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d. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSpinnerUI
d. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.Spinner
damage(Rectangle). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Damages the area surrounding the caret to cause it to be repainted.
damage(Rectangle). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTextUI.MotifCaret
Damages the area surrounding the caret to cause it to be repainted.
damageRange(int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultTextUI
Causes the portion of the view responsible for the given part of the model to be repainted.
damageRange(int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.multi.MultiTextUI
Causes the portion of the view responsible for the given part of the model to be repainted.
damageRange(int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.plaf.TextUI
Causes the portion of the view responsible for the given part of the model to be repainted.
darker(). Method in class java.awt.Color
Creates a darker version of this color.
darkGray. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolBarUI
darkGray. Static variable in class java.awt.Color
The color dark gray.
DASH_PUNCTUATION. Static variable in class java.lang.Character
data. Variable in class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
The default data bank.
data. Variable in class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
The default data bank.
DATA_CONVERSION(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION
Constructs a DATA_CONVERSION with a default minor code of 0 and a completion state of COMPLETED_NO.
DATA_CONVERSION(int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION
Constructs a DATA_CONVERSION with the specified minor code and completion status.
DATA_CONVERSION(String). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION
Constructs a DATA_CONVERSION with the specified detail.
DATA_CONVERSION(String, int, CompletionStatus). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION
Constructs a DATA_CONVERSION with the specified detail message, minor code, and completion status.
dataBuffer. Variable in class java.awt.image.Raster
DataBuffer that stores image data.
DataBuffer(int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Constructs a DataBuffer containing one bank of the specified data type and size.
DataBuffer(int, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Constructs a DataBuffer containing the specified number of banks.
DataBuffer(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Constructs a DataBuffer which contains the specified number of banks.
DataBuffer(int, int, int, int[]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Constructs a DataBuffer which contains the specified number of banks.
DataBufferByte(byte[], int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
Construct a byte based DataBuffer with the specified array.
DataBufferByte(byte[], int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
Construct a byte based DataBuffer with the specified array, size, and offset.
DataBufferByte(byte[][], int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
Construct a byte based DataBuffer with specified arrays.
DataBufferByte(byte[][], int, int[]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
Construct a byte based DataBuffer with specified arrays/size/offsets.
DataBufferByte(int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
Construct a byte based DataBuffer with specified size.
DataBufferByte(int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
Construct a byte based DataBuffer with specified number of banks all of which are the specified size.
DataBufferInt(int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferInt
Construct an int based DataBuffer with specified size
DataBufferInt(int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferInt
Construct an int based DataBuffer with specified number of banks all of which are the specified size.
DataBufferInt(int[], int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferInt
Construct an int based DataBuffer with specified array.
DataBufferInt(int[], int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferInt
Construct an int based DataBuffer with specified array, size, and offset.
DataBufferInt(int[][], int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferInt
Construct an int based DataBuffer with specified array.
DataBufferInt(int[][], int, int[]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferInt
Construct an int based DataBuffer with specified arrays/size/offsets.
DataBufferShort(int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
Construct a short based DataBuffer with specified size.
DataBufferShort(int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
Construct a short based DataBuffer with specified number of banks all of which are the specified size.
DataBufferShort(short[], int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
Construct a short based DataBuffer with the specified array.
DataBufferShort(short[], int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
Construct a short based DataBuffer with the specified array.
DataBufferShort(short[][], int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
Construct a short based DataBuffer with the specified arrays.
DataBufferShort(short[][], int, int[]). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
Construct a short based DataBuffer with specified arrays/size/offsets.
dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit(). Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Does a data definition statement within a transaction force the transaction to commit?
dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions(). Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Is a data definition statement within a transaction ignored?
DataFlavor(). Constructor for class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
DataFlavor(Class, String). Constructor for class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
Construct a DataFlavor that represents a Java class

The returned DataFlavor will have the following characteristics

representationClass = representationClass
mimeType = application/x-java-serialized-object

DataFlavor(String). Constructor for class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
construct a DataFlavor from a Mime Type string.
DataFlavor(String, String). Constructor for class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
Construct a DataFlavor that represents a MimeType

The returned DataFlavor will have the following characteristics:

If the mimeType is "application/x-javaserializedobject; class=<representation class>", the result is the same as calling new DataFlavor(Class:forName(<representation class>) as above


representationClass = InputStream
mimeType = mimeType

DataFlavor(String, String, MimeTypeParameterList, Class, String). Constructor for class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
Construct a fully specified DataFlavor
DataFormatException(). Constructor for class
Constructs a DataFormatException with no detail message.
DataFormatException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs a DataFormatException with the specified detail message.
DatagramPacket(byte[], int). Constructor for class
Constructs a DatagramPacket for receiving packets of length ilength.
DatagramPacket(byte[], int, InetAddress, int). Constructor for class
Constructs a datagram packet for sending packets of length ilength to the specified port number on the specified host.
DatagramSocket(). Constructor for class
Constructs a datagram socket and binds it to any available port on the local host machine.
DatagramSocket(int). Constructor for class
Constructs a datagram socket and binds it to the specified port on the local host machine.
DatagramSocket(int, InetAddress). Constructor for class
Creates a datagram socket, bound to the specified local address.
DatagramSocketImpl(). Constructor for class
DataInputStream(InputStream). Constructor for class
Creates a new data input stream to read data from the specified input stream.
dataL. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicListUI
dataModel. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JComboBox
dataModel. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JTable
The TableModel of the table
DataOutputStream(OutputStream). Constructor for class
Creates a new data output stream to write data to the specified underlying output stream.
DataTruncation(int, boolean, boolean, int, int). Constructor for class java.sql.DataTruncation

Create a DataTruncation object.

dataType. Variable in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
The datatype of this DataBuffer.
dataType. Variable in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Data type of the underlying pixel data.
dataVector. Variable in class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
The Vector of Vector of Object values
DATE. Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Useful constant for date and time.
DATE. Static variable in class java.sql.Types
Date(). Constructor for class java.util.Date
Allocates a Date object and initializes it so that it represents the time at which it was allocated measured to the nearest millisecond.
