance(Object). Method in class java.lang.Class
This method is the dynamic equivalent of the Java language instanceof operator.
isInstanceOf(Class). Method in interface java.beans.Aggregate
isInstanceOf(Class). Method in class java.beans.AggregateObject
isInstanceOf(Object, Class). Static method in class java.beans.Beans
Check if a bean can be viewed as a given target type.
isInterface(). Method in class java.lang.Class
Determines if the specified Class object represents an interface type.
isInterface(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the interface modifier.
isInterrupted(). Method in class java.lang.Thread
Tests if the current thread has been interrupted.
isISOControl(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is an ISO control character.
isItalic(). Method in class java.awt.Font
Indicates whether the font's style is italic.
isItalic(AttributeSet). Static method in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleConstants
Checks whether the italic attribute is set.
isJavaIdentifierPart(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character may be part of a Java identifier as other than the first character.
isJavaIdentifierStart(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is permissible as the first character in a Java identifier.
isJavaLetter(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a "Java" letter, that is, the character is permissible as the first character in an identifier in the Java language.
isJavaLetterOrDigit(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a "Java" letter or digit, that is, the character is permissible as a non-initial character in an identifier in the Java language.
isKeyDown. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
Set to true while keyPressed is active.
isKeyEntry(String). Method in class
Returns true if the entry identified by the given alias is a private key entry, and false otherwise.
isKnownFileType(FileType). Method in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel
isKnownFileType(FileType). Method in class java.awt.swing.JDirectoryPane
isLargeModel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if the reciever is configured for displaying large models.
isLargeModel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the receiver is configured for a large model.
isLeadingEdge(). Method in class java.awt.font.TextHitInfo
Returns true if the leading edge of the character was hit.
isLeaf(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Checks whether the element is a leaf.
isLeaf(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument.BranchElement
Checks whether the element is a leaf.
isLeaf(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument.LeafElement
Checks whether the element is a leaf.
isLeaf(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.Element
Is this element a leaf element?
isLeaf(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode
Retrusn true if the receiver allows children, false otherwise.
isLeaf(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.VisibleTreeNode
Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.
isLeaf(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if the node at row is a leaf.
isLeapYear(int). Method in class java.util.GregorianCalendar
Determines if the given year is a leap year.
isLeftMouseButton(MouseEvent). Static method in class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities
isLeftToRight(). Method in class java.awt.font.TextLayout
Return true if the layout is left-to-right.
isLenient(). Method in class java.util.Calendar
Tell whether date/time interpretation is to be lenient.
isLenient(). Method in class java.text.DateFormat
Tell whether date/time parsing is to be lenient.
isLetter(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a letter.
isLetterOrDigit(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a letter or digit.
isLigature(). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics
Return true if this is a ligature glyph.
isLightweightComponent(Component). Static method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Returns true if this component is a lightweight, i.e.
isLocal. Variable in class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetContext.TransferableProxy
isLocallyDefined(KeyStroke). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.Keymap
Determines if the given key sequence is locally defined.
isLowerCase(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a lowercase character.
isManagingFocus(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Override this method and return true if your JComponent manages focus.
isManagingFocus(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenuBar
Override this method and return true if your JComponent manages focus.
isManagingFocus(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTextArea
Turn off tab traversal once focus gained.
isManagingFocus(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTextPane
Turn off tab traversal once focus gained.
isMaximizable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isMaximum. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isMaximum(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isMember(Principal). Method in interface
Returns true if the passed principal is a member of the group.
isMenuComponent(Component). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
Returns true if the component c exists in the submenu hierarchy.
isMetaDown(). Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the Meta modifier is down on this event.
isMiddleMouseButton(MouseEvent). Static method in class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities
isMimeTypeEqual(DataFlavor). Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
isMimeTypeEqual(MimeType). Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
isMimeTypeEqual(String). Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
Is the string representation of the MIME type passed in equivalent to the MIME type of this DataFlavor.
isMimeTypeSerializedObject(). Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
does the DataFlavor represent a serialized object?
isModal(). Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Indicates whether the dialog is modal.
isModal(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JDialog
NOTE: for the current release this will return false, regardless.
isMulticastAddress(). Method in class
Utility routine to check if the InetAddress is a IP multicast address.
isMultipleMode(). Method in class java.awt.List
Determines whether this list allows multiple selections.
isNaN(). Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns true if this Double value is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
isNaN(). Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns true if this Float value is Not-a-Number (NaN).
