Basic IMAGE version of Foils prepared May 7 1996

Foil 123 PVM - What is it?

From MetaComputing -- MRA Meeting Part I:Concepts and Issues Tutorial for CRPC MRA Meeting at Cornell -- May 7 1996. by Mark Baker, Geoffrey Fox
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Table of Contents for MetaComputing -- the Informal Supercomputer -- MRA Meeting Part I:Concepts and Issues

1 Metacomputing: The Informal Supercomputer
2 Lecture 1: An Introduction to the Concepts and Issues
3 Lecture 1: An Introduction to the Concepts and Issues
4 Overview (Contd)
5 Overview (Contd)
6 A Brief History of Scientific Computing
7 A Brief History of Scientific Computing
8 A Brief History of Scientific Computing
9 Computer Performance (1940 - 1995)
10 Network Performance (1955 - 2005)
11 Some Terminology - 1
12 Some Terminology - 2
13 Some Terminology - 3
14 Some Terminology - 4
15 Some Terminology - 5
16 The Need For Supercomputing - Some Examples
17 The Need for Supercomputing - (Cont.)
18 The Need for Alternative Supercomputing Resources
19 The Need for Supercomputing - (Cont.)
20 Parallel Architectures
21 Parallel Architectures
22 Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
23 Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD)
24 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Shared Memory
25 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Shared Memory
26 Computer Architectures - Shared Memory
27 Computer Architectures - Shared Memory
28 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Distributed Memory
29 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Distributed Memory
30 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Distributed Memory
31 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Distributed Memory
32 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Distributed Memory
33 Distributed Memory: Some Approaches
34 Distributed Memory: Some Approaches
35 Distributed Memory: Some Approaches
36 Distributed Memory: Examples
37 Computer Architectures - MIMD - Virtual Shared Memory
38 The Need for Supercomputing - (Cont.)
39 The Need for Supercomputing - (Cont.)
40 Parallel Computing versus Distributed Computing
41 Parallel Computing versus Distributed Computing
42 Some Comments about Parallel and Distributed Computing
43 Communications Performance of Some Parallel and Distributed Systems
44 The Challenge
45 Infrastructure and Technology
46 Features of Distributed Systems - Performance (1)
47 Features of Distributed Systems - Performance (2)
48 Features of Distributed Systems - Distributed File Systems
49 Features of Distributed Systems - Single User Namespace
50 Features of Distributed Systems - Service Availability
51 Features of Distributed Systems - Resource Allocation
52 Features of Distributed Systems - Security
53 Features of Distributed Systems: The Problems
54 Features of Distributed Systems: The Problems
55 Features of Distributed Systems: The Problems
56 Categories of Application Problems
57 Categories of Application Problems
58 Software Issues - Methodology of Parallel Computing
59 Example of Basic Problem Architectures for MetaProblem Class
60 Affordable Systems Optimisation Process (ASOP)
61 Affordable Systems Optimisation Process (ASOP)
62 Affordable Systems Optimisation Process (ASOP)
63 Affordable Systems Optimisation Process (ASOP)
64 What is the "Correct" Machine Architecture for Each Problem Class
65 Enabling HPCC Software Technologies
66 Enabling HPCC Technologies
67 Comparison of Three Different Programming Models
68 Some Hardware and Software Trends 0ver the next 5 Years
69 Some Hardware and Software Trends 0ver the next 5 Years
70 Distributed/Parallel Programming Paradigms
71 Parallel/Distributed Programming Languages
72 Legion - Introduction
73 Legion - Introduction
74 Legion - Philosophy
75 Legion - Distributed Objects
76 Legion - Philosophy
77 The Legion Testbed at the University of Virginia
78 The Legion Testbed at the University of Virginia
79 The Legion Testbed at the University of Virginia
80 The Legion Testbed at the University of Virginia
81 Legion Tools
82 Legion Tools
83 Legion Tools
84 Legion Tools
85 Legion Tools
86 Legion Tools
87 Legion Tools
88 Legion Tools
89 Legion Tools
90 Legion - Applications
91 TreadMarks: Shared Memory Computing on Networks of Workstations
92 The TreadMarks Interface
93 The TreadMarks Interface
94 TreadMarks - Parallel "Hello World"
95 Programming Experience between PVM and TreadMarks - Generalisations.
96 Programming Experience between PVM and TreadMarks - Generalisations.
97 Programming Experience between PVM and TreadMarks...
98 Network Linda
99 Linda - Overview
100 Linda - Overview
101 The Linda Model
102 Master/Worker Model using Virtual Shared Memory
103 Master/Worker Model using Virtual Shared Memory
104 Linda Basics
105 Linda Basics
106 Linda Basics
107 Linda Basics
108 Linda Basics
109 Example Code: Features Illustrated in FORTRAN/C Code
110 Linda - Parallel "Hello World"
111 High Performance Fortran
112 High Performance Fortran
113 HPF Goals
114 HPF Goals
115 HPF Language
116 HPF Language
117 Message Passing Interface (MPI)
118 Message Passing Interface (MPI)
119 MPI Forum
120 MPI's prime goals are:
121 MPI - Parallel "Hello World"
122 Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
123 PVM - What is it?
124 PVM - What is it?
125 PVM Features
126 PVM Features
127 PVM - History
128 Advantages/Disadvantages to Using PVM
129 Advantages/Disadvantages to Using PVM
130 Advantages/Disadvantages to Using PVM
131 Advantages/Disadvantages to Using PVM
132 Advantages/Disadvantages to Using PVM
133 PVM Components
134 PVM Daemon (pvmd3)
135 PVM Daemon (pvmd3)
136 PVM Libraries
137 PVM Libraries
138 JAVA - Overview
139 JAVA - Overview
140 History of Java Language and Team
141 Some Key Java Features
142 Java Features -- It's Simple and Familiar!
143 Java Features -- It's Simple and Familiar!
144 Java Features -- It's Object-oriented
145 Java Features -- It's Object-oriented
146 Java Features -- It's Architecture-Neutral
147 Java Features -- It's Architecture-Neutral
148 Java Features -- It's Portable
149 Java Features -- It's Portable
150 Vava Features -- It's Distributed
151 Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure
152 Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure
153 Java Features -- It's Multithreaded
154 Java Features -- It's Multithreaded
155 Java Language -- Program Structure
156 Java Language -- Program Structure
157 Hello World Applet from Sun Tutorial
158 Hello World Applet from Sun Tutorial
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Click on Pointer + CNTL to abolish pointer
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Click outside + Shift is Halve Size
Right Mouse Down on Pointer Toggles Index
Shift Right Mouse aligns top with scrolled Page
While With Mouse Down on Current Pointer
h hides This Message while m restores
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j Toggles Index Aligned with Scrolled View Top
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c cycles through members of a family
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Pointer to process new option