Date(int, int, int). Constructor for class java.sql.Date
Construct a Date
Date(int, int, int). Constructor for class java.util.Date
Allocates a Date object and initializes it so that it represents midnight, local time, at the beginning of the day specified by the year, month, and date arguments.
Date(int, int, int, int, int). Constructor for class java.util.Date
Allocates a Date object and initializes it so that it represents the specified hour and minute, local time, of the date specified by the year, month, date, hrs, and min arguments.
Date(int, int, int, int, int, int). Constructor for class java.util.Date
Allocates a Date object and initializes it so that it represents the specified hour, minute, and second, local time of the date specified by the year, month, date, hrs, min, and sec arguments.
Date(long). Constructor for class java.sql.Date
Construct a Date using a milliseconds time value
Date(long). Constructor for class java.util.Date
Allocates a Date object and initializes it to represent the specified number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Date(String). Constructor for class java.util.Date
Allocates a Date object and initializes it so that it represents the date and time indicated by the string s, which is interpreted as if by the parse method.
DATE_FIELD. Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat
Useful constant for DATE field alignment.
DateFormat(). Constructor for class java.text.DateFormat
DateFormatSymbols(). Constructor for class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from resources for the default locale.
DateFormatSymbols(Locale). Constructor for class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from resources for the given locale.
DAY_OF_MONTH. Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Useful constant for date and time.
DAY_OF_WEEK. Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Useful constant for date and time.
DAY_OF_WEEK_FIELD. Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat
Useful constant for DAY_OF_WEEK field alignment.
DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH. Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Useful constant for date and time.
DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH_FIELD. Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat
Useful constant for DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH field alignment.
DAY_OF_YEAR. Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Useful constant for date and time.
DAY_OF_YEAR_FIELD. Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat
Useful constant for DAY_OF_YEAR field alignment.
DCM_555_BLU_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_555_GRN_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_555_RED_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_565_BLU_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_565_GRN_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_565_RED_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_ALPHA_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_BGR_BLU_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_BGR_GRN_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_BGR_RED_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_BLUE_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_GREEN_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
DCM_RED_MASK. Static variable in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
deactivateFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
This method is called when the frame is no longer selected.
deactivateFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
deactivateFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in interface java.awt.swing.DesktopManager
Generally, indicate that this frame has lost focus.
deactivateFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFDesktopManager
deactivateFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifInternalFrameUI
This method is called when the frame is no longer selected.
DebugGraphics(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
DebugGraphics(Graphics). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
DebugGraphics(Graphics, JComponent). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Handle on AWT Graphics
decapitalize(String). Static method in class java.beans.Introspector
Utility method to take a string and convert it to normal Java variable name capitalization.
DECEMBER. Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Useful constant for month.
DECIMAL. Static variable in class java.sql.Types
DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER. Static variable in class java.lang.Character
DecimalFormat(). Constructor for class java.text.DecimalFormat
Create a DecimalFormat using the default pattern and symbols for the default locale.
DecimalFormat(String). Constructor for class java.text.DecimalFormat
Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern and the symbols for the default locale.
DecimalFormat(String, DecimalFormatSymbols). Constructor for class java.text.DecimalFormat
Create a DecimalFormat from the given pattern and symbols.
DecimalFormatSymbols(). Constructor for class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Create a DecimalFormatSymbols object for the default locale.
DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale). Constructor for class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Create a DecimalFormatSymbols object for the given locale.
DECLARED. Static variable in interface java.lang.reflect.Member
Identifies the set of declared members of a class or interface.
decode(InputStream). Method in interface
Decodes a certificate from an input stream.
decode(String). Static method in class java.lang.Byte
Decodes a String into a Byte.
decode(String). Static method in class java.awt.Color
Converts a string to an integer and returns the specified opaque color.
decode(String). Static method in class java.awt.Font
Returns the specified font using the name passed in.
decode(String). Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Decodes a string into an Integer.
decode(String). Static method in class java.lang.Short
Decodes a String into a Short.
decrButton. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
DECREASE_HIGHLIGHT. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
deduceAndSetTypeOfFile(TypedFile). Method in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel
Search the known types et al for the one that applies to f.
def. Variable in class
Compressor for this stream.
def_kind(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.IRObject
DEFAULT. Static variable in interface java.awt.swing.Action
Useful constants that can be used as the storage-retreival key when setting or getting one of this object's properties (text or icon).
DEFAULT. Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat
Constant for default style pattern.
DEFAULT. Static variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
DEFAULT. Static variable in class java.awt.Font
DEFAULT_COMPRESSION. Static variable in class
Default compression level.
DEFAULT_CURSOR. Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
The default cursor type (gets set if no cursor is defined).
DEFAULT_CURSOR. Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
DEFAULT_DRAG_CURSOR. Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
The platform default drag cursor type.
DEFAULT_DROP_CURSOR. Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
The platform default drop cursor type.
default_index(). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode
The default_index operation can only be invoked on union TypeCodes.
DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.border.TitledBorder
DEFAULT_KEYMAP. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultTextController
This is the name of the default keymap that will be shared by all DefaultTextController instances unless they have had a different keymap set.
DEFAULT_LAYER. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JLayeredPane
Convience object defining the Default layer.
DEFAULT_NODROP_CURSOR. Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
The platform default no drop cursor type.
DEFAULT_OPTION. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JOptionPane
Type meaning look and feel should not supply any options, and only use the options from the JOptionPane.
DEFAULT_POSITION. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.border.TitledBorder
DEFAULT_STRATEGY. Static variable in class
Default compression strategy.
DEFAULT_STYLE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.StyleContext
The name given to the default logical style attached to paragraphs.
defaultBorder. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI
defaultBorder. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
defaultBorder. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI
defaultBorder. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
defaultBorder. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI
DefaultBoundedRangeModel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
DefaultButtonModel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Constructs a JButtonModel
DefaultCancelCommand. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JFileChooser
DefaultCancelTitle. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JFileChooser
DefaultCaret(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Constructs a default caret.