isNaN(double). Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns true if the specified number is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
isNaN(float). Static method in class java.lang.Float
Returns true if the specified number is the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value.
isNative(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the native modifier.
isNativeLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractLookAndFeel
If the underlying platform has a "native" look and feel, and this is an implementation of it, return true.
isNativeLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
If the underlying platform has a "native" look and feel, and this is an implementation of it, return true.
isNativeLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFLookAndFeel
If the underlying platform has a "native" look and feel, and this is an implementation of it, return true.
isNativeLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifLookAndFeel
If the underlying platform has a "native" look and feel, and this is an implementation of it, return true.
isNativeLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiLookAndFeel
If the underlying platform has a "native" look and feel, and this is an implementation of it, return true.
isNegative(). Method in interface
Returns true if this is a negative ACL entry (one denying the associated principal the set of permissions in the entry), false otherwise.
isNew(). Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
A session is considered to be "new" if it has been created by the server, but the client has not yet acknowledged joining the session.
isNullable(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Can you put a NULL in this column?
isOkToUseGui(). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
isOkToUseGui(). Method in interface java.beans.VisibilityState
isOneTouchExpandable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JSplitPane
Returns true if the receiver provides a UI widget to collapse/expand the divider.
isOnKeyRelease(). Method in class java.awt.swing.KeyStroke
isOpaque. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
If true, the UI will paint the background.
isOpaque. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JSlider
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComboBox
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JLabel
Identifies whether the label's background is opaque or transparent.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JLayeredPane
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JList
JList components are always opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenuBar
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Return whether the receiving OptionPane is opaque This method is overriden from JComponent
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JPanel
Return whether the receiving panel is opaque This method is overriden from JComponent
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JPopupMenu
Checks whether the background should be painted.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JProgressBar
Returns true if the progress bar is painting its background or false if it does not.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JScrollBar
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JScrollPane
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JSlider
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.JTextComponent
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JToolBar
isOpaque(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
isOptimizedDrawingEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Returns true if this component tiles its children, i.e.
isOptimizedDrawingEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JLayeredPane
Overridden to return false.
isOwner(Principal). Method in interface
Returns true if the given principal is an owner of the ACL.
isPaintable(). Method in interface java.beans.PropertyEditor
isPaintable(). Method in class java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
isPaintingTile(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Returns true if the receiving component is currently painting a tile.
isParseIntegerOnly(). Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Returns true if this format will parse numbers as integers only.
isPathSelected(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if item identified by path is currently selected.
isPathSelected(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if item identified by path is currently selected.
isPermanent(). Method in class javax.servlet.UnavailableException
Returns true if the servlet is "permanently" unavailable, indicating that the service administrator must take some corrective action to make the servlet be usable.
isPlain(). Method in class java.awt.Font
Returns true if the font is plain.
isPolygonal(). Method in class java.awt.geom.Area
Tests whether the area comprises completely of horizontal and vertical edges.
isPopupMenu(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JPopupMenu
isPopupMenuVisible(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
isPopupTrigger(). Method in class java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Returns whether or not this mouse event is the popup-menu trigger event for the platform.
isPreferred(). Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
The "preferred" flag is used to identify features that are particularly important for presenting to humans.
isPressed(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.ButtonModel
isPressed(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Checks if the button is pressed.
isPrimitive(). Method in class java.lang.Class
Determines if the specified Class object represents a primitive Java type.
isPrivate(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the private modifier.
isProbablePrime(int). Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns true if this BigInteger is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite.
isPropagated(). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
isProtected(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the protected modifier.
isPublic(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specified integer includes the public modifier.
isReadOnly(). Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Tests to see if the connection is in read-only mode.
isReadOnly(). Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Is the database in read-only mode?
isReadOnly(). Method in class
Returns true if this Permissions object is marked as readonly.
isReadOnly(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Is a column definitely not writable?
isRectangleContainingRectangle(Rectangle, Rectangle). Static method in class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities
Return true if a contains b
isRectangular(). Method in class java.awt.geom.Area
Tests whether the area is rectangular in shape.
isReordering. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI
isRepresentationClassInputStream(). Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
does the DataFlavor represent a serialized object?
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie(). Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as a cookie.
isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl(). Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as part of the URL.
isRequestedSessionIdValid(). Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
Checks whether this request is associated with a session that is valid in the current session context.
isRequestFocusEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Return whether the receiving component can obtain the focus by calling requestFocus
isResizable. Variable in class java.awt.swing.table.TableColumn
Resizable flag
isResizable(). Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Indicates whether this dialog window is resizable.
isResizable(). Method in class java.awt.Frame
Indicates whether this frame is resizable.
isResizable(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isResizing. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI
isRevoked(BigInteger). Method in class
Checks whether the given serial number is on this CRL.
isRightMouseButton(MouseEvent). Static method in class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities
isRollover. Variable in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFScrollBarUI
isRollover(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.ButtonModel
isRollover(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Checks if the button is rolled over.
isRolloverEnabled(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
Checks whether rollover effects are enabled.
isRootVisible(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if root is currently visible.
isRootVisible(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the root node from the TreeModel is currently visible.
isRowSelected. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JTable
isRowSelected(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if the row identitifed by row is selected.
isRowSelected(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTable
isRowSelected(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the row identitifed by row is selected.
isRunning(). Method in class java.awt.swing.Timer
Returns true if the Timer is running.
isRunningFromEventDispatcherThread(). Static method in class java.awt.swing.SwingUtilities
Returns true if the calling code is executing into the event dispatcher thread
isSealed(). Method in class java.lang.Package
Returns true if the package is sealed.
isSearchable(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Can the column be used in a where clause?
isSelected. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isSelected(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
Returns the state of the button.
isSelected(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.ButtonModel
isSelected(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Checks if the button is selected.
isSelected(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel
isSelected(). Method in class
Returns whether the text range is selected.
isSelected(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
isSelected(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
Returns the state of the button.
isSelected(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenuBar
isSelected(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel
Checks if the button is selected.
isSelected(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.SingleSelectionModel
Returns true if the selection model currently has a selected value.
isSelected(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.VisibleTreeNode
Returns true if the receiver is selected.
isSelected(ButtonModel). Method in class java.awt.swing.ButtonGroup
Returns the selected value for the button.
isSelected(int). Method in class java.awt.List
isSelectedIndex(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if row is selected.
isSelectedIndex(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
isSelectedIndex(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JList
Returns true if the specified index is selected.
isSelectedIndex(int). Method in interface java.awt.swing.ListSelectionModel
Returns true if the specified index is selected.
isSelecting. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableUI
isSelectionEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
isSelectionEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JDirectoryPane
Returns true if nothing is selected This is a convenience method that just delegates to the listSelectionModel.
isSelectionEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JList
Returns true if nothing is selected This is a convenience method that just delegates to the selectionModel.
isSelectionEmpty(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the selection is currently empty.
isSelectionEmpty(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.ListSelectionModel
Returns true if no indices are selected.
isSet. Variable in class java.util.Calendar
The flags which tell if a specified time field for the calendar is set.
isSet(int). Method in class java.util.Calendar
Determines if the given time field has a value set.
isShiftDown(). Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Returns whether or not the Shift modifier is down on this event.
isShowing(). Method in class java.awt.accessibility.AbstractAccessible
Determine if the object is showing.
isShowing(). Method in interface java.awt.accessibility.Accessible
Determine if the object is showing.
isShowing(). Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component is showing on screen.
isShowing(). Method in class java.awt.Window
Checks if this Window is showing on screen.
isSigned(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Is the column a signed number?
isSignificant(). Method in class java.awt.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
This default implementation returns true.
isSignificant(). Method in class java.awt.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
Returns true if any of the UndoableEdits in edits do.
isSignificant(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
Return false if this edit is insignificant--for example one that maintains the user's selection, but does not change any model state.
isSingular(). Method in class java.awt.geom.Area
Tests whether the area is comprised of a single basic geometry.
isSpace(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is ISO-LATIN-1 white space.
isSpaceChar(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a Unicode space character.
isStandard(). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics
Return true if this is a standard glyph.
isStatic(). Method in class java.awt.swing.SyntheticImage
isStatic(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the static modifier.
isSupportedLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractLookAndFeel
Return true if the underlying platform supports and or permits this look and feel.
isSupportedLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicLookAndFeel
Return true if the underlying platform supports and or permits this look and feel.
isSupportedLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFLookAndFeel
Return true if the underlying platform supports and or permits this look and feel.
isSupportedLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifLookAndFeel
Return true if the underlying platform supports and or permits this look and feel.
isSupportedLookAndFeel(). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiLookAndFeel
Return true if the underlying platform supports and or permits this look and feel.
isSynchronized(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the final modifier.
isTearOff(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
isTearOff(). Method in class java.awt.Menu
Indicates whether this menu is a tear-off menu.
isTemporary(). Method in class java.awt.event.FocusEvent
Identifies the focus change event as temporary or permanent.