DefaultCellEditor(JCheckBox). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellEditor
DefaultCellEditor(JComboBox). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellEditor
DefaultCellEditor(JTextField). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellEditor
DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate(DefaultCellEditor). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
DefaultCellRenderer(JButton). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellRenderer
DefaultCellRenderer(JCheckBox). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellRenderer
DefaultCellRenderer(JLabel). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellRenderer
DefaultCellRenderer.ValueProperty(DefaultCellRenderer). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellRenderer.ValueProperty
defaultConstraints. Variable in class java.awt.GridBagLayout
DefaultCopyDrop. Static variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
Default Cursor Constants
DefaultCopyNoDrop. Static variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
DefaultDesktopManager(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
defaultDividerSize. Variable in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFSplitPaneDivider
DefaultDocumentEvent(Document, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultDocumentEvent
Constructs a change record.
DefaultDocumentEvent.ElementEdit(Element, int, Element[], Element[]). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultDocumentEvent.ElementEdit
Construct an edit record.
defaulted(String). Method in class
Return true if the named field is defaulted and has no value in this stream.
DefaultEditorKit(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
DefaultFocusManager(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultFocusManager
DefaultHighlighter(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
Creates a new object.
DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter(Color). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter
Constructs a new highlight painter.
defaultKeyTypedAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the action that is executed by default if a key pressed event is received and there is no keymap entry.
DefaultLinkDrop. Static variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
DefaultLinkNoDrop. Static variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
DefaultListModel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultListModel
DefaultListSelectionModel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
DefaultLocationTitle. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JFileChooser
defaultMargin. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonUI
defaultMargin. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifButtonUI
border & margin
defaultMargin. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifToggleButtonUI
DefaultMoveDrop. Static variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
DefaultMoveNoDrop. Static variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
DefaultOkayCommand. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JFileChooser
DefaultOkayTitle. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JFileChooser
defaultOptions. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
Default option names, when none are supplied.
DefaultPrompt. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JFileChooser
defaultReadObject(). Method in class
Read the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class from this stream.
defaults. Variable in class java.util.Properties
A property list that contains default values for any keys not found in this property list.
DefaultSingleSelectionModel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel
DefaultStyledDocument(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Constructs a default styled document.
DefaultStyledDocument(AbstractDocument.Content, StyleContext). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Constructs a styled document.
DefaultStyledDocument(StyleContext). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Constructs a styled document with the default content storage implementation and a shared set of styles.
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer(DefaultStyledDocument, Element). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer
Creates a new ElementBuffer.
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(AttributeSet, short). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
Constructor useful for markup when the markup will not be stored in the document.
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(AttributeSet, short, char[], int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
Constructor for creating a spec externally for batch input of content and markup into the document.
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec(AttributeSet, short, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
Constructor for parsing inside the document when the data has already been added, but len information is needed.
DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement(DefaultStyledDocument). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement
Creates a new SectionElement.
DefaultTableColumnModel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
DefaultTableModel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a default DefaultTableModel which is a table of zero columns and zero rows.
DefaultTableModel(int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a DefaultTableModel with numColumns and numRows of null object values.
DefaultTableModel(Object[], int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a DefaultTableModel with as many columns as there are elements in columnIds and numRows of null object values.
DefaultTableModel(Object[][], Object[]). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a DefaultTableModel and initialize the table by passing data and columnIds to the setDataVector() method.
DefaultTableModel(Vector, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a DefaultTableModel with as many columns as there are elements in columnIds and numRows of null object values.
DefaultTableModel(Vector, Vector). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Constructs a DefaultTableModel and initialize the table by passing data and columnIds to the setDataVector() method.
DefaultTextController(JTextComponent). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultTextController
Creates a new controller based on an editor.
DefaultTextController.KeyBinding(KeyStroke, String). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultTextController.KeyBinding
Creates a new key binding.
defaultTextIconGap. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI
defaultTextIconGap. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
defaultTextIconGap. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI
defaultTextIconGap. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicRadioButtonMenuItemUI
defaultTextIconGap. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifCheckBoxMenuItemUI
defaultTextIconGap. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifMenuItemUI
defaultTextIconGap. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifMenuUI
defaultTextIconGap. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifRadioButtonMenuItemUI
DefaultTextUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultTextUI
Creates a new UI.
DefaultTypesTitle. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JFileChooser
defaultWriteObject(). Method in class
Write the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class to this stream.
defineClass(byte[], int, int). Method in class java.lang.ClassLoader
Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class.
defineClass(String, byte[], int, int). Method in class java.lang.ClassLoader
Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class.
defineClass(String, byte[], int, int, CodeSource, Object[]). Method in class
Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class, with an optional CodeSource and list of signers.
defined_in. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.AttributeDescription
defined_in. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.ConstantDescription
defined_in. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionDescription
defined_in. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDefPackage.FullInterfaceDescription
defined_in. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDescription
defined_in. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.ModuleDescription
defined_in. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.OperationDescription
defined_in. Variable in class org.omg.CORBA.TypeDescription
defined_in(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.Contained
definePackage(String, Attributes, URL). Method in class
Defines a package by name in this ClassLoader.
definePackage(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, URL). Method in class java.lang.ClassLoader
Defines a package by name in this ClassLoader.
deflate(). Method in class
Writes next block of compressed data to the output stream.
deflate(byte[]). Method in class
Fills specified buffer with compressed data.
deflate(byte[], int, int). Method in class
Fills specified buffer with compressed data.
DEFLATED. Static variable in class
Compression method for the deflate algorithm (the only one currently supported).
DEFLATED. Static variable in class
Compression method for compressed (deflated) entries.
DEFLATED. Static variable in class
Compression method for compressed (DEFLATED) entries.
Deflater(). Constructor for class
Creates a new compressor with the default compression level.
Deflater(int). Constructor for class
Creates a new compressor using the specified compression level.
Deflater(int, boolean). Constructor for class
Creates a new compressor using the specified compression level.
DeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream). Constructor for class
Creates a new output stream with a defaul compressor and buffer size.
DeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream, Deflater). Constructor for class
Creates a new output stream with the specified compressor and a default buffer size.
DeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream, Deflater, int). Constructor for class
Creates a new output stream with the specified compressor and buffer size.
deiconifyFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
This method is called when the user wants to deiconify the frame.
deiconifyFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
Removes the desktopIcon from it's parent and adds it's frame to the parent.
deiconifyFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in interface java.awt.swing.DesktopManager
Generally, remove any iconic representation that is present and restore the frame to it's original size and location.
deiconifyFrame(JInternalFrame). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFDesktopManager
replaces the frame in the parent and removed it from the iconizedWindowList
deinstall(JTextComponent). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.Caret
Called when the UI is being removed from the interface of a JTextComponent.
deinstall(JTextComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Called when the UI is being removed from the interface of a JTextComponent.
deinstall(JTextComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
Called when the UI is being removed from the interface of a JTextComponent.
deinstall(JTextComponent). Method in interface java.awt.swing.text.Highlighter
Called when the UI is being removed from the interface of a JTextComponent.
deinstallMouseHandlers(JComponent). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
delegate. Variable in class java.awt.swing.DefaultCellEditor
Delegate(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate
DELETE. Static variable in class java.awt.Event
The Delete key.
delete(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel.WindowsRootDir
Deletes the file specified by this object.
delete(). Method in class
Deletes the file specified by this object.
delete_values(String). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.Context
The delete_values operation deletes the specified property value(s) values from the context object.
deleteChar(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int, int, int[], byte[]). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphSet
Return a new GlyphSet which is an incremental modification of this one.
deleteEntry(String). Method in class
Deletes the entry identified by alias.
deleteNextCharAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the action to delete the character of content that follows the current caret position.
deleteObserver(Observer). Method in class java.util.Observable
Deletes an observer from the set of observers of this object.
deleteObservers(). Method in class java.util.Observable
Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any observers.
deleteOnExit(). Method in class
Requests that this File be deleted when the virtual machine terminates.
deleteOwner(Principal, Principal). Method in interface
Deletes an owner.
deletePrevCharAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the action to delete the character of content that precedes the current caret position.
deleteShortcut(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenuItem
deleteShortcut(). Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
Delete any MenuShortcut object associated with this menu item.
deleteShortcut(MenuShortcut). Method in class java.awt.swing.JMenuBar
deleteShortcut(MenuShortcut). Method in class java.awt.MenuBar
Deletes the specified menu shortcut.
delItem(int). Method in class java.awt.List
delItems(int, int). Method in class java.awt.List
deliverEvent(Event). Method in class java.awt.Component
deliverEvent(Event). Method in class java.awt.Container
deltaTransform(double[], int, double[], int, int). Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Transforms an array of relative distance vectors by this transform.
deltaTransform(Point2D, Point2D). Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Transforms the relative distance vector specified by ptSrc and stores the result in ptDst.
deregisterDriver(Driver). Static method in class java.sql.DriverManager
Drop a Driver from the DriverManager's list.
deriveFont(AffineTransform). Method in class java.awt.Font
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object with a new transform associated with it.
deriveFont(float). Method in class java.awt.Font
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object with a new size associated with it.
deriveFont(int). Method in class java.awt.Font
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object with a new style associated with it.
deriveFont(int, AffineTransform). Method in class java.awt.Font
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object with a new style, transform and font attributes associated with it.
deriveFont(int, float). Method in class java.awt.Font
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object with a new style, size and font attributes associated with it.
deriveFont(TextAttributeSet). Method in class java.awt.Font
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object with a new set of font attributes associated with it.
deriveMMFont(float[]). Method in interface java.awt.font.MultipleMaster
Creates a new instance of a multiple master font based on the design axes values specified by the array.
deriveMMFont(float[], float, float, float, float). Method in interface java.awt.font.MultipleMaster
Creates a new instance of a multiple master font based on detailed metric information.
descendTargetForIteratorAndContinue(Object, Iterator). Static method in class
A utility function for resolving target delegates, for use by implementations of TargetManager in their findTargetAndContinue methods.
descendTargetForIteratorWatchDepth(Object, Iterator, int). Static method in class
The actual recursing part of descendTargetForIteratorAndContinue
describe(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.Contained
describe_contents(DefinitionKind, boolean, int). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.Container
describe_interface(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDef
description. Variable in class java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo
A brief description of the property.
Description(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ContainedPackage.Description
Description(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ContainerPackage.Description
Description(Contained, DefinitionKind, Any). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ContainerPackage.Description
Description(DefinitionKind, Any). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.ContainedPackage.Description
deselect(int). Method in class java.awt.List
Deselects the item at the specified index.
DESELECTED. Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
This state-change-value indicates that a selected item was un-selected.
designTime. Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
desktop. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
DESKTOP. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the desktop background color.
desktop. Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The color of the desktop background.
DESKTOP_ICON. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
DESKTOP_PANE. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
desktopIcon. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JInternalFrame
DesktopIconUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.DesktopIconUI
desktopManager. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDesktopPaneUI
DesktopPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.DesktopPaneUI
destHeight. Variable in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
destination. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI.BasicTreeMouseListener
Destination that recieves all events.
destroy(). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming._BindingIteratorOperations
destroy(). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._BindingIteratorStub
destroy(). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._BindingIteratorTie
destroy(). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextOperations
destroy(). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextStub
destroy(). Method in class org.omg.CosNaming._NamingContextTie
destroy(). Method in class java.applet.Applet
Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that it is being reclaimed and that it should destroy any resources that it has allocated.
destroy(). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIterator
Destroys this binding iterator.
destroy(). Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet
Destroys the servlet, cleaning up whatever resources are being held, and logs the destruction in the servlet log file.
destroy(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.IRObject
destroy(). Method in interface org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext
Deletes this naming context if it contains no bindings.
destroy(). Method in class java.lang.Process
Kills the subprocess.
destroy(). Method in interface javax.servlet.Servlet
Cleans up whatever resources are being held (e.g., memory, file handles, threads) and makes sure that any persistent state is synchronized with the servlet's current in-memory state.
destroy(). Method in class java.lang.Thread
Destroys this thread, without any cleanup.
destroy(). Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
Destroys this thread group and all of its subgroups.
destWidth. Variable in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
detail. Variable in class java.rmi.activation.ActivationException
detail. Variable in class java.rmi.RemoteException
detail. Variable in class java.rmi.server.ServerCloneException
detail. Variable in class
DGC_ID. Static variable in class java.rmi.server.ObjID
well-known id for the distributed garbage collector
DIALOG. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
Dialog(Dialog). Constructor for class java.awt.Dialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with an empty title.