isTileWritable(int, int). Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
Forward work to a TileChangeMulticaster.
isTileWritable(int, int). Method in class java.awt.image.TileChangeMulticaster
Returns whether a particular tile has a current writer.
isTileWritable(int, int). Method in interface java.awt.image.WritableRenderedImage
Return whether a tile is currently checked out for writing.
isTimeSet. Variable in class java.util.Calendar
The flag which indicates if the current time is set for the calendar.
isTitleCase(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is a titlecase character.
isTopLevelMenu(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenu
isTransient(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the transient modifier.
isUnderline(AttributeSet). Static method in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleConstants
Checks whether the underline attribute is set.
isUnicast(). Method in class java.beans.EventSetDescriptor
Normally event sources are multicast.
isUnicodeIdentifierPart(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character may be part of a Unicode identifier as other than the first character.
isUnicodeIdentifierStart(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is permissible as the first character in a Unicode identifier.
isUniformBaseline(). Method in class java.awt.Font
Return true if this font places all glyphs on a single baseline.
isUnique(). Static method in class java.rmi.dgc.VMID
Return true if an accurate address can be determined for this host.
isUpperCase(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is an uppercase character.
isValid. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.VisibleTreeNode
Is this node in a tree?
isValid(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider.DragController
Returns true if the dragging session is valid.
isValid(). Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component is valid.
isValidSpring(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.SpringLayout
Returns false if spring is not a valid combination of springs.
isVertical(). Method in class java.awt.font.TextLayout
Return true if the layout is vertical.
isVerticalBaseline(). Method in class java.awt.Font
isViewSizeSet. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JViewport
isVisible(). Method in class java.awt.accessibility.AbstractAccessible
Determine if the object is visible.
isVisible(). Method in interface java.awt.accessibility.Accessible
Determine if the object is visible.
isVisible(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.Caret
Determines if the caret is currently visible.
isVisible(). Method in class java.awt.Component
Determines whether this component is visible.
isVisible(). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Determines if the caret is currently visible.
isVisible(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JPopupMenu
Determines whether this component is visible.
isVisible(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.LargeTreeModelNode
Returns true if this node is visible.
isVisible(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.VisibleTreeNode
Returns true if the receiver is currently visible.
isVisible(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.AbstractTreeUI
Returns true if all the parents of path are currently expanded.
isVisible(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.JTree
Returns true if the value identified by path is currently visible, false otherwise.
isVisible(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTreeUI
Returns true if all the parents of path are currently expanded.
isVisible(TreePath). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.TreeUI
Returns true if all the parents of path are currently expanded.
isVolatile(int). Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
Return true if the specifier integer includes the volatile modifier.
isWhitespace(). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics
Return true if this is a whitespace glyph.
isWhitespace(char). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Determines if the specified character is white space according to Java.
isWindows. Variable in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel
Undefined if haveCheckedWindows is false.
isWindowsFileSystem(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel
isWritable(int). Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
Is it possible for a write on the column to succeed?
ITALIAN. Static variable in class java.util.Locale
Useful constant for language.
ITALIC. Static variable in class java.awt.Font
The italicized style constant.
Italic. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of the italic attribute.
ITALY. Static variable in class java.util.Locale
Useful constant for country.
item(int). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.ContextList
Return the String at the given index
item(int). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionList
Return the TypeCode at the given index
item(int). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.NVList
Return the NamedValue at the given index.
ITEM_EVENT_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
The event mask for selecting item events.
ITEM_FIRST. Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
The first number in the range of ids used for item events.
ITEM_LAST. Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
The last number in the range of ids used for item events.
ITEM_STATE_CHANGED. Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
This event id indicates that an item's state changed.
ItemEvent(ItemSelectable, int, Object, int). Constructor for class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
Constructs an ItemEvent object.
itemListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent). Method in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
Handles the itemStateChanged event by invoking the itemStateChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent). Method in interface java.awt.event.ItemListener
Invoked when an item has been selected or deselected.
iterator(). Method in class java.util.AbstractCollection
Returns an Iterator over the elements contained in this Collection.
iterator(). Method in class java.util.AbstractList
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this List in proper sequence.
iterator(). Method in class java.util.ArraySet
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this ArraySet.
iterator(). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
iterator(). Method in interface java.util.Collection
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this Collection.
iterator(). Method in class java.util.HashSet
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this HashSet.
iterator(). Method in interface java.util.List
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this List in proper sequence.
iterator(). Method in interface java.util.Set
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this Set.

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