Dialog(Dialog, String). Constructor for class java.awt.Dialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with a title.
Dialog(Dialog, String, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.Dialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with a title.
Dialog(Frame). Constructor for class java.awt.Dialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with an empty title.
Dialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.Dialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with an empty title.
Dialog(Frame, String). Constructor for class java.awt.Dialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with a title.
Dialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.Dialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with a title.
dialogInit(). Method in class java.awt.swing.JDialog
Called by the constructors to init the JDialog properly.
Dictionary(). Constructor for class java.util.Dictionary
didAdjustTree(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.LargeTreeModelNode
Messaged when this node either expands or collapses.
didAdjustTree(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.VisibleTreeNode
Messaged from expand and collapse.
die(). Method in class java.awt.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
Sets alive to false.
die(). Method in class java.awt.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
Send die to each subedit, in the reverse of the order that they were added
die(). Method in interface java.awt.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
May be sent to inform an edit that it should no longer be used.
digest. Variable in class
The message digest associated with this stream.
digest. Variable in class
The message digest associated with this stream.
digest(). Method in class
Completes the hash computation by performing final operations such as padding.
digest(byte[]). Method in class
Performs a final update on the digest using the specified array of bytes, then completes the digest computation.
digest(byte[], int, int). Method in class
Completes the hash computation by performing final operations such as padding.
DigestException(). Constructor for class
Constructs a DigestException with no detail message.
DigestException(String). Constructor for class
Constructs a DigestException with the specified detail message.
DigestInputStream(InputStream, MessageDigest). Constructor for class
Creates a digest input stream, using the specified input stream and message digest.
DigestOutputStream(OutputStream, MessageDigest). Constructor for class
Creates a digest output stream, using the specified output stream and message digest.
digit(char, int). Static method in class java.lang.Character
Returns the numeric value of the character ch in the specified radix.
digitsTyped. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.Spinner
Dimension(). Constructor for class java.awt.Dimension
Creates an instance of Dimension with a width of zero and a height of zero.
Dimension(Dimension). Constructor for class java.awt.Dimension
Creates an instance of Dimension whose width and height are the same as for the specified dimension.
Dimension(int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.Dimension
Constructs a Dimension and initializes it to the specified width and specified height.
Dimension2D(). Constructor for class java.awt.geom.Dimension2D
DimensionUIResource(int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.DimensionUIResource
DirectColorModel(ColorSpace, int, int, int, int, int, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DirectColorModel
Constructs a DirectColorModel from the specified parameters.
DirectColorModel(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DirectColorModel
Constructs a DirectColorModel from the given masks specifying which bits in the pixel contain the red, green and blue color components.
DirectColorModel(int, int, int, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.image.DirectColorModel
Constructs a DirectColorModel from the given masks specifying which bits in the pixel contain the alpha, red, green and blue color components.
direction. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicArrowButton
directoryModel. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JDirectoryPane
The model of the directory shown by this JDirectoryPane
DirectoryModel(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel
Returns a DirectoryModel whose current directory is the user's home dir
DirectoryModel(File). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel
Returns a DirectoryModel with current directory path
DirectoryModel.WindowsRootDir(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.DirectoryModel.WindowsRootDir
directoryPane. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicDirectoryPaneUI
directoryPaneUI. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
DirectoryPaneUI(). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.plaf.DirectoryPaneUI
dirty(ObjID[], long, Lease). Method in interface java.rmi.dgc.DGC
The dirty call requests leases for the remote object references associated with the object identifiers contained in the array 'ids'.
disable(). Static method in class java.lang.Compiler
Cause the Compiler to cease operation.
disable(). Method in class java.awt.Component
disable(). Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
disableEvents(long). Method in class java.awt.Component
Disables the events defined by the specified event mask parameter from being delivered to this component.
disableEvents(long). Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
Disables event delivery to this menu item for events defined by the specified event mask parameter.
disableResizedPosting(). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.TableColumn
disableSwingFocusManager(). Static method in class java.awt.swing.FocusManager
Disable Swing's focus manager for the calling thread's thread group.
discardAllEdits(). Method in class java.awt.swing.undo.UndoManager
Empty the undo manager, sending each edit a die message in the process.
disconnect(). Method in class
Close the connection to the server.
disconnect(Object). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.ORB
Disconnect a servant from the ORB.
discriminator_type(). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode
The discriminator_type operation can only be invoked on union TypeCodes.
discriminator_type(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.UnionDef
discriminator_type_def(). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.UnionDef
discriminator_type_def(IDLType). Method in interface org.omg.CORBA.UnionDef
dispatch(). Method in interface java.awt.ActiveEvent
Dispatch the event to it's target, listeners of the events source, or do whatever it is this event is supposed to do.
dispatch(Remote, RemoteCall, int, long). Method in interface java.rmi.server.Skeleton
Unmarshals arguments, calls the actual remote object implementation, and marshals the return value or any exception.
dispatchComponent. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableUI
Component that will recieve mouse events while editing.
dispatchDragEvent(Component, Point). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI.DragListener
dispatchDragEvent(Component, Point). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI.DragListener
dispatchEvent(AWTEvent). Method in class java.awt.Component
Dispatches an event to this component or one of its sub components.
dispatchEvent(AWTEvent). Method in class java.awt.EventQueue
Dispatch an event to its source.
dispatchEvent(AWTEvent). Method in class
Dispatches an event to the active input method.
dispatchEvent(AWTEvent). Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent
DISPLAYNAME. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.beaninfo.SwingBeanInfo
dispose(). Method in interface java.awt.CompositeContext
Release resources allocated for context.
dispose(). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Disposes of this graphics context and releases any system resources that it is using.
dispose(). Method in class java.awt.Frame
Disposes of the Frame.
dispose(). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Disposes of this graphics context and releases any system resources that it is using.
dispose(). Method in class
Disposes of the input context and release the resources used by it.
dispose(). Method in interface java.awt.PaintContext
Release the resources allocated for the operation.
dispose(). Method in class java.awt.Window
Disposes of this window.
DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE. Static variable in interface java.awt.swing.WindowConstants
The dispose-window default window close operation
divide(BigDecimal, int). Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is (this / val), and whose scale is this.scale().
divide(BigDecimal, int, int). Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns a BigDecimal whose value is (this / val), and whose scale is as specified.
divide(BigInteger). Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this / val).
divideAndRemainder(BigInteger). Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns an array of two BigIntegers.
divider. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Divides the two views.
DIVIDER. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JSplitPane
Used to add a Component that will represent the divider.
DIVIDER_SIZE. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Width or height of the divider based on orientation BasicSplitPaneUI adds two to this.
DIVIDER_SIZE_PROPERTY. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JSplitPane
Bound property name for border.
dividerLocation. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
dividerSize. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Size of the divider.
dividerSize. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
The size of the divider while the dragging session is valid.
dividerSize. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JSplitPane
Size of the divider.
dk_Alias. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_all. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Array. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Attribute. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Constant. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Enum. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Exception. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Interface. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Module. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_none. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Operation. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Primitive. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Repository. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Sequence. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_String. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Struct. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Typedef. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
dk_Union. Static variable in class org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind
DnDConstants(). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants
DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE. Static variable in interface java.awt.swing.WindowConstants
The do-nothing default window close operation
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.accessibility.AbstractAccessible
Perform the nth Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
Perform the specified Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in interface java.awt.accessibility.Accessible
Perform the specified Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.Box.Filler
Perform the nth Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.Box
Perform the nth Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.CellRendererPane
Perform the nth Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JApplet
Perform the nth Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JComponent
Perform the nth Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JDialog
Perform the nth Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JFrame
Perform the nth Action on the object
doAccessibleAction(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.JWindow
Perform the nth Action on the object
dockingBorderColor. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolBarUI
dockingColor. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicToolBarUI
doClick(). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
Programatically perform a "click".
doClick(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.AbstractButton
Programatically perform a "click".
doCompare(int, Vector, Vector). Method in class java.awt.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
This method compares v1 and v2 based on the Object value in the specified column.
DOCUMENT. Static variable in class java.awt.accessibility.AccessibleRole
doDelete(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse). Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Performs the HTTP DELETE operation; the default implementation reports an HTTP BAD_REQUEST error.
doesCoalesce(). Method in class java.awt.swing.Timer
Returns true if the Timer coalesces multiple pending performCommand() messages.
doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs(). Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Did getMaxRowSize() include LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY blobs?
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse). Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Performs the HTTP GET operation; the default implementation reports an HTTP BAD_REQUEST error.
doInput. Variable in class
This variable is set by the setDoInput method.
doLayout(). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeCellEditorContainer
Lays out this Container.
doLayout(). Method in class java.awt.Component
Prompts the layout manager to lay out this component.
doLayout(). Method in class java.awt.Container
Causes this container to lay out its components.
doLayout(). Method in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Lays out this container by resizing its child to its preferred size.
DONE. Static variable in class java.text.BreakIterator
DONE is returned by previous() and next() after all valid boundaries have been returned.
DONE. Static variable in interface java.text.CharacterIterator
Constant that is returned when the iterator has reached either the end or the beginning of the text.
done(). Method in interface java.rmi.server.RemoteCall
Allow cleanup after the remote call has completed.
done(RemoteCall). Method in interface java.rmi.server.RemoteRef
Allows the remote reference to clean up (or reuse) the connection.
dontUseGui(). Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Inform this instance that it may no longer render a GUI.
dontUseGui(). Method in interface java.beans.Visibility
This method instructs the bean that it should not use the Gui.
doOptions(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse). Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Performs the HTTP OPTIONS operation; the default implementation of this method automatically determines what HTTP Options are supported.
doOutput. Variable in class
This variable is set by the setDoOutput method.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse). Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Performs the HTTP POST operation; the default implementation reports an HTTP BAD_REQUEST error.
doPut(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse). Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Performs the HTTP PUT operation; the default implementation reports an HTTP BAD_REQUEST error.
doTrace(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse). Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Performs the HTTP TRACE operation; the default implementation of this method causes a response with a message containing all of the headers sent in the trace request.
DOUBLE. Static variable in class java.sql.Types
Double(double). Constructor for class java.lang.Double
Constructs a newly allocated Double object that represents the primitive double argument.
Double(String). Constructor for class java.lang.Double
Constructs a newly allocated Double object that represents the floating- point value of type double represented by the string.
DOUBLE_DATA. Static variable in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Tag for byte data.
doubleClickCommand. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JDirectoryPane
doubleClickContainerCommand. Variable in class java.awt.swing.JDirectoryPane
DoubleHolder(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.DoubleHolder
construct the DoubleHolder with null initial value
DoubleHolder(double). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.DoubleHolder
construct the DoubleHolder with the given double
doubleToLongBits(double). Static method in class java.lang.Double
Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Converts the number to a double.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Converts the number to a double.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.lang.Byte
Returns the value of this Byte as a double.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the double value of this Double.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the double value of this Float.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this Integer as a double.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.lang.Long
Returns the value of this Long as a double.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.lang.Number
Returns the value of the specified number as a double.
doubleValue(). Method in class java.lang.Short
Returns the value of this Short as a double.
DOWN. Static variable in class java.awt.Event
The Down Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key.
downAction. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically downward one position.
DRAG_LAYER. Static variable in class java.awt.swing.JLayeredPane
Convience object defining the Drag layer.
dragDividerTo(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Messages the BasicSplitPaneUI with dragDividerTo that this instance is contained in.
dragDividerTo(int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Messaged during a dragging session to move the divider to the passed in location.
dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
intercept the dragDropEnd event from the peer
dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener
as the operation completes
dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
intercept the dragEnter event from the peer
dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener
as the hotspot enters a platform dependent drop site
dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
The DropTarget intercepts dragEnter() notifications before the registered DropTargetListener gets them.
dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DropTargetListener
a Drag operation has encountered the DropTarget
DragEvent(Component, int, long, int, int, int, int, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.swing.event.DragEvent
dragExit(DragSourceEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
intercept the dragExit event from the peer
dragExit(DragSourceEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener
as the hotspot exits a platform dependent drop site
dragExit(DropTargetEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
The DropTarget intercepts dragExit() notifications before the registered DropTarget gets them.
dragExit(DropTargetEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The Drag operation has departed the DropTarget without dropping.
dragFrame(JComponent, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
Calls setBoundsForFrame() with the new values.
dragFrame(JComponent, int, int). Method in interface java.awt.swing.DesktopManager
The user has moved the frame.
draggedColumn. Variable in class java.awt.swing.table.JTableHeader
The index of the column being dragged.
draggedDistance. Variable in class java.awt.swing.table.JTableHeader
The distance from its original position the column has been dragged
dragger. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Handles mouse dragging message to do the actual dragging.
dragGestureChanged(DragSourceDragEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
intercept the dragGestureChanged event from the peer
dragGestureChanged(DragSourceDragEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener
as the operation changes
draggingHW. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Set to true in startDragging if any of the children (not including the nonContinuousLayoutDivider) are heavy weights.
dragListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuBarUI
dragListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUI
dragListener. Variable in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI
dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
intercept the dragOver event from the peer
dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener
as the hotspot moves over a platform dependent drop site
dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
The DropTarget intercepts dragOver() notifications before the registered DropTargetListener gets them.
dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DropTargetListener
a Drag operation is ongoing on the DropTarget
dragScroll(DropTargetDragEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
The DropTarget intercepts dragScroll() notifications before the registered DropTarget gets them.
dragScroll(DropTargetDragEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The Drag operation requires the Component associated with the DropTarget to scroll its contents.
dragSource. Variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
DragSource(). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
construct a DragSource
DragSourceContext(DragSource, DragSourceContextPeer, Component, int, Cursor, Image, Point, Transferable, DragSourceListener). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
construct a DragSourceContext (called from DragSource)
DragSourceDragEvent(DragSourceContext, int, int). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent
construct a DragSourceEvent
DragSourceDropEvent(DragSourceContext). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDropEvent
construct a DragSourceDropEvent for a drag that does not result in a drop
DragSourceDropEvent(DragSourceContext, int, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDropEvent
construct a DragSourceDropEvent for a drop
DragSourceEvent(DragSourceContext). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceEvent
construct a DragSourceEvent
drain(). Method in class
Drain any buffered data in ObjectOutputStream.
draw(Graphics2D, float, float). Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphSet
Draw this glyphset at the provided position.
draw(Graphics2D, float, float). Method in class java.awt.font.TextLayout
Render the layout at the provided location in the graphics.
draw(Shape). Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Strokes the outline of a Shape using the settings of the current graphics state.
draw3DRect(int, int, int, int, boolean). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws a 3-D highlighted outline of the specified rectangle.
draw3DRect(int, int, int, int, boolean). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws a 3-D highlighted outline of the specified rectangle.
drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws the outline of a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws the outline of a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
drawBezel(Graphics, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils
drawBezel(Graphics, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean). Static method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFUtilities
drawBezel(Graphics, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean). Static method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifBorderFactory
drawBezelNoTop(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
This function draws the etch around the content area of the pane note: content area means the area below the tabs
drawBottomBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifFrameBorder
Draws the FrameBorder's bottom border.
drawBottomBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifInternalFrameBorder
Draws the InternalFrameBorder's bottom border.
drawBytes(byte[], int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws the text given by the specified byte array, using this graphics context's current font and color.
drawBytes(byte[], int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws the text given by the specified byte array, using this graphics context's current font and color.
drawCentered(Component, Graphics, Icon, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
drawChars(char[], int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws the text given by the specified character array, using this graphics context's current font and color.
drawChars(char[], int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws the text given by the specified character array, using this graphics context's current font and color.
drawDashedHorizontalLine(Graphics, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
drawDashedRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils
drawDashedRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFUtilities
drawDashedVerticalLine(Graphics, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
drawEchoCharacter(Graphics, int, int, char). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.PasswordView
Render the echo character, or whatever graphic should be used to display the password characters.
drawEtchedRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils
drawEtchedRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFUtilities
drawGridInClipRect(Rectangle, Graphics). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableUI
Draws the grid lines within aRect, using the grid color set with setGridColor.
drawGroove(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils
drawGroove(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFUtilities
drawGroove(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifGraphicsUtils
drawHorizontalPartOfLeg(Graphics, JComponent, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
drawHorizontalPartOfLeg(Graphics, JComponent, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTreeUI
drawHorizontalPartOfLeg(Graphics, JComponent, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTreeUI
drawImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImageOp, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Draws a BufferedImage that is filtered with a BufferedImageOp.
drawImage(Image, AffineTransform, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Draws an image, applying a transform from image space into user space before drawing.
drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available.
drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available.
drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available.
drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws as much of the specified image as has already been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws as much of the specified image as has already been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws as much of the specified image as has already been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws as much of the specified image as has already been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws as much of the specified area of the specified image as is currently available, scaling it on the fly to fit inside the specified area of the destination drawable surface.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws as much of the specified area of the specified image as is currently available, scaling it on the fly to fit inside the specified area of the destination drawable surface.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws as much of the specified area of the specified image as is currently available, scaling it on the fly to fit inside the specified area of the destination drawable surface.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws as much of the specified area of the specified image as is currently available, scaling it on the fly to fit inside the specified area of the destination drawable surface.
drawLeftBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifFrameBorder
Draws the FrameBorder's left border.
drawLeftBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifInternalFrameBorder
Draws the InternalFrameBorder's left border.
drawLeg(Graphics, JComponent, VisibleTreeNode, VisibleTreeNode). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
drawLine(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, boolean). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFSliderUI
drawLine(int, Graphics, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.PlainView
Renders a line of text, suppressing whitespace at the end and exanding any tabs.
drawLine(int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws a line, using the current color, between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in this graphics context's coordinate system.
drawLine(int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws a line, using the current color, between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in this graphics context's coordinate system.
drawLineBelowTabs(Graphics, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
this function draws the line which separates the tabs from the content area below.
drawLineBelowTabs(Graphics, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFOldTabbedPaneUI
this function draws the line which separates the tabs from the content area below.
drawLoweredBezel(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils
drawLoweredBezel(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFUtilities
drawOval(int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws the outline of an oval.
drawOval(int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws the outline of an oval.
drawPolygon(int[], int[], int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawPolygon(int[], int[], int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawPolygon(Polygon). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws the outline of a polygon defined by the specified Polygon object.
drawPolyline(int[], int[], int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws a sequence of connected lines defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawPolyline(int[], int[], int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws a sequence of connected lines defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawRect(int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws the outline of the specified rectangle.
drawRect(int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws the outline of the specified rectangle.
drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform, ImageObserver). Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Draws an image, applying a transform from image space into user space before drawing.
drawRightBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifFrameBorder
Draws the FrameBorder's right border.
drawRightBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifInternalFrameBorder
Draws the InternalFrameBorder's right border.
drawRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws an outlined round-cornered rectangle using this graphics context's current color.
drawRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws an outlined round-cornered rectangle using this graphics context's current color.
drawRowInClipRect(int, Rectangle, Graphics). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTableUI
Draws the cells for the row at rowIndex in the columns that intersect clipRect.
drawSelectedText(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.PasswordView
Render the given range in the model as selected text.
drawSelectedText(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.PlainView
Render the given range in the model as selected text.
drawString(GlyphSet, float, float). Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Draws a GlyphSet.
drawString(Graphics, String, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils
Draw a string with the graphics g at location (x,y) just like g.drawString() would.
drawString(Graphics, String, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFUtilities
Draw a string with the graphics g at location (x,y) just like g.drawString() would.
drawString(String, float, float). Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Draws a string of text.
drawString(String, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.DebugGraphics
Draws the text given by the specified string, using this graphics context's current font and color.
drawString(String, int, int). Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Draws the text given by the specified string, using this graphics context's current font and color.
drawString(StyledString, float, float). Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Draws a StyledString.
drawString(TextLayout, float, float). Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
drawStringInRect(Graphics, String, int, int, int, int, int). Static method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifGraphicsUtils
Draws aString in the rectangle defined by (x, y, width, height).
drawTabbedText(Segment, int, int, Graphics, TabExpander). Static method in class java.awt.swing.text.Utilities
Draws the given text, expanding any tabs that are contained using the given tab expansion technique.
drawTabBorder(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
this function draws the border around each tab note that this function does now draw the background of the tab.
drawTabBorder(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFOldTabbedPaneUI
Overidden to do nothing for the Java L&F.
drawTabEdges(Graphics, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTabbedPaneUI
drawTopBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifFrameBorder
Draws the FrameBorder's top border.
drawTopBorder(Component, Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifInternalFrameBorder
Draws the InternalFrameBorder's top border.
drawUnselectedText(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.PasswordView
Render the given range in the model as normal unselected text.
drawUnselectedText(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.PlainView
Render the given range in the model as normal unselected text.
drawVerticalPartOfLeg(Graphics, JComponent, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTreeUI
drawVerticalPartOfLeg(Graphics, JComponent, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFTreeUI
drawVerticalPartOfLeg(Graphics, JComponent, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTreeUI
DriverPropertyInfo(String, String). Constructor for class java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo
Constructor a DriverPropertyInfo with a name and value; other members default to their initial values.
drop(DropTargetDropEvent). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
The DropTarget intercepts drop() notifications before the registered DropTarget gets them.
drop(DropTargetDropEvent). Method in interface java.awt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The Drag operation has terminated with a Drop on this DropTarget
dropComplete(boolean). Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetContext
signal that the drop is completed and if it was successful or not
dropTarget. Variable in class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetContext
DropTarget(). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Construct a DropTarget
DropTarget(Component, DropTargetListener). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Construct a DropTarget
DropTarget(Component, int, DropTargetListener). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Construct a DropTarget
DropTarget(Component, int, DropTargetListener, Insets, boolean). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Construct a DropTarget
dropTargetContextPeer. Variable in class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetContext
DropTargetDragEvent(DropTargetContext, Point, int). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDragEvent
construct an Event
DropTargetDropEvent(DropTargetContext, Point, int). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent
Construct a DropTargetEvent
DropTargetEvent(DropTargetContext). Constructor for class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetEvent
Construct a DropTargetEvent
DSAParameterSpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger). Constructor for class
Creates a new DSAParameterSpec with the specified parameter values.
DSAPrivateKeySpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger). Constructor for class
Creates a new DSAPrivateKeySpec with the specified parameter values.
DSAPublicKeySpec(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger). Constructor for class
Creates a new DSAPublicKeySpec with the specified parameter values.
DST_IN. Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
Porter-Duff Destination In Source rule.
DST_OFFSET. Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Useful constant for date and time.
DST_OUT. Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
Porter-Duff Destination Held Out By Source rule.
DST_OVER. Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
Porter-Duff Destination Over Source rule.
dump(PrintStream). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Gives a diagnostic dump.
dump(PrintStream, int). Method in class java.awt.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Dumps a debugging representation of the element hierarchy.
dumpStack(). Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Prints a stack trace of the current thread.
duplicate(Object). Method in class org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate
Return a duplicate of the object reference provided.
DynamicImplementation(). Constructor for class org.omg.CORBA.DynamicImplementation

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